Update kind2 file and compilation

This commit is contained in:
LunaAmora 2024-03-18 11:10:40 -03:00
parent de14d56d3d
commit bf65d89f09
4 changed files with 41 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ impl Book {
let mut meta = 0;
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let expr = term.to_hvm2_checker(im::Vector::new(), &mut meta);
code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", name, name, expr));
code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" {})\n", name.replace("/", "."), name, expr));

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@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ if n then else = then
and True b = b
and False _ = False
or True b = True
or a True = True
or _ _ = False
not True = False
not False = True
@ -404,7 +408,7 @@ termSimilar (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep =
termSimilar (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
(termEqual (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (+ dep 1))
termSimilar (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep =
(envBind (termEqual aFun bFun dep) λeFun
(envBind (termSimilar aFun bFun dep) λeFun
(envBind (termEqual aArg bArg dep) λeArg
(envPure (and eFun eArg))))
termSimilar (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
@ -423,7 +427,7 @@ termSimilar (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep =
(envBind (termEqual (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep) λeS
(envBind (termEqual (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep) λeP
(envPure (and (and (and eX eZ) eS) eP))))))
termSimilar a b dep = (envPure False)
termSimilar a b dep = (termIdentical a b dep)
// termIdentical :: Term -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
termIdentical a b dep = (termIdenticalGo a b dep)
@ -515,8 +519,7 @@ termIdenticalGo a b dep =
// ?X = λx λy λz ... K
// In this implementation, checking condition `2` is not necessary, because we
// subst holes directly where they occur (rather than on top-level definitions),
// so, it is impossible for unbound variables to appear. We also don't check for
// condition 3, and just allow recursive solutions.
// so, it is impossible for unbound variables to appear.
// If possible, solves a `(?X x y z ...) = K` problem, generating a subst.
// termUnify :: U60 -> [Term] -> Term -> U60 -> Env Bool
@ -524,12 +527,16 @@ termUnify uid spn b dep =
(envBind envGetFill λfill
let unsolved = (not (mapHas (key uid) fill))
let solvable = (termUnifyValid fill spn [])
(If (and unsolved solvable)
let no_loops = (not (termUnifyIsRec fill uid b dep))
(If (and (and unsolved solvable) no_loops)
let solution = (termUnifySolve fill uid spn b)
// (trace (stringJoin ["solve: ", (u60Show uid), " ", (termShow solution dep)])
(envBind (envFill uid solution) λ_
(envPure True))
(envPure False)))
(envPure match b {
(Met bUid bSpn): (envPure (eq uid bUid))
other : (envPure False)
// Checks if an problem is solveable by pattern unification.
// termUnifyValid :: Map Term -> [Term] -> [U60] -> Bool
@ -547,6 +554,26 @@ termUnifySolve fill uid (List.cons x spn) b = match (termReduce fill 0 x) {
otherwise : (trace "unreachable" Unreachable)
// Checks if a hole uid occurs recursively inside a term
// termUnifyIsRec :: Map Term -> Int -> Term -> Int -> Bool
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (All nam inp bod) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid inp dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1)))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Lam nam bod) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1)))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (App fun arg) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid fun dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid arg dep))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Ann chk val typ) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid val dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid typ dep))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Slf nam typ bod) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid typ dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1)))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Ins val) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid val dep))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Let nam val bod) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid val dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1)))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Use nam val bod) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid val dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1)))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Hol nam ctx) dep = False
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Op2 opr fst snd) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid fst dep) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid snd dep))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Swi nam x z s p) dep = (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid x dep) (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid z dep) (or (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) (+ dep 1)) (termUnifyIsRec fill uid (p (Var nam dep)) dep))))
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Src src val) dep = (termUnifyIsRec fill uid val dep)
termUnifyIsRec fill uid (Met bUid bSpn) dep = match (termReduceMet fill 2 bUid bSpn) {
(Met bUid bSpn): (eq uid bUid)
term : (termUnifyIsRec fill uid term dep)
termUnifyIsRec fill uid _ dep = False
// Substitutes a Bruijn level variable by a `neo` value in `term`.
// termUnifySubst :: U60 -> Term -> Term -> Term
// termUnifySubst lvl neo term = term
@ -779,22 +806,22 @@ termShow (Use nam val bod) dep =
let bod_ = (termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))
(stringJoin ["use ", nam_, " = ", val_, "; ", bod_])
termShow Set dep = "*"
termShow U60 dep = "#U60"
termShow U60 dep = "U60"
termShow (Num val) dep =
let val_ = (u60Show val)
(stringJoin ["#", val_])
(stringJoin [val_])
termShow (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
let opr_ = (operShow opr)
let fst_ = (termShow fst dep)
let snd_ = (termShow snd dep)
(stringJoin ["#(", opr_, " ", fst_, " ", snd_, ")"])
(stringJoin ["(", opr_, " ", fst_, " ", snd_, ")"])
termShow (Swi nam x z s p) dep =
let nam_ = nam
let x_ = (termShow x dep)
let z_ = (termShow z dep)
let s_ = (termShow (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) (+ dep 1))
let p_ = (termShow (p (Var nam dep)) dep)
(stringJoin ["#match ", nam_, " = ", x_, " { #0: ", z_, " #+: ", s_, " }: ", p_])
(stringJoin ["switch ", nam_, " = ", x_, " { 0: ", z_, " _: ", s_, " }: ", p_])
termShow (Txt txt) dep = (stringJoin [quote, txt, quote])
termShow (Nat val) dep = (u60Show val)
termShow (Hol nam ctx) dep = (stringJoin ["?", nam])

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@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ fn compare_runtimes() {
let mut paths: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(&book_dir)
.expect("failed to read book directory")
.map(|r| r.expect("failed to read entry").path())
.filter_map(|r| r.extension().is_some_and(|e| e == "kind2").then_some(r))

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ impl Term {
pub fn to_hvm2_checker(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
fn binder(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "._."))
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "._.").replace("/", "."))
match self {
Term::All { era: _, nam, inp, bod } => {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ impl Term {
if env.contains(nam) {
format!("{}", binder(nam))
} else {
format!("(Book.{})", nam)
format!("(Book.{})", nam.replace("/", "."))
Term::Src { src, val } => {