initial haskell port, for type-checking

since hvm is untyped, it is hard to spot type errors, and debugging is
still not very mature, so I'll keep a haskell view of kind2 to debug
This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-03-01 23:11:05 -03:00
parent e849d16aee
commit c3882799b3
2 changed files with 905 additions and 387 deletions

src/kind2.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Prelude hiding (LT, GT, EQ)
newLine = [chr 10]
quote = [chr 34]
u60Show :: Int -> String
u60Show n = u60ShowGo n "" where
u60ShowGo n res = u60ShowGoMatch (n < 10) n res
u60ShowGoMatch False n res = u60ShowGo (div n 10) (chr (ord '0' + mod n 10) : res)
u60ShowGoMatch True n res = chr (ord '0' + n) : res
u60Name :: Int -> String
u60Name n = u60NameGo (n + 1) where
u60NameGo 0 = ""
u60NameGo n = chr (ord 'a' + mod (n - 1) 26) : u60NameGo (div (n - 1) 26)
listFind :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
listFind _ [] = Nothing
listFind name ((nam, val):tail) = if name == nam then Just val else listFind name tail
listMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
listMap f [] = []
listMap f (x:xs) = f x : listMap f xs
stringEqual :: String -> String -> Bool
stringEqual [] [] = True
stringEqual [] _ = False
stringEqual _ [] = False
stringEqual (x:xs) (y:ys) = x == y && stringEqual xs ys
stringConcat :: String -> String -> String
stringConcat [] ys = ys
stringConcat (x:xs) ys = x : stringConcat xs ys
stringJoin :: [String] -> String
stringJoin [] = ""
stringJoin (x:xs) = stringConcat x (stringJoin xs)
stringTail :: String -> String
stringTail [] = []
stringTail (_:xs) = xs
pairFst :: (a, b) -> a
pairFst (fst, _) = fst
pairSnd :: (a, b) -> b
pairSnd (_, snd) = snd
pairGet :: (a, b) -> (a -> b -> c) -> c
pairGet (fst, snd) fun = fun fst snd
maybeMatch :: Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> b -> b
maybeMatch (Just value) some _ = some value
maybeMatch Nothing _ none = none
maybePure :: a -> Maybe a
maybePure x = Just x
maybeBind :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
maybeBind a b = maybeMatch a b Nothing
data Bits = E | O Bits | I Bits deriving Show
u60ToBits :: Int -> Bits
u60ToBits 0 = E
u60ToBits 1 = I E
u60ToBits n = if even n then O (u60ToBits (div n 2)) else I (u60ToBits (div n 2))
type BitsMap k v = [(k, v)]
mapNew :: BitsMap k v
mapNew = []
mapHas :: Eq k => (k -> k -> Bool) -> k -> BitsMap k v -> Bool
mapHas eq k [] = False
mapHas eq k ((key, val):map) = if eq key k then True else mapHas eq k map
mapIns :: Eq k => (k -> k -> Bool) -> k -> v -> BitsMap k v -> Maybe (BitsMap k v)
mapIns eq k v [] = Just [(k, v)]
mapIns eq k v ((key, val):map) = if eq key k then Nothing else maybeBind (mapIns eq k v map) (\map' -> Just ((key, val):map'))
mapSet :: Eq k => (k -> k -> Bool) -> k -> v -> BitsMap k v -> BitsMap k v
mapSet eq k v [] = [(k, v)]
mapSet eq k v ((key, val):map) = if eq key k then (k, v) : map else (key, val) : mapSet eq k v map
mapGet :: Eq k => (k -> k -> Bool) -> k -> BitsMap k v -> Maybe v
mapGet eq k [] = Nothing
mapGet eq k ((key, val):map) = if eq key k then Just val else mapGet eq k map
data Oper
| MOD | EQ | NE | LT
| GT | LTE | GTE | AND
| OR | XOR | LSH | RSH
data Term
= All String Term (Term -> Term)
| Lam String (Term -> Term)
| App Term Term
| Ann Term Term
| Slf String Term (Term -> Term)
| Ins Term
| Ref String [(String,Term)] Term
| Let String Term (Term -> Term)
| Set
| U60
| Num Int
| Op2 Oper Term Term
| Mat String Term Term (Term -> Term) (Term -> Term)
| Txt String
| Hol String [Term]
| Met String (Maybe Term)
| Var String Int
| Src Int Term
termFill :: [(String, Maybe Term)] -> (Maybe Term -> Term) -> Term
termFill [] val = val Nothing
termFill ((nam, Nothing):subs) val = termFill subs val
termFill ((nam, Just x):subs) val = termFill subs (\_ -> val (Just x))
termReduce :: Int -> Term -> Term
termReduce lv (App fun arg) = termReduceApp lv (termReduce lv fun) arg
termReduce lv (Ann val typ) = termReduce lv val
termReduce lv (Ins val) = termReduce lv val
termReduce lv (Ref nam sub val) = termReduceRef lv nam sub (termReduce lv val)
termReduce lv (Let nam val bod) = termReduce lv (bod val)
termReduce lv (Op2 opr fst snd) = termReduceOp2 lv opr (termReduce lv fst) (termReduce lv snd)
termReduce lv (Mat nam x z s p) = termReduceMat lv nam (termReduce lv x) z s p
termReduce lv (Met nam val) = termReduceMet lv nam val
termReduce lv (Txt txt) = termReduceTxt lv txt
termReduce lv (Src src val) = termReduce lv val
termReduce lv val = val
termReduceApp :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
termReduceApp lv (Lam nam bod) arg = termReduce lv (bod (termReduce 0 arg))
termReduceApp lv fun arg = App fun arg
termReduceOp2 :: Int -> Oper -> Term -> Term -> Term
termReduceOp2 lv ADD (Num fst) (Num snd) = Num (fst + snd)
termReduceOp2 lv SUB (Num fst) (Num snd) = Num (fst - snd)
termReduceOp2 lv MUL (Num fst) (Num snd) = Num (fst * snd)
termReduceOp2 lv DIV (Num fst) (Num snd) = Num (div fst snd)
termReduceOp2 lv MOD (Num fst) (Num snd) = Num (mod fst snd)
termReduceOp2 lv EQ (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst == snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv NE (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst /= snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv LT (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst < snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv GT (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst > snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv LTE (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst <= snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv GTE (Num fst) (Num snd) = if fst >= snd then Num 1 else Num 0
termReduceOp2 lv opr fst snd = Op2 opr fst snd
termReduceMat :: Int -> String -> Term -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> (Term -> Term) -> Term
termReduceMat lv nam (Num 0) z s p = termReduce lv z
termReduceMat lv nam (Num n) z s p = termReduce lv (s (Num (n - 1)))
termReduceMat lv nam val z s p = Mat nam val z s p
termReduceRef :: Int -> String -> [(String, Term)] -> Term -> Term
termReduceRef lv nam sub val = Ref nam sub val
termReduceMet :: Int -> String -> Maybe Term -> Term
termReduceMet lv nam Nothing = Met nam Nothing
termReduceMet lv nam (Just val) = termReduce lv val
termReduceTxt :: Int -> String -> Term
termReduceTxt lv txt = Txt txt
termNormal :: Int -> Term -> Int -> Term
termNormal lv term dep = termNormalGo lv (termNormalPrefer (termReduce 0 term) (termReduce lv term)) dep where
termNormalPrefer soft (Lam _ _) = soft
termNormalPrefer soft (Slf _ _ _) = soft
termNormalPrefer soft (All _ _ _) = soft
termNormalPrefer soft hard = hard
termNormalGo lv (All nam inp bod) dep = All nam (termNormal lv inp dep) (\x -> termNormal lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo lv (Lam nam bod) dep = Lam nam (\x -> termNormal lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo lv (App fun arg) dep = App (termNormal lv fun dep) (termNormal lv arg dep)
termNormalGo lv (Ann val typ) dep = Ann (termNormal lv val dep) (termNormal lv typ dep)
termNormalGo lv (Slf nam typ bod) dep = Slf nam typ (\x -> termNormal lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo lv (Ins val) dep = Ins (termNormal lv val dep)
termNormalGo lv (Ref nam sub val) dep = Ref nam sub (termNormal lv val dep)
termNormalGo lv (Let nam val bod) dep = Let nam (termNormal lv val dep) (\x -> termNormal lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo lv (Hol nam ctx) dep = Hol nam ctx
termNormalGo lv (Met nam val) dep = Met nam (maybeMatch val (\x -> Just (termNormal lv x dep)) Nothing)
termNormalGo lv Set dep = Set
termNormalGo lv U60 dep = U60
termNormalGo lv (Num val) dep = Num val
termNormalGo lv (Op2 opr fst snd) dep = Op2 opr (termNormal lv fst dep) (termNormal lv snd dep)
termNormalGo lv (Mat nam x z s p) dep = Mat nam (termNormal lv x dep) (termNormal lv z dep) (\k -> termNormal lv (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) dep) (\k -> termNormal lv (p (Var nam dep)) dep)
termNormalGo lv (Txt val) dep = Txt val
termNormalGo lv (Var nam idx) dep = Var nam idx
termNormalGo lv (Src src val) dep = Src src (termNormal lv val dep)
data Info
= Found String Term [Term] Int
| Error Int Term Term Term Int
| Solve String Term Int
| Vague String
data Result a = Done [Info] a | Fail [Info] Info
data Checker a = Checker ([Info] -> Result a)
resultMatch :: Result a -> ([Info] -> a -> b) -> ([Info] -> Info -> b) -> b
resultMatch (Done logs value) done _ = done logs value
resultMatch (Fail logs error) _ fail = fail logs error
checkerBind :: Checker a -> (a -> Checker b) -> Checker b
checkerBind (Checker a) b = Checker $ \logs -> case a logs of
Done logs' value -> let Checker b' = b value in b' logs'
Fail logs' error -> Fail logs' error
checkerPure :: a -> Checker a
checkerPure a = Checker $ \logs -> Done logs a
checkerFail :: Info -> Checker a
checkerFail e = Checker $ \logs -> Fail logs e
checkerRun :: Checker a -> Result a
checkerRun (Checker chk) = chk []
checkerLog :: Info -> Checker Int
checkerLog msg = Checker $ \logs -> Done (msg:logs) 1
checkerSave :: Checker [Info]
checkerSave = Checker $ \logs -> Done logs logs
checkerLoad :: [Info] -> Checker Int
checkerLoad logs = Checker $ \_ -> Done logs 0
instance Functor Checker where
fmap f (Checker chk) = Checker $ \logs -> case chk logs of
Done logs' a -> Done logs' (f a)
Fail logs' e -> Fail logs' e
instance Applicative Checker where
pure = checkerPure
(Checker chkF) <*> (Checker chkA) = Checker $ \logs -> case chkF logs of
Done logs' f -> case chkA logs' of
Done logs'' a -> Done logs'' (f a)
Fail logs'' e -> Fail logs'' e
Fail logs' e -> Fail logs' e
instance Monad Checker where
(Checker a) >>= b = checkerBind (Checker a) b
termEquality :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Bool
termEquality a b dep = do
logs <- checkerSave
let a' = termReduce 2 a
let b' = termReduce 2 b
identical <- termCompare a' b' dep (checkerLoad logs >> termSimilar a' b' dep)
if identical then checkerPure True else checkerLoad logs >> checkerPure False
termCompare :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Bool -> Checker Bool
termCompare a b dep elseCheck = do
logs <- checkerSave
equal <- termIdentical a b dep
if equal then checkerPure True else checkerLoad logs >> elseCheck
termSimilar :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Bool
termSimilar (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep = do
eInp <- termEquality aInp bInp dep
eBod <- termEquality (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
checkerPure (eInp && eBod)
termSimilar (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
termEquality (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
termSimilar (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep = do
eFun <- termEquality aFun bFun dep
eArg <- termEquality aArg bArg dep
checkerPure (eFun && eArg)
termSimilar (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
termSimilar (termReduce 0 aTyp) (termReduce 0 bTyp) dep
termSimilar (Hol aNam aCtx) (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
checkerPure (aNam == bNam)
termSimilar (Met aNam aVal) (Met bNam bVal) dep =
checkerPure (aNam == bNam)
termSimilar (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep = do
eFst <- termEquality aFst bFst dep
eSnd <- termEquality aSnd bSnd dep
checkerPure (eFst && eSnd)
termSimilar a b dep = checkerPure False
termIdentical :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Bool
termIdentical (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep = do
iInp <- termIdentical aInp bInp dep
iBod <- termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
checkerPure (iInp && iBod)
termIdentical (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
termIdentical (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep = do
iFun <- termIdentical aFun bFun dep
iArg <- termIdentical aArg bArg dep
checkerPure (iFun && iArg)
termIdentical (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
termIdentical aTyp bTyp dep
termIdentical (Hol aNam aCtx) (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
checkerPure (aNam == bNam)
termIdentical (Met aNam (Just aVal)) (Met bNam (Just bVal)) dep =
termIdentical aVal bVal dep
termIdentical (Met aNam Nothing) (Met bNam Nothing) dep =
checkerPure (aNam == bNam)
termIdentical (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep = do
iFst <- termIdentical aFst bFst dep
iSnd <- termIdentical aSnd bSnd dep
checkerPure (iFst && iSnd)
termIdentical (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
checkerPure (aVal == bVal)
termIdentical a b dep = checkerPure False
termIfAll :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfAll (All nam inp bod) yep _ = yep nam inp bod
termIfAll _ _ nop = nop
termIfSlf :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfSlf (Slf nam typ bod) yep _ = yep nam typ bod
termIfSlf _ _ nop = nop
termInfer :: Term -> Int -> Checker Term
termInfer (All nam inp bod) dep =
checkerBind (termCheck 0 inp Set dep) $ \_ ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 (bod (Ann (Var nam dep) inp)) Set (dep + 1)) $ \_ ->
checkerPure Set
termInfer (App fun arg) dep =
checkerBind (termInfer fun dep) $ \fun_typ ->
(termIfAll (termReduce 2 fun_typ)
(\fun_nam fun_typ_inp fun_typ_bod fun arg ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 arg fun_typ_inp dep) $ \_ ->
checkerPure (fun_typ_bod arg))
(\fun arg ->
checkerFail (Error 0 fun_typ (Hol "function" []) (App fun arg) dep))
fun arg)
termInfer (Ann val typ) dep =
checkerPure typ
termInfer (Slf nam typ bod) dep =
checkerBind (termCheck 0 (bod (Ann (Var nam dep) typ)) Set (dep + 1)) $ \_ ->
checkerPure Set
termInfer (Ins val) dep =
checkerBind (termInfer val dep) $ \vty ->
(termIfSlf (termReduce 2 vty)
(\vty_nam vty_typ vty_bod val ->
checkerPure (vty_bod (Ins val)))
(\val ->
checkerFail (Error 0 vty (Hol "self-type" []) (Ins val) dep))
termInfer (Ref nam sub val) dep =
termInfer val dep
termInfer Set dep =
checkerPure Set
termInfer U60 dep =
checkerPure Set
termInfer (Num num) dep =
checkerPure U60
termInfer (Txt txt) dep =
checkerPure bookString
termInfer (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
checkerBind (termCheck 0 fst U60 dep) $ \_ ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 snd U60 dep) $ \_ ->
checkerPure U60
termInfer (Mat nam x z s p) dep =
checkerBind (termCheck 0 x U60 dep) $ \_ ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 (p (Ann (Var nam dep) U60)) Set dep) $ \_ ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 z (p (Num 0)) dep) $ \_ ->
checkerBind (termCheck 0 (s (Ann (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep) U60)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep))) (dep + 1)) $ \_ ->
checkerPure (p x)
termInfer (Lam nam bod) dep =
checkerFail (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Lam nam bod) dep)
termInfer (Let nam val bod) dep =
checkerFail (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Let nam val bod) dep)
termInfer (Hol nam ctx) dep =
checkerFail (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol nam ctx) dep)
termInfer (Met nam (Just val)) dep =
termInfer val dep
termInfer (Met nam Nothing) dep =
checkerFail (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Met nam Nothing) dep)
termInfer (Var nam idx) dep =
checkerFail (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Var nam idx) dep)
termInfer (Src src val) dep =
termInfer val dep
termCheck :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Int
termCheck src (Lam termNam termBod) typx dep =
(termIfAll (termReduce 2 typx)
(\typeNam typeInp typeBod termBod ->
let ann = Ann (Var termNam dep) typeInp
term = termBod ann
typx = typeBod ann
in termCheck 0 term typx (dep + 1))
(\termBod ->
checkerBind (termInfer (Lam termNam termBod) dep) $ \x ->
checkerPure 0)
termCheck src (Ins termVal) typx dep =
(termIfSlf (termReduce 2 typx)
(\typeNam typeTyp typeBod termVal ->
termCheck 0 termVal (typeBod (Ins termVal)) dep)
(\termVal ->
checkerBind (termInfer (Ins termVal) dep) $ \x ->
checkerPure 0)
termCheck src (Let termNam termVal termBod) typx dep =
termCheck 0 (termBod termVal) typx (dep + 1)
termCheck src (Hol termNam termCtx) typx dep =
checkerBind (checkerLog (Found termNam typx termCtx dep)) $ \x ->
checkerPure 0
termCheck src (Met termNam (Just termVal)) typx dep =
termCheck src termVal typx dep
termCheck src (Met termNam Nothing) typx dep =
checkerPure 0
termCheck src (Ref termNam termSub (Ann termVal termTyp)) typx dep =
checkerBind (termEquality typx termTyp dep) $ \equal ->
termCheckReport src equal termTyp typx termVal dep
termCheck src (Src termSrc termVal) typx dep =
termCheck termSrc termVal typx dep
termCheck src term typx dep =
termCheckVerify src term typx dep
termCheckVerify :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Int
termCheckVerify src term typx dep =
checkerBind (termInfer term dep) $ \infer ->
checkerBind (termEquality typx infer dep) $ \equal ->
termCheckReport src equal infer typx term dep
termCheckReport :: Int -> Bool -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Checker Int
termCheckReport src False detected expected value dep =
checkerFail (Error src detected expected value dep)
termCheckReport src True detected expected value dep =
checkerPure 0
termShow :: Term -> Int -> String
termShow (All nam inp bod) dep =
let nam' = nam
inp' = termShow inp dep
bod' = termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in stringJoin ["∀(" , nam' , ": " , inp' , ") " , bod']
termShow (Lam nam bod) dep =
let nam' = nam
bod' = termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in stringJoin ["λ" , nam' , " " , bod']
termShow (App fun arg) dep =
let fun' = termShow fun dep
arg' = termShow arg dep
in stringJoin ["(" , fun' , " " , arg' , ")"]
termShow (Ann val typ) dep =
let val' = termShow val dep
typ' = termShow typ dep
in stringJoin ["{" , val' , ": " , typ' , "}"]
termShow (Slf nam typ bod) dep =
let nam' = nam
typ' = termShow typ dep
bod' = termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in stringJoin ["$(" , nam' , ": " , typ' , ") " , bod']
termShow (Ins val) dep =
let val' = termShow val dep
in stringJoin ["~" , val']
termShow (Ref nam sub val) dep = nam
termShow (Let nam val bod) dep =
let nam' = nam
val' = termShow val dep
bod' = termShow (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1)
in stringJoin ["let " , nam' , " = " , val' , "; " , bod']
termShow Set dep = "*"
termShow U60 dep = "#U60"
termShow (Num val) dep =
let val' = u60Show val
in stringJoin ["#" , val']
termShow (Op2 opr fst snd) dep =
let opr' = operShow opr
fst' = termShow fst dep
snd' = termShow snd dep
in stringJoin ["#(" , opr' , " " , fst' , " " , snd' , ")"]
termShow (Mat nam x z s p) dep =
let nam' = nam
x' = termShow x dep
z' = termShow z dep
s' = termShow (s (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep)) (dep + 1)
p' = termShow (p (Var nam dep)) dep
in stringJoin ["#match " , nam' , " = " , x' , " { #0: " , z' , " #+: " , s' , " }: " , p']
termShow (Txt txt) dep = stringJoin [quote , txt , quote]
termShow (Hol nam ctx) dep = stringJoin ["? " , nam]
termShow (Met nam Nothing) dep = "_"
termShow (Met nam (Just val)) dep = termShow val dep
termShow (Var nam idx) dep = nam
termShow (Src src val) dep = termShow val dep
operShow :: Oper -> String
operShow ADD = "+"
operShow SUB = "-"
operShow MUL = "*"
operShow DIV = "/"
operShow MOD = "%"
operShow EQ = "=="
operShow NE = "!="
operShow LT = "<"
operShow GT = ">"
operShow LTE = "<="
operShow GTE = ">="
operShow AND = "&"
operShow OR = "|"
operShow XOR = "^"
operShow LSH = "<<"
operShow RSH = ">>"
contextShow :: [Term] -> Int -> String
contextShow [] dep = ""
contextShow (x:xs) dep = stringJoin [" " , contextShowAnn x dep , contextShow xs dep]
contextShowAnn :: Term -> Int -> String
contextShowAnn (Ann val typ) dep = stringJoin ["{" , termShow (termNormal 0 val dep) dep , ": " , termShow (termNormal 0 typ dep) dep , "}"]
contextShowAnn term dep = termShow (termNormal 0 term dep) dep
infoShow :: Info -> String
infoShow (Found name typ ctx dep) =
let typ' = termShow (termNormal 1 typ dep) dep
ctx' = stringTail (contextShow ctx dep)
in stringJoin ["#found{", name, " ", typ', " [", ctx', "]}"]
infoShow (Error src detected expected value dep) =
let det = termShow (termNormal 1 detected dep) dep
exp = termShow (termNormal 1 expected dep) dep
val = termShow (termNormal 0 value dep) dep
in stringJoin ["#error{", exp, " ", det, " ", val, " ", u60Show src, "}"]
infoShow (Solve name term dep) =
let term' = termShow (termNormal 1 term dep) dep
in stringJoin ["#solve{", name, " ", term', "}"]
infoShow (Vague name) =
stringJoin ["#vague{", name, "}"]
hvmPrint :: String -> a -> a
hvmPrint = undefined
compile :: Term -> Term
compile = undefined
bookString = undefined
main :: IO ()
main = print $ u60ToBits 500

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff