working hs

This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-03-06 11:35:17 -03:00
parent b2eb7610f4
commit c8bf072145
10 changed files with 738 additions and 560 deletions

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ Kind.Term.parser.op2
(Parser.text "#(")
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Kind.Term.parser.op2

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
: ∀(a: Bool) ∀(b: Bool) Bool
= λa λb
(Bool.if a _ (Bool.if b _ ?A Bool.true) Bool.true)
(Bool.if a _ (Bool.if b _ Bool.true Bool.true) Bool.true)

View File

@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ test0
∀(b: B)
= λA λB λaa λab λba λbb λa λb
(ba (ab (aa (aa a))))
(ba (ab (aa (aa b))))

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ use crate::{*};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
mod parse;
mod compile;
mod format;
mod parse;
mod show;
mod to_hvm1;
// <book> ::=
// DEF_ANN | <name> : <term> = <term> <book>

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
use crate::{*};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
impl Book {
pub fn to_hvm1(&self) -> String {
let mut used = BTreeSet::new();
let mut code = String::new();
for (name, term) in &self.defs {
let metas = term.count_metas();
let mut lams = String::new();
for i in 0 .. term.count_metas() {
lams = format!("{} λ_{}", lams, i);
let subs = (0 .. metas).map(|h| format!("(Pair \"{}\" None)", h)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
code.push_str(&format!("Book.{} = (Ref \"{}\" [{}] {}{})\n", name, name, subs, lams, term.to_hvm1(im::Vector::new(), &mut 0)));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -149,6 +149,36 @@
(Map.get eq k (List.cons (Pair key val) map)) = (If (eq key k) (Some val) (Map.get eq k map))
(Map.get eq k List.nil) = None
// data BM A = BM.leaf | (BM.node A BM BM)
// Returns true if value is present on BM
(BM.has E (BM.node (Some val) lft rgt)) = 1
(BM.has (O bits) (BM.node val lft rgt)) = (BM.has bits lft)
(BM.has (I bits) (BM.node val lft rgt)) = (BM.has bits rgt)
(BM.has key val) = 0
// Gets a value from a BM
(BM.get E (BM.leaf)) = None
(BM.get E (BM.node val lft rgt)) = val
(BM.get (O bits) (BM.leaf)) = None
(BM.get (O bits) (BM.node val lft rgt)) = (BM.get bits lft)
(BM.get (I bits) (BM.leaf)) = None
(BM.get (I bits) (BM.node val lft rgt)) = (BM.get bits rgt)
// Sets a value on a BM
(BM.set E val (BM.leaf)) = (BM.node (Some val) BM.leaf BM.leaf)
(BM.set E val (BM.node _ lft rgt)) = (BM.node (Some val) lft rgt)
(BM.set (O bits) val (BM.leaf)) = (BM.node None (BM.set bits val BM.leaf) BM.leaf)
(BM.set (O bits) val (BM.node v lft rgt)) = (BM.node v (BM.set bits val lft) rgt)
(BM.set (I bits) val (BM.leaf)) = (BM.node None BM.leaf (BM.set bits val BM.leaf))
(BM.set (I bits) val (BM.node v lft rgt)) = (BM.node v lft (BM.set bits val rgt))
// Map wrapper with U60 keys
( = BM.leaf
(U60.Map.has key map) = (BM.has (U60.to_bits key) map)
(U60.Map.get key map) = (BM.get (U60.to_bits key) map)
(U60.Map.set key val map) = (BM.set (U60.to_bits key) val map)
// Holes
// -----
@ -171,7 +201,6 @@
(Reduce lv (Let nam val bod)) = (Reduce lv (bod val))
(Reduce lv (Op2 opr fst snd)) = (Reduce.op2 lv opr (Reduce lv fst) (Reduce lv snd))
(Reduce lv (Mat nam x z s p)) = (Reduce.mat lv nam (Reduce lv x) z s p)
(Reduce lv (Met nam val)) = (Reduce.met lv nam val)
(Reduce lv (Txt txt)) = (Reduce.txt lv txt)
(Reduce lv (Src src val)) = (Reduce lv val)
(Reduce lv val) = val
@ -214,8 +243,8 @@
(Reduce.ref 1 nam sub val) = (Ref nam sub val)
(Reduce.ref lv nam sub val) = (Ref nam sub val)
(Reduce.met lv nam None) = (Met nam None)
(Reduce.met lv nam (Some x)) = (Reduce lv x)
//(Reduce.met lv nam None) = (Met nam None)
//(Reduce.met lv nam (Some x)) = (Reduce lv x)
(Reduce.txt lv (String.cons x xs)) = (Reduce lv (App (App Book.String.cons (Num x)) (Txt xs)))
(Reduce.txt lv String.nil) = (Reduce lv Book.String.nil)
@ -237,7 +266,7 @@
(Normal.go lv (Ref nam sub val) dep) = (Ref nam sub (Normal lv val dep))
(Normal.go lv (Let nam val bod) dep) = (Let nam (Normal lv val dep) λx(Normal lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep)))
(Normal.go lv (Hol nam ctx) dep) = (Hol nam ctx)
(Normal.go lv (Met nam val) dep) = (Met nam (Maybe.match val λx(Some (Normal lv x dep)) None))
(Normal.go lv (Met uid) dep) = (Met uid)
(Normal.go lv Set dep) = Set
(Normal.go lv U60 dep) = U60
(Normal.go lv (Num val) dep) = (Num val)
@ -250,22 +279,26 @@
// Checker
// -------
// type Result A = (Done Logs A) | (Fail Logs String)
// type Checker A = Logs -> (Result A)
// type Result A = (Done Fill Logs A) | (Fail Fill Logs String)
// type Checker A = Fill -> Logs -> (Result A)
(Result.match (Done logs value) done fail) = (done logs value)
(Result.match (Fail logs error) done fail) = (fail logs error)
(Result.match (Done fill logs value) done fail) = (done fill logs value)
(Result.match (Fail fill logs error) done fail) = (fail fill logs error)
//(State.get fill got) = (got fill logs)
//( = []
(Checker.bind a b) = λlogs (Result.match (a logs) λlogsλvalue((b value) logs) λlogsλerror(Fail logs error))
(Checker.pure a) = λlogs (Done logs a)
( e) = λlogs (Fail logs e)
( chk) = (chk [])
(Checker.log msg) = λlogs (Done (List.cons msg logs) 1)
( = λlogs (Done logs logs)
(Checker.load logs) = λeras (Done logs 0)
(Checker.bind a b) = λfill λlogs (Result.match (a fill logs) λfillλlogsλvalue((b value) fill logs) λfillλlogsλerror(Fail fill logs error))
(Checker.pure a) = λfill λlogs (Done fill logs a)
( e) = λfill λlogs (Fail fill logs e)
( chk) = (chk [] BM.leaf)
(Checker.log msg) = λfill λlogs (Done fill (List.cons msg logs) 1)
( = λfill λlogs
(Done fill logs (Pair fill logs))
(Checker.load (Pair fill logs)) =
λ_ λ_ (Done fill logs 0)
// Equality
// --------
@ -294,11 +327,11 @@
// If yes, returns 1 (identical) or 2 (suspended)
// If not, undoes effects (logs, unifications, etc.)
(Compare a b dep else) =
(Checker.bind ( λlogs
(Checker.bind ( λstate
(Checker.bind (Identical a b dep) λequal
(If equal
(Checker.pure equal)
(Checker.bind (Checker.load logs) λx (else)))))
(Checker.bind (Checker.load state) λx (else)))))
// Checks if all components of a term are equal
(Similar (All a.nam a.inp a.bod) (All b.nam b.inp b.bod) dep) =
@ -315,8 +348,8 @@
(Similar (Reduce 0 a.typ) (Reduce 0 b.typ) dep) // <- must call Similar, NOT Equal
(Similar (Hol a.nam a.ctx) (Hol b.nam b.ctx) dep) =
(Checker.pure (Same a.nam b.nam))
(Similar (Met a.nam a.val) (Met b.nam b.val) dep) =
(Checker.pure (Same a.nam b.nam))
(Similar (Met a.uid) (Met b.uid) dep) =
(Checker.pure (== a.uid b.uid))
(Similar (Op2 a.opr a.fst a.snd) (Op2 b.opr b.fst b.snd) dep) =
(Checker.bind (Equal a.fst b.fst dep) λe.fst
(Checker.bind (Equal a.snd b.snd dep) λe.snd
@ -363,12 +396,12 @@
(Identical a.val b dep)
(Identical.go a (Ann b.val b.typ) dep) =
(Identical a b.val dep)
(Identical.go (Met a.nam (Some a.val)) b dep) =
(Identical a.val b dep)
(Identical.go a (Met b.nam (Some b.val)) dep) =
(Identical a b.val dep)
(Identical.go (Met a.nam None) (Met b.nam None) dep) =
(Checker.pure (Same a.nam b.nam))
//(Identical.go (Met a.uid) b dep) =
//(Identical a.val b dep)
//(Identical.go a (Met b.uid) dep) =
//(Identical a b.val dep)
(Identical.go (Met a.uid) (Met b.uid) dep) =
(Checker.pure (== a.uid b.uid))
(Identical.go (Hol a.nam a.ctx) (Hol b.nam b.ctx) dep) =
(Checker.pure (Same a.nam b.nam))
(Identical.go U60 U60 dep) =
@ -432,18 +465,18 @@
(Maybe.bind (Map.ins λaλb(== a b) idx $x ctx) λctx
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solve fun b dep ctx) λkv
(Pair.get kv λkλv(Maybe.pure (Pair k (Lam nam λ$x(v)))))))
(Unify.solve (Met nam None) b dep ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution b dep nam ctx) λneo
(Maybe.pure (Pair nam neo)))
(Unify.solve (App fun (Ann val _)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (App fun (Ins val)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (App fun (Src _ val)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (App fun (Met _ (Some val))) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Ann val typ) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Ins val) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Src src val) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Met nam (Some val)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve other b dep ctx) = None
(Unify.solve (Met uid) b dep ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution b dep uid ctx) λneo
(Maybe.pure (Pair uid neo)))
(Unify.solve (App fun (Ann val _)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (App fun (Ins val)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (App fun (Src _ val)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
//(Unify.solve (App fun (Met uid)) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve (App fun val) b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Ann val typ) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Ins val) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve (Src src val) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
//(Unify.solve (Met uid) b dep ctx) = (Unify.solve val b dep ctx)
(Unify.solve other b dep ctx) = None
// If LHS is an unsolveable pattern, skips its type-checking.
// Unify.skip : Term -> Bool
@ -451,71 +484,71 @@
(Unify.skip (Ann val typ)) = (Unify.skip val)
(Unify.skip (Ins val)) = (Unify.skip val)
(Unify.skip (Src src val)) = (Unify.skip val)
(Unify.skip (Met nam None)) = 1
(Unify.skip (Met uid)) = 1
(Unify.skip (Hol nam ctx)) = 1
(Unify.skip other) = 0
// Attempts to convert RHS to a solution, checking the criteria.
// Unify.solution : Term -> U60 -> String -> (Map U60 Term) -> (Maybe Term)
(Unify.solution (All nam inp bod) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution inp dep hol ctx) λinp
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1) hol ctx) λbod
// Unify.solution : Term -> U60 -> U60 -> (Map U60 Term) -> (Maybe Term)
(Unify.solution (All nam inp bod) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution inp dep uid ctx) λinp
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1) uid ctx) λbod
(Maybe.pure (All nam inp λ_(bod)))))
(Unify.solution (Lam nam bod) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep) hol ctx) λbod
(Unify.solution (Lam nam bod) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep) uid ctx) λbod
(Maybe.pure (Lam nam λ_(bod))))
(Unify.solution (App fun arg) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution fun dep hol ctx) λfun
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution arg dep hol ctx) λarg
(Unify.solution (App fun arg) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution fun dep uid ctx) λfun
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution arg dep uid ctx) λarg
(Maybe.pure (App fun arg))))
(Unify.solution (Ann val typ) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution typ dep hol ctx) λtyp
(Unify.solution (Ann val typ) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep uid ctx) λval
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution typ dep uid ctx) λtyp
(Maybe.pure (Ann val typ))))
(Unify.solution (Slf nam typ bod) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution typ dep hol ctx)
(Unify.solution (Ins val) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
(Unify.solution (Slf nam typ bod) dep uid ctx) =
(Unify.solution typ dep uid ctx)
(Unify.solution (Ins val) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep uid ctx) λval
(Maybe.pure (Ins val)))
(Unify.solution (Ref nam sub val) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution (Ref nam sub val) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.pure (Ref nam sub val))
(Unify.solution (Let nam val bod) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep) hol ctx) λbod
(Unify.solution (Let nam val bod) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep uid ctx) λval
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep) uid ctx) λbod
(Maybe.pure (Let nam val λ_(bod)))))
(Unify.solution (Met nam None) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution (Met uid) dep uid ctx) =
None // holes can't appear in the solution
//(If (Same nam hol) None (Maybe.pure (Met nam None)))
(Unify.solution (Met nam (Some val)) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
(Maybe.pure (Met nam (Some val))))
//(Unify.solution (Met uid) dep hol ctx) =
//(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
//(Maybe.pure (Met uid)))
(Unify.solution (Hol nam _) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.pure (Hol nam [])) // FIXME?
(Unify.solution Set dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution Set dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.pure Set)
(Unify.solution U60 dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution U60 dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.pure U60)
(Unify.solution (Num val) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution (Num val) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.pure (Num val))
(Unify.solution (Op2 opr fst snd) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution fst dep hol ctx) λfst
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution snd dep hol ctx) λsnd
(Unify.solution (Op2 opr fst snd) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution fst dep uid ctx) λfst
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution snd dep uid ctx) λsnd
(Maybe.pure (Op2 opr fst snd))))
(Unify.solution (Mat nam x z s p) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution x dep hol ctx) λx
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution z dep hol ctx) λz
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (s (Var (String.concat nam "-1") dep)) dep hol ctx) λs
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (p (Var nam dep)) dep hol ctx) λp
(Unify.solution (Mat nam x z s p) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution x dep uid ctx) λx
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution z dep uid ctx) λz
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (s (Var (String.concat nam "-1") dep)) dep uid ctx) λs
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution (p (Var nam dep)) dep uid ctx) λp
(Maybe.pure (Mat nam x z λ_(s) λ_(p)))))))
(Unify.solution (Txt val) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution (Txt val) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.pure (Txt val))
(Unify.solution (Var nam idx) dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution (Var nam idx) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Map.get λaλb(== a b) idx ctx) λval
(Maybe.pure val))
(Unify.solution (Src src val) dep hol ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep hol ctx) λval
(Unify.solution (Src src val) dep uid ctx) =
(Maybe.bind (Unify.solution val dep uid ctx) λval
(Maybe.pure (Src src val)))
(Unify.solution term dep hol ctx) =
(Unify.solution term dep uid ctx) =
(HVM.log (UNREACHALBE (Show term dep)) None)
// Type-Checking
@ -541,7 +574,7 @@
(Checker.bind (Check 0 arg fun_typ.inp dep) λvty
(Checker.pure (fun_typ.bod arg)))
λfun λarg
( (Error 0 fun_typ (Hol "function" []) (App fun arg) dep)))
(Checker.pure 1))
fun arg))
(Infer.match (Ann val typ) dep) =
(Checker.pure typ)
@ -582,10 +615,10 @@
( (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Let nam val bod) dep))
(Infer.match (Hol nam ctx) dep) =
( (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol nam ctx) dep))
(Infer.match (Met nam (Some val)) dep) =
(Infer.match val dep)
(Infer.match (Met nam None) dep) =
( (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Met nam None) dep))
//(Infer.match (Met nam (Some val)) dep) =
//(Infer.match val dep)
(Infer.match (Met uid) dep) =
( (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Met uid) dep))
(Infer.match (Var nam idx) dep) =
( (Error 0 (Hol "untyped_term" []) (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Var nam idx) dep))
(Infer.match (Src src val) dep) =
@ -616,9 +649,9 @@
(Check.match src (Hol term.nam term.ctx) type dep) =
(Checker.bind (Checker.log (Found term.nam type term.ctx dep)) λx
(Checker.pure 0))
(Check.match src (Met term.nam (Some term.val)) type dep) =
(Check src term.val type dep)
(Check.match src (Met term.nam None) type dep) =
//(Check.match src (Met term.nam (Some term.val)) type dep) =
//(Check src term.val type dep)
(Check.match src (Met uid) type dep) =
(Checker.pure 0)
(Check.match src (Ref term.nam term.sub (Ann term.val term.typ)) type dep) = // better printing
(Checker.bind (Equal type term.typ dep) λequal
@ -698,10 +731,10 @@
(String.join [Quote txt Quote])
(Show (Hol nam ctx) dep) =
(String.join ["? " nam])
(Show (Met nam None) dep) =
(Show (Met uid) dep) =
(Show (Met nam (Some val)) dep) =
(Show val dep)
//(Show (Met nam (Some val)) dep) =
//(Show val dep)
(Show (Var nam idx) dep) =
(Show (Src src val) dep) =
@ -829,7 +862,7 @@ Compile.primitives = [
//(HVM.print (String.join ["API.check: " (Show (Subst sub def) 0)])
(Result.match ( ( (Subst sub def)))
// case done:
λlogs λvalue
λfill λlogs λvalue
//(API.check.log logs
(Pair.get (API.check.fill sub logs) λfilled λsub
(If filled
@ -838,7 +871,7 @@ Compile.primitives = [
// case false:
(API.check.log logs 1)))
// case fail:
λlogs λerror
λfill λlogs λerror
(API.check.log logs
(API.check.log [error] 0)))

View File

@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ fn generate_check_hvm1(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
return hvm1_code;
fn generate_check_hs(book: &Book, command: &str, arg: &str) -> String {
let kind_hs = include_str!("./kind2.hs");
let kind_hs = kind_hs.lines().filter(|line| !line.starts_with("xString")).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n");
let book_hs = book.to_hs();
let main_hs = match command {
"check" => format!("main = (apiCheck {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
"run" => format!("Main = (apiNormal {})\n", Term::to_hs_name(arg)),
_ => panic!("invalid command"),
let hs_code = format!("{}\n{}\n{}", kind_hs, book_hs, main_hs);
return hs_code;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
@ -59,12 +72,23 @@ fn main() {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to auto-format '{}.kind2'.", arg));
// Generates the HVM1 checker.
let check_hvm1 = generate_check_hvm1(&book, cmd, arg);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hvm1").expect("Failed to create '.check.hvm1'.");
file.write_all(check_hvm1.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hvm1'.");
//let check_hvm1 = generate_check_hvm1(&book, cmd, arg);
//let mut file = File::create(".check.hvm1").expect("Failed to create '.check.hvm1'.");
//file.write_all(check_hvm1.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hvm1'.");
// Calls HVM1 and get outputs.
let output = Command::new("hvm1").arg("run").arg("-t").arg("1").arg("-c").arg("-f").arg(".check.hvm1").arg("(Main)").output().expect("Failed to execute command");
// FIXME: re-enable HVM version
//let output = Command::new("hvm1").arg("run").arg("-t").arg("1").arg("-c").arg("-f").arg(".check.hvm1").arg("(Main)").output().expect("Failed to execute command");
//let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
//let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
// Generates the Haskell checker.
let check_hs = generate_check_hs(&book, cmd, arg);
let mut file = File::create(".check.hs").expect("Failed to create '.check.hs'.");
file.write_all(check_hs.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to write '.check.hs'.");
// Calls GHC and get outputs.
let output = Command::new("runghc").arg(".check.hs").output().expect("Failed to execute command");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
use crate::{*};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
mod compile;
mod format;
mod parse;
mod show;
mod to_hvm1;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Oper {

View File

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
use crate::{*};
impl Oper {
pub fn to_hvm1(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Oper::Add => "ADD",
Oper::Sub => "SUB",
Oper::Mul => "MUL",
Oper::Div => "DIV",
Oper::Mod => "MOD",
Oper::Eq => "EQ",
Oper::Ne => "NE",
Oper::Lt => "LT",
Oper::Gt => "GT",
Oper::Lte => "LTE",
Oper::Gte => "GTE",
Oper::And => "AND",
Oper::Or => "OR",
Oper::Xor => "XOR",
Oper::Lsh => "LSH",
Oper::Rsh => "RSH",
impl Term {
pub fn to_hvm1(&self, env: im::Vector<String>, met: &mut usize) -> String {
fn binder(name: &str) -> String {
format!("x{}", name.replace("-", "._."))
match self {
Term::All { nam, inp, bod } => {
let inp = inp.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm1(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(All \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, inp, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Lam { nam, bod } => {
let bod = bod.to_hvm1(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Lam \"{}\" λ{} {})", nam, binder(nam), bod)
Term::App { fun, arg } => {
let fun = fun.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let arg = arg.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
format!("(App {} {})", fun, arg)
Term::Ann { val, typ } => {
let val = val.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let typ = typ.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ann {} {})", val, typ)
Term::Slf { nam, typ, bod } => {
let typ = typ.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm1(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Slf \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, typ, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Ins { val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Ins {})", val)
Term::Set => {
Term::U60 => {
Term::Num { val } => {
format!("(Num {})", val)
Term::Op2 { opr, fst, snd } => {
let fst = fst.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let snd = snd.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
format!("(Op2 {} {} {})", opr.to_hvm1(), fst, snd)
Term::Mat { nam, x, z, s, p } => {
let x = x.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let z = z.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let s = s.to_hvm1(cons(&env, format!("{}-1", nam)), met);
let p = p.to_hvm1(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Mat \"{}\" {} {} λ{} {} λ{} {})", nam, x, z, binder(&format!("{}-1", nam)), s, binder(nam), p)
Term::Txt { txt } => {
format!("(Txt \"{}\")", txt)
Term::Let { nam, val, bod } => {
let val = val.to_hvm1(env.clone(), met);
let bod = bod.to_hvm1(cons(&env, nam.clone()), met);
format!("(Let \"{}\" {} λ{} {})", nam, val, binder(nam), bod)
Term::Hol { nam } => {
let env_str = env.iter().map(|n| binder(n)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",");
format!("(Hol \"{}\" [{}])", nam, env_str)
Term::Met {} => {
let n = *met;
*met += 1;
format!("(Met \"{}\" {})", n, format!("_{}", n))
Term::Var { nam } => {
if env.contains(nam) {
format!("{}", binder(nam))
} else {
format!("(Book.{})", nam)
Term::Src { src, val } => {
let val = val.to_hvm1(env, met);
format!("(Src {} {})", src.to_u64(), val)