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This commit is contained in:
Victor Taelin 2024-03-20 13:38:13 -03:00
parent de14d56d3d
commit db5856b1ef

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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-- This is a Haskell implementation of Kind2's type checker. Since Kind2 isn't
-- bootstrapped, we can't use Kind2 itself to type-check it, and developing a
-- complex checker in an untyped language (like HVM) is hard. As such, this
-- Haskell view helps me develop and debug the checker, and it is done in a way
-- that makes it easy to manually compile it to HVM, keeping an HVM view. It can
-- also be useful to let us benchmark all versions (GHC/HVM1/HVM2), giving us a
-- good idea on how these compare in performance.
-- Kind2-Core
-- ==========
-- This is a Haskell implementation of Kind2's proof kernel. It is based on the
-- Calculus of Constructions, extended with Self-Types and U60 operations. This
-- allows us to express arbitrary inductive types and proofs with a simple core.
-- HVM1 and HVM2 versions are provided. To make all versions similar, this file
-- will reimplement Prelude functions, and will use a primitive coding style.
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Prelude hiding (LT, GT, EQ)
@ -14,34 +16,77 @@ import Control.Monad (forM_)
-- Kind2 Types
-- -----------
-- Kind Core's AST
data Term
-- Product: `∀(x: A) B`
= All String Term (Term -> Term)
-- Lambda: `λx f`
| Lam String (Term -> Term)
-- Application:
| App Term Term
-- Annotation: `{x: T}`
| Ann Bool Term Term
-- Self-Type: `$(x: A) B`
| Slf String Term (Term -> Term)
-- Self-Inst: `~x`
| Ins Term
-- Top-Level Reference
| Ref String Term
-- Local let-definition
| Let String Term (Term -> Term)
-- Local use-definition
| Use String Term (Term -> Term)
-- Type : Type
| Set
-- U60 Type
| U60
-- U60 Value
| Num Int
-- U60 Binary Operation
| Op2 Oper Term Term
-- U60 Elimination
| Swi String Term Term (Term -> Term) (Term -> Term)
-- Inspection Hole
| Hol String [Term]
-- Unification Metavar
| Met Int [Term]
-- Variable
| Var String Int
-- Source Location
| Src Int Term
-- Text Literal (sugar)
| Txt String
-- Nat Literal (sugar)
| Nat Integer
-- Numeric Operators
data Oper
| MOD | EQ | NE | LT
| GT | LTE | GTE | AND
| OR | XOR | LSH | RSH
data Term
= All String Term (Term -> Term)
| Lam String (Term -> Term)
| App Term Term
| Ann Bool Term Term
| Slf String Term (Term -> Term)
| Ins Term
| Ref String Term
| Let String Term (Term -> Term)
| Use String Term (Term -> Term)
| Set
| U60
| Num Int
| Op2 Oper Term Term
| Swi String Term Term (Term -> Term) (Term -> Term)
| Hol String [Term]
| Met Int [Term]
| Var String Int
| Src Int Term
| Txt String
| Nat Integer
-- Type-Checker Outputs
data Info
= Found String Term [Term] Int
| Solve Int Term Int
@ -49,19 +94,18 @@ data Info
| Vague String
| Print Term Int
data Check = Check Int Term Term Int
-- Checker State
data Check = Check Int Term Term Int -- posponed check
data State = State (Map Term) [Check] [Info] -- state type
data Res a = Done State a | Fail State -- result type
data Env a = Env (State -> Res a) -- environment computation
data Env a = Env (State -> Res a) -- monadic checker
-- Maps
data Bits = O Bits | I Bits | E deriving Show
data Map a = Leaf | Node (Maybe a) (Map a) (Map a) deriving Show
-- Prelude
-- -------
-- Note: many of these functions are present in Haskell, but we re-implement
-- them here in order to have identical equivalents on HVM's view.
-- FIXME: replace Int by proper U60
u60Show :: Int -> String
u60Show n = u60ShowGo n "" where
@ -166,12 +210,6 @@ infoIsSolve :: Info -> Bool
infoIsSolve (Solve _ _ _) = True
infoIsSolve _ = False
-- Pattern matches on a computation result
-- resMatch :: Res a -> (State -> a -> b) -> (State -> Info -> b) -> b
-- resMatch (Done state value) done _ = done state value
-- resMatch (Fail state) _ fail = fail state error
-- Monadic bind function
envBind :: Env a -> (a -> Env b) -> Env b
envBind (Env a) b = Env $ \state -> case a state of
Done state' value -> let Env b' = b value in b' state'
@ -307,12 +345,6 @@ termReduceNat fill lv n = App xNat_succ (termReduceNat fill lv (n - 1))
termNormal :: Map Term -> Int -> Term -> Int -> Term
-- termNormal fill lv term dep = termNormalGo fill lv (termNormalPrefer fill (termReduce fill 0 term) (termReduce fill lv term)) dep where
termNormal fill lv term dep = termNormalGo fill lv (termReduce fill lv term) dep where
-- termNormalPrefer fill soft (Lam _ _) = soft
-- termNormalPrefer fill soft (Slf _ _ _) = soft
-- termNormalPrefer fill soft (All _ _ _) = soft
-- termNormalPrefer fill soft hard = hard
termNormalGo fill lv (All nam inp bod) dep = All nam (termNormal fill lv inp dep) (\x -> termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo fill lv (Lam nam bod) dep = Lam nam (\x -> termNormal fill lv (bod (Var nam dep)) (dep + 1))
termNormalGo fill lv (App fun arg) dep = App (termNormal fill lv fun dep) (termNormal fill lv arg dep)
@ -337,126 +369,128 @@ termNormal fill lv term dep = termNormalGo fill lv (termReduce fill lv term) dep
-- Equality
-- --------
-- Conversion checking works as follows:
-- 1. Two terms are equal if their wnf's are structurally identical
-- 2. Otherwise, they're equal if they're similar (component-wise equal)
-- This allows us to always identify two terms that have the same normal form,
-- while also allowing us to return earlier, if they become identical at any
-- point in the reduction. Note that, for Self types, the similarity checker
-- will "un-reduce" from `$(x: (T a b)) body` to `(T a b)`, avoiding loops.
-- trace ("equal:\n- " ++ termShow a dep ++ "\n- " ++ termShow b dep) $ do
termEqual :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termEqual a b dep = do
fill <- envGetFill
let a' = termReduce fill 2 a
let b' = termReduce fill 2 b
termTryIdentical a' b' dep $ do
same <- termTryIdentical a' b' dep
if same then do
return True
else do
termSimilar a' b' dep
termTryIdentical :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool -> Env Bool
termTryIdentical a b dep cont = do
termTryIdentical :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termTryIdentical a b dep = do
state <- envSnapshot
equal <- termIdentical a b dep
if equal
then envPure True
else envRewind state >> cont
else envRewind state >> envPure False
termSimilar :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termSimilar (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep = do
termSimilar a b dep = go a b dep where
go (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep = do
eInp <- termEqual aInp bInp dep
eBod <- termEqual (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
envPure (eInp && eBod)
termSimilar (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
go (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
termEqual (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
termSimilar (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep = do
go (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep = do
eFun <- termSimilar aFun bFun dep
eArg <- termEqual aArg bArg dep
envPure (eFun && eArg)
termSimilar (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
go (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
termSimilar (termReduce mapNew 0 aTyp) (termReduce mapNew 0 bTyp) dep
-- termSimilar (Hol aNam aCtx) (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
-- envPure (aNam == bNam)
-- termSimilar (Met aUid aSpn) (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
-- envPure (aUid == bUid)
termSimilar (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep = do
go (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep = do
eFst <- termEqual aFst bFst dep
eSnd <- termEqual aSnd bSnd dep
envPure (eFst && eSnd)
termSimilar (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep = do
go (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep = do
eX <- termEqual aX bX dep
eZ <- termEqual aZ bZ dep
eS <- termEqual (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep
eP <- termEqual (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep
envPure (eX && eZ && eS && eP)
termSimilar a b dep = termIdentical a b dep
go a b dep = termIdentical a b dep
termIdentical :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termIdentical a b dep = termIdenticalGo a b dep
termIdenticalGo :: Term -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termIdenticalGo (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep =
envBind (termIdentical aInp bInp dep) $ \iInp ->
envBind (termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)) $ \iBod ->
envPure (iInp && iBod)
termIdenticalGo (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
termIdentical a b dep = go a b dep where
go (All aNam aInp aBod) (All bNam bInp bBod) dep = do
iInp <- termIdentical aInp bInp dep
iBod <- termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
return (iInp && iBod)
go (Lam aNam aBod) (Lam bNam bBod) dep =
termIdentical (aBod (Var aNam dep)) (bBod (Var bNam dep)) (dep + 1)
termIdenticalGo (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep =
envBind (termIdentical aFun bFun dep) $ \iFun ->
envBind (termIdentical aArg bArg dep) $ \iArg ->
envPure (iFun && iArg)
termIdenticalGo (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
go (App aFun aArg) (App bFun bArg) dep = do
iFun <- termIdentical aFun bFun dep
iArg <- termIdentical aArg bArg dep
return (iFun && iArg)
go (Slf aNam aTyp aBod) (Slf bNam bTyp bBod) dep =
termIdentical aTyp bTyp dep
termIdenticalGo (Ins aVal) b dep =
go (Ins aVal) b dep =
termIdentical aVal b dep
termIdenticalGo a (Ins bVal) dep =
go a (Ins bVal) dep =
termIdentical a bVal dep
termIdenticalGo (Let aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
go (Let aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
termIdentical (aBod aVal) b dep
termIdenticalGo a (Let bNam bVal bBod) dep =
go a (Let bNam bVal bBod) dep =
termIdentical a (bBod bVal) dep
termIdenticalGo (Use aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
go (Use aNam aVal aBod) b dep =
termIdentical (aBod aVal) b dep
termIdenticalGo a (Use bNam bVal bBod) dep =
go a (Use bNam bVal bBod) dep =
termIdentical a (bBod bVal) dep
termIdenticalGo Set Set dep =
envPure True
termIdenticalGo (Ann chk aVal aTyp) b dep =
go Set Set dep =
return True
go (Ann chk aVal aTyp) b dep =
termIdentical aVal b dep
termIdenticalGo a (Ann chk bVal bTyp) dep =
go a (Ann chk bVal bTyp) dep =
termIdentical a bVal dep
-- termIdenticalGo (Met aUid aSpn) (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
-- envPure (aUid == bUid)
termIdenticalGo a (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
-- traceShow ("unify: " ++ show bUid ++ " x=" ++ termShow (Met bUid bSpn) dep ++ " t=" ++ termShow a dep) $
go a (Met bUid bSpn) dep =
termUnify bUid bSpn a dep
termIdenticalGo (Met aUid aSpn) b dep =
-- traceShow ("unify: " ++ show aUid ++ " x=" ++ termShow (Met aUid aSpn) dep ++ " t=" ++ termShow b dep) $
go (Met aUid aSpn) b dep =
termUnify aUid aSpn b dep
termIdenticalGo (Hol aNam aCtx) b dep =
envPure True
termIdenticalGo a (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
envPure True
termIdenticalGo U60 U60 dep =
envPure True
termIdenticalGo (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
envPure (aVal == bVal)
termIdenticalGo (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep =
envBind (termIdentical aFst bFst dep) $ \iFst ->
envBind (termIdentical aSnd bSnd dep) $ \iSnd ->
envPure (iFst && iSnd)
termIdenticalGo (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep =
envBind (termIdentical aX bX dep) $ \iX ->
envBind (termIdentical aZ bZ dep) $ \iZ ->
envBind (termIdentical (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep) $ \iS ->
envBind (termIdentical (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep) $ \iP ->
envPure (iX && iZ && iS && iP)
termIdenticalGo (Txt aTxt) (Txt bTxt) dep =
envPure (aTxt == bTxt)
termIdenticalGo (Nat aVal) (Nat bVal) dep =
envPure (aVal == bVal)
termIdenticalGo (Src aSrc aVal) b dep =
go (Hol aNam aCtx) b dep =
return True
go a (Hol bNam bCtx) dep =
return True
go U60 U60 dep =
return True
go (Num aVal) (Num bVal) dep =
return (aVal == bVal)
go (Op2 aOpr aFst aSnd) (Op2 bOpr bFst bSnd) dep = do
iFst <- termIdentical aFst bFst dep
iSnd <- termIdentical aSnd bSnd dep
return (iFst && iSnd)
go (Swi aNam aX aZ aS aP) (Swi bNam bX bZ bS bP) dep = do
iX <- termIdentical aX bX dep
iZ <- termIdentical aZ bZ dep
iS <- termIdentical (aS (Var (stringConcat aNam "-1") dep)) (bS (Var (stringConcat bNam "-1") dep)) dep
iP <- termIdentical (aP (Var aNam dep)) (bP (Var bNam dep)) dep
return (iX && iZ && iS && iP)
go (Txt aTxt) (Txt bTxt) dep =
return (aTxt == bTxt)
go (Nat aVal) (Nat bVal) dep =
return (aVal == bVal)
go (Src aSrc aVal) b dep =
termIdentical aVal b dep
termIdenticalGo a (Src bSrc bVal) dep =
go a (Src bSrc bVal) dep =
termIdentical a bVal dep
termIdenticalGo (Ref aNam aVal) (Ref bNam bVal) dep =
envPure (aNam == bNam)
termIdenticalGo (Var aNam aIdx) (Var bNam bIdx) dep =
envPure (aIdx == bIdx)
termIdenticalGo a b dep =
envPure False
go (Ref aNam aVal) (Ref bNam bVal) dep =
return (aNam == bNam)
go (Var aNam aIdx) (Var bNam bIdx) dep =
return (aIdx == bIdx)
go a b dep =
return False
-- Unification
-- -----------
@ -479,14 +513,16 @@ termIdenticalGo a b dep =
termUnify :: Int -> [Term] -> Term -> Int -> Env Bool
termUnify uid spn b dep = do
fill <- envGetFill
let unsolved = not (mapHas (key uid) fill)
let solvable = termUnifyValid fill spn []
let no_loops = not $ termUnifyIsRec fill uid b dep
let unsolved = not (mapHas (key uid) fill) -- is this hole not already solved?
let solvable = termUnifyValid fill spn [] -- does the spine satisfies conditions?
let no_loops = not $ termUnifyIsRec fill uid b dep -- is the solution not recursive?
-- If all is ok, generate the solution and return true
if unsolved && solvable && no_loops then do
let solution = termUnifySolve fill uid spn b
-- trace ("solve: " ++ show uid ++ " " ++ termShow solution dep) $ do
envFill uid solution
return True
-- Otherwise, return true iff both are identical metavars
else case b of
(Met bUid bSpn) -> return $ uid == bUid
other -> return $ False
@ -526,7 +562,6 @@ termUnifyIsRec fill uid _ dep = False
-- Substitutes a Bruijn level variable by a `neo` value in `term`.
termUnifySubst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
-- termUnifySubst lvl neo term = term
termUnifySubst lvl neo (All nam inp bod) = All nam (termUnifySubst lvl neo inp) (\x -> termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (Lam nam bod) = Lam nam (\x -> termUnifySubst lvl neo (bod x))
termUnifySubst lvl neo (App fun arg) = App (termUnifySubst lvl neo fun) (termUnifySubst lvl neo arg)
@ -551,13 +586,12 @@ termUnifySubst lvl neo (Src src val) = Src src (termUnifySubst lvl neo val)
-- Type-Checking
-- -------------
termIfAll :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfAll (All nam inp bod) yep _ = yep nam inp bod
termIfAll _ _ nop = nop
-- Note that, for type-checking, instead of passing down contexts (as usual), we
-- just annotate variables (with a `{x: T}` type hint) and check. This has the
-- same effect, while being slightly more efficient. Type derivations comments
-- are written in this style too.
termIfSlf :: Term -> (String -> Term -> (Term -> Term) -> a) -> a -> a
termIfSlf (Slf nam typ bod) yep _ = yep nam typ bod
termIfSlf _ _ nop = nop
-- ### Inference
termInfer :: Term -> Int -> Env Term
termInfer term dep =
@ -565,10 +599,20 @@ termInfer term dep =
termInferGo term dep
termInferGo :: Term -> Int -> Env Term
-- inp : Set
-- (bod {nam: inp}) : Set
-- ----------------------- function
-- (∀(nam: inp) bod) : Set
termInferGo (All nam inp bod) dep = do
envSusp (Check 0 inp Set dep)
envSusp (Check 0 (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) inp)) Set (dep + 1))
return Set
-- fun : ∀(ftyp_nam: ftyp_inp) ftyp_bod
-- arg : ftyp_inp
-- ------------------------------------ application
-- (fun arg) : (ftyp_bod arg)
termInferGo (App fun arg) dep = do
ftyp <- termInfer fun dep
fill <- envGetFill
@ -579,15 +623,27 @@ termInferGo (App fun arg) dep = do
otherwise -> do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "function" []) ftyp (App fun arg) dep)
-- ---------------- annotation (infer)
-- {val: typ} : typ
termInferGo (Ann chk val typ) dep = do
if chk then do
termCheck 0 val typ dep
else do
return ()
return typ
-- (bod {nam: typ}) : Set
-- ----------------------- self-type
-- ($(nam: typ) bod) : Set
termInferGo (Slf nam typ bod) dep = do
envSusp (Check 0 (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) typ)) Set (dep + 1))
return Set
-- val : $(vtyp_nam: vtyp_typ) vtyp_bod
-- ------------------------------------ self-inst (infer)
-- ~val : (vtyp_bod (~val))
termInferGo (Ins val) dep = do
vtyp <- termInfer val dep
fill <- envGetFill
@ -597,45 +653,100 @@ termInferGo (Ins val) dep = do
otherwise -> do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "self-type" []) vtyp (Ins val) dep)
-- val : T
-- ----------------- reference
-- (Ref nam val) : T
termInferGo (Ref nam val) dep = do
termInfer val dep
-- ...
-- --------- type-in-type
-- Set : Set
termInferGo Set dep = do
return Set
-- ...
-- --------- U60-type
-- U60 : Set
termInferGo U60 dep = do
return Set
-- ...
-- ----------- U60-value
-- <num> : U60
termInferGo (Num num) dep = do
return U60
-- ...
-- -------------- String-literal
-- "txt" : String
termInferGo (Txt txt) dep = do
return xString
-- ...
-- --------- Nat-literal
-- 123 : Nat
termInferGo (Nat val) dep = do
return xNat
-- fst : U60
-- snd : U60
-- ----------------- U60-operator
-- (+ fst snd) : U60
termInferGo (Op2 opr fst snd) dep = do
envSusp (Check 0 fst U60 dep)
envSusp (Check 0 snd U60 dep)
return U60
-- x : U60
-- p : U60 -> Set
-- z : (p 0)
-- s : (n: U60) -> (p (+ 1 n))
-- ------------------------------------- U60-elim
-- (switch x { 0: z ; _: s }: p) : (p x)
termInferGo (Swi nam x z s p) dep = do
envSusp (Check 0 x U60 dep)
envSusp (Check 0 (p (Ann False (Var nam dep) U60)) Set dep)
envSusp (Check 0 z (p (Num 0)) dep)
envSusp (Check 0 (s (Ann False (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep) U60)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (stringConcat nam "-1") dep))) (dep + 1))
return (p x)
-- val : typ
-- (bod {nam: typ}) : T
-- ------------------------ let-binder (infer)
-- (let nam = val; bod) : T
termInferGo (Let nam val bod) dep = do
typ <- termInfer val dep
termInfer (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) typ)) dep
-- (bod val) : T
-- ------------------------ use-binder (infer)
-- (use nam = val; bod) : T
termInferGo (Use nam val bod) dep = do
termInfer (bod val) dep
-- Can't Infer λ
termInferGo (Lam nam bod) dep = do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_lambda" []) (Lam nam bod) dep)
-- Can't Infer ?A
termInferGo (Hol nam ctx) dep = do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_hole" []) (Hol nam ctx) dep)
-- Can't Infer _
termInferGo (Met uid spn) dep = do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_meta" []) (Met uid spn) dep)
-- Can't Infer Var
termInferGo (Var nam idx) dep = do
envLog (Error 0 (Hol "type_annotation" []) (Hol "untyped_variable" []) (Var nam idx) dep)
-- Src-passthrough
termInferGo (Src src val) dep = do
termInfer val dep
@ -644,51 +755,89 @@ termCheck src val typ dep =
-- trace ("check: " ++ termShow val dep ++ "\n :: " ++ termShow typ dep) $
termCheckGo src val typ dep
-- ### Checking
termCheckGo :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Env ()
termCheckGo src (Lam termNam termBod) typx dep = do
-- (bod {typ_nam: typ_inp}) : (typ_bod {nam: typ_inp})
-- --------------------------------------------------- lambda
-- (λnam bod) : (∀(typ_nam: typ_inp) typ_bod)
termCheckGo src (Lam nam bod) typx dep = do
fill <- envGetFill
case termReduce fill 2 typx of
(All typeNam typeInp typeBod) -> do
let ann = Ann False (Var termNam dep) typeInp
let term = termBod ann
let typx = typeBod ann
(All typ_nam typ_inp typ_bod) -> do
let ann = Ann False (Var nam dep) typ_inp
let term = bod ann
let typx = typ_bod ann
termCheck 0 term typx (dep + 1)
otherwise -> do
termInfer (Lam termNam termBod) dep
termInfer (Lam nam bod) dep
return ()
termCheckGo src (Ins termVal) typx dep = do
-- val : (typ_bod ~val)
-- ---------------------------------- self-inst (check)
-- ~val : $(typ_nam: typ_typ) typ_bod
termCheckGo src (Ins val) typx dep = do
fill <- envGetFill
case termReduce fill 2 typx of
Slf typeNam typeTyp typeBod -> do
termCheck 0 termVal (typeBod (Ins termVal)) dep
Slf typ_nam typ_typ typ_bod -> do
termCheck 0 val (typ_bod (Ins val)) dep
_ -> do
termInfer (Ins termVal) dep
termInfer (Ins val) dep
return ()
termCheckGo src (Let termNam termVal termBod) typx dep = do
termTyp <- termInfer termVal dep
termCheck 0 (termBod (Ann False (Var termNam dep) termTyp)) typx dep
termCheckGo src (Use termNam termVal termBod) typx dep = do
termCheck 0 (termBod termVal) typx dep
termCheckGo src (Hol termNam termCtx) typx dep = do
envLog (Found termNam typx termCtx dep)
-- val : typ
-- (bod {nam: typ}) : T
-- ------------------------ let-binder (check)
-- (let nam = val; bod) : T
termCheckGo src (Let nam val bod) typx dep = do
typ <- termInfer val dep
termCheck 0 (bod (Ann False (Var nam dep) typ)) typx dep
-- (bod val) : T
-- ------------------------ use-binder (check)
-- (use nam = val; bod) : T
termCheckGo src (Use nam val bod) typx dep = do
termCheck 0 (bod val) typx dep
-- ...
-- ------ inspection
-- ?A : T
termCheckGo src (Hol nam ctx) typx dep = do
envLog (Found nam typx ctx dep)
return ()
-- ...
-- ----- metavar
-- _ : T
termCheckGo src (Met uid spn) typx dep = do
return ()
-- ...
-- ---------------- annotation (check)
-- {val: typ} : typ
termCheckGo src (Ann chk val typ) typx dep = do
termCheckCompare src val typ typx dep
if chk then do
termCheck src val typ dep
else do
return ()
-- termCheckGo src (Ref termNam (Ann termVal termTyp)) typx dep = do
-- equal <- termEqual typx termTyp dep
-- termCheckReport src equal termTyp typx termVal dep
termCheckGo src (Src termSrc termVal) typx dep = do
termCheck termSrc termVal typx dep
-- val : T
-- ------- source (just skipped)
-- val : T
termCheckGo _ (Src src val) typx dep = do
termCheck src val typx dep
-- A == B
-- val : A
-- -------
-- val : B
termCheckGo src term typx dep = do
infer <- termInfer term dep
termCheckCompare src term typx infer dep
-- Checks types equality and reports
termCheckCompare src term expected detected dep = do
equal <- termEqual expected detected dep
if equal then do
@ -700,13 +849,6 @@ termCheckCompare src term expected detected dep = do
envLog (Error src expected detected term dep)
-- termCheckReport :: Int -> Bool -> Term -> Term -> Term -> Int -> Env ()
-- termCheckReport src False detected expected value dep = do
-- envLog (Error src detected expected value dep)
-- envFail
-- termCheckReport src True detected expected value dep =
-- envPure ()
termCheckDef :: Term -> Env ()
termCheckDef (Ref nam (Ann chk val typ)) = termCheck 0 val typ 0 >> return ()
termCheckDef (Ref nam val) = termInfer val 0 >> return ()