// Types // ----- //data Maybe //= (Some value) //| None //data Bool //= False //| True //data Pair //= (Pair fst snd) //data Term //= (All nam inp bod) //| (Lam nam bod) //| (App fun arg) //| (Ann val typ) //| (Slf nam bod) //| (Ins val) //| (Ref nam val) //| (Let nam val bod) //| (Set) //| (U60) //| (Num val) //| (Op2 opr fst snd) //| (Mat nam x z s p) //| (Txt txt) //| (Hol nam ctx val) //| (Var nam idx) // Prelude // ------- (Debug dep [] value) = value (Debug dep msg value) = (HVM.print (Join msg) value) //(Debug dep [] value) = value //(Debug dep msg value) = (If (> dep 10) 1 (HVM.print (Join msg) value)) (NewLine) = (String.cons 10 String.nil) (Quote) = (String.cons 34 String.nil) (And True b) = b (And False b) = False (Or True b) = True (Or False b) = b (If 0 t f) = f (If 1 t f) = t (When None some none) = none (When (Some val) some none) = (some val) (U60.show n) = (U60.show.go n String.nil) (U60.show.go n res) = (U60.show.go.match (< n 10) n res) (U60.show.go.match 0 n res) = (U60.show.go (/ n 10) (String.cons (+ '0' (% n 10)) res)) (U60.show.go.match i n res) = (String.cons (+ '0' n) res) (U60.name n) = (U60.name.go (+ n 1)) (U60.name.go 0) = "" (U60.name.go n) = (String.cons (+ 97 (% (- n 1) 26)) (U60.name.go (/ (- n 1) 26))) (Same String.nil String.nil) = 1 (Same String.nil (String.cons y ys)) = 0 (Same (String.cons x xs) String.nil) = 0 (Same (String.cons x xs) (String.cons y ys)) = (& (== x y) (Same xs ys)) (Find name List.nil) = None (Find name (List.cons (Pair nam val) tail)) = (If (Same nam name) (Some val) (Find name tail)) (Concat String.nil ys) = ys (Concat (String.cons x xs) ys) = (String.cons x (Concat xs ys)) (Join List.nil) = "" (Join (List.cons x xs)) = (Concat x (Join xs)) (Fst (Pair fst snd)) = fst (Snd (Pair fst snd)) = snd (Get (Pair fst snd) fun) = (fun fst snd) (Pure x) = (Some x) (Bind a b) = (Bind.match a b) (Bind.match None b) = None (Bind.match (Some a) b) = (b a) // Evaluation // ---------- (Reduce r (App fun arg)) = (Reduce.app r (Reduce r fun) arg) (Reduce r (Ann val typ)) = (Reduce r val) (Reduce r (Ins val)) = (Reduce r val) (Reduce 1 (Ref nam val)) = (Reduce 1 val) (Reduce r (Let nam val bod)) = (Reduce r (bod val)) (Reduce r (Op2 opr fst snd)) = (Reduce.op2 r opr fst snd) (Reduce r (Mat nam x z s p)) = (Reduce.mat r nam x z s p) (Reduce 1 (Txt txt)) = (Reduce.txt 1 txt) (Reduce r val) = val (Reduce.app r (Lam nam bod) arg) = (Reduce r (bod (Reduce r arg))) //(Reduce.app r (Hol nam ctx ars) arg) = (Hol nam ctx (List.cons arg ars)) (Reduce.app r fun arg) = (App fun arg) (Reduce.op2 r ADD (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (+ fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r SUB (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (- fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r MUL (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (* fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r DIV (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (/ fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r MOD (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (% fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r EQ (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (== fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r NE (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (!= fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r LT (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (< fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r GT (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (> fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r LTE (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (<= fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r GTE (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (>= fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r AND (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (& fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r OR (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (| fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r XOR (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (^ fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r LSH (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (<< fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r RSH (Num fst) (Num snd)) = (Num (>> fst snd)) (Reduce.op2 r opr fst snd) = (Op2 opr fst snd) (Reduce.mat r nam (Num 0) z s p) = (Reduce r z) (Reduce.mat r nam (Num n) z s p) = (Reduce r (s (Num (- n 1)))) (Reduce.mat r nam (Op2 ADD (Num 1) k) z s p) = (Reduce r (s k)) (Reduce.mat r nam val z s p) = (Mat nam val z s p) (Reduce.txt r (String.cons x xs)) = (Reduce 1 (App (App Book.String.cons (Num x)) (Txt xs))) (Reduce.txt r String.nil) = (Reduce 1 Book.String.nil) (Reduce.txt r val) = val (Normal r term dep) = (Normal.term r (Reduce r term) dep) (Normal.term r (All nam inp bod) dep) = (All nam (Normal r inp dep) λx(Normal r (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))) (Normal.term r (Lam nam bod) dep) = (Lam nam λx(Normal r (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep))) (Normal.term r (App fun arg) dep) = (App (Normal r fun dep) (Normal r arg dep)) (Normal.term r (Ann val typ) dep) = (Ann (Normal r val dep) (Normal r typ dep)) (Normal.term r (Slf nam bod) dep) = (Slf nam λx(Normal r (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep))) (Normal.term r (Ins val) dep) = (Ins (Normal r val dep)) (Normal.term r (Ref nam val) dep) = (Ref nam (Normal r val dep)) (Normal.term r (Let nam val bod) dep) = (Let nam (Normal r val bod) λx(Normal r (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ 1 dep))) (Normal.term r (Hol nam ctx) dep) = (Hol nam ctx) (Normal.term r Set dep) = Set (Normal.term r U60 dep) = U60 (Normal.term r (Num val) dep) = (Num val) (Normal.term r (Op2 opr fst snd) dep) = (Op2 opr (Normal.term r fst dep) (Normal.term r snd dep)) (Normal.term r (Mat nam x z s p) dep) = (Mat nam (Normal r x dep) (Normal r z dep) λk(Normal r (s (Var (Concat nam "-1") dep)) dep) λk(Normal r (p (Var nam dep)) dep)) (Normal.term r (Txt val) dep) = (Txt val) (Normal.term r (Var nam idx) dep) = (Var nam idx) // Equality // -------- // Check if two terms are identical. If not... (Equal a b dep) = (Equal.minor (Identical a b dep) a b dep) // Check if they're identical after a minor weak reduction. If not... (Equal.minor 0 a b dep) = let a = (Reduce 0 a); let b = (Reduce 0 b); (Equal.major (Identical a b dep) a b dep) (Equal.minor 1 a b dep) = 1 // Check if they're identical after a major weak reduction. If not... (Equal.major 0 a b dep) = let a = (Reduce 1 a); let b = (Reduce 1 b); (Equal.enter (Identical a b dep) a b dep) (Equal.major 1 a b dep) = 1 // Check if they become identical after reducing fields. (Equal.enter 0 a b dep) = (Comparer λaλbλdep(Equal a b dep) a b dep) (Equal.enter 1 a b dep) = 1 // Checks if two terms are identical, without reductions. (Identical a b dep) = (Comparer λaλbλdep(Identical a b dep) a b dep) // Generic comparer. (Comparer rec (All a.nam a.inp a.bod) (All b.nam b.inp b.bod) dep) = (& (rec a.inp b.inp dep) (rec (a.bod (Var a.nam dep)) (b.bod (Var b.nam dep)) (+ 1 dep))) (Comparer rec (Lam a.nam a.bod) (Lam b.nam b.bod) dep) = (rec (a.bod (Var a.nam dep)) (b.bod (Var b.nam dep)) (+ 1 dep)) (Comparer rec (App a.fun a.arg) (App b.fun b.arg) dep) = (& (rec a.fun b.fun dep) (rec a.arg b.arg dep)) (Comparer rec (Slf a.nam a.bod) (Slf b.nam b.bod) dep) = (rec (a.bod (Var a.nam dep)) (b.bod (Var b.nam dep)) (+ 1 dep)) (Comparer rec (Ins a.val) b dep) = (rec a.val b dep) (Comparer rec a (Ins b.val) dep) = (rec a b.val dep) (Comparer rec (Ref a.nam a.val) (Ref b.nam b.val) dep) = (Same a.nam b.nam) (Comparer rec (Let a.nam a.val a.bod) b dep) = (rec (a.bod a.val) b dep) (Comparer rec a (Let b.nam b.val b.bod) dep) = (rec a (b.bod b.val) dep) (Comparer rec Set Set dep) = 1 (Comparer rec (Var a.nam a.idx) (Var b.nam b.idx) dep) = (== a.idx b.idx) (Comparer rec (Ann a.val a.typ) b dep) = (rec a.val b dep) (Comparer rec a (Ann b.val b.typ) dep) = (rec a b.val dep) (Comparer rec (Hol a.nam a.ctx) b dep) = (Debug dep ["Found: ?" a.nam " = " (Show (Normal 0 b dep) dep)] 1) (Comparer rec a (Hol b.nam b.ctx) dep) = (Debug dep ["Found: ?" b.nam " = " (Show (Normal 0 a dep) dep)] 1) (Comparer rec (Hol a.nam a.ctx) (Hol b.nam b.ctx) dep) = (Same a.nam b.nam) (Comparer rec U60 U60 dep) = 1 (Comparer rec (Num a.val) (Num b.val) dep) = (== a.val b.val) (Comparer rec (Op2 a.opr a.fst a.snd) (Op2 b.opr b.fst b.snd) dep) = (& (rec a.fst b.fst dep) (rec a.snd b.snd dep)) (Comparer rec (Mat a.nam a.x a.z a.s a.p) (Mat b.nam b.x b.z b.s b.p) dep) = (& (rec a.x b.x dep) (& (rec a.z b.z dep) (& (rec (a.s (Var (Concat a.nam "-1") dep)) (b.s (Var (Concat b.nam "-1") dep)) dep) (rec (a.p (Var a.nam dep)) (b.p (Var b.nam dep)) dep)))) (Comparer rec (Txt a.txt) (Txt b.txt) dep) = (Same a.txt b.txt) (Comparer rec a b dep) = 0 //(Comparer rec a b dep) = (HVM.log (NOP (Show a dep) (Show b dep)) 0) // Type-Checking // ------------- (IfAll (All nam inp bod) yep nop) = (yep nam inp bod) (IfAll other yep nop) = nop (IfSlf (Slf nam bod) yep nop) = (yep nam bod) (IfSlf other yep nop) = nop //(Infer term dep) = (Debug dep ["Infer: " (Show term dep)] (Infer.match term dep)) (Infer term dep) = (Infer.match term dep) (Infer.match (All nam inp bod) dep) = (Bind (Check inp Set dep) λinp_typ (Bind (Check (bod (Ann (Var nam dep) inp)) Set (+ 1 dep)) λbod_typ (Pure Set))) (Infer.match (Lam nam bod) dep) = (Debug dep ["Error: NonFunLam " (Show (Lam nam bod) dep)] (None)) (Infer.match (App fun arg) dep) = (Bind (Infer fun dep) λfun_typ ((IfAll (Reduce 1 fun_typ) λfun_nam λfun_typ.inp λfun_typ.bod λfun λarg (Bind (Check arg fun_typ.inp dep) λval_typ (Pure (fun_typ.bod arg))) λfun λarg (Debug dep ["Error: NonFunApp " (Show (App fun arg) dep)] None)) fun arg)) (Infer.match (Ann val typ) dep) = (Pure typ) (Infer.match (Slf nam bod) dep) = (Bind (Check (bod (Ann (Var nam dep) (Slf nam bod))) Set (+ dep 1)) λslf (Pure Set)) (Infer.match (Ins val) dep) = (Bind (Infer val dep) λval_typ ((IfSlf (Reduce 1 val_typ) λval_nam λval_typ.bod λval (Pure (val_typ.bod (Ins val))) λval (Debug dep ["Error: NonSlfIns " (Show (Ins val) dep)] None)) val)) (Infer.match (Ref nam val) dep) = (Infer val dep) (Infer.match (Let nam val bod) dep) = (Debug dep ["Error: NonAnnLet " (Show (Let nam val bod) dep)] (None)) (Infer.match Set dep) = (Pure Set) (Infer.match U60 dep) = (Pure Set) (Infer.match (Num num) dep) = (Pure U60) (Infer.match (Txt txt) dep) = (Pure Book.String) (Infer.match (Op2 opr fst snd) dep) = (Bind (Check fst U60 dep) λfst (Bind (Check snd U60 dep) λsnd (Pure U60))) // x : U60 // p : ∀(x: U60) * // z : (p 0) // s : ∀(x-1 : U60) (p (+ 1 x-1)) // ------------------------------ // (Mat nam x z s p) : (p x) (Infer.match (Mat nam x z s p) dep) = (Bind (Check x U60 dep) λx_typ (Bind (Check (p (Ann (Var nam dep) U60)) Set dep) λp_typ (Bind (Check z (p (Num 0)) dep) λz_typ (Bind (Check (s (Ann (Var (Concat nam "-1") dep) U60)) (p (Op2 ADD (Num 1) (Var (Concat nam "-1") dep))) (+ dep 1)) λs_typ (Pure (p x)))))) (Infer.match (Hol nam ctx) dep) = (Debug dep ["Error: NonAnnHol " (Show (Hol nam ctx) dep)] None) (Infer.match (Var nam idx) dep) = (Debug dep ["Error: NonAnnVar " (Show (Var nam idx) dep)] None) //(Check term type dep) = (Debug dep ["Check: " (Show term dep) " :: " (Show type dep)] (Check.match term type dep)) (Check term type dep) = (Check.match term type dep) (Check.match (Lam term.nam term.bod) type dep) = ((IfAll (Reduce 1 type) λtype.nam λtype.inp λtype.bod λterm.bod let ann = (Ann (Var term.nam dep) type.inp) let term = (term.bod ann) let type = (type.bod ann) (Check term type (+ dep 1)) λterm.bod (Infer (Lam term.nam term.bod) dep)) term.bod) (Check.match (Ins term.val) type dep) = ((IfSlf (Reduce 1 type) λtype.nam λtype.bod λterm.val (Check term.val (type.bod (Ins term.val)) dep) λterm.val (Infer (Ins term.val) dep)) term.val) (Check.match (Let term.nam term.val term.bod) type dep) = (Check (term.bod term.val) type (+ 1 dep)) (Check.match (Hol term.nam term.ctx) type dep) = (Debug dep ["HOLE!: ?" term.nam " :: " (Show (Normal 0 type dep) dep) (Context.show term.ctx dep)] (Pure 0)) (Check.match (Ref term.nam (Ann term.val term.typ)) type dep) = // better printing (Check.report (Equal type term.typ dep) term.typ type (Ref term.nam term.val) dep) //(Check.match (Ref term.nam term.val) type dep) = //(Check term.val type dep) (Check.match term type dep) = (Check.verify term type dep) (Check.verify term type dep) = (Bind (Infer term dep) λinfer (Check.report (Equal type infer dep) infer type term dep)) (Check.report 0 inferred expected value dep) = let inf = (Show (Normal 0 inferred dep) dep) let exp = (Show (Normal 0 expected dep) dep) let val = (Show (Normal 0 value dep) dep) (Debug dep ["Error: " inf NewLine " != " exp NewLine " in " val] None) (Check.report n inferred expected value dep) = (Pure 0) // Syntax // ------ (Show (All nam inp bod) dep) = (Join ["∀(" nam ": " (Show inp dep) ") " (Show (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))]) (Show (Lam nam bod) dep) = (Join ["λ" nam " " (Show (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))]) (Show (App fun arg) dep) = (Join ["(" (Show.unwrap (Show fun dep)) " " (Show arg dep) ")"]) (Show (Ann val typ) dep) = (Join ["{" (Show val dep) ": " (Show typ dep) "}"]) (Show (Slf nam bod) dep) = (Join ["$" nam " " (Show (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))]) (Show (Ins val) dep) = (Join ["~" (Show val dep)]) (Show (Ref nam val) dep) = nam (Show (Let nam val bod) dep) = (Join ["let " nam " = " (Show val dep) "; " (Show (bod (Var nam dep)) (+ dep 1))]) (Show Set dep) = (Join ["*"]) (Show U60 dep) = "#U60" (Show (Num val) dep) = (Join ["#" (U60.show val)]) (Show (Op2 opr fst snd) dep) = (Join ["#(" (Op2.show opr) " " (Show fst dep) " " (Show snd dep) ")"]) (Show (Mat nam x z s p) dep) = (Join ["#match " nam " = " (Show x dep) " { #0: " (Show z dep) " #+: " (Show (s (Var (Concat nam "-1") dep)) (+ dep 1)) " }: " (Show (p (Var nam dep)) dep)]) (Show (Txt txt) dep) = (Join [Quote txt Quote]) (Show (Hol nam ctx) dep) = (Join ["?" nam]) (Show (Var nam idx) dep) = (Join [nam]) //(Show (Var nam idx) dep) = (Join [nam "'" (U60.show idx)]) (Show.many List.nil dep) = "" (Show.many (List.cons x xs) dep) = (Join [" " (Show x dep) (Show.many xs dep)]) (Show.trim (String.cons ' ' xs)) = xs (Show.trim str) = str (Show.unwrap (String.cons '(' xs)) = (Show.begin xs) (Show.unwrap str) = str (Show.begin (String.cons x (String.cons y String.nil))) = (String.cons x String.nil) (Show.begin (String.cons x xs)) = (String.cons x (Show.begin xs)) (Show.begin String.nil) = String.nil (Op2.show ADD) = "+" (Op2.show SUB) = "-" (Op2.show MUL) = "*" (Op2.show DIV) = "/" (Context.show List.nil dep) = "" (Context.show (List.cons x xs) dep) = (Join [NewLine "- " (Context.show.ann x dep) (Context.show xs dep)]) (Context.show.ann (Ann val typ) dep) = (Join ["{" (Show (Normal 0 val dep) dep) ": " (Show (Normal 0 typ dep) dep) "}"]) (Context.show.ann term dep) = (Show (Normal 0 term dep) dep) // Compilation // ----------- (Str.view str) = (str 0 λheadλtail(String.cons head (Str.view tail)) String.nil) (Str.make (String.cons x xs)) = λP λcons λnil (cons x (Str.make xs)) (Str.make String.nil) = λP λcons λnil nil Compile.primitives = [ (Pair "HVM.log" λA λB λmsg λret (HVM.log msg ret)) (Pair "HVM.print" λA λmsg λret (HVM.print (Str.view msg) ret)) (Pair "HVM.save" λA λname λdata λret (HVM.save (Str.view name) (Str.view data) ret)) (Pair "HVM.load" λA λname λret (HVM.load (Str.view name) λdata (ret (Str.make data)))) ] (Compile (All nam inp bod)) = 0 (Compile (Lam nam bod)) = λx(Compile (bod (Var "" x))) (Compile (App fun arg)) = ((Compile fun) (Compile arg)) (Compile (Ann val typ)) = (Compile val) (Compile (Slf nam bod)) = 0 (Compile (Ins val)) = (Compile val) (Compile (Ref nam val)) = (Compile.ref Compile.primitives nam val) (Compile (Let nam val bod)) = (Compile (bod val)) (Compile Set) = 0 (Compile U60) = 0 (Compile (Num val)) = val (Compile (Op2 opr fst snd)) = (Compile.op2 opr (Compile fst) (Compile snd)) (Compile (Mat nam x z s p)) = (Compile.mat (Compile x) (Compile z) λx(Compile (s (Var "" x)))) (Compile (Txt txt)) = (Str.make txt) (Compile (Hol nam ctx)) = 0 (Compile (Var nam val)) = val //(Compile.txt (String.cons x xs)) = (App (App Book.String.cons (Num x)) (Compile.txt xs)) //(Compile.txt String.nil) = Book.String.nil (Compile.op2 ADD fst snd) = (+ fst snd) (Compile.op2 SUB fst snd) = (- fst snd) (Compile.op2 MUL fst snd) = (* fst snd) (Compile.op2 DIV fst snd) = (/ fst snd) (Compile.op2 MOD fst snd) = (% fst snd) (Compile.op2 EQ fst snd) = (== fst snd) (Compile.op2 NE fst snd) = (!= fst snd) (Compile.op2 LT fst snd) = (< fst snd) (Compile.op2 GT fst snd) = (> fst snd) (Compile.op2 LTE fst snd) = (<= fst snd) (Compile.op2 GTE fst snd) = (>= fst snd) (Compile.op2 AND fst snd) = (& fst snd) (Compile.op2 OR fst snd) = (| fst snd) (Compile.op2 XOR fst snd) = (^ fst snd) (Compile.op2 LSH fst snd) = (<< fst snd) (Compile.op2 RSH fst snd) = (>> fst snd) (Compile.mat 0 z s) = z (Compile.mat n z s) = (s (- n 1)) (Compile.ref (List.cons (Pair prim_name prim_func) prims) nam val) = (If (Same prim_name nam) prim_func (Compile.ref prims nam val)) (Compile.ref List.nil nam val) = (Compile val) // API // --- (Normalizer (Ref nam val)) = (Normalizer val) (Normalizer (Ann val typ)) = (Normalizer val) (Normalizer val) = (Compile val) (Checker (Ref nam val)) = (Checker val) (Checker (Ann val typ)) = (Checker.report (Check val typ 0)) (Checker val) = (Checker.report (Infer val 0)) (Checker.report (Some x)) = (HVM.print "Check!" OK) (Checker.report None) = (HVM.print "Error." ERR)