Victor Taelin 231b7885cd alignments
2024-02-13 15:32:11 -03:00

1459 lines
48 KiB

// Term Type
// ---------
: *
= $self
∀(P: ∀(x: Kind.Term) *)
∀(all: ∀(nam: String) ∀(inp: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) (P (Kind.all nam inp bod)))
∀(lam: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) (P (Kind.lam nam bod)))
∀(app: ∀(fun: Kind.Term) ∀(arg: Kind.Term) (P ( fun arg)))
∀(ann: ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(typ: Kind.Term) (P (Kind.ann val typ)))
∀(slf: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) (P (Kind.slf nam bod)))
∀(ins: ∀(val: Kind.Term) (P (Kind.ins val)))
∀(ref: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) (P (Kind.ref nam val)))
∀(def: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) (P (Kind.def nam val bod)))
∀(set: (P Kind.set))
∀(u60: (P Kind.u60))
∀(num: ∀(val: #U60) (P (Kind.num val)))
∀(op2: ∀(opr: Kind.Oper) ∀(fst: Kind.Term) ∀(snd: Kind.Term) (P (Kind.op2 opr fst snd)))
∀(txt: ∀(lit: Kind.Text) (P (Kind.txt lit)))
∀(hol: ∀(nam: String) ∀(ctx: (List Kind.Term)) (P (Kind.hol nam ctx)))
∀(var: ∀(nam: String) ∀(idx: Nat) (P (Kind.var nam idx)))
(P self)
// Operator Type
// -------------
: *
= $self
∀(P: ∀(x: Kind.Oper) *)
∀(add: (P Kind.Oper.add))
∀(mul: (P Kind.Oper.mul))
∀(sub: (P Kind.Oper.sub))
∀(div: (P Kind.Oper.div))
(P self)
// Other Types
// -----------
: *
= (Pair String Kind.Term)
: *
= (List Kind.Binder)
: *
= ∀(ctx: Kind.Scope)
// Term Constructors
// -----------------
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(inp: Kind.Term)
∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term)
= λnam λinp λbod
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(all nam inp bod)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term)
= λnam λbod
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(lam nam bod)
: ∀(fun: Kind.Term)
∀(arg: Kind.Term)
= λfun λarg
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(app fun arg)
: ∀(val: Kind.Term)
∀(typ: Kind.Term)
= λval λtyp
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(ann val typ)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term)
= λnam λbod
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(slf nam bod)
: ∀(val: Kind.Term)
= λval
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(ins val)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(val: Kind.Term)
= λnam λval
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(ref nam val)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(val: Kind.Term)
∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term)
= λnam λval λbod
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(def nam val bod)
: Kind.Term
= ~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
: Kind.Term
= ~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
: ∀(val: #U60)
= λval
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(num val)
: ∀(opr: Kind.Oper)
∀(fst: Kind.Term)
∀(snd: Kind.Term)
= λopr λfst λsnd
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(op2 opr fst snd)
: ∀(lit: Kind.Text)
= λlit
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(txt lit)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(ctx: (List Kind.Term))
= λnam λctx
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(hol nam ctx)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(idx: Nat)
= λnam λidx
~λP λall λlam λapp λann λslf λins λref λdef λset λu60 λnum λop2 λtxt λhol λvar
(var nam idx)
// Operator Constructors
// ---------------------
: Kind.Oper
= ~λP λadd λmul λsub λdiv
: Kind.Oper
= ~λP λadd λmul λsub λdiv
: Kind.Oper
= ~λP λadd λmul λsub λdiv
: Kind.Oper
= ~λP λadd λmul λsub λdiv
// Other Constructors
// ------------------
: ∀(nam: String) ∀(typ: Kind.Term)
= λnam λtyp
( String Kind.Term nam typ)
: Kind.Scope
= (List.nil Kind.Binder)
: ∀(head: Kind.Binder)
∀(tail: Kind.Scope)
= (List.cons Kind.Binder)
// Other Utils
// -----------
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(typ: Kind.Term)
∀(scp: Kind.Scope)
= λnam λtyp λscp
(Kind.Scope.cons ( nam typ) scp)
: ∀(nam: String)
∀(scp: Kind.Scope)
= λname λscope
let cond = λbnd (~bnd λx(Bool) λnλt(String.equal name n))
let found = (List.find Kind.Binder cond scope)
let P = λx(Kind.Term)
let some = λbnd (~bnd λx(Kind.Term) λnλt(t))
let none = Kind.set // FIXME: handle unbound reference
(~found P some none)
// Term Selectors
// --------------
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(inp: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(inp: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (Y nam inp bod)
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (Y nam bod)
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(fun: Kind.Term) ∀(arg: Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(fun: Kind.Term) ∀(arg: Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (Y fun arg)
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(typ: Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(typ: Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (Y val typ)
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (Y nam bod)
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (Y val)
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (Y nam val)
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) ∀(bod: ∀(x: Kind.Term) Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (Y nam val bod)
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (Y)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (Y)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(val: #U60) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(val: #U60) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (Y val)
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(opr: Kind.Oper) ∀(fst: Kind.Term) ∀(snd: Kind.Term) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(opr: Kind.Oper) ∀(fst: Kind.Term) ∀(snd: Kind.Term) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (Y opr fst snd)
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(lit: Kind.Text) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(lit: Kind.Text) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (Y lit)
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(ctx: (List Kind.Term)) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(ctx: (List Kind.Term)) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (Y nam ctx)
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (N (Kind.var nam idx))
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(P: *)
∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(idx: Nat) P)
∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P)
= λterm λP λY λN
let P = λx ∀(Y: ∀(nam: String) ∀(idx: Nat) P) ∀(N: ∀(val: Kind.Term) P) P
let all = λnam λinp λbod λY λN (N (Kind.all nam inp bod))
let lam = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.lam nam bod))
let app = λfun λarg λY λN (N ( fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λY λN (N (Kind.ann val typ))
let slf = λnam λbod λY λN (N (Kind.slf nam bod))
let ins = λval λY λN (N (Kind.ins val))
let ref = λnam λval λY λN (N (Kind.ref nam val))
let def = λnam λval λbod λY λN (N (Kind.def nam val bod))
let set = λY λN (N Kind.set)
let u60 = λY λN (N Kind.u60)
let num = λval λY λN (N (Kind.num val))
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λY λN (N (Kind.op2 opr fst snd))
let txt = λlit λY λN (N (Kind.txt lit))
let hol = λnam λctx λY λN (N (Kind.hol nam ctx))
let var = λnam λidx λY λN (Y nam idx)
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var Y N)
// Primitives
// ----------
: Kind.Term
= (Kind.hol "TODO" (List.nil Kind.Term))
: Kind.Term
= (Kind.hol "TODO" (List.nil Kind.Term))
: Kind.Term
= (Kind.hol "TODO" (List.nil Kind.Term))
// Stringifier
// -----------
: *
= String
: ∀(text: Kind.Text)
= String.Concatenator.from_string
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λterm λdep
let P = λX(String.Concatenator)
let all = λnam λinp λbod λnil
(( "∀(")
(( nam)
(( ": ")
(( inp dep)
(( ") ")
(( (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep))
let lam = λnam λbod λnil
(( "λ")
(( nam)
(( " ")
(( (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep))
let app = λfun λarg λnil
(( "(")
(( fun dep)
(( " ")
(( arg dep)
(( ")")
let ann = λval λtyp λnil
(( "{")
(( val dep)
(( ": ")
(( typ dep)
(( "}")
let slf = λnam λbod λnil
(( "$")
(( nam)
(( " ")
(( (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep))
let ins = λval λnil
(( "~")
(( val dep)
let ref = λnam λval λnil
(( nam)
let def = λnam λval λbod λnil
(( "let ")
(( nam)
(( " = ")
(( val dep)
(( "; ")
(( (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep))
let set = λnil
(( "*")
let u60 = λnil
(( "#U60")
let num = λval λnil
(( "#")
(( val)
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λnil
(( "#(")
(( opr)
(( " ")
(( fst dep)
(( " ")
(( snd dep)
(( ")")
let txt = λtext λnil
(( String.quote)
(( text)
(( String.quote)
let hol = λnam λctx λnil
(( "?")
(( nam)
let var = λnam λidx λnil
(( nam)
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λterm λdep ( ( term dep))
: ∀(oper: Kind.Oper)
= λoper
let P = λX(String.Concatenator)
let add = ( "+")
let mul = ( "*")
let sub = ( "-")
let div = ( "/")
(~oper P add mul sub div)
: ∀(oper: Kind.Oper)
= λoper ( ( oper))
// Parser
// ------
: ∀(A: *)
∀(a: (Parser A))
∀(b: ∀(x: A) (Parser Kind.PreTerm))
(Parser Kind.PreTerm)
= λA (Parser.bind A Kind.PreTerm)
: ∀(value: Kind.PreTerm)
(Parser Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.pure Kind.PreTerm)
// ∀(x: inp) bod
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "∀"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "∀") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text ":") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λinp
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text ")") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λbod
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.all nam (inp scp) λx(bod (Kind.Scope.extend nam x scp)))))))))))
// λx bod
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "λ"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "λ") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λbod
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.lam nam λx(bod (Kind.Scope.extend nam x scp))))))))
// (f x)
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "("
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "(") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λfun
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λarg
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text ")") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
( (fun scp) (arg scp))))))))
// {x: T}
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "{"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "{") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λval
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text ":") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λtyp
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "}") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.ann (val scp) (typ scp)))))))))
// $x bod
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "$"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "$") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λbod
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.slf nam λx(bod (Kind.Scope.extend nam x scp))))))))
// ~val
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "~"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "~") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λval
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.ins (val scp))))))
// *
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "*"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "*") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
// let x = val; bod
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "let "
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "let ") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "=") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λval
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λbod
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.def nam (val scp) λx(bod (Kind.Scope.extend nam x scp))))))))))
// #U60
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "#U60"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "#U60") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
// #(OP fst snd)
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "#("
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "#(") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.Oper Kind.Oper.parser λopr
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λfst
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Kind.PreTerm Kind.Term.parser λsnd
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text ")") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.op2 opr (fst scp) (snd scp)))))))))
// #num
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "#"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "#") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind #U60 U60.parser.decimal λnum
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.num num)))))
// 'c'
: (Parser Kind.PreTerm)
//: (Parser Kind.PreTerm)
//= (Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "'") λ_
//(Kind.Term.parser.bind #U60 ?TODO λchr
//(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "'") λ_
//(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
//(Kind.num chr)))))
// "string"
: (Parser Kind.PreTerm)
// ?nam
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.text Kind.PreTerm "?"
(Kind.Term.parser.bind Unit (Parser.text "?") λ_
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.hol nam (List.nil Kind.Term)))))) // TODO: build context
// x
: (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm)
= (Parser.Guard.pass Kind.PreTerm
(Kind.Term.parser.bind String λnam
(Kind.Term.parser.pure λscp
(Kind.Scope.find nam scp))))
: (Parser Kind.Oper)
: (Parser Kind.PreTerm)
= let TRY = (List.cons (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm))
let END = (List.nil (Parser.Guard Kind.PreTerm))
(Parser.variant Kind.PreTerm
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.all
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.lam
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.ann
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.slf
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.ins
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.set
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.def
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.u60
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.op2
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.num
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.hol
(TRY Kind.Term.parser.var
// Evaluation
// ----------
: ∀(major: Bool)
∀(term: Kind.Term)
= λmajor λterm
let P = λx(Kind.Term)
let all = Kind.all
let lam = Kind.lam
let app = λfun λarg ( major (Kind.reduce major fun) arg)
let slf = Kind.slf
let ann = λval λtyp (Kind.reduce major val)
let ins = λval (Kind.reduce major val)
let ref = λnam λval (Kind.reduce.ref major nam val)
let def = λnam λval λbod (Kind.reduce major (bod val))
let set = Kind.set
let u60 = Kind.u60
let num = Kind.num
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd (Kind.reduce.op2 opr fst snd)
let txt = λtxt (Kind.reduce.txt txt)
let hol = Kind.hol
let var = Kind.var
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var)
: ∀(major: Bool)
∀(fun: Kind.Term)
∀(arg: Kind.Term)
= λmajor λfun λarg
let P = ∀(arg: Kind.Term) Kind.Term
let Y = λnam λbod λarg (Kind.reduce major (bod (Kind.reduce major arg)))
let N = λfun λarg ( fun arg)
(Kind.if.lam fun P Y N arg)
: ∀(major: Bool)
∀(nam: String)
∀(val: Kind.Term)
= λmajor λnam λval
let P = λx ∀(nam: String) ∀(val: Kind.Term) Kind.Term
let true = λnam λval (Kind.reduce major val)
let false = Kind.ref
(~major P true false nam val)
: ∀(opr: Kind.Oper)
∀(fst: Kind.Term)
∀(snd: Kind.Term)
= λopr λfst λsnd
let P = ∀(snd: Kind.Term) Kind.Term
let Y = λfst_val λsnd
let P = ∀(fst_val: #U60) Kind.Term
let Y = λsnd_val λfst_val
let P = λx ∀(fst_val: #U60) ∀(snd_val: #U60) Kind.Term
let add = λfst_val λsnd_val (Kind.num #(+ fst_val snd_val))
let mul = λfst_val λsnd_val (Kind.num #(* fst_val snd_val))
let sub = λfst_val λsnd_val (Kind.num #(- fst_val snd_val))
let div = λfst_val λsnd_val (Kind.num #(/ fst_val snd_val))
(~opr P add mul sub div fst_val snd_val)
let N = λsnd λfst_val (Kind.op2 opr (Kind.num fst_val) snd)
(Kind.if.num snd P Y N fst_val)
let N = λfst λsnd (Kind.op2 opr fst snd)
(Kind.if.num fst P Y N snd)
: ∀(txt: Kind.Text)
= λtxt
let P = λx Kind.Term
let cons = λx λxs (Kind.reduce Bool.true ( ( Kind.Book.String.cons (Kind.num x)) (Kind.txt xs)))
let nil = (Kind.reduce Bool.true Kind.Book.String.nil)
(~txt P cons nil)
// Normalization
// -------------
: ∀(major: Bool)
∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λmajor λterm λdep
(Kind.normal.go major (Kind.reduce major term) dep)
: ∀(major: Bool)
∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λmajor λterm λdep
let P = λx Kind.Term
let all = λnam λinp λbod (Kind.all nam (Kind.normal major inp dep) λx (Kind.normal major (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep)))
let lam = λnam λbod (Kind.lam nam λx (Kind.normal major (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep)))
let app = λfun λarg ( (Kind.normal major fun dep) (Kind.normal major arg dep))
let ann = λval λtyp (Kind.ann (Kind.normal major val dep) (Kind.normal major typ dep))
let slf = λnam λbod (Kind.slf nam λx (Kind.normal major (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep)))
let ins = λval (Kind.ins (Kind.normal major val dep))
let ref = λnam λval (Kind.ref nam (Kind.normal major val dep))
let def = λnam λval λbod (Kind.def nam (Kind.normal major val dep) λx (Kind.normal major (bod (Kind.var nam dep)) (Nat.succ dep)))
let set = Kind.set
let u60 = Kind.u60
let num = Kind.num
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd (Kind.op2 opr (Kind.normal major fst dep) (Kind.normal major snd dep))
let txt = λtxt (Kind.txt txt)
let hol = λnam λctx (Kind.hol nam ctx)
let var = λnam λidx (Kind.var nam idx)
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var)
// Equality
// --------
: ∀(a: Kind.Term)
∀(b: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λa λb λdep
(Kind.equal.minor (Kind.identical a b dep) a b dep)
: ∀(e: Bool)
∀(a: Kind.Term)
∀(b: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λe λa λb λdep
let P = λx ∀(a: Kind.Term) ∀(b: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) Bool
let true = λa λb λdep Bool.true
let false = λa λb λdep
let a_wnf = (Kind.reduce Bool.false a)
let b_wnf = (Kind.reduce Bool.false b)
(Kind.equal.major (Kind.identical a_wnf b_wnf dep) a_wnf b_wnf dep)
(~e P true false a b dep)
: ∀(e: Bool)
∀(a: Kind.Term)
∀(b: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λe λa λb λdep
let P = λx ∀(a: Kind.Term) ∀(b: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) Bool
let true = λa λb λdep Bool.true
let false = λa λb λdep
let a_wnf = (Kind.reduce Bool.true a)
let b_wnf = (Kind.reduce Bool.true b)
(Kind.equal.enter (Kind.identical a_wnf b_wnf dep) a_wnf b_wnf dep)
(~e P true false a b dep)
: ∀(e: Bool)
∀(a: Kind.Term)
∀(b: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λe λa λb λdep
let P = λx ∀(a: Kind.Term) ∀(b: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) Bool
let true = λa λb λdep Bool.true
let false = λa λb λdep (Kind.comparer Kind.equal a b dep)
(~e P true false a b dep)
: ∀(a: Kind.Term)
∀(b: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λa λb λdep
(Kind.comparer Kind.identical a b dep)
: ∀(rec: ∀(a: Kind.Term) ∀(b: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) Bool)
∀(a : Kind.Term)
∀(b : Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
= λrec λa λb λdep
let VAR = Kind.var
let SUC = Nat.succ
// Skips Ins, Ann and Let
let a = (Kind.skip a)
let b = (Kind.skip b)
// Checks if A is hole
let R = ∀(b:Kind.Term) ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λa.nam λa.ctx λb λdep Bool.true
let N = λa λb λdep
// Checks if B is hole
let R = ∀(dep:Nat) ∀(a:Kind.Term) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.ctx λdep λa Bool.true
let N = λb λdep λa
// Checks if both are equal
let P = λx ∀(b: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) Bool
let all = λa.nam λa.inp λa.bod λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.inp λb.bod λdep (Bool.and (rec a.inp b.inp dep) (rec (a.bod (VAR a.nam dep)) (b.bod (VAR b.nam dep)) (SUC dep)))
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.all b P Y N dep)
let lam = λa.nam λa.bod λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.bod λdep (rec (a.bod (VAR a.nam dep)) (b.bod (VAR b.nam dep)) (SUC dep))
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.lam b P Y N dep)
let app = λ λa.arg λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λ λb.arg λdep (Bool.and (rec dep) (rec a.arg b.arg dep))
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
( b P Y N dep)
let ann = λa.val λa.typ λb λdep
Bool.false // unreachable
let slf = λa.nam λa.bod λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.bod λdep (rec (a.bod (VAR a.nam dep)) (b.bod (VAR b.nam dep)) (SUC dep))
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.slf b P Y N dep)
let ins = λa.val λb λdep
Bool.false // unreachable
let ref = λa.nam λa.val λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.val λdep (String.equal a.nam b.nam)
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.ref b P Y N dep)
let def = λa.nam λa.val λa.bod λb λdep
Bool.false // unreachable
let set = λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λdep Bool.true
let F = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.set b P Y F dep)
let u60 = λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λdep Bool.true
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.u60 b P Y N dep)
let num = λa.val λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.val λdep (U60.equal a.val b.val)
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.num b P Y N dep)
let op2 = λa.opr λa.fst λa.snd λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.opr λb.fst λb.snd λdep (Bool.and (rec a.fst b.fst dep) (rec a.snd b.snd dep))
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.op2 b P Y N dep)
let txt = λa.txt λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.txt λdep (String.equal a.txt b.txt)
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.txt b P Y N dep)
let hol = λa.nam λa.ctx λb λdep
Bool.false // unreachable
let var = λa.nam λa.idx λb λdep
let P = ∀(dep:Nat) Bool
let Y = λb.nam λb.idx λdep (Nat.equal a.idx b.idx)
let N = λval λdep Bool.false
(Kind.if.var b P Y N dep)
(~a P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var b dep)
(Kind.if.hol b R Y N dep a)
(Kind.if.hol a R Y N b dep)
// Type-Checking
// -------------
// Skips Ins, Ann and Let
: ∀(x: Kind.Term)
= λx
let P = λx Kind.Term
let all = Kind.all
let lam = Kind.lam
let app =
let ann = λval λtyp (Kind.skip val)
let slf = Kind.slf
let ins = λval (Kind.skip val)
let ref = Kind.ref
let def = λnam λval λbod (Kind.skip (bod val))
let set = Kind.set
let u60 = Kind.u60
let num = Kind.num
let op2 = Kind.op2
let txt = Kind.txt
let hol = Kind.hol
let var = Kind.var
(~x P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
(Maybe Kind.Term)
= λterm λdep
let bind = (Maybe.bind Kind.Term Kind.Term)
let pure = (Maybe.some Kind.Term)
let none = (Maybe.none Kind.Term)
let P = λx∀(dep:Nat)(Maybe Kind.Term)
let all = λnam λinp λbod λdep
(bind (Kind.check inp Kind.set dep) λ_
(bind (Kind.check (bod (Kind.ann (Kind.var nam dep) inp)) Kind.set (Nat.succ dep)) λ_
(pure Kind.set)))
let lam = λnam λbod λdep
let app = λfun λarg λdep
(bind (Kind.infer fun dep) λfun_typ
((Kind.if.all (Kind.reduce Bool.true fun_typ)
∀(fun: Kind.Term)∀(arg: Kind.Term)(Maybe Kind.Term)
λfun_typ.nam λfun_typ.inp λfun_typ.bod λfun λarg
(bind (Kind.check arg fun_typ.inp dep) λ_
(pure (fun_typ.bod arg)))
λfun_typ λfun λarg
fun arg))
let ann = λval λtyp λdep
(pure typ)
let slf = λnam λbod λdep
(bind (Kind.check (bod (Kind.ann (Kind.var nam dep) (Kind.slf nam bod))) Kind.set (Nat.succ dep)) λ_
(pure Kind.set))
let ins = λval λdep
(bind (Kind.infer val dep) λval_typ
((Kind.if.slf (Kind.reduce Bool.true val_typ)
∀(val: Kind.Term)(Maybe Kind.Term)
λval_nam λval_typ.bod λval (pure (val_typ.bod (Kind.ins val)))
λval_typ λval none)
let ref = λnam λval λdep
(Kind.infer val dep)
let def = λnam λval λbod λdep
let set = λdep
(pure Kind.set)
let u60 = λdep
(pure Kind.set)
let num = λnum λdep
(pure Kind.u60)
let txt = λtxt λdep
(pure Kind.Book.String)
let op2 = λopr λfst λsnd λdep
(bind (Kind.check fst Kind.u60 dep) λ_
(bind (Kind.check snd Kind.u60 dep) λ_
(pure Kind.u60)))
let hol = λnam λctx λdep
let var = λnam λidx λdep
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var dep)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(type: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
(Maybe Kind.Term)
= λterm λtype λdep
let bind = (Maybe.bind Kind.Term Kind.Term)
let pure = (Maybe.some Kind.Term)
let none = (Maybe.none Kind.Term)
let P = λx∀(type:Kind.Term)∀(dep:Nat)(Maybe Kind.Term)
let all = λterm.nam λterm.inp λterm.bod λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.all term.nam term.inp term.bod) type dep)
let lam = λterm.nam λterm.bod λtype λdep
((Kind.if.all (Kind.reduce Bool.true type)
∀(dep: Nat)∀(term.bod: ∀(x:Kind.Term)Kind.Term)(Maybe Kind.Term)
λtype.nam λtype.inp λtype.bod λdep λterm.bod
let ann = (Kind.ann (Kind.var term.nam dep) type.inp)
let term = (term.bod ann)
let type = (type.bod ann)
(Kind.check term type (Nat.succ dep))
λtype λdep λterm.bod
(Kind.infer (Kind.lam term.nam term.bod) dep))
dep term.bod)
let app = λ λterm.arg λtype λdep
(Kind.verify ( term.arg) type dep)
let ann = λval λtyp λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.ann val typ) type dep)
let slf = λterm.nam λterm.bod λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.slf term.nam term.bod) type dep)
let ins = λterm.val λtype λdep
((Kind.if.slf (Kind.reduce Bool.true type)
∀(term.val: Kind.Term)(Maybe Kind.Term)
λtype.nam λtype.bod λterm.val
(Kind.check term.val (type.bod (Kind.ins term.val)) dep)
λtype λterm.val
(Kind.infer (Kind.ins term.val) dep))
let ref = λterm.nam λterm.val λtype λdep
(Kind.check term.val type dep)
let def = λterm.nam λterm.val λterm.bod λtype λdep
(Kind.check (term.bod term.val) type (Nat.succ dep))
let set = λtype λdep
(Kind.verify Kind.set type dep)
let u60 = λtype λdep
(Kind.verify Kind.u60 type dep)
let num = λterm.num λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.num term.num) type dep)
let op2 = λterm.opr λterm.fst λterm.snd λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.op2 term.opr term.fst term.snd) type dep)
let txt = λterm.txt λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.txt term.txt) type dep)
let hol = λterm.nam λterm.ctx λtype λdep
(pure Kind.set)
let var = λterm.nam λterm.idx λtype λdep
(Kind.verify (Kind.var term.nam term.idx) type dep)
(~term P all lam app ann slf ins ref def set u60 num op2 txt hol var type dep)
: ∀(term: Kind.Term)
∀(type: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
(Maybe Kind.Term)
= λterm λtype λdep
let bind = (Maybe.bind Kind.Term Kind.Term)
let pure = (Maybe.some Kind.Term)
let none = (Maybe.none Kind.Term)
(bind (Kind.infer term dep) λinfer
( (Kind.equal infer type dep) infer type term dep))
: ∀(e: Bool)
∀(inferred: Kind.Term)
∀(expected: Kind.Term)
∀(value: Kind.Term)
∀(dep: Nat)
(Maybe Kind.Term)
= λe λinferred λexpected λvalue λdep
let pure = (Maybe.some Kind.Term)
let none = (Maybe.none Kind.Term)
let P = λx ∀(inferred: Kind.Term) ∀(expected: Kind.Term) ∀(value: Kind.Term) ∀(dep: Nat) (Maybe Kind.Term)
let true = λinferred λexpected λvalue λdep (pure Kind.set)
let false = λinferred λexpected λvalue λdep none // TODO: HVM.log error
(~e P true false inferred expected value dep)
// Tests
// -----
: String
= let a = (Kind.lam "f" λf(Kind.lam "x" λx( f ( f x))))
let b = (Kind.lam "f" λf(Kind.lam "x" λx( f ( f x))))
let Test =
(Kind.all "A" Kind.set λA
(Kind.all "B" Kind.set λB
(Kind.all "a" A λa
(Kind.all "b" B λb
let test =
(Kind.lam "A" λA
(Kind.lam "B" λB
(Kind.lam "a" λa
(Kind.lam "b" λb
let P = λx(String)
let some = λvalue ( value
let none = "error"
let chk = (Kind.check test Test
(~chk P some none)
//Kind = Kind.Term
//Kind = Kind.all
//Kind = Kind.lam
//Kind =
//Kind = Kind.ann
//Kind = Kind.slf
//Kind = Kind.ins
//Kind = Kind.ref
//Kind = Kind.def
//Kind = Kind.set
//Kind = Kind.u60
//Kind = Kind.num
//Kind = Kind.op2
//Kind = Kind.txt
//Kind = Kind.hol
//Kind = Kind.var
//Kind = Kind.if.all
//Kind = Kind.if.lam
//Kind =
//Kind = Kind.if.ann
//Kind = Kind.if.slf
//Kind = Kind.if.ins
//Kind = Kind.if.ref
//Kind = Kind.if.def
//Kind = Kind.if.set
//Kind = Kind.if.u60
//Kind = Kind.if.num
//Kind = Kind.if.op2
//Kind = Kind.if.txt
//Kind = Kind.if.hol
//Kind = Kind.if.var
//Kind = Kind.Oper
//Kind = Kind.Oper.add
//Kind = Kind.Oper.mul
//Kind = Kind.Oper.sub
//Kind = Kind.Oper.div
//Kind = Kind.Text
//Kind =
//Kind =
//Kind =
//Kind =
//Kind =
//Kind = Kind.reduce
//Kind =
//Kind = Kind.reduce.ref
//Kind = Kind.reduce.op2
//Kind = Kind.reduce.txt
//Kind = Kind.normal
//Kind = Kind.normal.go
//Kind = Kind.equal
//Kind = Kind.equal.minor
//Kind = Kind.equal.major
//Kind = Kind.equal.enter
//Kind = Kind.identical
//Kind = Kind.comparer
//Kind = Kind.skip
//Kind = Kind.infer
//Kind = Kind.check
//Kind = Kind.verify
//Kind =