A next-gen functional language
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Victor Taelin 29d8338f4a unification fine polishments - see notes
1. Previously, the following term wouldn't type-check:

      match x = term {
        true: ct
        false: cf

When `term` isn't a variable.

The reason is that the `match` syntax was desugared to:

    (~term _ ct cf)

Which, in general, results in the following check:

    true : ∀(P: Bool -> *) ∀(t: P true) ∀(f: P false) (P term)

    check _  :: Bool -> *
    check ct :: (_ true)
    check cf :: (_ false)
    check () :: (_ term)

    unify (_ term) == (P term)

This should generate the solution:

    _ = λx(P x)

But, when `term` isn't a variable (it could be a function call, or a ref, for
example), this fails to satisfy the pattern unification criteria. To fix that,
we just use a `let` to always create a variable before unifying, so that the
`match` syntax is desugared to:

      let x = term
      (~x _ ct cf)

Which solves the issue.

2. Previously, the following term wouldn't type-check:

    equal (a: Nat) (b: Nat) : Bool =
      match a with (b: Nat) {
        succ: match b {
          succ: (equal a.pred b.pred)
          zero: false
        zero: match b {
          succ: false
          zero: true

After inspecting the type-checker output, I noticed the reason is due to how the
outer hole interacts with the inner hole. Specifically, after some computations
we eventually get to the following unification problem:

    unify _2 == (_3 b)

Here, there are two ways to solve this:

    _2 = (_3 b)


    _3 = λx (_2)

Initially, it seems like both solutions are equivalent. Yet, by choosing the
first, we, later on, face the following problem:

    - (_3 (succ x))
    - Bool

Which violates the pattern unification requisites (for the same reason: `succ`
is a constructor, rather than a variable). A way to solve this problem would be
to simply invert the order, and use `_3 = λx (_2)` instead (done in the last
commit). That way, we'd have `(_3 (succ x))` reduce to just `_2`, which would
solve `_2 = Bool` and type-check fine. This is a quickfix though. I wonder if
there is a more principled approach that would let us avoid `(succ x)` to be
there at all.

Debug log: https://gist.github.com/VictorTaelin/6dd1a7167d5b7c8d5626c0f5b88c75a0
2024-03-18 16:59:21 -03:00
book unification fine polishments - see notes 2024-03-18 16:59:21 -03:00
docs typo 2024-02-25 20:53:25 -03:00
formal fix equalSimilar not following described algo 2024-03-14 10:31:04 -03:00
src unification fine polishments - see notes 2024-03-18 16:59:21 -03:00
.gitignore first kind2-hvm2 program run! sum-tree via fold 2024-03-15 23:06:44 -03:00
Cargo.lock diff savida 2024-03-15 22:07:01 -03:00
Cargo.toml diff savida 2024-03-15 22:07:01 -03:00
README.md diff savida 2024-03-15 22:07:01 -03:00

Kind2: a parallel proof & programming language

Kind2 is a general-purpose programming language made from scratch to harness HVM's massive parallelism and computational advantages (no garbage collection, optimal β-reduction). Its type system is a minimal core based on the Calculus of Constructions, making it inherently secure. In short, Kind2 aims to be:

  • As friendly as Python

  • As efficient as Rust

  • As high-level as Haskell

  • As parallel as CUDA

  • As formal as Lean

And it seeks to accomplish that goal by relying on the solid foundations of Interaction Combinators.


  1. Install Rust and (optionally) Haskell in your system.

  2. Clone this repository and install it:

    git clone https://github.com/HigherOrderCO/Kind2
    cargo install --path .
  3. Type-check a Kind2 definition:

    kind2 check name_here
  4. Test it with the interpreter:

    kind2 run name
  5. Compile and run in parallel, powered by HVM!

    kind2 compile name


Kind2's syntax aims to be as friendly as Python's, while still exposing the high-level functional idioms that result in fast, parallel HVM binaries. Function application ((f x y z ...)) follows a Lisp-like style and pattern-matching (match x { ctr: .. }) feels like Haskell; but control-flow is more Python-like. In short, it can be seen as "Haskell inside, Python outside": a friendly syntax on top of a powerful functional core.


// The Fibonacci function
fib (n: U60) : U60 =
  switch n {
    0: 0
    1: 1
    _: (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))

Datatypes (ADTs):

// Polymorphic Lists
data List T
| cons (head: T) (tail: (List T))
| nil

// Applies a function to all elements of a list
map <A> <B> (xs: (List A)) (f: A -> B) : (List B) =
  fold xs {
    ++: (f xs.head) ++ xs.tail
    []: []

Theorems and Proofs:

use Nat/{succ,zero,half,double}

// Proof that `∀n. n*2/2 = n`
bft (n: Nat) : (half (double n)) == n =
  match n {
    succ: (Equal/apply succ (bft n.pred))
    zero: {=}

More Examples:

There are countless examples on the Book/ directory. Check it!