Changed Bits.slice to Bits.take in checkers

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Derenash 2022-05-29 16:42:30 -03:00
parent e40ee6643d
commit 2ef362cb8e

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ App.Checkers.get(x: Nat, y: Nat, board: App.Checkers.Board): Bits
// It only contains black tiles
let index = ((x / 2) * tile_size) + (y * tile_size * 4)
let chunk = if index <? 60 then board@fst else board@snd
let tile = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(index % 60, chunk))
let tile = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(index % 60, chunk))
App.Checkers.canvas(local: App.Checkers.Local, board: App.Checkers.Board, img: VoxBox): VoxBox
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ App.Checkers.canvas(local: App.Checkers.Local, board: App.Checkers.Board, img: V
if is_tile then
let tile = App.Checkers.get(x, y, board)
// Checks if there is a piece on that tile
if Bits.slice(1, tile) =? Bits.o(Bits.e) then
if Bits.take(1, tile) =? Bits.o(Bits.e) then
// Draws the piece corresponding to the bits in the tile
@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ App.Checkers.is_move_possible(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, bo
// Destination tile
let to_tile = App.Checkers.get(x1, y1, board)
// Checks if piece exists
let piece_exists = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, from_tile), one)
let piece_exists = Bits.eql(Bits.take(1, from_tile), one)
// Checks if you own the origin unit
let piece_owner = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, Bits.drop(1, from_tile)), team)
let piece_owner = Bits.eql(Bits.take(1, Bits.drop(1, from_tile)), team)
// Checks if destination is empty
let to_is_empty = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, to_tile), zero)
let to_is_empty = Bits.eql(Bits.take(1, to_tile), zero)
// Counts how many tiles you moved forward
let move_forward = if Bits.i(Bits.e) =? team then y0 - y1 else y1 - y0
// Counts how many tiles you moved sideway
@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ App.Checkers.is_move_possible(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, bo
// Tile to jump
let mid_tile = App.Checkers.get(if x0 >? x1 then x1 + 1 else x0 + 1, if y0 >? y1 then y1 + 1 else y0 + 1, board)
// Checks if there is a piece to jump
let mid_is_full = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, mid_tile), zero))
let mid_is_full = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.take(1, mid_tile), zero))
// Checks if the piece to jump is an enemy
let mid_is_enemy = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, Bits.drop(1, mid_tile)), team))
let mid_is_enemy = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.take(1, Bits.drop(1, mid_tile)), team))
mid_is_full && piece_owner
@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ App.Checkers.is_move_possible(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, bo
App.Checkers.move(code: Bits, board: App.Checkers.Board): App.Checkers.Board
// Divides the bitcode into team and coordinates
let team = Bits.slice(1, code)
let x0 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(1, code))
let y0 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(4, code))
let x1 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(7, code))
let y1 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(10, code))
let team = Bits.take(1, code)
let x0 = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(1, code))
let y0 = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(4, code))
let x1 = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(7, code))
let y1 = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(10, code))
let is_possible = App.Checkers.is_move_possible(Bits.to_nat(x0), Bits.to_nat(y0), Bits.to_nat(x1), Bits.to_nat(y1), team, board)
// Executes an movement if possible
if is_possible then
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ App.Checkers.move.aux(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, board: App
// Gets which chunk to access
let from_chunk = if Nat.ltn(from_index, 60) then board@fst else board@snd
// Gets the tile to move
let from_tile = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(from_index % 60, from_chunk))
let from_tile = Bits.take(3, Bits.drop(from_index % 60, from_chunk))
// Creates an empty tile to place in from_tile's place
let new_tile = Bits.o(Bits.o(Bits.o(Bits.e)))
// Updates chunk