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This commit is contained in:
Victor Maia 2022-07-16 14:26:38 -03:00
parent 2817094f4e
commit 50fab9e81f
6 changed files with 438 additions and 263 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ name = "kind2"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [

View File

@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ edition = "2021"
hvm = "0.1.44"
highlight_error = "0.1.1"
clap = { version = "3.1.8", features = ["derive"] }

View File

@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ Equal.apply t u a b f (Refl v k) = (Refl v (f k))
Equal.rewrite (t: Type) (a: t) (b: t) (e: (Equal t a b)) (p: t -> Type) (x: (p a)) : (p b)
Equal.rewrite t a b (Refl u k) p x = {x :: (p k)}
Main : Nat {
let f = {(@x @y y) :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat}
(f Zero (Nat.double (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))
Foo (f: Bool -> Bool) (x: Bool) : Nat
Foo f x = x
//Main : Nat {
//(Succ True)

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Main = API.check_all
// Name.length Name : U60
(Name.length name) = (String.length ( name))
// Bool.if -(r: Type) Bool r r : r
(Bool.if False then else) = else
(Bool.if True then else) = then
// If -(r: Type) Bool r r : r
(If False then else) = else
(If True then else) = then
// Bool.and Bool Bool : Bool
(Bool.and True b) = b
@ -61,11 +61,15 @@ Main = API.check_all
(String.length (String.cons x xs)) = (+ 1 (String.length xs))
// String.pad_right (str: String) (chr: U60) (len: U60) : String
(String.pad_right str chr 0) = String.nil
(String.pad_right (String.cons x xs) chr len) = (String.cons x (String.pad_right xs chr (- len 1)))
(String.pad_right String.nil chr len) = (String.cons chr (String.pad_right String.nil chr (- len 1)))
// String.equal (a: String) (b: String) : Bool
//(String.equal (String.cons a as) (String.cons b bs)) = (If (U60.equal a b) (String.equal as bs) False)
//(String.equal String.nil String.nil) = True
//(String.equal as bs) = False
// Text (List String) : String
(Text Nil) = String.nil
(Text (Cons x xs)) = (String.concat x (Text xs))
@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
// type Result (a : Type) {
// (Checked (ctx: Context) (dep: U60) (rhs: Bool) (ret: a))
// (Errored Error)
// (Errored (ctx: Context) Error)
// }
// type Checker (a : Type) = (context: (List Term)) (depth: U60) (rhs: Bool) (Result a)
@ -126,13 +130,13 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
// Checker.bind.result -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (Result a) : (a -> Checker b) (Result b)
(Checker.bind.result (Checked ctx dep rhs val)) = λnext (next val ctx dep rhs)
(Checker.bind.result (Errored err)) = λnext (Errored err)
(Checker.bind.result (Errored ctx err)) = λnext (Errored ctx err)
// Checker.done -(a: Type) (x: a) : (Checker a)
(Checker.done val) = λctx λdep λrhs (Checked ctx dep rhs val)
// -(a: Type) (err: (List Term) -> U60 -> Error) : (Checker a)
( err) = λctx λdep λrhs (Errored (err ctx dep))
( err) = λctx λdep λrhs (Errored ctx err)
// Checker.get_context -(a: Type) : (Checker Context)
(Checker.get_context) = λctx λdep λrhs
@ -177,68 +181,125 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
// ----------
// Term.if_all -(r: Type) Term (Term -> (Term -> Term) -> r) r : r
(Term.if_all (All name type body) then else) = (then type body)
(Term.if_all other then else) = else
(Term.if_all (All orig name type body) then else) = (then type body)
(Term.if_all other then else) = else
// Term.orig
(Term.get_origin (Typ orig)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Var orig name index)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (All orig name type body)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Lam orig name body)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (App orig func argm)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Let orig name expr body)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ann orig expr type)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct0 name orig)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct1 name orig a)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct2 name orig a b)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct3 name orig a b c)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct4 name orig a b c d)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct5 name orig a b c d e)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct6 name orig a b c d e f)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct7 name orig a b c d e f g)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Ct8 name orig a b c d e f g h)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn0 name orig)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn1 name orig a)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn2 name orig a b)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn3 name orig a b c)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn4 name orig a b c d)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn5 name orig a b c d e)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn6 name orig a b c d e f)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn7 name orig a b c d e f g)) = orig
(Term.get_origin (Fn8 name orig a b c d e f g h)) = orig
// Term.set_origin
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Typ orig)) = (Typ new_orig)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Var orig name index)) = (Var new_orig name index)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (All orig name type body)) = (All new_orig name type body)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Lam orig name body)) = (Lam new_orig name body)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (App orig func argm)) = (App new_orig func argm)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Let orig name expr body)) = (Let new_orig name expr body)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ann orig expr type)) = (Ann new_orig expr type)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct0 name orig)) = (Ct0 name new_orig)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct1 name orig a)) = (Ct1 name new_orig a)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct2 name orig a b)) = (Ct2 name new_orig a b)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct3 name orig a b c)) = (Ct3 name new_orig a b c)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct4 name orig a b c d)) = (Ct4 name new_orig a b c d)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct5 name orig a b c d e)) = (Ct5 name new_orig a b c d e)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct6 name orig a b c d e f)) = (Ct6 name new_orig a b c d e f)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct7 name orig a b c d e f g)) = (Ct7 name new_orig a b c d e f g)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Ct8 name orig a b c d e f g h)) = (Ct8 name new_orig a b c d e f g h)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn0 name orig)) = (Fn0 name new_orig)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn1 name orig a)) = (Fn1 name new_orig a)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn2 name orig a b)) = (Fn2 name new_orig a b)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn3 name orig a b c)) = (Fn3 name new_orig a b c)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn4 name orig a b c d)) = (Fn4 name new_orig a b c d)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn5 name orig a b c d e)) = (Fn5 name new_orig a b c d e)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn6 name orig a b c d e f)) = (Fn6 name new_orig a b c d e f)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn7 name orig a b c d e f g)) = (Fn7 name new_orig a b c d e f g)
(Term.set_origin new_orig (Fn8 name orig a b c d e f g h)) = (Fn8 name new_orig a b c d e f g h)
// SO = Term.set_origin
(SO new_orig term) = (Term.set_origin new_orig term)
// Equal Term Term : (Checker Bool)
// --------------------------------
// Typ equality
(Equal Typ Typ) =
(Equal (Typ orig) (Typ orig)) =
(Checker.done True)
// All equality
(Equal (All a.type a.body) (All b.type b.body)) =
(Equal (All a.orig a.type a.body) (All b.orig b.type b.body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask type = (Checker.bind (Equal a.type b.type))
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var dep)) (b.body (Var dep))) Null Null Null))
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Var b.orig dep))) Null Null Null))
(Checker.done (Bool.and type body))
// Lam equality
(Equal (Lam a.body) (Lam b.body)) =
(Equal (Lam a.orig a.body) (Lam b.orig b.body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var dep)) (b.body (Var dep))) Null Null Null))
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Var b.orig dep))) Null Null Null))
// App equality
(Equal (App a.func a.argm) (App b.func b.argm)) =
(Equal (App a.orig a.func a.argm) (App b.orig b.func b.argm)) =
ask func = (Checker.bind (Equal a.func b.func))
ask argm = (Checker.bind (Equal a.argm b.argm))
(Checker.done (Bool.and func argm))
// Let equality
(Equal (Let a.expr a.body) (Let b.expr b.body)) =
(Equal (Let a.orig a.expr a.body) (Let b.orig b.expr b.body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask expr = (Checker.bind (Equal a.expr b.expr))
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var dep)) (b.body (Var dep))) Null Null Null))
ask body = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Equal (a.body (Var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Var b.orig dep))) Null Null Null))
(Checker.done (Bool.and expr body))
// Ann equality
(Equal (Ann a.expr a.type) (Ann b.expr b.type)) =
(Equal (Ann a.orig a.expr a.type) (Ann b.orig b.expr b.type)) =
ask expr = (Checker.bind (Equal a.expr b.expr))
ask type = (Checker.bind (Equal a.type b.type))
(Checker.done (Bool.and expr type))
// Ct0 equality
(Equal (Ct0 a.ctid) (Ct0 b.ctid)) =
(Equal (Ct0 a.ctid a.orig) (Ct0 b.ctid b.orig)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
(Checker.done ctid)
// Ct1 equality
(Equal (Ct1 a.ctid a.x0) (Ct1 b.ctid b.x0)) =
(Equal (Ct1 a.ctid a.orig a.x0) (Ct1 b.ctid b.orig b.x0)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid x0))
// Ct2 equality
(Equal (Ct2 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1) (Ct2 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1)) =
(Equal (Ct2 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1) (Ct2 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 x1)))
// Ct3 equality
(Equal (Ct3 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Ct3 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) =
(Equal (Ct3 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Ct3 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -246,7 +307,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 x2))))
// Ct4 equality
(Equal (Ct4 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Ct4 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) =
(Equal (Ct4 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Ct4 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -255,7 +316,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 x3)))))
// Ct5 equality
(Equal (Ct5 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Ct5 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) =
(Equal (Ct5 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Ct5 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -265,7 +326,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 x4))))))
// Ct6 equality
(Equal (Ct6 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Ct6 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) =
(Equal (Ct6 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Ct6 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -276,7 +337,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 x5)))))))
// Ct7 equality
(Equal (Ct7 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6) (Ct7 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6)) =
(Equal (Ct7 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6) (Ct7 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -288,7 +349,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 x6))))))))
// Ct8 equality
(Equal (Ct8 a.ctid a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6 a.x7) (Ct8 b.ctid b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6 b.x7)) =
(Equal (Ct8 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6 a.x7) (Ct8 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6 b.x7)) =
let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid))
ask x0 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x0 b.x0))
ask x1 = (Checker.bind (Equal a.x1 b.x1))
@ -301,14 +362,14 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Checker.done (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 (Bool.and x6 x7)))))))))
// Var equality #0
(Equal (Var a.index) b) =
(Equal (Var a.orig a.index) b) =
ask rhs = (Checker.bind (Checker.get_right_hand_side))
(Equal.var rhs a.index b)
(Equal.var rhs a.orig a.index b)
// Var equality #1
(Equal a (Var b.index)) =
(Equal a (Var b.orig b.index)) =
ask rhs = (Checker.bind (Checker.get_right_hand_side))
(Equal.var rhs b.index a)
(Equal.var rhs b.orig b.index a)
// Not equal
(Equal a b) =
@ -322,58 +383,57 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
// If on RHS, check if a and b are equal
// Var-Var checker
(Equal.var False a.index b) =
(Equal.var False a.orig a.index b) =
ask (Checker.bind (Checker.add_value a.index b))
(Checker.done True)
(Equal.var True a.index (Var b.index)) =
(Bool.if (U60.equal a.index b.index)
(Equal.var True a.orig a.index (Var b.orig b.index)) =
(If (U60.equal a.index b.index)
(Checker.done True)
ask a.val = (Checker.bind (Checker.find a.index [] λnλtλv(v)))
ask b.val = (Checker.bind (Checker.find b.index [] λnλtλv(v)))
ask a.chk = (Checker.bind (Equal.var.try_values a.index a.val (Var b.index)))
ask b.chk = (Checker.bind (Equal.var.try_values b.index b.val (Var a.index)))
ask a.chk = (Checker.bind (Equal.var.try_values a.val (Var b.orig b.index)))
ask b.chk = (Checker.bind (Equal.var.try_values b.val (Var a.orig a.index)))
(Checker.done (Bool.or a.chk b.chk)))
(Equal.var True a.index b) =
(Equal.var True a.orig a.index b) =
ask a.val = (Checker.bind (Checker.find a.index [] λnλtλv(v)))
(Equal.var.try_values a.index a.val b)
(Equal.var.try_values a.val b)
// Checks if any of a set of reductions is equal
(Equal.var.try_values i (Cons a as) b) =
(Equal.var.try_values (Cons a as) b) =
ask head = (Checker.bind (Equal a b))
(Bool.if head
(If head
(Checker.done True)
(Equal.var.try_values i as b))
(Equal.var.try_values i Nil b) =
(Equal.var.try_values as b))
(Equal.var.try_values Nil b) =
(Checker.done False)
// Infer Term : (Checker Term)
// ---------------------------
// Infers Var
(Infer (Var name index)) =
(Infer (Var orig name index)) =
ask got_type = (Checker.bind (Checker.find index None λnλtλv(Some t)))
( got_type
( λctx λdep (UnboundVariable ctx dep))
( (UnboundVariable (Var orig name index)))
λvar_type (Checker.done var_type))
// Infers Typ
(Infer Typ) =
(Checker.done Typ)
(Infer (Typ orig)) =
(Checker.done (Typ orig))
// Infers All
(Infer (All name type body)) =
(Infer (All orig name type body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask type_chk = (Checker.bind (Check type Typ))
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var name dep)) Typ) name type []))
(Checker.done Typ)
ask type_chk = (Checker.bind (Check type (Typ orig)))
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var orig name dep)) (Typ orig)) name type []))
(Checker.done (Typ orig))
// Infers Lam
(Infer (Lam name body)) =
( λctx λdep
(CantInferLambda ctx dep))
(Infer (Lam orig name body)) =
( (CantInferLambda (Lam orig name body)))
// Infers App
(Infer (App func argm)) =
(Infer (App orig func argm)) =
ask func_typ = (Checker.bind (Infer func))
(Term.if_all func_typ
// then
@ -381,114 +441,113 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
ask argm_ok = (Checker.bind (Check argm func_typ_type))
(Checker.done (func_typ_body argm))
// else
( λctx λdep
(NonFunctionApplication ctx dep)))
( (InvalidCall (App orig func argm))))
// Infers Let
(Infer (Let name expr body)) =
(Infer (Let orig name expr body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask expr_typ = (Checker.bind (Infer expr))
ask body_typ = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Infer (body (Var name dep))) name expr_typ []))
ask body_typ = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Infer (body (Var orig name dep))) name expr_typ []))
(Checker.done body_typ)
// Infers Ann
(Infer (Ann expr type)) =
(Infer (Ann orig expr type)) =
ask expr_chk = (Checker.bind (Check expr type))
(Checker.done type)
// Infers Ct0
(Infer (Ct0 ctid)) =
(Infer (Ct0 ctid orig)) =
(Checker.done (TypeOf ctid))
// Infers Ct1
(Infer (Ct1 ctid x0)) =
(Infer (App (Ct0 ctid) x0))
(Infer (Ct1 ctid orig x0)) =
(Infer (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0))
// Infers Ct2
(Infer (Ct2 ctid x0 x1)) =
(Infer (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1))
(Infer (Ct2 ctid orig x0 x1)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1))
// Infers Ct3
(Infer (Ct3 ctid x0 x1 x2)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2))
(Infer (Ct3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2))
// Infers Ct4
(Infer (Ct4 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3))
(Infer (Ct4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3))
// Infers Ct5
(Infer (Ct5 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4))
(Infer (Ct5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4))
// Infers Ct6
(Infer (Ct6 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5))
(Infer (Ct6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5))
// Infers Ct7
(Infer (Ct7 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6))
(Infer (Ct7 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6))
// Infers Ct8
(Infer (Ct8 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (Ct0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7))
(Infer (Ct8 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7))
// Infers Fn0
(Infer (Fn0 ctid)) =
(Infer (Fn0 ctid orig)) =
(Checker.done (TypeOf ctid))
// Infers Fn1
(Infer (Fn1 ctid x0)) =
(Infer (App (Fn0 ctid) x0))
(Infer (Fn1 ctid orig x0)) =
(Infer (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0))
// Infers Fn2
(Infer (Fn2 ctid x0 x1)) =
(Infer (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1))
(Infer (Fn2 ctid orig x0 x1)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1))
// Infers Fn3
(Infer (Fn3 ctid x0 x1 x2)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2))
(Infer (Fn3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2))
// Infers Fn4
(Infer (Fn4 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3))
(Infer (Fn4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3))
// Infers Fn5
(Infer (Fn5 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4))
(Infer (Fn5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4))
// Infers Fn6
(Infer (Fn6 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5))
(Infer (Fn6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5))
// Infers Fn7
(Infer (Fn7 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6))
(Infer (Fn7 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6))
// Infers Fn8
(Infer (Fn8 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) =
(Infer (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (App (Fn0 ctid) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7))
(Infer (Fn8 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) =
(Infer (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (App orig (Fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7))
// Check Term Term : (Checker Unit)
// --------------------------------
// Checks Lam
(Check (Lam name body) (All t_name t_type t_body)) =
(Check (Lam orig name body) (All t_orig t_name t_type t_body)) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var name dep)) (t_body (Var t_name dep))) t_name t_type []))
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var orig name dep)) (t_body (Var orig t_name dep))) t_name t_type []))
(Checker.done Unit)
// Checks Let
(Check (Let name expr body) type) =
(Check (Let orig name expr body) type) =
ask dep = (Checker.bind Checker.get_depth)
ask expr_typ = (Checker.bind (Infer expr))
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var name dep)) type) name expr_typ []))
ask body_chk = (Checker.bind (Checker.extended (Check (body (Var orig name dep)) type) name expr_typ []))
(Checker.done Unit)
// Checks Var
(Check (Var name index) type) =
(Check (Var orig name index) type) =
ask rhs = (Checker.bind Checker.get_right_hand_side)
(Bool.if rhs
( (Var name index) type)
(If rhs
( (Var orig name index) type)
(Checker.extend name type Nil))
// Checks others
@ -499,19 +558,19 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
( term type) =
ask term_typ = (Checker.bind (Infer term))
ask is_equal = (Checker.bind (Equal term_typ type))
(Bool.if is_equal
(If is_equal
(Checker.done Unit)
( λctx λdep (TypeMismatch ctx dep type term_typ)))
( (TypeMismatch term type term_typ)))
// Check.verify Verifier (List Term) : (Checker Unit)
// --------------------------------------------------
(Check.verify (LHS arg args) (All name type body)) =
(Check.verify (LHS arg args) (All orig name type body)) =
ask arg_chk = (Checker.bind (Check arg type))
ask args_chk = (Checker.bind (Check.verify args (body arg)))
(Checker.done Unit)
(Check.verify (LHS arg args) other) =
( λctx λdep (InvalidEquationArity ctx dep))
( (TooManyArguments arg))
(Check.verify (RHS expr) type) =
ask (Checker.bind (Checker.set_right_hand_side True))
ask expr_chk = (Checker.bind (Check expr type))
@ -520,70 +579,73 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
// APP Term Term : Term
// ----------------------
(APP (Lam name fbody) argm) = (fbody argm)
(APP func argm) = (App func argm)
(APP orig (Lam orig name fbody) argm) = (fbody argm)
(APP orig func argm) = (App orig func argm)
// LET Name Term Term : Term
// --------------------------
(LET name expr body) = (body expr)
(LET orig name expr body) = (body expr)
// ANN Term Term : Term
// --------------------------
(ANN expr type) = expr
(ANN orig expr type) = expr
// Stringification
// ---------------
(Show (Var name index)) = (Text [
(Show (Var orig name index)) = (Text [
( name)
(Show Typ) = (Text [
(Show (Typ orig)) = (Text [
(Show (All name type body)) = (Text [
"(" ( name) ": " (Show type) ") "
(Show (body (Var name 0)))
(Show (All orig name type body)) =
(U60.if (== name 63) // underscore
(Text [
(Show type) " -> " (Show (body (Var orig name 0)))
(Text [
"(" ( name) ": " (Show type) ") "
(Show (body (Var orig name 0)))
(Show (Lam name body)) = (Text [
(Show (Lam orig name body)) = (Text [
"@" ( name) " "
(Show (body (Var name 0)))
(Show (body (Var orig name 0)))
(Show (Let name expr body)) = (Text [
"let " ( name) " = " (Show (expr (Var name 0))) "; "
(Show (body (Var name 0)))
(Show (Let orig name expr body)) = (Text [
"let " ( name) " = " (Show (expr (Var orig name 0))) "; "
(Show (body (Var orig name 0)))
(Show (Ann expr type)) = (Text [
(Show (Ann orig expr type)) = (Text [
"{" (Show expr) " :: " (Show type) "}"
(Show (App func argm)) = (Text [
(Show (App orig func argm)) = (Text [
(Show func) " "
(Show argm)
(Show (Ct0 ctid)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct0 ctid orig)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid)
(Show (Ct1 ctid x0)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct1 ctid orig x0)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0)
(Show (Ct2 ctid x0 x1)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct2 ctid orig x0 x1)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -591,7 +653,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct3 ctid x0 x1 x2)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -600,7 +662,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct4 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -610,7 +672,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct5 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -621,7 +683,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct6 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -633,7 +695,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct7 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct7 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -646,7 +708,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Ct8 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) = (Text [
(Show (Ct8 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -660,20 +722,18 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn0 ctid)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn0 ctid orig)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid)
(Show (Fn1 ctid x0)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn1 ctid orig x0)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0)
(Show (Fn2 ctid x0 x1)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn2 ctid orig x0 x1)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -681,7 +741,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn3 ctid x0 x1 x2)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -690,7 +750,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn4 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -700,7 +760,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn5 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -711,7 +771,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn6 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -723,7 +783,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn7 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn7 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -736,7 +796,7 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
(Show (Fn8 ctid x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) = (Text [
(Show (Fn8 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) = (Text [
(NameOf ctid) " "
(Show x0) " "
@ -796,12 +856,12 @@ Line = (String.cons 10 String.nil)
API.check_all =
let output = (API.output (List.reverse (API.check_functions Functions)))
(Bool.if (String.is_empty output)
(If (String.is_empty output)
(Text [ "All terms check." Line Line ])
API.run_main = (Text [
(Show (FN0 Main.))
(Show (FN0 Main. 0))
Line Line
@ -834,40 +894,52 @@ API.run_main = (Text [
(API.output.function fnid (Cons (Checked ctx dep rhs val) checks)) =
(API.output.function fnid checks)
(API.output.function fnid (Cons (Errored err) checks)) =
(API.output.function fnid (Cons (Errored ctx err) checks)) =
(Text [
(Color "1") (Color "31") "Error on " (NameOf fnid) ":" (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error err) Line
(Color "1") "[" (NameOf fnid) "] " (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error err ctx) Line
(API.output.function fnid checks)
(API.output.error (UnboundVariable ctx dep)) =
(API.output.error (UnboundVariable term) ctx) =
(Text [
"Unbound Variable."
(Color "4") "Unbound Variable." (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error.details ctx term)
(API.output.error (CantInferLambda ctx dep)) =
(API.output.error (CantInferLambda term) ctx) =
(Text [
"Can't infer lambda."
(Color "4") "Can't infer lambda." (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error.details ctx term)
(API.output.error (InvalidEquationArity ctx dep)) =
(API.output.error (TooManyArguments term) ctx) =
(Text [
"Invalid equation arity."
(Color "4") "Too many arguments." (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error.details ctx term)
(API.output.error (NonFunctionApplication ctx dep)) =
(API.output.error (InvalidCall term) ctx) =
(Text [
"Non-function application."
(Color "4") "Invalid call." (Color "0") Line
(API.output.error.details ctx term)
(API.output.error (TypeMismatch ctx dep expected detected)) =
(API.output.error (TypeMismatch term expected detected) ctx) =
(Text [
"Type mismatch." Line
(Color "4") "Type mismatch." (Color "0") Line
"- Expected: " (Show expected) Line
"- Detected: " (Show detected) Line
(Bool.if (Context.is_empty ctx) "" (Text [
"With context:" Line
(API.output.error.details ctx term)
(API.output.error.details ctx term) =
let orig = (Term.get_origin term)
(Text [
(If (Context.is_empty ctx) "" (Text [
(Color "4") "Context:" (Color "0") Line
(Show.context ctx)
(Color "4") "Source:" (Color "0") Line
"{{#"(Show.u60 (& orig 16777215))":"(Show.u60 (>> orig 24))"#}}" Line
// User-Defined Functions
// ----------------------

View File

@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ pub struct Rule {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Term {
Var { name: String },
All { name: String, tipo: Box<Term>, body: Box<Term> },
Lam { name: String, body: Box<Term> },
App { func: Box<Term>, argm: Box<Term> },
Let { name: String, expr: Box<Term>, body: Box<Term> },
Ann { expr: Box<Term>, tipo: Box<Term> },
Ctr { name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
Fun { name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
Typ { orig: u64 },
Var { orig: u64, name: String },
All { orig: u64, name: String, tipo: Box<Term>, body: Box<Term> },
Lam { orig: u64, name: String, body: Box<Term> },
App { orig: u64, func: Box<Term>, argm: Box<Term> },
Let { orig: u64, name: String, expr: Box<Term>, body: Box<Term> },
Ann { orig: u64, expr: Box<Term>, tipo: Box<Term> },
Ctr { orig: u64, name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
Fun { orig: u64, name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
// Adjuster
@ -91,52 +91,59 @@ pub fn adjust_rule(file: &File, rule: &Rule) -> Rule {
// TODO: prevent defining the same name twice
pub fn adjust_term(file: &File, term: &Term) -> Term {
match *term {
Term::Typ => {
Term::Typ { orig } => {
Term::Typ { orig }
Term::Var { ref name } => {
Term::Var { name: name.clone() }
Term::Var { ref orig, ref name } => {
let orig = *orig;
Term::Var { orig, name: name.clone() }
Term::Let { ref name, ref expr, ref body } => {
Term::Let { ref orig, ref name, ref expr, ref body } => {
let orig = *orig;
let expr = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*expr));
let body = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*body));
Term::Let { name: name.clone(), expr, body }
Term::Let { orig, name: name.clone(), expr, body }
Term::Ann { ref expr, ref tipo } => {
Term::Ann { ref orig, ref expr, ref tipo } => {
let orig = *orig;
let expr = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*expr));
let tipo = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*tipo));
Term::Ann { expr, tipo }
Term::Ann { orig, expr, tipo }
Term::All { ref name, ref tipo, ref body } => {
Term::All { ref orig, ref name, ref tipo, ref body } => {
let orig = *orig;
let tipo = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*tipo));
let body = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*body));
Term::All { name: name.clone(), tipo, body }
Term::All { orig, name: name.clone(), tipo, body }
Term::Lam { ref name, ref body } => {
Term::Lam { ref orig, ref name, ref body } => {
let orig = *orig;
let body = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*body));
Term::Lam { name: name.clone(), body }
Term::Lam { orig, name: name.clone(), body }
Term::App { ref func, ref argm } => {
Term::App { ref orig, ref func, ref argm } => {
let orig = *orig;
let func = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*func));
let argm = Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*argm));
Term::App { func, argm }
Term::App { orig, func, argm }
Term::Ctr { ref name, ref args } => {
Term::Ctr { ref orig, ref name, ref args } => {
let orig = *orig;
if let Some(entry) = file.entries.get(name) {
let mut new_args = Vec::new();
for arg in args {
new_args.push(Box::new(adjust_term(file, &*arg)));
if entry.rules.len() > 0 {
Term::Fun { name: name.clone(), args: new_args }
Term::Fun { orig, name: name.clone(), args: new_args }
} else {
Term::Ctr { name: name.clone(), args: new_args }
Term::Ctr { orig, name: name.clone(), args: new_args }
} else {
panic!("Missing declaration for: '{}'.", name);
Term::Fun { ref name, ref args } => {
Term::Fun { ref orig, ref name, ref args } => {
panic!("Internal error."); // shouldn't happen since we can't parse Fun{}
@ -145,6 +152,19 @@ pub fn adjust_term(file: &File, term: &Term) -> Term {
// Parser
// ======
pub fn origin(init: usize, last: usize) -> u64 {
((init as u64) & 0xFFFFFF) | (((last as u64) & 0xFFFFFF) << 24)
pub fn get_init_index(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<usize> {
let (state, _) = parser::skip(state)?;
Ok((state, state.index))
pub fn get_last_index(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<usize> {
Ok((state, state.index))
pub fn is_var_head(head: char) -> bool {
('a'..='z').contains(&head) || head == '_' || head == '$'
@ -180,8 +200,11 @@ pub fn parse_var(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
Ok((state, is_var_head(head)))
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, name) = parse_var_name(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Var { name })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Var { orig, name })))
@ -191,10 +214,13 @@ pub fn parse_lam(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
Box::new(move |state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("@", state)?;
let (state, name) = parse_var_name(state)?;
let (state, body) = parse_term(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Lam { name, body })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Lam { orig, name, body })))
@ -209,13 +235,16 @@ pub fn parse_all(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
Ok((state, all0 && all1 && name.len() > 0 && is_var_head(name.chars().nth(0).unwrap_or(' '))))
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("(", state)?;
let (state, name) = parse_var_name(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume(":", state)?;
let (state, tipo) = parse_term(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume(")", state)?;
let (state, body) = parse_term(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::All { name, tipo, body })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::All { orig, name, tipo, body })))
@ -225,16 +254,36 @@ pub fn parse_app(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
return parser::guard(
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init_index) = get_init_index(state)?;
parser::list::<(usize, usize, Box<Term>),Box<Term>> (
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, term) = parse_term(state)?;
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
return Ok((state, (init, last, term)));
Box::new(|args| {
if !args.is_empty() {
args.into_iter().reduce(|a, b| Box::new(Term::App { func: a, argm: b })).unwrap()
let (app_init_index, app_last_index, func) = &args[0];
let mut term = func.clone();
for i in 1 .. args.len() {
let (argm_init_index, argm_last_index, argm) = &args[i];
term = Box::new(Term::App {
orig: origin(*app_init_index, *argm_last_index),
func: term,
argm: argm.clone(),
return term;
} else {
Box::new(Term::Var { name: "?".to_string() })
// TODO: "()" could make an Unit?
return Box::new(Term::Var {
orig: 0,
name: "?".to_string(),
@ -248,13 +297,16 @@ pub fn parse_let(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
return parser::guard(
parser::text_parser("let "),
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("let ", state)?;
let (state, name) = parse_var_name(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("=", state)?;
let (state, expr) = parse_term(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::text(";", state)?;
let (state, body) = parse_term(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Let { name, expr, body })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Let { orig, name, expr, body })))
@ -264,12 +316,15 @@ pub fn parse_ann(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
return parser::guard(
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("{", state)?;
let (state, expr) = parse_term(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::text("::", state)?;
let (state, tipo) = parse_term(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("}", state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Ann { expr, tipo })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Ann { orig, expr, tipo })))
@ -283,17 +338,22 @@ pub fn parse_ctr(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
Ok((state, is_ctr_head(head)))
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, open) = parser::text("(", state)?;
let (state, name) = parse_ctr_name(state)?;
if name == "Type" {
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Typ)))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Typ { orig })))
} else {
let (state, args) = if open {
parser::until(parser::text_parser(")"), Box::new(parse_term), state)?
} else {
(state, Vec::new())
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Ctr { name, args })))
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Ctr { orig, name, args })))
@ -304,25 +364,30 @@ pub fn parse_hlp(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<Term>>> {
return parser::guard(
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, _) = parser::consume("?", state)?;
let (state, name) = parser::name_here(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Typ))) // TODO: Help constructor
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
let orig = origin(init, last);
Ok((state, Box::new(Term::Typ { orig }))) // TODO: Help constructor
pub fn parse_arr(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<dyn Fn(Box<Term>) -> Box<Term>>>> {
pub fn parse_arr(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Option<Box<dyn Fn(usize, Box<Term>) -> Box<Term>>>> {
return parser::guard(
Box::new(|state| {
let (state, _) = parser::consume("->", state)?;
let (state, body) = parse_term(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(move |tipo| {
let (state, last) = get_last_index(state)?;
Ok((state, Box::new(move |init, tipo| {
let orig = origin(init, last);
let name = "_".to_string();
let tipo = tipo.clone();
let body = body.clone();
Box::new(Term::All { name, tipo, body })
Box::new(Term::All { orig, name, tipo, body })
@ -343,17 +408,18 @@ pub fn parse_term_prefix(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<Term>> {
], state)
pub fn parse_term_suffix(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<dyn Fn(Box<Term>) -> Box<Term>>> {
pub fn parse_term_suffix(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<dyn Fn(usize,Box<Term>) -> Box<Term>>> {
parser::grammar("Term", &[
Box::new(|state| Ok((state, Some(Box::new(|term| term))))),
Box::new(|state| Ok((state, Some(Box::new(|init, term| term))))),
], state)
pub fn parse_term(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<Term>> {
let (state, init) = get_init_index(state)?;
let (state, prefix) = parse_term_prefix(state)?;
let (state, suffix) = parse_term_suffix(state)?;
return Ok((state, suffix(prefix)));
return Ok((state, suffix(init, prefix)));
pub fn parse_entry(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<Entry>> {
@ -368,7 +434,7 @@ pub fn parse_entry(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<Entry>> {
let (state, anno) = parser::consume(":", state)?;
} else {
(state, Box::new(Term::Typ)) // TODO: return a hole
(state, Box::new(Term::Typ { orig: 0 })) // TODO: return a hole, set orig
let (state, head) = parser::peek_char(state)?;
if head == '{' {
@ -377,7 +443,7 @@ pub fn parse_entry(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<Entry>> {
let (state, _) = parser::consume("}", state)?;
let mut pats = vec![];
for arg in &args {
pats.push(Box::new(Term::Var { name: }));
pats.push(Box::new(Term::Var { orig: 0, name: })); // TODO: set orig
let rules = vec![Box::new(Rule { name: name.clone(), pats, body })];
return Ok((state, Box::new(Entry { name, args, tipo, rules })));
@ -429,44 +495,44 @@ pub fn parse_file(state: parser::State) -> parser::Answer<Box<File>> {
pub fn show_term(term: &Term) -> String {
match term {
Term::Typ => {
Term::Typ { .. } => {
Term::Var { name } => {
Term::Var { orig: _, name } => {
format!("{}", name)
Term::Lam { name, body } => {
Term::Lam { orig: _, name, body } => {
let body = show_term(body);
format!("@{}({})", name, body)
Term::App { func, argm } => {
Term::App { orig: _, func, argm } => {
let mut args = vec![argm];
let mut expr = func;
while let Term::App { func, argm } = &**expr {
while let Term::App { orig: _, func, argm } = &**expr {
expr = func;
format!("({} {})", show_term(expr), args.iter().map(|x| show_term(x)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" "))
Term::All { name, tipo, body } => {
Term::All { orig: _, name, tipo, body } => {
let body = show_term(body);
format!("({}: {}) {}", name, show_term(tipo), body)
Term::Let { name, expr, body } => {
Term::Let { orig: _, name, expr, body } => {
let expr = show_term(expr);
let body = show_term(body);
format!("let {} = {}; {}", name, expr, body)
Term::Ann { expr, tipo } => {
Term::Ann { orig: _, expr, tipo } => {
let expr = show_term(expr);
let tipo = show_term(tipo);
format!("{{{} :: {}}}", expr, tipo)
Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
Term::Ctr { orig: _, name, args } => {
format!("({}{})", name, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}",show_term(x))).collect::<String>())
Term::Fun { name, args } => {
Term::Fun { orig: _, name, args } => {
format!("({}{})", name, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}",show_term(x))).collect::<String>())
@ -528,42 +594,57 @@ pub fn read_file(code: &str) -> Result<Box<File>, String> {
//Ctr { name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
//Fun { name: String, args: Vec<Box<Term>> },
pub fn compile_term(term: &Term, quote: bool) -> String {
pub fn compile_term(term: &Term, quote: bool, lhs: bool) -> String {
fn hide(orig: &u64, lhs: bool) -> String {
if lhs {
} else {
format!("{}", orig)
match term {
Term::Typ => {
Term::Typ { orig } => {
format!("(Typ {})", hide(orig,lhs))
Term::Var { name } => {
Term::Var { orig, name } => {
if lhs {
format!("{}", name)
} else {
if quote {
format!("(SO {} {})", orig, name.clone())
} else {
format!("( {} {})", " ".repeat(format!("{}",orig).len()), name.clone()) // spaces to align with quoted version
Term::All { name, tipo, body } => {
format!("(All {} {} λ{} {})", name_to_u64(name), compile_term(tipo, quote), name, compile_term(body, quote))
Term::All { orig, name, tipo, body } => {
format!("(All {} {} {} λ{} {})", hide(orig,lhs), name_to_u64(name), compile_term(tipo, quote, lhs), name, compile_term(body, quote, lhs))
Term::Lam { name, body } => {
format!("(Lam {} λ{} {})", name_to_u64(name), name, compile_term(body, quote))
Term::Lam { orig, name, body } => {
format!("(Lam {} {} λ{} {})", hide(orig,lhs), name_to_u64(name), name, compile_term(body, quote, lhs))
Term::App { func, argm } => {
format!("({} {} {})", if quote { "App" } else { "APP" }, compile_term(func, quote), compile_term(argm, quote))
Term::App { orig, func, argm } => {
format!("({} {} {} {})", if quote { "App" } else { "APP" }, hide(orig,lhs), compile_term(func, quote, lhs), compile_term(argm, quote, lhs))
Term::Let { name, expr, body } => {
format!("({} {} {} λ{} {})", if quote { "Let" } else { "LET" }, name_to_u64(name), compile_term(expr, quote), name, compile_term(body, quote))
Term::Let { orig, name, expr, body } => {
format!("({} {} {} {} λ{} {})", if quote { "Let" } else { "LET" }, hide(orig,lhs), name_to_u64(name), compile_term(expr, quote, lhs), name, compile_term(body, quote, lhs))
Term::Ann { expr, tipo } => {
format!("({} {} {})", if quote { "Ann" } else { "ANN" }, compile_term(expr, quote), compile_term(tipo, quote))
Term::Ann { orig, expr, tipo } => {
format!("({} {} {} {})", if quote { "Ann" } else { "ANN" }, hide(orig,lhs), compile_term(expr, quote, lhs), compile_term(tipo, quote, lhs))
Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
Term::Ctr { orig, name, args } => {
let mut args_strs : Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for arg in args {
args_strs.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(arg, quote)));
args_strs.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(arg, quote, lhs)));
format!("(Ct{} {}.{})", args.len(), name, args_strs.join(""))
format!("(Ct{} {}. {}{})", args.len(), name, hide(orig,lhs), args_strs.join(""))
Term::Fun { name, args } => {
Term::Fun { orig, name, args } => {
let mut args_strs : Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for arg in args {
args_strs.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(arg, quote)));
args_strs.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(arg, quote, lhs)));
format!("({}{} {}.{})", if quote { "Fn" } else { "FN" }, args.len(), name, args_strs.join(""))
format!("({}{} {}. {}{})", if quote { "Fn" } else { "FN" }, args.len(), name, hide(orig,lhs), args_strs.join(""))
@ -572,22 +653,22 @@ pub fn compile_entry(entry: &Entry) -> String {
fn compile_type(args: &Vec<Box<Argument>>, tipo: &Box<Term>, index: usize) -> String {
if index < args.len() {
let arg = &args[index];
format!("(All {} {} λ{} {})", name_to_u64(&, compile_term(&arg.tipo, false),, compile_type(args, tipo, index + 1))
format!("(All {} {} {} λ{} {})", 0, name_to_u64(&, compile_term(&arg.tipo, false, false),, compile_type(args, tipo, index + 1))
} else {
compile_term(tipo, false)
compile_term(tipo, false, false)
fn compile_rule(rule: &Rule) -> String {
let mut pats = vec![];
for pat in &rule.pats {
pats.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(pat, false)));
pats.push(format!(" {}", compile_term(pat, false, true)));
let body_rhs = compile_term(&rule.body, true);
let rule_rhs = compile_term(&rule.body, false);
let body_rhs = compile_term(&rule.body, true, false);
let rule_rhs = compile_term(&rule.body, false, false);
let mut text = String::new();
text.push_str(&format!("(QT{} {}.{}) = {}\n", rule.pats.len(),, pats.join(""), body_rhs));
text.push_str(&format!("(FN{} {}.{}) = {}\n", rule.pats.len(),, pats.join(""), rule_rhs));
text.push_str(&format!("(QT{} {}. orig{}) = {}\n", rule.pats.len(),, pats.join(""), body_rhs));
text.push_str(&format!("(FN{} {}. orig{}) = {}\n", rule.pats.len(),, pats.join(""), rule_rhs));
return text;
@ -597,8 +678,8 @@ pub fn compile_entry(entry: &Entry) -> String {
vars.push(format!(" x{}", idx));
let mut text = String::new();
text.push_str(&format!("(QT{} {}.{}) = (Fn{} {}.{})\n", size, name, vars.join(""), size, name, vars.join("")));
text.push_str(&format!("(FN{} {}.{}) = (Fn{} {}.{})\n", size, name, vars.join(""), size, name, vars.join("")));
text.push_str(&format!("(QT{} {}. orig{}) = (Fn{} {}. orig{})\n", size, name, vars.join(""), size, name, vars.join("")));
text.push_str(&format!("(FN{} {}. orig{}) = (Fn{} {}. orig{})\n", size, name, vars.join(""), size, name, vars.join("")));
return text;
@ -610,20 +691,20 @@ pub fn compile_entry(entry: &Entry) -> String {
let tail = compile_rule_chk(rule, index + 1, vars, args);
return format!("(LHS {} {})", head, tail);
} else {
return format!("(RHS (QT{} {}.{}))", index,, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}", x)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(""));
return format!("(RHS (QT{} {}. 0{}))", index,, args.iter().map(|x| format!(" {}", x)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(""));
fn compile_patt_chk(patt: &Term, vars: &mut u64) -> (String, String) {
// FIXME: remove redundancy
match patt {
Term::Var { name } => {
let inp = format!("(Var {} {})", name_to_u64(name), vars);
let var = format!("(Var {} {})", name_to_u64(name), vars);
Term::Var { orig, name } => {
let inp = format!("(Var {} {} {})", orig, name_to_u64(name), vars);
let var = format!("(Var {} {} {})", orig, name_to_u64(name), vars);
*vars += 1;
return (inp, var);
Term::Ctr { name, args } => {
Term::Ctr { orig, name, args } => {
let mut inp_args_str = String::new();
let mut var_args_str = String::new();
for arg in args {
@ -631,8 +712,8 @@ pub fn compile_entry(entry: &Entry) -> String {
inp_args_str.push_str(&format!(" {}", inp_arg_str));
var_args_str.push_str(&format!(" {}", var_arg_str));
let inp_str = format!("(Ct{} {}.{})", args.len(), name, inp_args_str);
let var_str = format!("(Ct{} {}.{})", args.len(), name, var_args_str);
let inp_str = format!("(Ct{} {}. {}{})", args.len(), name, orig, inp_args_str);
let var_str = format!("(Ct{} {}. {}{})", args.len(), name, orig, var_args_str);
return (inp_str, var_str);
_ => {

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use hvm::parser as parser;
const CHECKER_HVM: &str = include_str!("checker.hvm");
fn main() {
println!("{}", name_to_u64("_"));
match run_cli() {
Ok(..) => {}
Err(err) => {
@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ fn run_cli() -> Result<(), String> {
fn kind2(path: &str, main_function: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
// Reads definitions from file
let file = match std::fs::read_to_string(path) {
Ok(code) => read_file(&code),
let kind2_code = match std::fs::read_to_string(path) {
Ok(code) => code,
Err(msg) => {
println!("File not found: {}", path);
return Ok(());
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ fn kind2(path: &str, main_function: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
// Prints errors if parsing failed
let file = match file {
let file = match read_file(&kind2_code) {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(msg) => {
println!("{}", msg);
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ fn kind2(path: &str, main_function: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
let mut rt = hvm::Runtime::from_code(&checker)?;
let main = rt.alloc_code(main_function)?;
print!("{}", readback_string(&rt, main)); // TODO: optimize by deserializing term into text directly
print!("{}", replace_ranges_by_code(&kind2_code, &readback_string(&rt, main)));
// Display stats
println!("Rewrites: {}", rt.get_rewrites());
@ -82,6 +84,22 @@ fn kind2(path: &str, main_function: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
fn replace_ranges_by_code(file_code: &str, checker_output: &str) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let mut cout = checker_output;
while let (Some(init_range_index), Some(last_range_index)) = (cout.find("{{#"), cout.find("#}}")) {
let range_text = &cout[init_range_index + 3 .. last_range_index];
let range_text = range_text.split(":").map(|x| x.parse::<u64>().unwrap()).collect::<Vec<u64>>();
let range_init = range_text[0] as usize;
let range_last = range_text[1] as usize;
code.push_str(&cout[0 .. init_range_index]);
code.push_str(&highlight_error::highlight_error(range_init, range_last, file_code));
cout = &cout[last_range_index + 3 ..];
return code;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------