Merge branch 'master' into AirShooter_animation

This commit is contained in:
Rafael Santos 2022-05-27 20:04:45 -03:00
commit f948665b0d
18 changed files with 1669 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -303,9 +303,9 @@ In order to run this or any other app you should follow this steps:
- The app should be in `base/App` folder
- Install necessary packages in web folder with `npm i --prefix web/`
- Install `js-beautify` using `sudo npm i -g js-beautify`
- Run our local server with `node web/server`
- Build the app you want with `node web/build App.[name of app]` (in this example would be `node web/build App.Hello`)
- Open `localhost` in your favorite browser and see your app working
- Build the app you want with `node web/build [name of app]` (in this example would be `node web/build Hello`)
- Run a local server with `node web/server.js 8080`
- Open http://localhost:8080 in your favorite browser and see your app working
Future work

base/App/Checkers.kind Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
App.Checkers.State: App.State, App.Checkers.Board)
type App.Checkers.Local {
mouse_pos: Pair<U32, U32>
selected: Maybe<Pair<Nat, Nat>>
team: Bits
} String
App.Checkers.scale: U32
App.Checkers.Board: Type
Pair<Bits, Bits>
App.Checkers.tile_size: U32
// Initial state
App.Checkers.init: App.Init<App.Checkers.State>
let mouse_pos = {0#32 0#32}
let selected = none
let team = Bits.o(Bits.e)
let chunk0 = Bits.trim(60, Nat.to_bits(9817068105)) // 000000000000000000000000001001001001001001001001001001001001
let chunk1 = Bits.trim(60, Nat.to_bits(29451204315)) // 000000000000000000000000011011011011011011011011011011011011
let local =, selected, team)
let board = {chunk0, chunk1}<App.Checkers.State>(local, board)
App.Checkers.get(x: Nat, y: Nat, board: App.Checkers.Board): Bits
let tile_size = 3 :: Nat
// X is divided by 2 because the bitcode does not contain all tiles
// It only contains black tiles
let index = ((x / 2) * tile_size) + (y * tile_size * 4)
let chunk = if index <? 60 then board@fst else board@snd
let tile = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(index % 60, chunk))
App.Checkers.canvas(local: App.Checkers.Local, board: App.Checkers.Board, img: VoxBox): VoxBox
let size = App.Checkers.tile_size
for i from 0 to 64 with img:
let x = i % 8
let y = i / 8
// We have to draw all the 64 tiles in the board
// However, we only store half of the board in the bitcode.
// For this reason, we should only access the bits on even tiles
// "is_tile" returns true if we're accessing a tile presente in the bitcode
let is_tile = Nat.odd(x + y)
let draw = VoxBox.Draw.image(((Nat.to_u32(x) * size) - 128) + size/ 2, ((Nat.to_u32(y) * size) - 128) + size/2)
// Draws corresponding tile
let img = if not(is_tile) then draw(0, App.Checkers.White_Tile, img) else draw(0, App.Checkers.Black_Tile, img)
if is_tile then
let tile = App.Checkers.get(x, y, board)
// Checks if there is a piece on that tile
if Bits.slice(1, tile) =? Bits.o(Bits.e) then
// Draws the piece corresponding to the bits in the tile
switch Bits.eql(Bits.drop(1, tile)) {
Bits.o(Bits.o(Bits.e)): draw(2, App.Checkers.Black_Normal, img)
Bits.i(Bits.o(Bits.e)): draw(2, App.Checkers.Red_Normal, img)
Bits.o(Bits.i(Bits.e)): draw(2, App.Checkers.Black_Queen, img)
Bits.i(Bits.i(Bits.e)): draw(2, App.Checkers.Red_Queen, img)
}default img
let selected = local@selected
without selected: img
let {x, y} = {Nat.to_u32(selected@fst), Nat.to_u32(selected@snd)}
// Draws the outline if there is one
VoxBox.Draw.image(((x * size) - 128) + size/2, ((y * size) - 128) + size/2, 1, App.Checkers.Outline, img)
// Render function
App.Checkers.draw(img: VoxBox): App.Draw<App.Checkers.State>
let local = state@local
let global = state@global
// Updates canvas
let new_img = App.Checkers.canvas(local, global, img)
"id": "game_screen",
"width": "256"
"height": "256"
}, {}, new_img)
App.Checkers.is_move_possible(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, board: App.Checkers.Board): Bool
let one = Bits.i(Bits.e) // 1
let zero = Bits.o(Bits.e) // 0
// Origin tile
let from_tile = App.Checkers.get(x0, y0, board)
// Destination tile
let to_tile = App.Checkers.get(x1, y1, board)
// Checks if piece exists
let piece_exists = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, from_tile), one)
// Checks if you own the origin unit
let piece_owner = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, Bits.drop(1, from_tile)), team)
// Checks if destination is empty
let to_is_empty = Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, to_tile), zero)
// Counts how many tiles you moved forward
let move_forward = if Bits.i(Bits.e) =? team then y0 - y1 else y1 - y0
// Counts how many tiles you moved sideway
let move_sideway = if x0 >? x1 then x0 - x1 else x1 - x0
// Checks if destination is adjacent and in front of piece
let move_allowed = (move_forward =? 1) && (move_sideway =? 1)
// Checks if player's team correspond to team turn
let is_user_turn = Bits.drop(59 board@snd) =? team
// Checks all conditions necessary to move a piece
if piece_exists && piece_owner && to_is_empty && is_user_turn then
// Checks if you are moving instead of jumping pieces
if move_allowed then
// Checks if you're jumping a piece
if (move_forward =? 2) && (move_sideway =? 2) then
// Tile to jump
let mid_tile = App.Checkers.get(if x0 >? x1 then x1 + 1 else x0 + 1, if y0 >? y1 then y1 + 1 else y0 + 1, board)
// Checks if there is a piece to jump
let mid_is_full = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, mid_tile), zero))
// Checks if the piece to jump is an enemy
let mid_is_enemy = Bool.not(Bits.eql(Bits.slice(1, Bits.drop(1, mid_tile)), team))
mid_is_full && piece_owner
App.Checkers.move(code: Bits, board: App.Checkers.Board): App.Checkers.Board
// Divides the bitcode into team and coordinates
let team = Bits.slice(1, code)
let x0 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(1, code))
let y0 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(4, code))
let x1 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(7, code))
let y1 = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(10, code))
let is_possible = App.Checkers.is_move_possible(Bits.to_nat(x0), Bits.to_nat(y0), Bits.to_nat(x1), Bits.to_nat(y1), team, board)
// Executes an movement if possible
if is_possible then
App.Checkers.move.aux(Bits.to_nat(x0), Bits.to_nat(y0), Bits.to_nat(x1), Bits.to_nat(y1), team, board)
App.Checkers.move.aux(x0: Nat, y0: Nat, x1: Nat, y1: Nat, team: Bits, board: App.Checkers.Board): App.Checkers.Board
// Gets how many bits we need to skip in order to reach the target bit
let from_index = ((x0 / 2) * 3) + (y0 * 12)
// Gets which chunk to access
let from_chunk = if Nat.ltn(from_index, 60) then board@fst else board@snd
// Gets the tile to move
let from_tile = Bits.slice(3, Bits.drop(from_index % 60, from_chunk))
// Creates an empty tile to place in from_tile's place
let new_tile = Bits.o(Bits.o(Bits.o(Bits.e)))
// Updates chunk
let from_chunk = Bits.set(from_index % 60, new_tile, from_chunk)
// Places the chunk without the piece back into the board
let new_board = if Nat.ltn(from_index, 60) then board@fst <- from_chunk else board@snd <- from_chunk
// Gets how many bits we need to skip in order to reach the destination bit
let to_index = ((x1 / 2) * 3) + (y1 * 12)
// Gets which chunk to access
let to_chunk = if Nat.ltn(to_index, 60) then new_board@fst else new_board@snd
// Places the origin tile into the new position
let to_chunk = Bits.set(to_index % 60, from_tile, to_chunk)
// Places the chunk with the piece's new position into the board
let new_board = if Nat.ltn(to_index, 60) then new_board@fst <- to_chunk else new_board@snd <- to_chunk
// Changes the turn in the bitcode
let new_board = new_board@snd <- Bits.set(59, Bits.not(team), new_board@snd)
let forward_2 = if Bits.i(Bits.e) =? team then (y0 - y1) =? 2 else (y1 - y0) =? 2
let sideway_2 = if x0 >? x1 then (x0 - x1) =? 2 else (x1 - x0) =? 2
// Checks if you are jumping a piece
if forward_2 && sideway_2 then
// Gets how many bits we need to skip in order to reach the mid bits
let mid_index = (((Nat.min(x0, x1) + 1) / 2) * 3) + ((Nat.min(y0, y1) + 1) * 12)
// Gets which chunk to access
let mid_chunk = if Nat.ltn(mid_index, 60) then new_board@fst else new_board@snd
// Removes the piece from the mid_chunk
let mid_chunk = Bits.set(mid_index % 60, new_tile, mid_chunk)
// Places the chunk without the jumped piece into the board
let new_board = if Nat.ltn(mid_index, 60) then new_board@fst <- mid_chunk else new_board@snd <- mid_chunk
// Converts the mouse coordinate into board coordinates
App.Checkers.mouse_to_coord(mouse_pos: Pair<U32, U32>): Pair<Nat, Nat>
let scale = App.Checkers.scale
let tile_size = App.Checkers.tile_size
let x = mouse_pos@fst / (scale * tile_size)
let y = mouse_pos@snd / (scale * tile_size)
{U32.to_nat(x), U32.to_nat(y)}
// Event handler
App.Checkers.when: App.When<App.Checkers.State>
(event, state)
let local = state@local
let board = state@global
let room = String.take(16, Crypto.Keccak.hash(
case event {
if event.code =? 'T' then App.set_local!(local@team <- Bits.not(local@team)) else App.pass!
log("x: " | | " y: " |
let selected = local@selected
let coord = App.Checkers.mouse_to_coord(local@mouse_pos)
case selected {
let local = local@selected <- some(coord)
let {x0, y0} = selected.value
let {x1, y1} = coord
let is_possible = App.Checkers.is_move_possible(x0, y0, x1, y1, local@team, board)
let f = (x: Nat) Bits.trim(3, Nat.to_bits(x))
log("when x0: " | | " y0: " | | " x1: " | | " y1: " |
if is_possible then
let code = Bits.concat(local@team, Bits.concat(f(x0), Bits.concat(f(y0), Bits.concat(f(x1), f(y1)))))
let code =
IO {
App.new_post!(room, code)
App.set_local!(local@selected <- none)
App.set_local!(local@selected <- none)
let local = local@mouse_pos <- event.mouse_pos
} default App.pass!
// Global ticker
App.Checkers.tick: App.Tick<App.Checkers.State>
// Global visitor App.Post<App.Checkers.State>
(time, room, addr, data, glob)
let code =
case code {
o: App.Checkers.move(code.pred, glob)
}default glob
// A "Checkers" application
App.Checkers: App<App.Checkers.State>
let img = VoxBox.alloc_capacity(65536*8)<App.Checkers.State>(
App.Checkers.init // Estado inicial da aplicação
App.Checkers.draw(img) // Conversão do estado para a tela
App.Checkers.when // Interação com eventos
App.Checkers.tick // Tick O que atualizar no estado global a cada tick // Post Como lidar com mensagens do servidor

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ App.Kind.comp.footer(device: Device, container_layout: Map(String)): DOM
DOM.node("div", {}, {}, [
App.Kind.comp.link_white("Github", footer_font_size, ""),
App.Kind.comp.link_white("Telegram", footer_font_size, "")
App.Kind.comp.link_white("Telegram", footer_font_size, "")
@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ App.Kind.comp.footer(device: Device, container_layout: Map(String)): DOM
"display": "flex"
"flex-direction": "column"
"color": "white"
}, [join_us_wrapper, msg_footer_wrapper])
}, [join_us_wrapper, msg_footer_wrapper])

View File

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ App.RLP.draw(state: App.RLP.State.Local): DOM
<p><a href="">
<p><a href="">
<p><a href="">

base/App/Template.kind Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
App.Template.State: App.State
// local global, Unit)
// Initial state
App.Template.init: App.Init<App.Template.State><App.Template.State>(unit, unit)
// Render function
App.Template.draw: App.Draw<App.Template.State>
<div id = "template">"Template"</div>
// Event handler
App.Template.when: App.When<App.Template.State>
(event, state)
case event {
init: App.pass!
} default App.pass!
// Global ticker
App.Template.tick: App.Tick<App.Template.State>
// Global visitor App.Post<App.Template.State>
(time, room, addr, data, glob)
// A "Template" application
App.Template: App<App.Template.State><App.Template.State>(

base/Bits/set.kind Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Bits.set(idx: Nat, a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
case idx {
zero: Bits.set.aux(a, b)
case b {
e: a
i: Bits.i(Bits.set(idx.pred, a, b.pred))
o: Bits.o(Bits.set(idx.pred, a, b.pred))
Bits.set.aux(a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
case a {
e: b
i: Bits.i(Bits.set.aux(a.pred, Bits.drop(1, b)))
o: Bits.o(Bits.set.aux(a.pred, Bits.drop(1, b)))

View File

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ TicTacToe):String
ts(pc(2,0,gs)) | " | " | ts(pc(2,1,gs)) | " | " | ts(pc(2,2,gs)) | "\n "
User.Derenash.TicTacToe.Test: IO<Unit>
Tictactoe: _
IO {
// Prints the initial board
let ttt = TicTacToe.init

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
// How to use this file:
// 1. Clone Kind's repo: git clone
// 2. Create a dir for you: mkdir Kind/base/User/YourName
// 3. Copy that file there: cp Kind/base/Problems.kind Kind/base/User/YourName
// 4. Open, uncomment a problem and solve it
// 5. Send a PR if you want!
// If you need help, read the tutorial on Kind/, or ask on Telegram.
// Answers:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::::::::::::::
// :: Programs ::
// ::::::::::::::
// Returns true if both inputs are true
Problems.p0(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a b {
true true: true
} default false
// Returns true if any input is true
Problems.p1(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a b {
false false: false
} default true
// Returns true if both inputs are identical
Problems.p2(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a b {
false false: true
true true : true
} default false
// Returns the first element of a pair
Problems.p3<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): A
open pair
// Returns the second element of a pair
Problems.p4<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): B
open pair
// Inverses the order of the elements of a pair
Problems.p5<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): Pair<B,A>
open pair
{pair.snd, pair.fst}
// Applies a function to both elements of a Pair
Problems.p6<A: Type, B: Type>(fn: A -> B, pair: Pair<A,A>): Pair<B,B>
open pair
{fn(pair.fst), fn(pair.snd)}
// Doubles a number
Problems.p7(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
// 0 * 2 == 0
zero: 0
// 2 + 2*(n-1) == 2 + 2n - 2 == 2n
succ: Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Problems.p7(n.pred)))
// Halves a number, rounding down
Problems.p8(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
zero: 0
succ: case n.pred {
zero: 0
// n/2 == 1 + (n-2)/2
succ: Nat.succ(Problems.p8(n.pred.pred))
// Adds two numbers
Problems.p9(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case a {
// 0 ++ b == b
zero: b
// a + b == (a-1) + (b+1)
succ: Problems.p9(a.pred, Nat.succ(b))
// Subtracts two numbers
Problems.p10(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case a b {
// 0 - 0 == 0
zero zero: 0
// 0 - b == 0
zero succ: 0
// a - 0 == a
succ zero: a
// a - b == (a-1) - (b-1)
succ succ: Problems.p10(a.pred, b.pred)
// Multiplies two numbers
Problems.p11(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case a {
// 0 * b == b
zero: 0
// a * b == ((a-1) * b) + b
succ: Problems.p9(Problems.p11(a.pred, b), b)
// Returns true if a < b
Problems.p12(a: Nat, b: Nat): Bool
case a b {
// 0 not smaller than 0
zero zero: false
// 0 smaller than x+1
zero succ: true
// x+1 not smaller than 0
succ zero: false
// (a < b) == ((a-1) < (b-1))
succ succ: Problems.p12(a.pred, b.pred)
// Returns true if a == b
Problems.p13(a: Nat, b: Nat): Bool
case a b {
zero zero: true
zero succ: false
succ zero: false
// (a = b) == ((a-1) = (b-1))
succ succ: Problems.p13(a.pred, b.pred)
// Returns the first element of a List
Problems.p14<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): Maybe<A>
case xs {
nil : none
cons: some(xs.head)
// Returns the list without the first element
Problems.p15<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil : []
cons: xs.tail
// Returns the length of a list
Problems.p16<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): Nat
case xs {
nil : 0
cons: Nat.succ(Problems.p16!(xs.tail))
// Many poorly optimized funcions below (not tail-recursive, assintotically bad, etc)
// Concatenates two lists
Problems.p17<A: Type>(xs: List<A>, ys: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil : ys
cons: xs.head & Problems.p17!(xs.tail, ys)
// Applies a function to all elements of a list
Problems.p18<A: Type, B: Type>(fn: A -> B, xs: List<A>): List<B>
case xs {
nil : []
cons: fn(xs.head) & Problems.p18!!(fn, xs.tail)
// Returns the same list, with the order reversed
Problems.p19<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil : []
// O(n²)?
cons: Problems.p19!(xs.tail) ++ [xs.head]
// Returns pairs of the elements of the 2 input lists on the same index
// Ex: Problems.p20!!([1,2], ["a","b"]) == [{1,"a"},{2,"b"}]
Problems.p20<A: Type, B: Type>(xs: List<A>, ys: List<B>): List<Pair<A,B>>
case xs ys {
cons cons: {xs.head, ys.head} & Problems.p20!!(xs.tail, ys.tail)
} default []
// Returns the smallest element of a List
Problems.p21.go(xs: List<Nat>, min: Nat): Nat
case xs {
nil : min
let new_min = if xs.head <? min then xs.head else min
Problems.p21.go(xs.tail, new_min)
Problems.p21(xs: List<Nat>): Nat
case xs {
nil : 0
cons: Problems.p21.go(xs.tail, xs.head)
// Returns the same list without the smallest element and the smallest element
// (Original problem didn't return smallest, but i wanted to use it on p23)
// Peguei a ideia desse video e quebrei em 2 listas, acho que é mais facil de entender
xs: List<Nat>
heads: List<Nat> -> List<Nat>
tails: List<Nat> -> List<Nat>
min: Nat
): Pair<List<Nat>, Nat>
case xs {
nil : {heads(tails([])), min}
if xs.head <? min then
(h) heads(min & tails(h)),
(t) t,
(t) tails(xs.head & t),
// [1 2 3 0 4 5]
// [2 3 0 4 5] [h] [t] 1
// [3 0 4 5] [h] [2 t] 1
// [0 4 5] [h] [2 3 t] 1
// [4 5] [1 2 3 h] [t] 0
// [5] [1 2 3 h] [4 t] 0
// [] [1 2 3 h] [4 5 t] 0
// [1 2 3 4 5]
Problems.p22(xs: List<Nat>): Pair<List<Nat>, Nat>
case xs {
nil : {[], 0}
cons: Problems.p22.go(xs.tail, (h) h, (t) t, xs.head)
// Returns the same list, in ascending order
xs: List<Nat>,
acc: List<Nat> -> List<Nat>
): List<Nat>
case xs {
nil : acc([])
let {xs_cut, min} = Problems.p22(xs)
Problems.p23.go(xs_cut, (e) acc(min & e))
Problems.p23(xs: List<Nat>): List<Nat>
Problems.p23.go(xs, (e) e)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::::::::::::::
// :: Theorems ::
// ::::::::::::::
// Note: these problems use functions from the base libs, NOT the ones above
// Aliases
Chain: _
Rev: _
Rev.go: _
// true is true
Problems.t0: true == true
// "false" short-circuits "and" on first position
Problems.t1(a: Bool): Bool.and(false, a) == false
// "false" short-circuits "and" on second position
Problems.t2(a: Bool): Bool.and(a, false) == false
case a {
false: refl
true : refl
// "true" short-circuits "or" on first position
Problems.t3(a: Bool): Bool.or(true, a) == true
// "true" short-circuits "or" on second position
Problems.t4(a: Bool): Bool.or(a, true) == true
case a {
false: refl
true : refl
// a is always equal to a
Problems.t5(a: Bool): Bool.eql(a, a) == true
case a {
false: refl
true : refl
// Double negation changes nothing
Problems.t6(a: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(a)) == a
case a {
false: refl
true : refl
// de Morgan: nand is or(not, not)
a: Bool,
b: Bool
): Bool.not(Bool.and(a,b)) == Bool.or(Bool.not(a), Bool.not(b))
case a b {
false false: refl
false true : refl
true false: refl
true true : refl
// de Morgan: nor is and(not, not)
a: Bool,
b: Bool
): Bool.not(Bool.or(a,b)) == Bool.and(Bool.not(a), Bool.not(b))
case a b {
false false: refl
false true : refl
true false: refl
true true : refl
// Taking first and second from pair and putting them back together changes nothing
a: Pair<Nat,Nat>
):<Nat,Nat>(Pair.fst<Nat,Nat>(a), Pair.snd<Nat,Nat>(a)) == a
case a {
new: refl
// Swapping pair twice changes nothing
Problems.t10(a: Pair<Nat,Nat>): Pair.swap<Nat,Nat>(Pair.swap<Nat,Nat>(a)) == a
case a {
new: refl
// every number is same as itself
Problems.t11(n: Nat): Nat.same(n) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t11(n.pred)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// halving the double changes nothing
Problems.t12(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t12(n.pred)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// 0 is identity of addition, first position
Problems.t13(n: Nat): Nat.add(0, n) == n
// 0 is identity of addition, second position
Problems.t14(n: Nat): Nat.add(n, 0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t14(n.pred)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// Don't know a good description, maybe distributes to addition
// Addition is associative with successor, first position
Problems.t15(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(Nat.succ(n),m) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n,m))
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t15(n.pred, m)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// Addition is associative with successor, second position
Problems.t16(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(n,Nat.succ(m)) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n,m))
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t16(n.pred, m)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// Addition is commutative on the identity
Problems.t17.aux(n: Nat): (0 + n) == (n + 0)
let a = Problems.t13(n)
let b = mirror(Problems.t14(n))
Chain!!!!(a, b)
// Addition is commutative
Problems.t17(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(n, m) == Nat.add(m, n)
case n {
zero: Problems.t17.aux(m)
let e0 = Problems.t15(n.pred, m)
let h = Problems.t17(n.pred, m)
let a = apply(Nat.succ, h)
let e1 = mirror(Problems.t16(m, n.pred))
Chain!!!!(Chain!!!!(e0, a), e1)
n: Nat
): (Nat.succ(n) + Nat.succ(n)) == Nat.succ(Nat.succ(n + n))
apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t16(n, n))
// Equivalency between addition and doubling
Problems.t18(n: Nat): Nat.add(n,n) == Nat.double(n)
case n {
zero: refl
let h = Problems.t18(n.pred)
let a = apply((val) Nat.succ(Nat.succ(val)), h)
let e = Problems.t18.aux(n.pred)
Chain!!!!(e, a)
// A number is always smaller than its successor
Problems.t19(n: Nat): Nat.ltn(n, Nat.succ(n)) == true
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t19(n.pred)
// A number's successor is always greater than itself
Problems.t20(n: Nat): Nat.gtn(Nat.succ(n), n) == true
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t20(n.pred)
// n-n is 0
Problems.t21(n: Nat): Nat.sub(n,n) == 0
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t21(n.pred)
//If n is 1, then S(n) is 2
Problems.t22(n: Nat, e: n == 1): Nat.succ(n) == 2
apply(Nat.succ, e)
// If n ?= m, then n is m
Problems.t23(n: Nat, m: Nat, e: Nat.eql(n,m) == true): n == m
case n with e {
zero: case m with e {
let contra = Bool.false_neq_true(e)
succ: case m with e {
let contra = Bool.false_neq_true(e)
let h = Problems.t23(n.pred, m.pred, e)
apply(Nat.succ, h)
// the length of a list with at least one element is greater than zero
xs: List<Nat>
): Nat.gtn(List.length<Nat>(List.cons<Nat>(1,xs)),0) == true
case xs {
nil : refl
cons: Problems.t24(xs.tail)
// Mapping a list with the identity function changes nothing
Problems.t25(xs: List<Nat>):<Nat,Nat>((x) x, xs) == xs
case xs {
nil : refl
cons: apply(List.cons!(xs.head), Problems.t25(xs.tail))
// The length of two concatenated lists is the sum of each list's length
xs: List<Nat>,
ys: List<Nat>
): (List.length<Nat>(xs) + List.length<Nat>(ys)) == List.length<Nat>(List.concat<Nat>(xs,ys))
case xs {
nil : refl
cons: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t26(xs.tail, ys))
// Auxiliary proofs for t27 (reverse(reverse(xs)) == xs)
CatAssociative<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
zs: List<A>
): (xs ++ (ys ++ zs)) == ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs)
case xs {
nil: refl
cons: apply((e) xs.head & e, CatAssociative!(xs.tail, ys, zs))
CatNilRight<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): (xs ++ []) == xs
case xs {
nil : refl
cons: apply((e) xs.head & e, CatNilRight<A>(xs.tail))
RevGoStep<A: Type>(
n : A
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(n & xs, ys) == Rev.go<A>(xs, n & ys)
// Second argument of rev.go can be taken out with a concat
// Alternatively, Rev.go cats the reverse of the first with the second
RevGoCatYs<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>,
ys: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(xs, ys) == (Rev.go<A>(xs, List.nil<A>) ++ ys)
case xs {
nil : refl
// 1: go(head & tail, ys) == go(tail, head & ys)
// 2: go(tail, head & ys) == go(tail, []) ++ (head & ys)
// 3: go(tail, []) ++ (head & ys) == go(tail, []) ++ ([head] ++ ys)
// 4: go(tail, []) ++ ([head] ++ ys) == (go(tail, []) ++ [head]) ++ ys
// 5: (go(tail, []) ++ [head]) ++ ys == go(tail, [head]) ++ ys
// 6: go(tail, [head]) ++ ys == go(head & tail) ++ ys
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// go(head & tail, ys) == go(head & tail) ++ ys
let t1 = RevGoStep<A>(xs.head, xs.tail, ys)
// Is this inductive step correct?
// Isn't it assuming the thesis?
// Isn't this like a fake recursion on ys?
// This is not proving that if it works with length(xs) it works with length(xs)+1
// I took the idea from a different proof made for Idris that I saw online
// reverseReverseOnto from
let t2 = RevGoCatYs<A>(xs.tail, xs.head & ys)
let t3 = refl :: (xs.head & ys) == ([xs.head] ++ ys)
let t3 = apply((e) Rev.go!(xs.tail, []) ++ e, t3)
let t4 = CatAssociative<A>(Rev.go!(xs.tail, []), [xs.head], ys)
// This is t2 when ys is nil, which must hold
let t5 = RevGoCatYs<A>(xs.tail, [xs.head]) // go(tail, [head]) == go(tail, []) ++ [head]
let t5 = mirror(t5)
let t5 = apply((e) e ++ ys, t5)
let t6 = mirror(RevGoStep<A>(xs.head, xs.tail, []))
let t6 = apply((e) e ++ ys, t6)
Chain!!!!(t1, Chain!!!!(t2, Chain!!!!(t3, Chain!!!!(t4, Chain!!!!(t5, t6)))))
// First element becomes last when list is reversed
RevGoHeadGoesLast<A: Type>(
n: A
xs: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(n & xs, []) == (Rev.go<A>(xs, []) ++ [n])
// 1: go(n & xs, []) == go(xs, [n])
// 2: go(xs, [n]) == go(xs, []) ++ [n]
let t1 = RevGoStep!(n, xs, [])
let t2 = RevGoCatYs!(xs, [n])
Chain!!!!(t1, t2)
//Reversing a cat is the same as cating both lists reverted, in opposite order
RevGoContraDistributive<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(List.concat<A>(xs, ys), List.nil<A>)
== List.concat<A>(Rev.go<A>(ys, List.nil<A>), Rev.go<A>(xs, List.nil<A>))
// go(xs ++ ys, []) == go(ys, []) ++ go(xs, [])
case xs {
// 1: go([] ++ ys, []) == go(ys, [])
// 2: go(ys, []) == go(ys, []) ++ []
let t1 = refl :: Rev.go<A>([] ++ ys, []) == Rev.go<A>(ys, [])
let t2 = mirror(CatNilRight<A>(Rev.go!(ys, [])))
Chain!!!!(t1, t2)
// 1: go((head & tail) ++ ys, []) == go(head & (tail ++ ys), [])
// 2: go(head & (tail ++ ys), []) == go(tail ++ ys, []) ++ [head]
// 3: go(tail ++ ys, []) ++ [head] == (go(ys, []) ++ go(tail, [])) ++ [head]
// 4: (go(ys, []) ++ go(tail, [])) ++ [head] == go(ys, []) ++ (go(tail, []) ++ [head])
// 5: go(ys, []) ++ (go(tail, []) ++ [head]) == go(ys, []) ++ go(head & tail, [])
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// go((head & tail) ++ ys, []) == go(ys, []) ++ go(head & tail, [])
let t1 = refl ::
Rev.go<A>((xs.head & xs.tail) ++ ys, []) ==
Rev.go<A>(xs.head & (xs.tail ++ ys), [])
let t2 = RevGoHeadGoesLast<A>(xs.head, xs.tail ++ ys)
let t3 = RevGoContraDistributive<A>(xs.tail, ys)
let t3 = apply((e) e ++ [xs.head], t3)
let t4 = CatAssociative<A>(
Rev.go<A>(ys, []),
Rev.go<A>(xs.tail, []),
let t4 = mirror(t4)
let t5 = mirror(RevGoHeadGoesLast<A>(xs.head, xs.tail))
let t5 = apply((e) Rev.go<A>(ys, []) ++ e, t5)
Chain!!!!(t1, Chain!!!!(t2, Chain!!!!(t3, Chain!!!!(t4, t5))))
ReverseReverse<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
): Rev<A>(Rev<A>(xs)) == xs
case xs {
nil : refl
// 1: rev(rev(head & tail)) == go(go(head & tail, []), [])
// 2: go(go(head & tail, []), []) == go(go(tail, []) ++ [head], [])
// 3: go(go(tail, []) ++ [head], []) == go([head], []) ++ go(go(tail, []))
// 4: go([head], []) ++ go(go(tail, [])) == go([head], []) ++ tail
// 5: go([head], []) ++ tail == [head] ++ tail
// 6: [head] ++ tail == head & tail
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// rev(rev(head & tail)) == head & tail
let t1 = refl ::
Rev<A>(Rev<A>(xs.head & xs.tail)) ==
Rev.go<A>(Rev.go<A>(xs.head & xs.tail, []), [])
let t2 = RevGoHeadGoesLast<A>(xs.head, xs.tail)
let t2 = apply((e) Rev.go<A>(e, []), t2)
let t3 = RevGoContraDistributive<A>(Rev.go<A>(xs.tail, []), [xs.head])
let t4 = ReverseReverse<A>(xs.tail)
let t4 = apply((e) Rev.go<A>([xs.head], []) ++ e, t4)
let t5 = refl :: Rev.go<A>([xs.head], []) == [xs.head]
let t5 = apply((e) e ++ xs.tail, t5)
let t6 = refl :: ([xs.head] ++ xs.tail) == (xs.head & xs.tail)
Chain!!!!(t1, Chain!!!!(t2, Chain!!!!(t3, Chain!!!!(t4, Chain!!!!(t5, t6)))))
// Reversing twice changes nothing
xs: List<Nat>
): Rev<Nat>(Rev<Nat>(xs)) == xs
// Alternative proof theorem 27 (taken from Idris)
// Applying reverse on reverse.go swaps xs with ys
ReverseSwapsReverseGo<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(Rev.go<A>(xs, ys), []) == Rev.go<A>(ys, xs)
case xs {
nil : refl
// go(go(head & tail, ys), []) == go(go(tail, head & ys), [])
// go(go(tail, head & ys), []) == go(head & ys, tail)
// go(head & ys, tail) == go(ys, head & tail)
let t1 = RevGoStep<A>(xs.head, xs.tail, ys)
let t1 = apply((e) Rev.go<A>(e, []), t1)
let t2 = ReverseSwapsReverseGo<A>(xs.tail, xs.head & ys)
let t3 = RevGoStep<A>(xs.head, ys, xs.tail)
Chain!!!!(t1, Chain!!!!(t2, t3))
ReverseReverseAlt<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
): Rev.go<A>(Rev.go<A>(xs, []), []) == xs
ReverseSwapsReverseGo<A>(xs, [])
// Theorems continue
// true is not false
Problems.t28: true != false
(e) Bool.true_neq_false(e)
// 3 is not 2
Problems.t29: 3 != 2
let a = apply(Nat.eql(2), e)
// An "or" with "true" in the first position is never false
Problems.t30(a: Bool): Bool.or(true, a) != false
let t = Chain!!!!(mirror(Problems.t3(a)), e)
// An "or" with "true" in the second position is never false
Problems.t31(a: Bool): Bool.or(a, true) != false
let t = Chain!!!!(mirror(Problems.t4(a)), e)
// An "and" with "false" in the first position is never true
Problems.t32(a: Bool): Bool.and(false, a) != true
let t = Chain!!!!(mirror(Problems.t1(a)), e)
// An "and" with "false" in the secind position is never true
Problems.t33(a: Bool): Bool.and(a, false) != true
let t = Chain!!!!(mirror(Problems.t2(a)), e)
// Equality is commutative
Problems.t34(a: Nat, b: Nat, e: a == b): b == a
// Kinda cheating, the actual proof is the definition of mirror (which also works for any type)
// Equality is transitive
Problems.t35(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, e0: a == b, e1: b == c): a == c
// Cheating again
Chain!!!!(e0, e1)
// P could be returning any type, so we don't know the concrete value of P(Nat.same(a))
// But since same(a)==a, P(Nat.same(a)) must be P(a)
// If we can show that to the typechecker, we can just return p which already has the correct type
Problems.t36(a: Nat, P: Nat -> Type, p: P(a)): P(Nat.same(a))
// t11 shows that same(a)==a
// We use it to rewrite the type of p to P(same(a)) since both are the same
// mirror cause we need a -> same(a)
p :: rewrite x in P(x) with mirror(Problems.t11(a))
let p0 = Problems.p0(true, true)
let p1 = Problems.p1(true, false)
let p2 = Problems.p2(false, false)
let p3 = Problems.p3!!({1, "second"})
let p4 = Problems.p4!!({1, "second"})
let p5 = Problems.p5!!({1, "second"})
let p6 = Problems.p6<Nat, String>(, {1, 2})
let p7 = Problems.p7(5)
let p8 = Problems.p8(9)
let p9 = Problems.p9(5, 13)
let p10 = Problems.p10(45, 31)
let p11 = Problems.p11(8, 35)
let p12 = Problems.p12(3, 29)
let p13 = Problems.p13(8, 8)
let p14 = Problems.p14!([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p15 = Problems.p15!([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p16 = Problems.p16!([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p17 = Problems.p17!([6 4 23 7 9] [4 2 7 0])
let p18 = Problems.p18!!(, [6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p19 = Problems.p19!([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p20 = Problems.p20!!([1 2], ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"])
let p21 = Problems.p21([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let p22 = Problems.p22([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0 0])
let p23 = Problems.p23([6 4 23 7 9 4 2 7 0])
let t0 = Problems.t0
let t1 = Problems.t1
let t2 = Problems.t2
let t3 = Problems.t3
let t4 = Problems.t4
let t5 = Problems.t5
let t6 = Problems.t6
let t7 = Problems.t7
let t8 = Problems.t8
let t9 = Problems.t9
let t10 = Problems.t10
let t11 = Problems.t11
let t12 = Problems.t12
let t13 = Problems.t13
let t14 = Problems.t14
let t15 = Problems.t15
let t16 = Problems.t16
let t17 = Problems.t17
let t18 = Problems.t18
let t19 = Problems.t19
let t20 = Problems.t20
let t21 = Problems.t21
let t22 = Problems.t22
let t23 = Problems.t23
let t24 = Problems.t24
let t25 = Problems.t25
let t26 = Problems.t26
let t27 = Problems.t27
let t28 = Problems.t28
let t29 = Problems.t29
let t30 = Problems.t30
let t31 = Problems.t31
let t32 = Problems.t32
let t33 = Problems.t33
let t34 = Problems.t34
let t35 = Problems.t35
let t36 = Problems.t36
// p0
//!(, p23)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
// How to use this file:
// 1. Clone Kind's repo: git clone
// 2. Create a dir for you: mkdir Kind/base/User/YourName
// 3. Copy that file there: cp Kind/base/Problems.kind Kind/base/User/YourName
// 4. Open, uncomment a problem and solve it
// 5. Send a PR if you want!
// If you need help, read the tutorial on Kind/, or ask on Telegram.
// Answers:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::::::::::::::
// :: Programs ::
// ::::::::::::::
// Returs true if both inputs are true
Problems.p0(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a {
true: b
false: false
// Returs true if any input is true
Problems.p1(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a b {
false false : false
} default true
// Returs true if both inputs are identical
Problems.p2(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool
case a b {
true true : true
false false : true
} default false
// Returns the second element of a pair
Problems.p3<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): A
case pair {
new: pair.fst
// Returns the second element of a pair
Problems.p4<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): B
case pair {
new: pair.snd
// Inverses the order of the elements of a pair
Problems.p5<A: Type, B: Type>(pair: Pair<A,B>): Pair<B,A>
case pair {
new :!!(pair.snd, pair.fst)
// Applies a function to both elements of a Pair
Problems.p6<A: Type, B: Type>(fn: A -> B, pair: Pair<A,A>): Pair<B,B>
case pair {
new :!!(fn(pair.fst), fn(pair.snd))
// Doubles a number
Problems.p7(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
zero: 0
succ: Nat.succ(Nat.succ(Problems.p7(n.pred)))
// Halves a number, rounding down
Problems.p8(n: Nat): Nat
case n {
succ: case n.pred {
succ: Nat.succ(Problems.p8(n.pred.pred))
// Adds two numbers
Problems.p9(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case a {
zero: b
succ : Nat.succ(Problems.p9(a.pred, b))
// Subtracts two numbers
Problems.p10(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case b {
zero: a
succ : case a {
zero : 0
succ : Problems.p10(a.pred, b.pred)
// Multiplies two numbers
Problems.p11(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case a {
zero : 0
succ : Problems.p9(Problems.p11(a.pred, b), b)
// Returns true if a < b
Problems.p12(a: Nat, b: Nat): Bool
case Nat.sub(a,b){
zero: case Problems.p10(b,a){
zero: true
succ: true
succ: case Problems.p10(b,a){
zero: false
succ: false
// Returns true if a == b
Problems.p13(a: Nat, b: Nat): Bool
case a {
zero: case b {
case Nat.sub(a,b){
zero: true
succ: false
case Nat.sub(b,a){
zero: true
succ: false
succ: case b {
case Nat.sub(a,b){
zero: true
succ: false
case Nat.sub(b,a){
zero: true
succ: false
// Returns the first element of a List
Problems.p14<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): Maybe<A>
case xs {
nil: none
cons: some(xs.head)
// Returns the list without the first element
Problems.p15<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil: []
cons: xs.tail
Problems.p16<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): Nat
case xs {
nil: 0
cons: Nat.succ(Problems.p16!(xs.tail))
// Concatenates two lists
Problems.p17<A: Type>(xs: List<A>, ys: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil : ys
cons : xs.head & Problems.p17!(xs.tail, ys)
// Applies a function to all elements of a list
Problems.p18<A: Type, B: Type>(fn: A -> B, xs: List<A>): List<B>
case xs {
nil: []
cons : fn(xs.head) & Problems.p18!!(fn, xs.tail)
// Returns the same list, with the order reversed
Problems.p19<A: Type>(xs: List<A>): List<A>
case xs {
nil: []
cons : Problems.p17!(Problems.p19!(xs.tail), List.cons!(xs.head, List.nil!))
// Returns pairs of the elements of the 2 input lists on the same index
Problems.p20<A: Type, B: Type>(xs: List<A>, ys: List<B>): List<Pair<A,B>>
case xs ys {
cons cons : List.cons<Pair<A,B>>(!!(xs.head, ys.head), Problems.p20!!(xs.tail, ys.tail))
} default []
// Returns the smallest element of a List
Problems.p21(xs: List<Nat>): Nat
case xs {
nil : 0
cons :
case xs.tail {
nil: xs.head
let min = Problems.p21(xs.tail)
Problems.p21_sup(xs.head, min)
Problems.p21_sup(a: Nat, b: Nat): Nat
case Problems.p12(a,b) {
true: a
false: b
// Returns the same list without the smallest element
Problems.p22(xs: List<Nat>): List<Nat>
case xs {
nil: []
let min = Problems.p22_menor(xs.head, xs.tail)
Problems.p22_remover([], min, xs)
Problems.p22_remover(i: List<Nat>, j: Nat, xs: List<Nat>): List<Nat>
case xs {
nil: Problems.p19!(i)
case Nat.eql(j, xs.head) {
true: Problems.p17!(Problems.p19!(i), xs.tail)
false: Problems.p22_remover(List.cons!(xs.head, i), j, xs.tail)
Problems.p22_menor(x: Nat, xs: List<Nat>): Nat
case xs {
nil: x
case Problems.p22_lte(x, xs.head) {
true: Problems.p22_menor(x, xs.tail)
false: Problems.p22_menor(xs.head, xs.tail)
Problems.p22_lte(a: Nat, b: Nat): Bool
case Problems.p10(a,b){
zero: case Problems.p10(b,a){
zero: true
succ: true
succ: case Problems.p10(b,a){
zero: true
succ: false
// Returns the same list, in ascending order
//Problems.p23(xs: List<Nat>): List<Nat>
// ?a
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ::::::::::::::
// :: Theorems ::
// ::::::::::::::
// Note: these problems use functions from the base libs, NOT the ones above
Problems.t0: true == true
Problems.t1(a: Bool): Bool.and(false, a) == false
Problems.t2(a: Bool): Bool.and(a, false) == false
case a {
true: refl
false: refl
Problems.t3(a: Bool): Bool.or(true, a) == true
Problems.t4(a: Bool): Bool.or(a, true) == true
case a {
true: refl
false: refl
Problems.t5(a: Bool): Bool.eql(a, a) == true
case a {
true: refl
false: refl
Problems.t6(a: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.not(a)) == a
case a {
true: refl
false: refl
Problems.t7(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.and(a,b)) == Bool.or(Bool.not(a), Bool.not(b))
case a b {
true true: refl
true false: refl
false true: refl
false false: refl
Problems.t8(a: Bool, b: Bool): Bool.not(Bool.or(a,b)) == Bool.and(Bool.not(a), Bool.not(b))
case a b {
true true: refl
true false: refl
false true: refl
false false: refl
Problems.t9(a: Pair<Nat,Nat>):<Nat,Nat>(Pair.fst<Nat,Nat>(a), Pair.snd<Nat,Nat>(a)) == a
case a {
new: refl
Problems.t10(a: Pair<Nat,Nat>): Pair.swap<Nat,Nat>(Pair.swap<Nat,Nat>(a)) == a
case a {
new: refl
Problems.t11(n: Nat): Nat.same(n) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t11(n.pred))
Problems.t12(n: Nat): Nat.half(Nat.double(n)) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t12(n.pred))
Problems.t13(n: Nat): Nat.add(0,n) == n
Problems.t14(n: Nat): Nat.add(n,0) == n
case n {
zero: refl
succ: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t14(n.pred))
Problems.t15(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(Nat.succ(n),m) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n,m))
Problems.t16(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(n,Nat.succ(m)) == Nat.succ(Nat.add(n,m))
case n {
zero: refl
succ: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t16(n.pred, m))
Problems.t17(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat.add(n,m) == Nat.add(m,n)
case n {
zero: mirror(Problems.t14(m))
let ind = Problems.t17(n.pred, m)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
let first = mirror(Problems.t16(m, n.pred ))
let ok = Equal.chain!!!!(app, first)
Problems.t18(n: Nat): Nat.add(n,n) == Nat.double(n)
case n{
zero: refl
let ind = Problems.t18(n.pred)
let app = apply(Nat.succ, ind)
let first = Problems.t16(n.pred,n.pred)
let ok = Equal.chain!!!!(first, app)
apply(Nat.succ, ok)
Problems.t19(n: Nat): Nat.ltn(n, Nat.succ(n)) == true
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t19(n.pred)
Problems.t20(n: Nat): Nat.gtn(Nat.succ(n), n) == true
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t20(n.pred)
Problems.t21(n: Nat): Nat.sub(n,n) == 0
case n {
zero: refl
succ: Problems.t21(n.pred)
Problems.t22(n: Nat, e: n == 1): Nat.succ(n) == 2
apply(Nat.succ, e)
//Problems.t23(n: Nat, m: Nat, e: Nat.eql(n,m) == true): n == m
// ?a
Problems.t24(xs: List<Nat>): Nat.gtn(List.length<Nat>(List.cons<Nat>(1,xs)),0) == true
Problems.t25(xs: List<Nat>):<Nat,Nat>((x) x, xs) == xs
case xs {
nil: refl
cons: apply(List.cons<Nat>(xs.head), Problems.t25(xs.tail))
Problems.t26(xs: List<Nat>, ys: List<Nat>): Nat.add(List.length<Nat>(xs), List.length<Nat>(ys)) == List.length<Nat>(List.concat<Nat>(xs,ys))
case xs {
nil: refl
cons: apply(Nat.succ, Problems.t26(xs.tail, ys))
//Problems.t27(xs: List<Nat>): List.reverse<Nat>(List.reverse<Nat>(xs)) == xs
// ?a
//Problems.t28: true != false
// ?a
//Problems.t29: 3 != 2
// ?a
//Problems.t30(a: Bool): Bool.or(true, a) != false
// ?a
//Problems.t31(a: Bool): Bool.or(a, true) != false
// ?a
//Problems.t32(a: Bool): Bool.and(false, a) != true
// ?a
//Problems.t33(a: Bool): Bool.and(a, false) != true
// ?a
Problems.t34(a: Nat, b: Nat, e: a == b): b == a
case e {
refl: refl
Problems.t35(a: Nat, b: Nat, c: Nat, e0: a == b, e1: b == c): a == c
Equal.chain!!!!(e0, e1)
//Problems.t36(a: Nat, P: Nat -> Type, p: P(a)): P(Nat.same(a))
// ?a

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ var server_apps = [