Don't error if in .git directory of git repo

This commit is contained in:
Ilan Cosman 2021-02-09 15:54:01 -08:00
parent 763cec1a80
commit 5091eb60ca

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@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
function _tide_item_git
# Branch or SHA
set -l location (git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) || return
set -l branch (git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) || return
# --quiet ensures that it won't complain if there are no commits
git rev-parse --git-dir --short=8 --quiet HEAD | read --local --line gitDir sha
git rev-parse --quiet \
--is-inside-work-tree \
--git-dir \
--short=8 HEAD | read --local --line isInsideWorkTree gitDir sha
set -l location
if test "$isInsideWorkTree" = false
set location GIT_DIR!
else if test -n "$branch"
set location $branch
set location $sha
# Operation
set -l operation
@ -43,22 +55,23 @@ function _tide_item_git
test "$upstreamBehind" = 0 && set -e upstreamBehind
test "$upstreamAhead" = 0 && set -e upstreamAhead
# Git status info
set -l gitInfo (git status --porcelain)
set -l staged (string match --regex '^[ADMR] ' $gitInfo | count) || set -e staged
set -l dirty (string match --regex '^ [ADMR]' $gitInfo | count) || set -e dirty
set -l untracked (string match --regex '^\?\?' $gitInfo | count) || set -e untracked
set -l conflicted (string match --regex '^UU' $gitInfo | count) || set -e conflicted
# Git status/stash
set -l staged
set -l dirty
set -l untracked
set -l conflicted
set -l stash
# Stash
set -l stash (git stash list | count) || set -e stash
# Print the information
if test -z "$location"
printf '%s' '@'
set location $sha
if test "$isInsideWorkTree" = true
set -l gitInfo (git status --porcelain)
set staged (string match --regex '^[ADMR] ' $gitInfo | count) || set -e staged
set dirty (string match --regex '^ [ADMR]' $gitInfo | count) || set -e dirty
set untracked (string match --regex '^\?\?' $gitInfo | count) || set -e untracked
set conflicted (string match --regex '^UU' $gitInfo | count) || set -e conflicted
set stash (git stash list | count) || set -e stash
# Print the information
printf '%s' \
(set_color $tide_git_branch_color) $location \
(set_color $tide_git_operation_color) ' '$operation ' '$step/$totalSteps \