function tide_configure if test $COLUMNS -lt 55 || test $LINES -lt 21 printf '%s\n' 'Terminal size too small; must be at least 55 x 21' return 1 end set -g fake_columns $COLUMNS if test $fake_columns -gt 100 set -g fake_columns 100 end set -g fake_lines $LINES for fn in $_tide_dir/configure/functions/* source "$fn" end for promptItem in $_tide_dir/configure/prompt_items/* source "$promptItem" end _begin end function _begin _set_defaults _next_choice 'all/style' end function _set_defaults if test $fake_lines -ge 26 set -g fake_tide_newline true else set -g fake_tide_newline false end set -g fake_tide_left_prompt_items 'pwd' 'git_prompt' 'newline' 'prompt_char' set -g fake_tide_right_prompt_items 'cmd_duration' 'time' set -g fake_tide_time_format '' set -g fake_tide_time_color 5F8787 set -g fake_tide_prompt_connection_icon ' ' set -g fake_tide_prompt_connection_color 6C6C6C end function _next_choice -a nextChoice source "$_tide_dir/configure/choices/$" set -l cmd (string split '/' $nextChoice)[2] $cmd end function _menu -a question options set -l optionList (string split '/' $options) set -l bold (set_color -o) set -l norm (set_color normal) while true read -P $bold"$question [$options] "$norm input if contains $input $optionList printf '%s\n' $input break end end end function _title -a text clear set -l midCols (math -s0 $fake_columns/2) set -l midTitle (math -s0 (string length $text)/2) _cursor_right (math $midCols-$midTitle) set_color -o printf '%s\n' $text set_color normal end function _option -a symbol text set_color -o printf '%s\n' "($symbol) $text" set_color normal end function _display_prompt -a var_name var_value if test -n "$var_name" set -g $var_name $var_value end fake_prompt printf '\n\n' end function _display_restart_and_quit printf '(r) Restart from the beginning \n\n' printf '(q) Quit and do nothing \n\n' end function _quit --on-signal INT clear source "$__fish_config_dir/functions/" source "$__fish_config_dir/functions/" source "$__fish_config_dir/functions/" end