# RUN: %fish %s _tide_parent_dirs function _pulumi _tide_decolor (_tide_item_pulumi) end set -l tmpdir (mktemp -d) cd $tmpdir # Test #1: No Pulumi.yaml file _pulumi # CHECK: # Test #2: No workspace file # Setting up sample Pulumi.yaml file touch Pulumi.yaml echo "name: pulumi-test" >Pulumi.yaml # Setting up sample workspaces folder mkdir -p .pulumi/workspaces/ # Calculating path hash for sample Pulumi file in $tmpdir set -l mock_path_hash '' if command -q sha1sum set mock_path_hash (echo -n "$tmpdir/Pulumi.yaml" | sha1sum | string sub -e 40) else if command -q shasum set mock_path_hash (echo -n "$tmpdir/Pulumi.yaml" | shasum | string sub -e 40) end # Overriding $HOME to force use sample workspace file HOME=$tmpdir _pulumi # CHECK: # Test #3: Ideal path # Setting up sample workspace file with 'dev' as current stack echo "{\"stack\": \"dev\"}" >.pulumi/workspaces/pulumi-test-$mock_path_hash-workspace.json # Overriding $HOME to force use sample workspace file HOME=$tmpdir _pulumi # CHECK:  dev command rm -r $tmpdir