function _tide_init_install --on-event _tide_init_install set -U _tide_var_list # Tiny improvment to shell startup, which makes async faster function _tide_set -a var_name set -U $var_name $argv[2..-1] set -a _tide_var_list $var_name end _tide_set _tide_color_dark_blue 0087AF _tide_set _tide_color_dark_green 5FAF00 _tide_set _tide_color_gold D7AF00 _tide_set _tide_color_green 5FD700 _tide_set _tide_color_light_blue 00AFFF _tide_set _tide_root (status dirname)/.. _tide_set tide_os_icon (_tide_detect_os) _tide_set VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT true source $_tide_root/functions/tide/configure/choices/all/ source $_tide_root/functions/tide/configure/choices/all/ _load_config lean _tide_finish set -a _tide_var_list (set --names | string match --regex "^tide.*") status is-interactive && switch (read --prompt-str="Configure tide prompt? [Y/n] " | string lower) case y ye yes '' tide configure case '*' printf '%s' \n 'Run ' (printf '%s' "tide configure" | fish_indent --ansi) ' to customize your prompt.' \n end end function _tide_init_uninstall --on-event _tide_init_uninstall set -e $_tide_var_list _tide_var_list functions --erase (functions --all | string match --entire --regex '^_tide_') end