function lean_install echo 'Installing lean theme...' # -----------------Download Functions----------------- set -l tempDir '/tmp/lean_theme' # Clone repository into $tempDir if test -e $tempDir rm -rf $tempDir end git clone -q --depth=1 $tempDir # Remove all files/dirs except functions and lean_theme set -l keepFiles "$tempDir/"{'functions', 'lean_theme'} for file in $tempDir/* if not contains $file $keepFiles rm -rf $file end end rm -rf "$tempDir/.git" # Copy remaining directory contents into $__fish_config_dir and cleanup cp -rf "$tempDir/." $__fish_config_dir rm -rf $tempDir # ----------------Set Theme Variables---------------- set -U lean_dir "$__fish_config_dir/lean_theme" # --------------Colors-------------- set -U lean_color_green 5FD700 set -U lean_color_light_blue 00AFFF set -U lean_color_dark_blue 0087AF set -U lean_color_gold D7AF00 set -U lean_color_lilac 8787AF # ---------------Pwd--------------- set -U lean_pwd_shorten_margin 5 set -U lean_pwd_unwritable_icon '' # Lock # ------------Git prompt------------ set -U __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status true set -U __fish_git_prompt_showstashstate true # -------Symbols------- set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator '' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_cleanstate '' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead ' ⇡' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind ' ⇣' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate ' +' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate ' !' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles ' ?' set -U __fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate ' *' # --------Colors-------- set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_branch $lean_color_green set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_upstream $lean_color_green set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate $lean_color_gold set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate $lean_color_gold set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles $lean_color_light_blue set -U __fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate $lean_color_green # ----------------Right Prompt Items---------------- set -U lean_right_prompt_items 'status' 'cmd_duration' 'context' 'jobs' # --------------Status-------------- set -U lean_status_success_icon '✔' set -U lean_status_success_color 5FAF00 set -U lean_status_failure_icon '✘' set -U lean_status_failure_color D70000 # --------------Cmd_Duration-------------- set -U lean_cmd_duration_color 87875F set -U lean_cmd_duration_decimals 0 set -U lean_cmd_duration_threshold 3000 # -------------Context------------- set -U lean_context_ssh_color D7AF87 set -U lean_context_root_color D7AF00 # ---------------Jobs--------------- set -U lean_jobs_icon '' # Gear set -U lean_jobs_color 5FAF00 # ---------------Time--------------- set -U lean_time_color 5F8787 # -----------------------Finish----------------------- source "$__fish_config_dir/functions/" set_color $lean_color_green echo 'Lean theme installed!' set_color $fish_color_normal if _user_confirm_defaultYes 'Configure lean prompt?' lean configure else echo -e '\n''Run lean configure to configure your prompt.' end end function _user_confirm_defaultYes -a question while true read -P "$question [Y/n] " input switch $input case y Y yes Yes return 0 case n N no No return 1 case '' return 0 end end end