2021-07-06 14:09:17 -07:00

73 lines
3.5 KiB

function _tide_item_git
set -l location_color (set_color $tide_git_color_branch || echo)
set -l location $location_color(git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null) || return
# --quiet = don't error if there are no commits
git rev-parse --quiet --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --short HEAD |
read --local --line git_dir is_inside_git_dir sha
if test -z "$location" # Default to branch, then tag, then sha
set location '#'$location_color(git tag --points-at HEAD)[1] # get the first tag
test -z "$location" && set location '@'$location_color$sha
# Operation
if test -d $git_dir/rebase-merge
read tide_git_step <$git_dir/rebase-merge/msgnum
read tide_git_total_steps <$git_dir/rebase-merge/end
if test -f $git_dir/rebase-merge/interactive
set tide_git_operation rebase-i
set tide_git_operation rebase-m
else if test -d $git_dir/rebase-apply
read tide_git_step <$git_dir/rebase-apply/next
read tide_git_total_steps <$git_dir/rebase-apply/last
if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/rebasing
set tide_git_operation rebase
else if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/applying
set tide_git_operation am
set tide_git_operation am/rebase
else if test -f $git_dir/MERGE_HEAD
set tide_git_operation merge
else if test -f $git_dir/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
set tide_git_operation cherry-pick
else if test -f $git_dir/REVERT_HEAD
set tide_git_operation revert
else if test -f $git_dir/BISECT_LOG
set tide_git_operation bisect
# Upstream behind/ahead. Suppress errors in case there is no upstream
git rev-list --count --left-right @{upstream}...HEAD 2>/dev/null |
read --local --delimiter=\t upstream_behind upstream_ahead
test "$upstream_behind" = 0 && set -e upstream_behind
test "$upstream_ahead" = 0 && set -e upstream_ahead
# Git status/stash
test "$is_inside_git_dir" = true && set -l tide_git_set_dir_option -C $git_dir/..
# Suppress errors in case we are in a bare repo
set -l git_info (git $tide_git_set_dir_option --no-optional-locks status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)
set -l stash (git $tide_git_set_dir_option stash list 2>/dev/null | count) || set -e stash
set -l conflicted (string match --regex '^UU' $git_info | count) || set -e conflicted
set -l staged (string match --regex '^[ADMR].' $git_info | count) || set -e staged
set -l dirty (string match --regex '^.[ADMR]' $git_info | count) || set -e dirty
set -l untracked (string match --regex '^\?\?' $git_info | count) || set -e untracked
if set -q tide_git_operation || set -q conflicted
set -g tide_git_bg_color $tide_git_bg_color_urgent
else if set -q staged || set -q dirty || set -q untracked
set -g tide_git_bg_color $tide_git_bg_color_unstable
_tide_print_item git $location_color $tide_git_icon' ' (set_color white; printf %s $location
set_color $tide_git_color_operation; printf %s ' '$tide_git_operation ' '$tide_git_step/$tide_git_total_steps
set_color $tide_git_color_upstream; printf %s ' ⇣'$upstream_behind ' ⇡'$upstream_ahead
set_color $tide_git_color_stash; printf %s ' *'$stash
set_color $tide_git_color_conflicted; printf %s ' ~'$conflicted
set_color $tide_git_color_staged; printf %s ' +'$staged
set_color $tide_git_color_dirty; printf %s ' !'$dirty
set_color $tide_git_color_untracked; printf %s ' ?'$untracked)