Displays the title and/or icon of the currently focused window.
![Screenshot of focused widget, showing this page open on firefox](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5057870/184714118-c1fb1c67-cd8c-4cc0-b5cd-6faccff818ac.png)
| `show_icon` | `boolean` | `true` | Whether to show the app's icon. |
| `show_title` | `boolean` | `true` | Whether to show the app's title. |
| `icon_size` | `integer` | `32` | Size of icon in pixels. |
| `truncate` | `'start'` or `'middle'` or `'end'` or `Map` | `null` | The location of the ellipses and where to truncate text from. Leave null to avoid truncating. Use the long-hand `Map` version if specifying a length. |
| `truncate.mode` | `'start'` or `'middle'` or `'end'` | `null` | The location of the ellipses and where to truncate text from. Leave null to avoid truncating. |
| `truncate.length` | `integer` | `null` | The fixed width (in chars) of the widget. Leave blank to let GTK automatically handle. |
| `truncate.max_length` | `integer` | `null` | The maximum number of characters before truncating. Leave blank to let GTK automatically handle. |