# Ironbar Ironbar is a customisable and feature-rich bar targeting the Sway compositor, written in Rust. It uses GTK3 and gtk-layer-shell. The bar can be styled to your liking using CSS and hot-loads style changes. For information and examples on styling please see the [wiki](https://github.com/JakeStanger/ironbar/wiki). ## Installation Install with cargo: ```sh cargo install ironbar ``` Then just run with `ironbar`. ## Configuration By default, running will get you a blank bar. To start, you will need a configuration file in `.config/ironbar`. Ironbar supports a range of file formats so pick your favourite: - JSON - TOML - YAML - [Corn](https://github.com/jakestanger/corn) (Experimental. JSON/Nix like config lang. Supports variables.) For a full list of modules and their configuration options, please see the [wiki](https://github.com/JakeStanger/ironbar/wiki). There are two different approaches to configuring the bar: ### Same configuration across all monitors > If you have a single monitor, or want the same bar to appear across each of your monitors, choose this option. The top-level object takes any combination of `left`, `center`, and `right`. These each take a list of modules and determine where they are positioned. ```json { "left": [], "center": [], "right": [] } ``` ### Different configuration across monitors > If you have multiple monitors and want them to differ in configuration, choose this option. The top-level object takes a single key called `monitors`. This takes an array where each entry is an object with a configuration for each monitor. The monitor's config object takes any combination of `left`, `center`, and `right`. These each take a list of modules and determine where they are positioned. ```json { "monitors": [ { "left": [], "center": [], "right": [] }, { "left": [], "center": [], "right": [] } ] } ``` ## Styling To get started, create a stylesheet at `.config/ironbar/style.css`. Changes will be hot-reloaded every time you save the file. An example stylesheet and information about each module's styling information can be found on the [wiki](https://github.com/JakeStanger/ironbar/wiki). ## Project Status This project is in very early stages: - Error handling is barely implemented - expect crashes - There will be bugs! - Lots of modules need more configuration options - There's room for lots of modules - The code is messy and quite prototypal in places - Config options aren't set in stone - expect breaking changes - Documentation is probably missing in lots of places That said, it will be *actively developed* as I am using it on my daily driver. Bugs will be fixed, features will be added, code will be refactored. ## Contribution Guidelines I welcome contributions of any kind with open arms. That said, please do stick to some basics: - For code contributions: - Fix any `cargo clippy` warnings, using at least the default configuration. - Make sure your code is formatted using `cargo fmt`. - Keep any documentation up to date. - I won't enforce it, but preferably stick to [conventional commit](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) messages. - For PRs: - Please open an issue or discussion beforehand. I'll accept most contributions, but it's best to make sure you're not working on something that won't get accepted :) - For issues: - Please provide as much information as you can - share your config, any logs, steps to reproduce... ## Acknowledgements - [Waybar](https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar) - A lot of the initial inspiration, and a pretty great bar. - [Rustbar](https://github.com/zeroeightysix/rustbar) - Served as a good demo for writing a basic GTK bar in Rust