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synced 2025-01-08 17:31:11 +03:00
Adds a new module which connects to SwayNC to display information from the notifications deamon. Resolves #7
135 lines
3.7 KiB
135 lines
3.7 KiB
let {
$workspaces = {
type = "workspaces"
all_monitors = false
name_map = {
1 = ""
2 = "icon:firefox"
3 = ""
Games = "icon:steam"
Code = ""
$focused = { type = "focused" }
$launcher = {
type = "launcher"
favorites = ["firefox" "discord" "steam"]
show_names = false
show_icons = true
$mpris = {
type = "music"
player_type = "mpris"
on_click_middle = "playerctl play-pause"
on_scroll_up = "playerctl volume +5"
on_scroll_down = "playerctl volume -5"
$mpd_local = { type = "music" player_type = "mpd" music_dir = "/home/jake/Music" truncate.mode = "end" truncate.max_length = 100 }
$mpd_server = { type = "music" player_type = "mpd" host = "chloe:6600" truncate = "end" }
$notifications = {
type = "notifications"
show_count = true
icons.closed_none = ""
icons.closed_some = ""
icons.closed_dnd = ""
icons.open_none = ""
icons.open_some = ""
icons.open_dnd = ""
$sys_info = {
type = "sys_info"
interval.memory = 30
interval.cpu = 1
interval.temps = 5
interval.disks = 300
interval.networks = 3
format = [
" {cpu_percent}% | {temp_c:k10temp_Tccd1}°C"
" {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_percent}%)"
"| {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_percent}%)"
" {disk_used:/} / {disk_total:/} GB ({disk_percent:/}%)"
" {net_down:enp39s0} / {net_up:enp39s0} Mbps"
" {load_average:1} | {load_average:5} | {load_average:15}"
" {uptime}"
$tray = { type = "tray" }
$clock = { type = "clock" }
$phone_battery = {
type = "script"
cmd = "/home/jake/bin/phone-battery"
show_if.cmd = "/home/jake/bin/phone-connected"
show_if.interval = 500
$clipboard = { type = "clipboard" max_items = 3 truncate.mode = "end" truncate.length = 50 }
$volume = {
type = "volume"
format = "{icon} {volume}%"
max_volume = 100
icons.volume_high = ""
icons.volume_medium = ""
icons.volume_low = ""
icons.muted = ""
$label = { type = "label" label = "random num: {{500:echo FIXME}}" }
// -- begin custom --
$button = { type = "button" name="power-btn" label = "" on_click = "popup:toggle" }
$popup = {
type = "box"
orientation = "vertical"
widgets = [
{ type = "label" name = "header" label = "Power menu" }
type = "box"
widgets = [
{ type = "button" class="power-btn" label = "<span font-size='40pt'></span>" on_click = "!shutdown now" }
{ type = "button" class="power-btn" label = "<span font-size='40pt'></span>" on_click = "!reboot" }
{ type = "label" name = "uptime" label = "Uptime: {{30000:uptime -p | cut -d ' ' -f2-}}" }
$power_menu = {
type = "custom"
class = "power-menu"
bar = [ $button ]
popup = [ $popup ]
tooltip = "Up: {{30000:uptime -p | cut -d ' ' -f2-}}"
// -- end custom --
$left = [ $workspaces $launcher $label ]
$right = [ $mpd_local $mpd_server $phone_battery $sys_info $volume $clipboard $power_menu $clock $notifications ]
in {
anchor_to_edges = true
position = "bottom"
icon_theme = "Paper"
start = $left
end = $right