Jake Stanger 36d724f148
feat(config): json schema support
This PR includes the necessary code changes, CI changes and documentation to generate and deploy a full JSON schema for each release and the master branch, which can be used within config files for autocomplete and type checking.
2024-05-31 22:01:50 +01:00

160 lines
3.6 KiB

"$schema": "",
"anchor_to_edges": true,
"position": "bottom",
"icon_theme": "Paper",
"start": [
"type": "workspaces",
"all_monitors": false,
"name_map": {
"1": "󰙯",
"2": "icon:firefox",
"3": "",
"Games": "icon:steam",
"Code": ""
"type": "launcher",
"favorites": [
"show_names": false,
"show_icons": true
"type": "label",
"label": "random num: {{500:echo FIXME}}"
"end": [
"type": "music",
"player_type": "mpd",
"music_dir": "/home/jake/Music",
"truncate": {
"mode": "end",
"max_length": 100
"type": "music",
"player_type": "mpd",
"host": "chloe:6600",
"truncate": "end"
"type": "script",
"cmd": "/home/jake/bin/phone-battery",
"show_if": {
"cmd": "/home/jake/bin/phone-connected",
"interval": 500
"type": "sys_info",
"interval": {
"memory": 30,
"cpu": 1,
"temps": 5,
"disks": 300,
"networks": 3
"format": [
" {cpu_percent}% | {temp_c:k10temp-Tccd1}°C",
" {memory_used} / {memory_total} GB ({memory_percent}%)",
"| {swap_used} / {swap_total} GB ({swap_percent}%)",
"󰋊 {disk_used:/} / {disk_total:/} GB ({disk_percent:/}%)",
"󰓢 {net_down:enp39s0} / {net_up:enp39s0} Mbps",
"󰖡 {load_average:1} | {load_average:5} | {load_average:15}",
"󰥔 {uptime}"
"type": "volume",
"format": "{icon} {percentage}%",
"max_volume": 100,
"icons": {
"volume_high": "󰕾",
"volume_medium": "󰖀",
"volume_low": "󰕿",
"muted": "󰝟"
"type": "clipboard",
"max_items": 3,
"truncate": {
"mode": "end",
"length": 50
"type": "custom",
"class": "power-menu",
"bar": [
"type": "button",
"name": "power-btn",
"label": "",
"on_click": "popup:toggle"
"popup": [
"type": "box",
"orientation": "vertical",
"widgets": [
"type": "label",
"name": "header",
"label": "Power menu"
"type": "box",
"widgets": [
"type": "button",
"class": "power-btn",
"label": "<span font-size='40pt'></span>",
"on_click": "!shutdown now"
"type": "button",
"class": "power-btn",
"label": "<span font-size='40pt'></span>",
"on_click": "!reboot"
"type": "label",
"name": "uptime",
"label": "Uptime: {{30000:uptime -p | cut -d ' ' -f2-}}"
"tooltip": "Up: {{30000:uptime -p | cut -d ' ' -f2-}}"
"type": "clock"
"type": "notifications",
"show_count": true,
"icons": {
"closed_none": "󰍥",
"closed_some": "󱥂",
"closed_dnd": "󱅯",
"open_none": "󰍡",
"open_some": "󱥁",
"open_dnd": "󱅮"