2021-07-15 13:50:33 +02:00

145 lines
5.6 KiB

Fetch the latest list of packages and their descriptions
from CTAN at and save the result as a json file.
The result is used to generate usepackage and documentclass
intellisense for LaTeX Workshop.
from pathlib import Path
import json
import requests
# The file comes TeX Live Utility, which is a Mac OS X graphical interface for TeX Live Manager.
from . import parse_tlpdb
class CtanPkg:
:ctan_source: The url to retrieve the list of packages from CTAN.
:ctan_dict: A dictionnary indexed by package names. Each entry contains the following
dictionnary entries: `command`, `documentation`, `detail`.
:tl_packages: The array of all packages available in TeXLive. Every element is a `TLPackage` object
:tl_packages_index_map: The dictionnary of all packages listed in `tl_packages` giving their index in the array
:tl_all_files: The array of all `.sty` and `.cls` files listed as runfiles in `tl_packages`
:extra_packages: A dictionnary of extra packages to include.
def __init__(self, extra_packages_file=None, ctan_source='',tlpdb_url=''):
:param extra_packages_file: The full path to the JSON file containing some extra entries in the same format as `ctan_dict`
self.ctan_dict = {}
self.tl_packages = []
self.tl_packages_index_map = {}
self.extra_packages = {}
self.tl_all_files = []
def _load_extra_packages(self, extra_packages_file):
if extra_packages_file is not None:
self.extra_packages = json.load(open(extra_packages_file))
print('Cannot read {}'.format(extra_packages_file))
def _build_ctan_dict(self, ctan_source):
print('Dowloading CTAN package list...')
ctan_list = requests.get(ctan_source).json()
print('Cannot get package list from {}'.format(ctan_source))
for x in ctan_list:
self.ctan_dict[x['key']] = {}
self.ctan_dict[x['key']]['command'] = x['key']
self.ctan_dict[x['key']]['documentation'] = '' + x['key']
self.ctan_dict[x['key']]['detail'] = x['caption']
def _read_tlpdb(self, tlpdb_url):
print('Downloading TL Package DB...')
r = requests.get(tlpdb_url)
r.encoding = 'utf-8' # No encoding is present in the response as it is ASCII, we have to enforce it to get strings and not bytes.
self.tl_packages, self.tl_packages_index_map = parse_tlpdb.packages_from_tlpdb(r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True))
print('Cannot retrieve the tlpdb file from {}'.format(tlpdb_url))
self.tl_all_files = [Path(f).name for pkg in self.tl_packages for f in pkg.runfiles if Path(f).suffix in ['.sty', '.def', '.cls'] ]
def package2sty(self, pkgname):
Find the main .sty file for a given package
:return a filename without the .sty extension or None
styname = pkgname + '.sty'
if styname in self.tl_all_files:
return pkgname
if pkgname in self.tl_packages_index_map:
files = [Path(f) for f in self.tl_packages[self.tl_packages_index_map[pkgname]].runfiles]
if pkgname + '.sty' in files:
return pkgname
for f in files:
if == pkgname + '.sty':
return f.stem
return None
def pkg_exists(self, pkgname, suffix):
Check if a file pkgname + suffix exists in `tl_all_files`
:param pkgname: The name of a package
:param suffix: The suffix to add to get a real file name
if pkgname in self.tl_packages_index_map:
files = [Path(f).name for f in self.tl_packages[self.tl_packages_index_map[pkgname]].runfiles]
if pkgname + suffix in files:
return True
return False
def get_classes(self):
Get all the .cls files in `tl_all_files` and extract the corresponding details from `ctan_dict` if the entry exists
class_data = {}
for c in self.tl_all_files:
if not c.endswith('.cls'):
base = Path(c).stem
detail = ''
documentation = ''
if base in self.ctan_dict:
detail = self.ctan_dict[base]['detail']
documentation = self.ctan_dict[base]['documentation']
class_data[base] = {}
class_data[base]['command'] = base
class_data[base]['detail'] = detail
class_data[base]['documentation'] = documentation
return class_data
def get_packages(self):
Get the packages for which a .sty file exists and the extra_packages
packages = {}
for pkg in self.ctan_dict:
basefile = self.package2sty(pkg)
if basefile is not None:
packages[pkg] = self.ctan_dict[pkg].copy()
packages[pkg]['command'] = basefile
for pkg in self.extra_packages:
if pkg not in packages.keys():
packages[pkg] = self.extra_packages[pkg].copy()
return packages