Created Getting Started (markdown)

Sofia Rodrigues 2023-04-08 16:08:27 -03:00
parent f1bec8bbd5
commit 70f71efe23

7 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Getting Started
It's a guide for how you should install `Kind` with some details that are not in the README of the repository. The first thing that you should do is install the [Rust progrmaming language](, we are going to use the `nightly` toolchain because HVM needs some features that are not available in the stable version of Rust using the command `cargo +nightly install kind2`.
# After the installation
After the installation, the first thing that a lot of people do is to try to run examples from the README that will miserably fail because Kind cannot find some common definitions like `List` or `Sigma` or `Nat`. It happens because Kind tries to find these definitions in the current folder so in order to run it correctly we need to run it inside a place that has these definitions e.g [Wikind](