add progress on proofs

This commit is contained in:
caotic123 2021-10-06 01:07:16 -03:00
parent b0513abc5e
commit 46d3e18988
4 changed files with 5733 additions and 2088 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Ether.RLP.encode.bytes(tree : Ether.RLP.Tree) : List<Bits>
for item in tree.value with bytes :
bytes ++ Ether.RLP.encode.bytes(item)
let bytes_size = List.foldr!!(0, (x, y) Ether.Bits.get_bytes_size(x) + y, bytes)
log("first encoding " |
// log("first encoding " |
Ether.RPL.encode_length(bytes_size, 192) ++ bytes
//56 +
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Ether.RPL.encode_length(value : Nat, offSet : Nat) : List<Bits>
18446744073709551616 :
let binary_encoding = Ether.RPL.encode.binary(value)
let len = List.foldr!!(0, (x, y) Ether.Bits.get_bytes_size(x) + y, binary_encoding)
log( | " " |!!(Bits.e, Bits.concat, [Nat.to_bits(len + offSet + 55)] ++ binary_encoding)))
// log( | " " |!!(Bits.e, Bits.concat, [Nat.to_bits(len + offSet + 55)] ++ binary_encoding)))
[Nat.to_bits(len + offSet + 55)] ++ binary_encoding
} default [] // This case has to be treated within a proof

View File

@ -1,9 +1,127 @@
Bits.concat.go(a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
case a {
e: b,
o: Bits.concat(a.pred, Bits.o(b))
i: Bits.concat(a.pred, Bits.i(b))
Ether.RLP.proof.pad_bytes(bits : Bits) : Bits
let {pred, succ} = Bits.break(8, bits)
def bytes_pad = Bits.trim(8, pred)
case succ {
e : bytes_pad
} default Bits.concat(bytes_pad, Ether.RLP.proof.pad_bytes(succ))
Bits.size.rec(x : Bits, n : Nat) :
Nat.succ(Bits.length.go(x, n)) == Bits.length.go(x, Nat.succ(n))
case x {
e : refl
i : Bits.size.rec(x.pred, Nat.succ(n))
o : Bits.size.rec(x.pred, Nat.succ(n))
Ether.RLP.proof.add_self_absurd(x : Nat, n: Nat) : Equal(Nat, Nat.add(n, Nat.succ(x)), n) -> Empty
case n {
succ :
let H = Nat.succ_inj!!(H)
let qed = Ether.RLP.proof.add_self_absurd(x, n.pred, H)
zero : (H) Nat.succ_neq_zero!(H)
Ether.RLP.proof.add_injective(x : Nat, y : Nat, n : Nat, H : Nat.add(Nat.succ(n), x) == Nat.add(Nat.succ(n), y)) : x == y
case x with H {
succ : case y with H {
succ :
let com_H = Nat.add.comm(Nat.succ(n), Nat.succ(x.pred))
let com_H2 = Nat.add.comm(Nat.succ(n), Nat.succ(y.pred))
let H_rewrite = H :: rewrite Y in Y == _ with com_H
let H_rewrite = H_rewrite :: rewrite Y in _ == Y with com_H2
let H_rewrite_inj = Nat.succ_inj!!(H_rewrite)
let H_rewrite_inj = H_rewrite_inj :: rewrite Y in Y == _ with Nat.add.comm(x.pred, Nat.succ(n))
let H_rewrite_inj = H_rewrite_inj :: rewrite Y in _ == Y with Nat.add.comm(y.pred, Nat.succ(n))
let H2 = Ether.RLP.proof.add_injective(x.pred, y.pred, n, H_rewrite_inj)
Equal.apply!!!!(Nat.succ, H2)
zero :
let rewrite_0_com =
Nat.add.comm(Nat.succ(n), 0)
let H = H :: rewrite Y in _ == Y with rewrite_0_com
let absurd = Ether.RLP.proof.add_self_absurd!!(H)
zero : case y with H {
succ :
let H = mirror(H)
let rewrite_0_com = Nat.add.comm(Nat.succ(n), 0)
let H = H :: rewrite Y in _ == Y with rewrite_0_com
let absurd = Ether.RLP.proof.add_self_absurd!!(H)
zero : refl
Ether.RLP.proof.mul_injective(x : Nat, y : Nat, n : Nat, H : Nat.mul(Nat.succ(n), x) == Nat.mul(Nat.succ(n), y)) : x == y
case x with H {
succ : case y with H {
succ :
let inj_add = Ether.RLP.proof.add_injective(Nat.mul(Nat.succ(n), x.pred), Nat.mul(Nat.succ(n), y.pred), n, H)
let H = Ether.RLP.proof.mul_injective(x.pred, y.pred, n, inj_add)
Equal.apply!!!!(Nat.succ, H)
zero :
let H4 = Nat.succ_neq_zero!(H)
zero : case y with H {
succ :
let H2 = refl :: 0 == Nat.mul(Nat.succ(n),0)
let H4 = Nat.succ_neq_zero!(mirror(H))
zero :
Ether.RLP.proof.succ_pad_nat(x : Bits) :
Bits.to_nat(Bits.trim(Nat.succ(Bits.length(x)), x)) == Bits.to_nat(x)
case x {
e : refl
o :
let remove_tail_rec = Bits.size.rec(x.pred, 0)
let refl_cont =
refl ::
Bits.length.go(x.pred, 1) == Bits.length(Bits.o(x.pred))
case refl_cont {
refl :
case remove_tail_rec {
refl :
let rec = Ether.RLP.proof.succ_pad_nat(x.pred)
let rec = Equal.apply!!!!(Nat.mul(2), rec)
i :
let remove_tail_rec = Bits.size.rec(x.pred, 0)
let refl_cont =
refl ::
Bits.length.go(x.pred, 1) == Bits.length(Bits.i(x.pred))
case refl_cont {
refl :
case remove_tail_rec {
refl :
let rec = Ether.RLP.proof.succ_pad_nat(x.pred)
let rec = Equal.apply!!!!(Nat.mul(2), rec)
Equal.apply(Nat, Nat, Nat.mul(2,Bits.to_nat(Bits.trim(Nat.succ(Bits.length.go(x.pred,0)),x.pred))),
Nat.mul(2,Bits.to_nat(x.pred)), Nat.succ, rec)
Ether.RLP.proof.pad_nat(x : Bits, y : Nat) : Bits.to_nat(Bits.trim(Nat.add(Bits.length(x), y), x)) == Bits.to_nat(x)
case x {
case y {
succ :
zero : refl
o : ?b
i : ?c
Ether.RLP.proof.encode.bytes(tree : Ether.RLP.Tree) : Bits
case tree {
@ -19,7 +137,6 @@ Ether.RLP.proof.encode.bytes(tree : Ether.RLP.Tree) : Bits
for item in tree.value with bytes :
Bits.concat(bytes, Ether.RLP.proof.encode.bytes(item))
let bytes_size = Ether.Bits.get_bytes_size(bytes)
log("Second encoding " |
Bits.concat.go(Ether.RPL.proof.encode_length(bytes_size, 192), bytes)
@ -30,7 +147,8 @@ Ether.RPL.proof.encode_length(value : Nat, offSet : Nat) : Bits
} default
let binary_encoding = Ether.RPL.proof.encode.binary(value)
let len = Ether.Bits.get_bytes_size(binary_encoding)
log( | " " | + offSet + 55), binary_encoding)))
//log( + offSet + 55)) | " " | + offSet + 55), binary_encoding)))
Bits.concat.go(Nat.to_bits(len + offSet + 55), binary_encoding)
Ether.RPL.proof.encode.binary(value : Nat) : Bits
@ -45,13 +163,15 @@ Bits.break(len : Nat, bits : Bits) : Pair<Bits, Bits> : Bits) : Nat
let {head, rest} = Bits.break(8, value)
let decode = Bits.to_nat(head)
if (Bits.eql(rest, Bits.o(Bits.e))) then
if (Bits.eql(rest, Bits.e)) then
else + (decode * 256) : Bits) : String
let {byte_prefix, rest} = Bits.break(8, bits)
"0x" | switch (Bits.ltn(byte_prefix)) {
Ether.RLP.Constants.bits_128 :
String.reverse(Bits.hex.encode(bits)) // between (0, 127)
@ -63,7 +183,10 @@ : Bits) : String
let content_length = (Bits.to_nat(byte_prefix) - 183) * 8
let {head, rest} = Bits.break(content_length, rest)
let length =
log("teste : " |
let {prefix, rest} = Bits.break(length*8, rest)
String.reverse(Bits.hex.encode(byte_prefix)) | String.reverse(Bits.hex.encode(head))
| String.reverse(Bits.hex.encode(prefix))

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -1,23 +1,11 @@
Bits.concat.go(a: Bits, b: Bits): Bits
case a {
e: b,
o: Bits.concat(a.pred, Bits.o(b))
i: Bits.concat(a.pred, Bits.i(b))
Ether.tests : _
//let v = Ether.RLP.Tree.list(
// [
// Ether.RLP.Tree.tip("1000111011111010110"))),
// Ether.RLP.Tree.tip("1000111011111010110")))
// ])
let v = Ether.RLP.Tree.tip("1000000100000000000000000110110000000000000000000010000000000000000011011000111111111111111111111111111111111011111000000000000100011111111111111111111111111111111101111100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000001101100100011111111111111111111111111111111101111100000000000010001111111111111111111111111111111110111110000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000110110000000000000000000010000000000000000011011000000000000000000010110110"))
let test1 = Ether.RLP.proof.encode.bytes(v)
let test2 = Ether.RLP.encode.bytes(v)
let test2 = List.foldr!!(Bits.e, Bits.concat.go, test2)
{test1, test2}
//let buffer = Buffer8.from_hex("d69429d7d1dd5b6f9c864d9db560d72a247c178ae86b0a")
//let hash = Crypto.Keccak.hash.bytes(buffer)