This commit is contained in:
Victor Maia 2022-09-02 19:15:29 -03:00
parent b5ad5d4e7f
commit 5d504fc14d
3 changed files with 321 additions and 377 deletions

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
Benchmarks of Kind2 vs other proof assistants. These benchmarks measure the time
each assistant takes to verify a given file. Replicate as follows:
### Agda
time agda -i src file.agda
### Coq
time coqtop -l file.v -batch -type-in-type
### Idris2
time idris2 --check file.idr
### Lean
time lean file.lean
### Kind2
time kind2 check file.kind2
### Kind2-C
kind2 gen-checker file.kind2
hvm compile file.check.hvm
clang file.check.c -O3 -o check
time ./check
### nat_exp
Computes `3 ^ 8`, using the Nat type, on the type level.
language | time
-------- | --------
Kind2-C | 0.17 s
Kind2 | 0.58 s
Agda | 15.55 s
Idris2 | 67.40 s
Lean | timeout

View File

@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ echo "Building Kind2 type checker"
# Probably we should just use git clone in Wikind?
cd ../Wikind
$KIND2 check Kind/TypeChecker.kind2
#$KIND2 check Kind/TypeChecker.kind2
$KIND2 to-hvm Kind/TypeChecker.kind2 > ../Kind2/src/checker.hvm
cargo build --release
cargo install --path $CURRENT
#cargo build --release

View File

@ -62,6 +62,17 @@
// Kind.API.output.error.details (fnid: U60) (ctx: (Kind.Context)) (sub: (Kind.Subst)) (origin: U60) : (String)
(Kind.API.output.error.details fnid ctx sub orig) = (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons (Bool.if (Kind.Context.is_empty ctx) "" (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons (Kind.Printer.color "4") (List.cons "Kind.Context:" (List.cons (Kind.Printer.color "0") (List.cons (String.new_line) (List.cons ( ctx sub) (List.nil)))))))) (List.cons (Kind.Printer.color "4") (List.cons (String.cons 79 (String.cons 110 (String.cons 32 (String.cons 39 "{{#F")))) (List.cons (Show.to_string ( (>> orig 48))) (List.cons (String.cons 70 (String.cons 35 (String.cons 125 (String.cons 125 (String.cons 39 ":"))))) (List.cons (Kind.Printer.color "0") (List.cons (String.new_line) (List.cons "{{#R" (List.cons (Show.to_string ( (>> orig 48))) (List.cons ":" (List.cons (Show.to_string ( (& orig 16777215))) (List.cons ":" (List.cons (Show.to_string ( (& (>> orig 24) 16777215))) (List.cons "R#}}" (List.cons (String.new_line) (List.nil)))))))))))))))))
// Kind.Printer.color (color_code: (String)) : (String)
(Kind.Printer.color color_code) = (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons (String.cons 27 "") (List.cons "[" (List.cons color_code (List.cons "m" (List.nil))))))
// Kind.Printer.text (ls: (List (String))) : (String)
(Kind.Printer.text (List.nil)) = ""
(Kind.Printer.text (List.cons x xs)) = (String.concat x (Kind.Printer.text xs))
// String.concat (xs: (String)) (ys: (String)) : (String)
(String.concat (String.cons x xs) ys) = (String.cons x (String.concat xs ys))
(String.concat "" ys) = ys
// Kind.Term.fill (term: (Kind.Term)) (subst: (Kind.Subst)) : (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Term.fill term (Kind.Subst.end)) = term
(Kind.Term.fill (Kind.Term.typ orig) sub) = (Kind.Term.typ orig)
@ -104,10 +115,6 @@
(Maybe.match (Maybe.none) none some) = none
(Maybe.match (Maybe.some value_) none some) = (some value_)
// Kind.Term.eval_app (orig: U60) (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Term.eval_app orig (Kind.Term.lam orig1 name body) arg) = (body arg)
(Kind.Term.eval_app orig func arg) = ( orig func arg)
// Kind.Term.eval_ann (orig: U60) (expr: (Kind.Term)) (type: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Term.eval_ann orig expr type) = expr
@ -119,13 +126,9 @@
(Kind.Subst.look (Kind.Subst.unfilled rest) n) = (Kind.Subst.look rest (- n 1))
(Kind.Subst.look (Kind.Subst.sub term rest) n) = (Kind.Subst.look rest (- n 1))
// Kind.Printer.text (ls: (List (String))) : (String)
(Kind.Printer.text (List.nil)) = ""
(Kind.Printer.text (List.cons x xs)) = (String.concat x (Kind.Printer.text xs))
// String.concat (xs: (String)) (ys: (String)) : (String)
(String.concat (String.cons x xs) ys) = (String.cons x (String.concat xs ys))
(String.concat "" ys) = ys
// Kind.Term.eval_app (orig: U60) (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Term.eval_app orig (Kind.Term.lam orig1 name body) arg) = (body arg)
(Kind.Term.eval_app orig func arg) = ( orig func arg)
// (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (sub: (Kind.Subst)) (pad: U60) : (String)
( name type sub pad) = (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons "- " (List.cons (String.pad_right (U60.to_nat pad) 32 ( name)) (List.cons " : " (List.cons (String.cut ( (Kind.Term.fill type sub))) (List.cons (String.new_line) (List.nil)))))))
@ -141,31 +144,6 @@
// (ctx: (Kind.Context)) (subst: (Kind.Subst)) : (String)
( ctx subst) = ( ctx subst (Kind.Context.max_name_length ctx))
// U60.to_nat (x: U60) : (Nat)
(U60.to_nat 0) = (
(U60.to_nat n) = (Nat.succ (U60.to_nat (- n 1)))
// (name: U60) (chrs: (String)) : (String)
( name chrs) = (U60.if (== name 0) chrs let val = (% name 64); let chr = (U60.if (== val 0) 46 (U60.if (& (<= 1 val) (<= val 10)) (+ (- val 1) 48) (U60.if (& (<= 11 val) (<= val 36)) (+ (- val 11) 65) (U60.if (& (<= 37 val) (<= val 62)) (+ (- val 37) 97) (U60.if (== val 63) 95 63))))); ( (/ name 64) (String.cons chr chrs)))
// (name: U60) : (String)
( name) = ( name "")
// U60.if -(r: Type) (n: U60) (t: r) (f: r) : r
(U60.if 0 t f) = f
(U60.if x t f) = t
// String.pad_right (size: (Nat)) (chr: (Char)) (str: (String)) : (String)
(String.pad_right ( chr str) = str
(String.pad_right (Nat.succ sp) chr "") = (String.cons chr (String.pad_right sp chr ""))
(String.pad_right (Nat.succ sp) chr (String.cons x xs)) = (String.cons x (String.pad_right sp chr xs))
// Char : Type
(Char) = 0
// Kind.Printer.color (color_code: (String)) : (String)
(Kind.Printer.color color_code) = (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons (String.cons 27 "") (List.cons "[" (List.cons color_code (List.cons "m" (List.nil))))))
// (orig: U60) (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (body: (_: (Kind.Term)) (Kind.Term)) : (String)
( orig name type body) = (U60.if (== name 63) (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons "(" (List.cons ( type) (List.cons " -> " (List.cons ( (body (Kind.Term.var orig name 0))) (List.cons ")" (List.nil))))))) (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons "((" (List.cons ( name) (List.cons ": " (List.cons ( type) (List.cons ") -> " (List.cons ( (body (Kind.Term.var orig name 0))) (List.cons ")" (List.nil))))))))))
@ -206,38 +184,19 @@
( (Kind.Term.num orig numb)) = (Show.to_string ( numb))
( (Kind.Term.op2 orig operator left right)) = (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons "(" (List.cons ( operator) (List.cons " " (List.cons ( left) (List.cons " " (List.cons ( right) (List.cons ")" (List.nil)))))))))
// Maybe.try -(a: Type) (ls: (List (Maybe a))) (alt: a) : a
(Maybe.try (List.nil) alt) = alt
(Maybe.try (List.cons maybe xs) alt) = (Maybe.match maybe (Maybe.try xs alt) @maybe.value maybe.value)
// Show.to_string (show: (Show)) : (String)
(Show.to_string show) = (show "")
// Show : Type
(Show) = 0
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (String))
( (Kind.Term.ct0 (String.nil.) orig)) = (Maybe.some "")
( (Kind.Term.ct2 (String.cons.) orig (Kind.Term.num orig1 x0) x1)) = (Maybe.bind ( x1) @tail (Maybe.pure (String.cons x0 tail)))
( other) = (Maybe.none)
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (String))
( term) = (Maybe.bind ( term) @res let quot = (String.cons 39 ""); (Maybe.pure (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons quot (List.cons res (List.cons quot (List.nil)))))))
// Maybe.bind -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (ma: (Maybe a)) (mb: (_: a) (Maybe b)) : (Maybe b)
(Maybe.bind (Maybe.none) mb) = (Maybe.none)
(Maybe.bind (Maybe.some val) mb) = (mb val)
// Maybe.pure -(a: Type) (x: a) : (Maybe a)
(Maybe.pure x) = (Maybe.some x)
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (String))
( (Kind.Term.ct2 (Sigma.) orig typ (Kind.Term.lam orig_ name body))) = (Maybe.some (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons "([" (List.cons ( name) (List.cons ": " (List.cons ( typ) (List.cons "] -> " (List.cons ( (body (Kind.Term.var orig_ name 0))) (List.cons ")" (List.nil))))))))))
( term) = (Maybe.none)
// (n: U60) : (Show)
( 0) = @str (String.cons 48 str)
( n) = @str let next = (String.cons (+ 48 (% n 10)) str); let func = (U60.if (< n 10) @h h @h (( (/ n 10)) h)); (func next)
// (name: U60) (chrs: (String)) : (String)
( name chrs) = (U60.if (== name 0) chrs let val = (% name 64); let chr = (U60.if (== val 0) 46 (U60.if (& (<= 1 val) (<= val 10)) (+ (- val 1) 48) (U60.if (& (<= 11 val) (<= val 36)) (+ (- val 11) 65) (U60.if (& (<= 37 val) (<= val 62)) (+ (- val 37) 97) (U60.if (== val 63) 95 63))))); ( (/ name 64) (String.cons chr chrs)))
// (name: U60) : (String)
( name) = ( name "")
// U60.if -(r: Type) (n: U60) (t: r) (f: r) : r
(U60.if 0 t f) = f
(U60.if x t f) = t
// (op: (Kind.Operator)) : (String)
( (Kind.Operator.add)) = "+"
@ -257,6 +216,34 @@
( (Kind.Operator.gtn)) = ">"
( (Kind.Operator.neq)) = "!="
// Show.to_string (show: (Show)) : (String)
(Show.to_string show) = (show "")
// Show : Type
(Show) = 0
// Show : Type
(Show) = 0
// Maybe.try -(a: Type) (ls: (List (Maybe a))) (alt: a) : a
(Maybe.try (List.nil) alt) = alt
(Maybe.try (List.cons maybe xs) alt) = (Maybe.match maybe (Maybe.try xs alt) @maybe.value maybe.value)
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (String))
( (Kind.Term.ct0 (String.nil.) orig)) = (Maybe.some "")
( (Kind.Term.ct2 (String.cons.) orig (Kind.Term.num orig1 x0) x1)) = (Maybe.bind ( x1) @tail (Maybe.pure (String.cons x0 tail)))
( other) = (Maybe.none)
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (String))
( term) = (Maybe.bind ( term) @res let quot = (String.cons 39 ""); (Maybe.pure (Kind.Printer.text (List.cons quot (List.cons res (List.cons quot (List.nil)))))))
// Maybe.pure -(a: Type) (x: a) : (Maybe a)
(Maybe.pure x) = (Maybe.some x)
// Maybe.bind -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (ma: (Maybe a)) (mb: (_: a) (Maybe b)) : (Maybe b)
(Maybe.bind (Maybe.none) mb) = (Maybe.none)
(Maybe.bind (Maybe.some val) mb) = (mb val)
// (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Maybe (List (String)))
( (Kind.Term.ct0 (List.nil.) orig)) = (Maybe.some (List.nil))
( (Kind.Term.ct2 (List.cons.) orig x0 x1)) = (Maybe.bind ( x1) @tail (Maybe.pure (List.cons ( x0) tail)))
@ -271,10 +258,6 @@
// String.intercalate (sep: (String)) (xs: (List (String))) : (String)
(String.intercalate sep xs) = (String.flatten (List.intersperse sep xs))
// String.flatten (xs: (List (String))) : (String)
(String.flatten (List.nil)) = ""
(String.flatten (List.cons head tail)) = (String.concat head (String.flatten tail))
// List.intersperse -(a: Type) (sep: a) (xs: (List a)) : (List a)
(List.intersperse sep (List.nil)) = (List.nil)
(List.intersperse sep (List.cons xh (List.nil))) = (List.pure xh)
@ -283,6 +266,35 @@
// List.pure -(t: Type) (x: t) : (List t)
(List.pure x) = (List.cons x (List.nil))
// String.flatten (xs: (List (String))) : (String)
(String.flatten (List.nil)) = ""
(String.flatten (List.cons head tail)) = (String.concat head (String.flatten tail))
// (n: U60) : (Show)
( 0) = @str (String.cons 48 str)
( n) = @str let next = (String.cons (+ 48 (% n 10)) str); let func = (U60.if (< n 10) @h h @h (( (/ n 10)) h)); (func next)
// String.new_line : (String)
(String.new_line) = (String.pure (Char.newline))
// String.pure (x: (Char)) : (String)
(String.pure x) = (String.cons x "")
// Char : Type
(Char) = 0
// Char.newline : (Char)
(Char.newline) = 10
// U60.to_nat (x: U60) : (Nat)
(U60.to_nat 0) = (
(U60.to_nat n) = (Nat.succ (U60.to_nat (- n 1)))
// String.pad_right (size: (Nat)) (chr: (Char)) (str: (String)) : (String)
(String.pad_right ( chr str) = str
(String.pad_right (Nat.succ sp) chr "") = (String.cons chr (String.pad_right sp chr ""))
(String.pad_right (Nat.succ sp) chr (String.cons x xs)) = (String.cons x (String.pad_right sp chr xs))
// Kind.Context.max_name_length.aux (ctx: (Kind.Context)) (acc: U60) : U60
(Kind.Context.max_name_length.aux (Kind.Context.empty) acc) = acc
(Kind.Context.max_name_length.aux (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) acc) = (Kind.Context.max_name_length.aux rest (U60.max (Nat.to_u60 (String.length ( name))) acc))
@ -290,6 +302,10 @@
// Kind.Context.max_name_length (ctx: (Kind.Context)) : U60
(Kind.Context.max_name_length ctx) = (Kind.Context.max_name_length.aux ctx 0)
// Nat.to_u60 (n: (Nat)) : U60
(Nat.to_u60 ( = 0
(Nat.to_u60 (Nat.succ n)) = (+ 1 (Nat.to_u60 n))
// String.length (xs: (String)) : (Nat)
(String.length "") = (
(String.length (String.cons x xs)) = (Nat.succ (String.length xs))
@ -297,19 +313,6 @@
// U60.max (fst: U60) (snd: U60) : U60
(U60.max fst snd) = (U60.if (> fst snd) fst snd)
// Nat.to_u60 (n: (Nat)) : U60
(Nat.to_u60 ( = 0
(Nat.to_u60 (Nat.succ n)) = (+ 1 (Nat.to_u60 n))
// String.new_line : (String)
(String.new_line) = (String.pure (Char.newline))
// Char.newline : (Char)
(Char.newline) = 10
// String.pure (x: (Char)) : (String)
(String.pure x) = (String.cons x "")
// String.cut.go (str: (String)) (df: (String)) (n: U60) : (String)
(String.cut.go "" df n) = ""
(String.cut.go (String.cons x xs) df 0) = df
@ -325,16 +328,16 @@
// Pair.match -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (x: (Pair a b)) -(p: (x: (Pair a b)) Type) (new: (fst: a) (snd: b) (p ( a b fst snd))) : (p x)
(Pair.match ( fst_ snd_) new) = ((new fst_) snd_)
// Kind.Context.is_empty (ctx: (Kind.Context)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Context.is_empty (Kind.Context.empty)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Context.is_empty (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest)) = (Bool.false)
// Pair.fst -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (pair: (Pair a b)) : a
(Pair.fst ( fst snd)) = fst
// Pair.snd -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (pair: (Pair a b)) : b
(Pair.snd ( fst snd)) = snd
// Kind.Context.is_empty (ctx: (Kind.Context)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Context.is_empty (Kind.Context.empty)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Context.is_empty (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest)) = (Bool.false)
// List.reverse -(a: Type) (xs: (List a)) : (List a)
(List.reverse xs) = (List.reverse.go xs (List.nil))
@ -357,232 +360,6 @@
(Kind.API.check_function.rules (List.nil) type) = (List.nil)
(Kind.API.check_function.rules (List.cons rule rules) type) = let head = ( (Kind.Checker.unify (Kind.Checker.rule rule type)) (Bool.false)); let tail = (Kind.API.check_function.rules rules type); (List.cons head tail)
// Kind.Checker.rule (rule: (Kind.Rule)) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.lhs arg args) (Kind.Term.all orig name type body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check arg type) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.rule args (body arg)) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.lhs arg args) other) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.too_many_arguments ctx (Kind.Term.get_origin arg @orig @term orig))))
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.rhs expr) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side (Bool.true)) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check expr type) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
// Kind.Checker.check (term: (Kind.Term)) (type: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.lam orig name body) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @subst let fun = (Kind.Term.if_all type @t_orig @t_name @t_type @t_body @orig @name @body (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.check (body (Kind.Term.var orig name dep)) (t_body (Kind.Term.var t_orig t_name dep))) name t_type (List.nil)) @chk (Kind.Checker.pure ( @orig @name @body (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.cant_infer_lambda ctx orig)))); (((fun orig) name) body))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.let orig name expr body) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.infer expr) @expr_typ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.check (body (Kind.Term.var orig name dep)) type) name expr_typ (List.cons (Kind.Term.eval expr) (List.nil))) @body_chk (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.hlp orig) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.error (Kind.Error.inspection ctx orig type) ( @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.var orig name idx) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Bool.if rhs ( rhs (Kind.Term.var orig name idx) type) (Kind.Checker.extend name type (List.nil))))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.hol orig numb) type) = (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check term type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs ( rhs term type))
// (rhs: (Bool)) (term: (Kind.Term)) (type: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
( rhs term type) = (Kind.Term.get_origin term @orig @term (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.infer term) @term_typ let fun = (Bool.if rhs @term_typ @type (Kind.Checker.new_equation orig type term_typ) @term_typ @type (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.eval term_typ) (Kind.Term.eval type)) @is_equal (Bool.if is_equal (Kind.Checker.pure ( (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.impossible_case ctx orig type term_typ)))))); ((fun term_typ) type)))
// Kind.Checker.extended -(a: Type) (checker: (Kind.Checker a)) (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (vals: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Checker a)
(Kind.Checker.extended checker name type vals) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extend name type vals) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind checker @got (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.shrink) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure got))))
// Kind.Checker.extend (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (vals: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.extend name type vals) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.extend context name type vals) (+ depth 1) rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.extend (prev: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) (ls: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.extend (Kind.Context.empty) name type values) = (Kind.Context.entry name type values (Kind.Context.empty))
(Kind.Context.extend (Kind.Context.entry n t v rest) name type values) = (Kind.Context.entry n t v (Kind.Context.extend rest name type values))
// Kind.Checker (a: Type) : Type
(Kind.Checker a) = 0
// Kind.Checker.bind.result -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (result: (Kind.Result a)) (then: (_: a) (Kind.Checker b)) : (Kind.Result b)
(Kind.Checker.bind.result (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs sub equations errs ret) then) = (((((((then ret) context) depth) rhs) sub) equations) errs)
(Kind.Checker.bind.result (Kind.Result.errored context sub errs) then) = (Kind.Result.errored context sub errs)
// Kind.Checker.bind -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (checker: (Kind.Checker a)) (then: (_: a) (Kind.Checker b)) : (Kind.Checker b)
(Kind.Checker.bind checker then) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Checker.bind.result ((((((checker context) depth) rhs) subst) eqts) errs) then)
// Kind.Checker.shrink : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.shrink) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.shrink context) (- depth 1) rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.shrink (ctx: (Kind.Context)) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.empty)) = (Kind.Context.empty)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.empty))) = (Kind.Context.empty)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest)) = (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.shrink rest))
// Kind.Checker.pure -(t: Type) (a: t) : (Kind.Checker t)
(Kind.Checker.pure res) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs res)
// Kind.Checker.get_subst : (Kind.Checker (Kind.Subst))
(Kind.Checker.get_subst) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs subst)
// Kind.Checker.equal (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.typ orig) (Kind.Term.typ orig1)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.all a.orig a.type a.body) (Kind.Term.all b.orig b.type b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.type b.type) @type (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and type body)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.lam a.orig a.body) (Kind.Term.lam b.orig b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure body)))
(Kind.Checker.equal ( a.orig a.func a.argm) ( b.orig b.func b.argm)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.func b.func) @func (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.argm b.argm) @argm (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and func argm))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.let a.orig a.expr a.body) (Kind.Term.let b.orig b.expr b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.expr b.expr) @expr (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and expr body)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ann a.orig a.expr a.type) (Kind.Term.ann b.orig b.expr b.type)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.expr b.expr) @func (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.type b.type) @arg (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and func arg))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.u60 a.orig) (Kind.Term.u60 b.orig)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.num a.orig a.num) (Kind.Term.num b.orig b.num)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (U60.equal a.num b.num))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.op2 a.orig a.op a.val0 a.val1) (Kind.Term.op2 b.orig b.op b.val0 b.val1)) = let op = (Kind.Operator.equal a.op b.op); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.val0 b.val0) @val0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.val1 b.val1) @val1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and op (Bool.and val0 val1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb) (Kind.Term.hol b.orig b.numb)) = (Bool.if (U60.equal a.numb b.numb) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb (Kind.Term.hol b.orig b.numb)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb) b) = (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b)
(Kind.Checker.equal b (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb)) = (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx) b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Kind.Checker.equal.var rhs a.orig a.idx b))
(Kind.Checker.equal b (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Kind.Checker.equal.var rhs a.orig a.idx b))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct0 a.ctid a.orig) (Kind.Term.ct0 b.ctid b.orig)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.pure ctid)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct1 a.ctid a.orig a.x0) (Kind.Term.ct1 b.ctid b.orig b.x0)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid x0)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct2 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1) (Kind.Term.ct2 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 x1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct3 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Kind.Term.ct3 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 x2)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct4 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Kind.Term.ct4 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 x3)))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct5 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Kind.Term.ct5 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 x4)))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct6 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Kind.Term.ct6 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 x5)))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct7 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.ct7 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct8 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.ct8 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.args7 a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6) (Kind.Term.args7 b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x6 b.x6) @x6 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 x6))))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.args8 a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6 a.x7) (Kind.Term.args8 b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6 b.x7)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x6 b.x6) @x6 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x7 b.x7) @x7 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 (Bool.and x6 x7))))))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn0 a.ctid a.orig) (Kind.Term.fn0 b.ctid b.orig)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.pure ctid)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn1 a.ctid a.orig a.x0) (Kind.Term.fn1 b.ctid b.orig b.x0)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid x0)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn2 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1) (Kind.Term.fn2 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 x1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn3 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Kind.Term.fn3 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 x2)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn4 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Kind.Term.fn4 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 x3)))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn5 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Kind.Term.fn5 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 x4)))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn6 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Kind.Term.fn6 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 x5)))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn7 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.fn7 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn8 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.fn8 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal a b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @sub (Bool.if (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable a sub) (Kind.Term.fillable b sub)) (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fill a sub) (Kind.Term.fill b sub)) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.false))))
// Kind.Checker.equal.var (rhs: (Bool)) (orig: U60) (name: U60) (idx: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.false) orig name idx b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.add_value idx b) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.true) a.orig a.idx (Kind.Term.var b.orig b.idx)) = (Bool.if (U60.equal a.idx b.idx) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find a.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @a.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find b.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @b.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values a.val (Kind.Term.var b.orig b.idx)) @a.chk (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values b.val (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx)) @b.chk (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.or a.chk b.chk)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.true) a.orig a.idx b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @sub (Bool.if (Kind.Term.fillable b sub) (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx) (Kind.Term.fill b sub)) (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find a.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @a.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values a.val b) @res (Kind.Checker.pure res)))))
// Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (ls: (List (Kind.Term))) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (List.nil) term) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.false))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (List.cons x xs) term) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal x term) @head (Bool.if head (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values xs term)))
// Kind.Checker.equal.hol (orig: U60) (numb: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.look a.numb) @got (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val got a.orig a.numb b) @res (Kind.Checker.pure res)))
// Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (val: (Maybe (Kind.Term))) (orig: U60) (numb: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (Maybe.none) orig numb b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.fill numb b) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (Maybe.some val) orig numb b) = (Kind.Checker.equal val b)
// Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs rhs)
// Kind.Checker.find -(r: Type) (index: U60) (alt: r) (fun: (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (List (Kind.Term))) r) : (Kind.Checker r)
(Kind.Checker.find index alt fun) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs (Kind.Context.find context index alt fun))
// Kind.Context.find -(res: Type) (ctx: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (alt: res) (fun: (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (List (Kind.Term))) res) : res
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) 0 alt fun) = (((fun name) type) vals)
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) n alt fun) = (Kind.Context.find rest (- n 1) alt fun)
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.empty) n alt fun) = alt
// Kind.Checker.fill (index: U60) (val: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.fill index val) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs (Kind.Subst.fill subst index val) eqts errs (
// Kind.Subst.fill (subst: (Kind.Subst)) (depth: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Subst)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term (Kind.Subst.end))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.unfilled rest) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term rest)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.sub lost rest) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term rest)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) n term) = (Kind.Subst.unfilled (Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) (- n 1) term))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.unfilled rest) n term) = (Kind.Subst.unfilled (Kind.Subst.fill rest (- n 1) term))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.sub keep rest) n term) = (Kind.Subst.sub keep (Kind.Subst.fill rest (- n 1) term))
// Bool.or (a: (Bool)) (b: (Bool)) : (Bool)
(Bool.or (Bool.true) b) = (Bool.true)
(Bool.or (Bool.false) b) = b
// Kind.Term.fillable (term: (Kind.Term)) (sub: (Kind.Subst)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Term.fillable term (Kind.Subst.end)) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.typ orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.var orig name index) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.hlp orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.u60 orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.num orig num) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.all orig name typ body) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub) (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.lam orig name body) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable ( orig expr typ) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.let orig name expr body) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ann orig expr typ) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.op2 orig op left right) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable left sub) (Kind.Term.fillable right sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.hol orig numb) sub) = (Maybe.is_some (Kind.Subst.look sub numb))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct0 ctid orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct1 ctid orig x0) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct2 ctid orig x0 x1) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub)))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub)))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct7 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct8 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn0 fnid orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn1 fnid orig x0) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn2 fnid orig x0 x1) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn3 fnid orig x0 x1 x2) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub)))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn4 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn5 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub)))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn6 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn7 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn8 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.args7 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x6 sub)))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.args8 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x6 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x7 sub))))))))
// Maybe.is_some -(a: Type) (m: (Maybe a)) : (Bool)
(Maybe.is_some (Maybe.none)) = (Bool.false)
(Maybe.is_some (Maybe.some v)) = (Bool.true)
// Kind.Checker.look (index: U60) : (Kind.Checker (Maybe (Kind.Term)))
(Kind.Checker.look index) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs (Kind.Subst.look subst index))
// Kind.Operator.equal (left: (Kind.Operator)) (right: (Kind.Operator)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.and) (Kind.Operator.and)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.sub) (Kind.Operator.sub)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.mul) (Kind.Operator.mul)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.div) (Kind.Operator.div)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.mod) (Kind.Operator.mod)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.and) (Kind.Operator.and)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.or) (Kind.Operator.or)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.xor) (Kind.Operator.xor)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.shl) (Kind.Operator.shl)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.shr) (Kind.Operator.shr)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.ltn) (Kind.Operator.ltn)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.lte) (Kind.Operator.lte)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.eql) (Kind.Operator.eql)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.gte) (Kind.Operator.gte)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.gtn) (Kind.Operator.gtn)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.neq) (Kind.Operator.neq)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal a b) = (Bool.false)
// U60.equal (a: U60) (b: U60) : (Bool)
(U60.equal a b) = (U60.to_bool (== a b))
// U60.to_bool (n: U60) : (Bool)
(U60.to_bool 0) = (Bool.false)
(U60.to_bool n) = (Bool.true)
// Kind.Checker.get_depth : (Kind.Checker U60)
(Kind.Checker.get_depth) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs depth)
// Kind.Checker.add_value (idx: U60) (val: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.add_value idx val) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.add_value context idx val) depth rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.add_value (prev: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) 0 val) = (Kind.Context.entry name type (List.cons val vals) rest)
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) n val) = (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.add_value rest (- n 1) val))
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.empty) n val) = (Kind.Context.empty)
// Bool.and (a: (Bool)) (b: (Bool)) : (Bool)
(Bool.and (Bool.true) b) = b
(Bool.and (Bool.false) b) = (Bool.false)
// Kind.Checker.new_equation (orig: U60) (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.new_equation orig left right) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst (List.append eqts ( context orig left right)) errs (
// List.append -(a: Type) (xs: (List a)) (x: a) : (List a)
(List.append (List.nil) x) = (List.pure x)
(List.append (List.cons xs.h xs.t) x) = (List.cons xs.h (List.append xs.t x))
// -(t: Type) (err: (Kind.Error)) : (Kind.Checker t)
( err) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.errored context subst (List.cons err errs))
// Kind.Term.if_all -(res: Type) (term: (Kind.Term)) (if: (_: U60) (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (_: (Kind.Term)) (Kind.Term)) res) (else: res) : res
(Kind.Term.if_all (Kind.Term.all orig name typ body) func_if else) = ((((func_if orig) name) typ) body)
(Kind.Term.if_all other func_if else) = else
// Kind.Term.eval (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Term.eval (Kind.Term.typ orig)) = (Kind.Term.typ orig)
(Kind.Term.eval (Kind.Term.var orig name index)) = (Kind.Term.var orig name index)
@ -636,6 +413,27 @@
(Kind.Term.eval_op orig (Kind.Operator.neq) (Kind.Term.num a.orig a.num) (Kind.Term.num b.orig b.num)) = (Kind.Term.num 0 (!= a.num b.num))
(Kind.Term.eval_op orig op left right) = (Kind.Term.op2 orig op left right)
// Kind.Checker.rule (rule: (Kind.Rule)) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.lhs arg args) (Kind.Term.all orig name type body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check arg type) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.rule args (body arg)) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.lhs arg args) other) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.too_many_arguments ctx (Kind.Term.get_origin arg @orig @term orig))))
(Kind.Checker.rule (Kind.Rule.rhs expr) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side (Bool.true)) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check expr type) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
// Kind.Checker.bind.result -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (result: (Kind.Result a)) (then: (_: a) (Kind.Checker b)) : (Kind.Result b)
(Kind.Checker.bind.result (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs sub equations errs ret) then) = (((((((then ret) context) depth) rhs) sub) equations) errs)
(Kind.Checker.bind.result (Kind.Result.errored context sub errs) then) = (Kind.Result.errored context sub errs)
// Kind.Checker.bind -(a: Type) -(b: Type) (checker: (Kind.Checker a)) (then: (_: a) (Kind.Checker b)) : (Kind.Checker b)
(Kind.Checker.bind checker then) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Checker.bind.result ((((((checker context) depth) rhs) subst) eqts) errs) then)
// Kind.Checker (a: Type) : Type
(Kind.Checker a) = 0
// -(t: Type) (err: (Kind.Error)) : (Kind.Checker t)
( err) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.errored context subst (List.cons err errs))
// Kind.Checker.pure -(t: Type) (a: t) : (Kind.Checker t)
(Kind.Checker.pure res) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs res)
// Kind.Term.get_origin -(r: Type) (term: (Kind.Term)) (got: (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) r) : r
(Kind.Term.get_origin (Kind.Term.typ orig) got) = ((got orig) (Kind.Term.typ orig))
(Kind.Term.get_origin (Kind.Term.var orig name index) got) = ((got orig) (Kind.Term.var orig name index))
@ -668,12 +466,61 @@
(Kind.Term.get_origin (Kind.Term.fn7 fnid orig args) got) = ((got orig) (Kind.Term.fn7 fnid orig args))
(Kind.Term.get_origin (Kind.Term.fn8 fnid orig args) got) = ((got orig) (Kind.Term.fn8 fnid orig args))
// Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side (rhs: (Bool)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side to_rhs) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth to_rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Checker.get_context : (Kind.Checker (Kind.Context))
(Kind.Checker.get_context) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs context)
// Kind.Checker.check (term: (Kind.Term)) (type: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.lam orig name body) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @subst let fun = (Kind.Term.if_all type @t_orig @t_name @t_type @t_body @orig @name @body (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.check (body (Kind.Term.var orig name dep)) (t_body (Kind.Term.var t_orig t_name dep))) name t_type (List.nil)) @chk (Kind.Checker.pure ( @orig @name @body (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.cant_infer_lambda ctx orig)))); (((fun orig) name) body))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.let orig name expr body) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.infer expr) @expr_typ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.check (body (Kind.Term.var orig name dep)) type) name expr_typ (List.cons (Kind.Term.eval expr) (List.nil))) @body_chk (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.hlp orig) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.error (Kind.Error.inspection ctx orig type) ( @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.var orig name idx) type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Bool.if rhs ( rhs (Kind.Term.var orig name idx) type) (Kind.Checker.extend name type (List.nil))))
(Kind.Checker.check (Kind.Term.hol orig numb) type) = (Kind.Checker.pure (
(Kind.Checker.check term type) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs ( rhs term type))
// (rhs: (Bool)) (term: (Kind.Term)) (type: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
( rhs term type) = (Kind.Term.get_origin term @orig @term (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.infer term) @term_typ let fun = (Bool.if rhs @term_typ @type (Kind.Checker.new_equation orig type term_typ) @term_typ @type (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.eval term_typ) (Kind.Term.eval type)) @is_equal (Bool.if is_equal (Kind.Checker.pure ( (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_context) @ctx ( (Kind.Error.impossible_case ctx orig type term_typ)))))); ((fun term_typ) type)))
// Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs rhs)
// Kind.Checker.new_equation (orig: U60) (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.new_equation orig left right) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst (List.append eqts ( context orig left right)) errs (
// List.append -(a: Type) (xs: (List a)) (x: a) : (List a)
(List.append (List.nil) x) = (List.pure x)
(List.append (List.cons xs.h xs.t) x) = (List.cons xs.h (List.append xs.t x))
// Kind.Checker.extend (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (vals: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.extend name type vals) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.extend context name type vals) (+ depth 1) rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.extend (prev: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) (ls: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.extend (Kind.Context.empty) name type values) = (Kind.Context.entry name type values (Kind.Context.empty))
(Kind.Context.extend (Kind.Context.entry n t v rest) name type values) = (Kind.Context.entry n t v (Kind.Context.extend rest name type values))
// Kind.Checker.extended -(a: Type) (checker: (Kind.Checker a)) (name: U60) (type: (Kind.Term)) (vals: (List (Kind.Term))) : (Kind.Checker a)
(Kind.Checker.extended checker name type vals) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extend name type vals) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind checker @got (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.shrink) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure got))))
// Kind.Checker.shrink : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.shrink) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.shrink context) (- depth 1) rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.shrink (ctx: (Kind.Context)) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.empty)) = (Kind.Context.empty)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.empty))) = (Kind.Context.empty)
(Kind.Context.shrink (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest)) = (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.shrink rest))
// Kind.Checker.error -(t: Type) (err: (Kind.Error)) (ret: t) : (Kind.Checker t)
(Kind.Checker.error err ret) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts (List.cons err errs) ret)
// Kind.Term.if_all -(res: Type) (term: (Kind.Term)) (if: (_: U60) (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (_: (Kind.Term)) (Kind.Term)) res) (else: res) : res
(Kind.Term.if_all (Kind.Term.all orig name typ body) func_if else) = ((((func_if orig) name) typ) body)
(Kind.Term.if_all other func_if else) = else
// Kind.Checker.get_subst : (Kind.Checker (Kind.Subst))
(Kind.Checker.get_subst) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs subst)
// Kind.Checker.infer_args (args: (Kind.Term)) : (_: U60) (_: U60) (Kind.Term)
(Kind.Checker.infer_args (Kind.Term.args7 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)) = @ctid @orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig (Kind.Term.fn0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6)
(Kind.Checker.infer_args (Kind.Term.args8 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7)) = @ctid @orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig ( orig (Kind.Term.ct0 ctid orig) x0) x1) x2) x3) x4) x5) x6) x7)
@ -710,8 +557,164 @@
(Kind.Checker.infer (Kind.Term.num orig numb)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Kind.Term.u60 0))
(Kind.Checker.infer (Kind.Term.op2 orig oper left right)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check left (Kind.Term.u60 0)) @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.check right (Kind.Term.u60 0)) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (Kind.Term.u60 0))))
// Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side (rhs: (Bool)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.set_right_hand_side to_rhs) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth to_rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Checker.get_depth : (Kind.Checker U60)
(Kind.Checker.get_depth) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs depth)
// Kind.Checker.find -(r: Type) (index: U60) (alt: r) (fun: (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (List (Kind.Term))) r) : (Kind.Checker r)
(Kind.Checker.find index alt fun) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs (Kind.Context.find context index alt fun))
// Kind.Context.find -(res: Type) (ctx: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (alt: res) (fun: (_: U60) (_: (Kind.Term)) (_: (List (Kind.Term))) res) : res
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) 0 alt fun) = (((fun name) type) vals)
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) n alt fun) = (Kind.Context.find rest (- n 1) alt fun)
(Kind.Context.find (Kind.Context.empty) n alt fun) = alt
// Kind.Checker.equal (left: (Kind.Term)) (right: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.typ orig) (Kind.Term.typ orig1)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.all a.orig a.type a.body) (Kind.Term.all b.orig b.type b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.type b.type) @type (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and type body)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.lam a.orig a.body) (Kind.Term.lam b.orig b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure body)))
(Kind.Checker.equal ( a.orig a.func a.argm) ( b.orig b.func b.argm)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.func b.func) @func (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.argm b.argm) @argm (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and func argm))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.let a.orig a.expr a.body) (Kind.Term.let b.orig b.expr b.body)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_depth) @dep (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.expr b.expr) @expr (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.extended (Kind.Checker.equal (a.body (Kind.Term.var a.orig dep)) (b.body (Kind.Term.var b.orig dep))) (Null) (Null) (List.nil)) @body (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and expr body)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ann a.orig a.expr a.type) (Kind.Term.ann b.orig b.expr b.type)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.expr b.expr) @func (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.type b.type) @arg (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and func arg))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.u60 a.orig) (Kind.Term.u60 b.orig)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.num a.orig a.num) (Kind.Term.num b.orig b.num)) = (Kind.Checker.pure (U60.equal a.num b.num))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.op2 a.orig a.op a.val0 a.val1) (Kind.Term.op2 b.orig b.op b.val0 b.val1)) = let op = (Kind.Operator.equal a.op b.op); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.val0 b.val0) @val0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.val1 b.val1) @val1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and op (Bool.and val0 val1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb) (Kind.Term.hol b.orig b.numb)) = (Bool.if (U60.equal a.numb b.numb) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb (Kind.Term.hol b.orig b.numb)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb) b) = (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b)
(Kind.Checker.equal b (Kind.Term.hol a.orig a.numb)) = (Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx) b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Kind.Checker.equal.var rhs a.orig a.idx b))
(Kind.Checker.equal b (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_right_hand_side) @rhs (Kind.Checker.equal.var rhs a.orig a.idx b))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct0 a.ctid a.orig) (Kind.Term.ct0 b.ctid b.orig)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.pure ctid)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct1 a.ctid a.orig a.x0) (Kind.Term.ct1 b.ctid b.orig b.x0)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid x0)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct2 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1) (Kind.Term.ct2 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 x1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct3 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Kind.Term.ct3 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 x2)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct4 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Kind.Term.ct4 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 x3)))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct5 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Kind.Term.ct5 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 x4)))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct6 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Kind.Term.ct6 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 x5)))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct7 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.ct7 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.ct8 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.ct8 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.args7 a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6) (Kind.Term.args7 b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x6 b.x6) @x6 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 x6))))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.args8 a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5 a.x6 a.x7) (Kind.Term.args8 b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5 b.x6 b.x7)) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x6 b.x6) @x6 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x7 b.x7) @x7 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 (Bool.and x5 (Bool.and x6 x7))))))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn0 a.ctid a.orig) (Kind.Term.fn0 b.ctid b.orig)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.pure ctid)
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn1 a.ctid a.orig a.x0) (Kind.Term.fn1 b.ctid b.orig b.x0)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid x0)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn2 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1) (Kind.Term.fn2 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 x1)))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn3 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2) (Kind.Term.fn3 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 x2)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn4 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3) (Kind.Term.fn4 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 x3)))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn5 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4) (Kind.Term.fn5 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 x4)))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn6 a.ctid a.orig a.x0 a.x1 a.x2 a.x3 a.x4 a.x5) (Kind.Term.fn6 b.ctid b.orig b.x0 b.x1 b.x2 b.x3 b.x4 b.x5)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x0 b.x0) @x0 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x1 b.x1) @x1 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x2 b.x2) @x2 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x3 b.x3) @x3 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x4 b.x4) @x4 (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.x5 b.x5) @x5 (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid (Bool.and x0 (Bool.and x1 (Bool.and x2 (Bool.and x3 (Bool.and x4 x5)))))))))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn7 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.fn7 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fn8 a.ctid a.orig a.args) (Kind.Term.fn8 b.ctid b.orig b.args)) = let ctid = (U60.equal (HashOf a.ctid) (HashOf b.ctid)); (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal a.args b.args) @xargs (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.and ctid xargs)))
(Kind.Checker.equal a b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @sub (Bool.if (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable a sub) (Kind.Term.fillable b sub)) (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.fill a sub) (Kind.Term.fill b sub)) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.false))))
// Kind.Checker.equal.var (rhs: (Bool)) (orig: U60) (name: U60) (idx: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.false) orig name idx b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.add_value idx b) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.true) a.orig a.idx (Kind.Term.var b.orig b.idx)) = (Bool.if (U60.equal a.idx b.idx) (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find a.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @a.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find b.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @b.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values a.val (Kind.Term.var b.orig b.idx)) @a.chk (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values b.val (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx)) @b.chk (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.or a.chk b.chk)))))))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var (Bool.true) a.orig a.idx b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_subst) @sub (Bool.if (Kind.Term.fillable b sub) (Kind.Checker.equal (Kind.Term.var a.orig a.idx) (Kind.Term.fill b sub)) (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.find a.idx (List.nil) @n @t @v v) @a.val (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values a.val b) @res (Kind.Checker.pure res)))))
// Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (ls: (List (Kind.Term))) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (List.nil) term) = (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.false))
(Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values (List.cons x xs) term) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal x term) @head (Bool.if head (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)) (Kind.Checker.equal.var.try_values xs term)))
// Kind.Checker.equal.hol (orig: U60) (numb: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol a.orig a.numb b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.look a.numb) @got (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val got a.orig a.numb b) @res (Kind.Checker.pure res)))
// Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (val: (Maybe (Kind.Term))) (orig: U60) (numb: U60) (b: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Bool))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (Maybe.none) orig numb b) = (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.fill numb b) @_ (Kind.Checker.pure (Bool.true)))
(Kind.Checker.equal.hol.val (Maybe.some val) orig numb b) = (Kind.Checker.equal val b)
// Kind.Checker.look (index: U60) : (Kind.Checker (Maybe (Kind.Term)))
(Kind.Checker.look index) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs subst eqts errs (Kind.Subst.look subst index))
// Bool.and (a: (Bool)) (b: (Bool)) : (Bool)
(Bool.and (Bool.true) b) = b
(Bool.and (Bool.false) b) = (Bool.false)
// Kind.Term.fillable (term: (Kind.Term)) (sub: (Kind.Subst)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Term.fillable term (Kind.Subst.end)) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.typ orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.var orig name index) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.hlp orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.u60 orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.num orig num) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.all orig name typ body) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub) (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.lam orig name body) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable ( orig expr typ) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.let orig name expr body) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable (body (Kind.Term.hlp 0)) sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ann orig expr typ) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable expr sub) (Kind.Term.fillable typ sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.op2 orig op left right) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable left sub) (Kind.Term.fillable right sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.hol orig numb) sub) = (Maybe.is_some (Kind.Subst.look sub numb))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct0 ctid orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct1 ctid orig x0) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct2 ctid orig x0 x1) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct3 ctid orig x0 x1 x2) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub)))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct4 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct5 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub)))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct6 ctid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct7 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.ct8 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn0 fnid orig) sub) = (Bool.false)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn1 fnid orig x0) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn2 fnid orig x0 x1) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn3 fnid orig x0 x1 x2) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub)))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn4 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn5 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub)))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn6 fnid orig x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn7 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.fn8 fnid orig args) sub) = (Kind.Term.fillable args sub)
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.args7 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x6 sub)))))))
(Kind.Term.fillable (Kind.Term.args8 x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7) sub) = (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x0 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x1 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x2 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x3 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x4 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x5 sub) (Bool.or (Kind.Term.fillable x6 sub) (Kind.Term.fillable x7 sub))))))))
// Bool.or (a: (Bool)) (b: (Bool)) : (Bool)
(Bool.or (Bool.true) b) = (Bool.true)
(Bool.or (Bool.false) b) = b
// Maybe.is_some -(a: Type) (m: (Maybe a)) : (Bool)
(Maybe.is_some (Maybe.none)) = (Bool.false)
(Maybe.is_some (Maybe.some v)) = (Bool.true)
// U60.equal (a: U60) (b: U60) : (Bool)
(U60.equal a b) = (U60.to_bool (== a b))
// U60.to_bool (n: U60) : (Bool)
(U60.to_bool 0) = (Bool.false)
(U60.to_bool n) = (Bool.true)
// Kind.Checker.add_value (idx: U60) (val: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.add_value idx val) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked (Kind.Context.add_value context idx val) depth rhs subst eqts errs (
// Kind.Context.add_value (prev: (Kind.Context)) (name: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Context)
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) 0 val) = (Kind.Context.entry name type (List.cons val vals) rest)
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.entry name type vals rest) n val) = (Kind.Context.entry name type vals (Kind.Context.add_value rest (- n 1) val))
(Kind.Context.add_value (Kind.Context.empty) n val) = (Kind.Context.empty)
// Kind.Operator.equal (left: (Kind.Operator)) (right: (Kind.Operator)) : (Bool)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.and) (Kind.Operator.and)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.sub) (Kind.Operator.sub)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.mul) (Kind.Operator.mul)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.div) (Kind.Operator.div)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.mod) (Kind.Operator.mod)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.and) (Kind.Operator.and)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.or) (Kind.Operator.or)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.xor) (Kind.Operator.xor)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.shl) (Kind.Operator.shl)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.shr) (Kind.Operator.shr)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.ltn) (Kind.Operator.ltn)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.lte) (Kind.Operator.lte)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.eql) (Kind.Operator.eql)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.gte) (Kind.Operator.gte)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.gtn) (Kind.Operator.gtn)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal (Kind.Operator.neq) (Kind.Operator.neq)) = (Bool.true)
(Kind.Operator.equal a b) = (Bool.false)
// Kind.Checker.fill (index: U60) (val: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.fill index val) = @context @depth @rhs @subst @eqts @errs (Kind.Result.checked context depth rhs (Kind.Subst.fill subst index val) eqts errs (
// Kind.Subst.fill (subst: (Kind.Subst)) (depth: U60) (term: (Kind.Term)) : (Kind.Subst)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term (Kind.Subst.end))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.unfilled rest) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term rest)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.sub lost rest) 0 term) = (Kind.Subst.sub term rest)
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) n term) = (Kind.Subst.unfilled (Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.end) (- n 1) term))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.unfilled rest) n term) = (Kind.Subst.unfilled (Kind.Subst.fill rest (- n 1) term))
(Kind.Subst.fill (Kind.Subst.sub keep rest) n term) = (Kind.Subst.sub keep (Kind.Subst.fill rest (- n 1) term))
// Kind.Checker.unify (checker: (Kind.Checker (Unit))) : (Kind.Checker (Unit))
(Kind.Checker.unify checker) = (Kind.Checker.bind checker @_ (Kind.Checker.bind (Kind.Checker.get_equations) @equations (Kind.Checker.unify.go equations (List.nil) (Bool.false))))