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This commit is contained in:
caotic123 2021-11-16 15:44:27 -03:00
parent 0ce496c71f
commit 978bf75b8a
2 changed files with 214 additions and 198 deletions

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@ -1,205 +1,206 @@
// These sub-theorems were not proven yet!
// Most of them are simple, and should be finished over the next days
payload: Bytes
tail: Bytes
H: Equal<Bool>(Nat.lte(List.length!(payload), 55), true)
): RLP.split.length(128, RLP.encode.length(128, List.length<U8>(payload)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
case Nat.lte(List.length<U8>(payload), 55) with H {
//?test ::
// RLP.split.length(128, Bytes.from_nat(Nat.add(128, length)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// Nat.sub(U8.to_nat(Nat.to_u8(Nat.add(128, length))), 128)!!! == {payload, tail}
// Bytes.split(payload ++ tail, List.length!(payload))
}! :: RLP.split.length(128, Nat.lte(List.length<U8>(payload), 55)!!! ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// RLP.aux.split.0(
// payload: Bytes
// tail: Bytes
// H: Equal<Bool>(Nat.lte(List.length!(payload), 55), true)
// ): RLP.split.length(128, RLP.encode.length(128, List.length<U8>(payload)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// case Nat.lte(List.length<U8>(payload), 55) with H {
// true:
// //?test ::
// // RLP.split.length(128, Bytes.from_nat(Nat.add(128, length)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// // Nat.sub(U8.to_nat(Nat.to_u8(Nat.add(128, length))), 128)!!! == {payload, tail}
// // Bytes.split(payload ++ tail, List.length!(payload))
// _
// false:
// Empty.absurd!(Bool.false_neq_true(H))
// }! :: RLP.split.length(128, Nat.lte(List.length<U8>(payload), 55)!!! ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// payload: Bytes
// tail: Bytes
// H: Equal<Bool>(Nat.lte(List.length!(payload), 55), true)
//): RLP.split.length(128, RLP.encode.length(128, List.length!(payload)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// ?test
payload: Bytes
tail: Bytes
H: Equal<Bool>(Nat.lte(List.length!(payload), 55), true)
): RLP.split.length(128, RLP.encode.length(128, List.length!(payload)) ++ payload ++ tail) == {payload, tail}
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// add: Nat
// len: Nat
// pf0: Either<Equal<Nat, add, 128>, Equal<Nat, add, 192>>
//): Nat.ltn(0,Nat.add(add,len)) == Bool.true
// RLP.aux.0(add, len, pf0)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
// e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
//): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.add(a,n), 256), true>
// RLP.aux.1(a, n, e)
// n: Nat
// e0: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(0, n), true>
// e1: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n, 256), true>
//): Equal<Bytes, Bytes.from_nat(n), [Nat.apply<U8>(n,,]>
// RLP.aux.2(n, e0, e1)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
// e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
//): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(a,n),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), true>
// RLP.aux.3(a, n, e)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
// e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
//): Equal<Nat, Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(a,n),,,List.nil(U8))),a), n>
// RLP.aux.4(a, n, e)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
//// TODO: include `n < RLP.max_len` (otherwise this is actually false)
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
//): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.add(56, Nat.add(a, RLP.needed_bytes(n))), 256), true>
// RLP.aux.5(a, n)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
//): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(56,Nat.add(a,RLP.needed_bytes(n))),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), false>
// RLP.aux.6(a, n)
//// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// a: Nat
// n: Nat
//): Equal<Nat, Nat.sub(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(56,Nat.add(a,RLP.needed_bytes(n))),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), List.length(U8,Bytes.from_nat(n))>
// RLP.aux.7(a, n)
add: Nat
len: Nat
pf0: Either<Equal<Nat, add, 128>, Equal<Nat, add, 192>>
): Nat.ltn(0,Nat.add(add,len)) == Bool.true
RLP.aux.0(add, len, pf0)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
a: Nat
n: Nat
e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.add(a,n), 256), true>
RLP.aux.1(a, n, e)
n: Nat
e0: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(0, n), true>
e1: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n, 256), true>
): Equal<Bytes, Bytes.from_nat(n), [Nat.apply<U8>(n,,]>
RLP.aux.2(n, e0, e1)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
a: Nat
n: Nat
e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(a,n),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), true>
RLP.aux.3(a, n, e)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
a: Nat
n: Nat
e: Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(n,56), true>
): Equal<Nat, Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(a,n),,,List.nil(U8))),a), n>
RLP.aux.4(a, n, e)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
// TODO: include `n < RLP.max_len` (otherwise this is actually false)
a: Nat
n: Nat
): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.add(56, Nat.add(a, RLP.needed_bytes(n))), 256), true>
RLP.aux.5(a, n)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
a: Nat
n: Nat
): Equal<Bool, Nat.ltn(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(56,Nat.add(a,RLP.needed_bytes(n))),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), false>
RLP.aux.6(a, n)
// TODO: include `a <= 192`
a: Nat
n: Nat
): Equal<Nat, Nat.sub(Nat.sub(Bytes.to_nat(List.cons(U8,Nat.apply(U8,Nat.add(56,Nat.add(a,RLP.needed_bytes(n))),,,List.nil(U8))),a),56), List.length(U8,Bytes.from_nat(n))>
RLP.aux.7(a, n)
// RLP.aux.8(
// xs: Bytes
// ys: Bytes
//): Equal<Pair<Bytes,Bytes>, RLP.decoder.repeat<U8>(RLP.decoder.byte,List.length(U8,xs),List.concat<U8>(xs,ys)),!!(ys, xs)>
// ): Equal<Pair<Bytes,Bytes>, RLP.decoder.repeat<U8>(RLP.decoder.byte,List.length(U8,xs),List.concat<U8>(xs,ys)),!!(ys, xs)>
// RLP.aux.8(xs,ys)
// n: Nat
//): Equal<Nat, Bytes.to_nat(Bytes.from_nat(n)), n>
// RLP.aux.9(n)
// a: Bool
// b: Bool
// e: Equal<Bool, Bool.and(a,b), true>
//): Equal<Bool, a, true>
// RLP.aux.10(a, b, e)
// a: Bool
// b: Bool
// e: Equal<Bool, Bool.and(a,b), true>
//): Equal<Bool, b, true>
// RLP.aux.11(a, b, e)
// xs: List<U8>
// e1: Equal<Bool, Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1), Bool.true>
//): Equal<List<U8>, xs, List.cons<U8>(List.head_with_default<U8>(Nat.to_u8(0),xs), List.nil<U8>)>
// RLP.aux.12(xs, e1)
// xs: Bytes
// ys: Bytes
// e0: Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1) == Bool.true
//): Equal<Bytes, List.tail(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys)), ys>
// RLP.aux.13(xs, ys, e0)
// xs: Bytes
// ys: Bytes
// e0: Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1) == Bool.true
//): Equal<Bytes, List.cons(U8,List.head_with_default(U8,Nat.to_u8(0),List.concat(U8,xs,ys)),List.nil(U8)), xs>
// RLP.aux.14(xs, ys, e0)
// x: U8
// xs: Bytes
// ys: Bytes
// zs: Bytes
//): Equal<Bytes, List.cons(U8,x,List.concat(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys),zs)), List.concat(U8,List.cons(U8,x,xs),List.concat(U8,ys,zs))>
// RLP.aux.15(x, xs, ys, zs)
// x: U8
// xs: Bytes
// ys: Bytes
// zs: Bytes
//): Equal<Bytes, List.concat(U8,List.cons(U8,x,xs),List.concat(U8,ys,zs)), List.cons(U8,x,List.concat(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys),zs))>
// mirror(RLP.aux.15(x, xs, ys, zs))
// xs: Bytes
//): Equal<Bytes, List.concat<U8>(xs, List.nil<U8>), xs>
// case xs {
// nil: refl
// cons:
// let a = RLP.aux.16(xs.tail)
// let b = apply(List.cons<U8>(xs.head), a)
// b
// }!
// len: Nat
//): Not<Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128, len), List.nil(U8)>>
// RLP.aux.17(len)
// len: Nat
//): Not<Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192, len), List.nil(U8)>>
// RLP.aux.18(len)
// len: Nat
// head: U8
// tail: Bytes
// prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
//): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 128#8), false>
// RLP.aux.19(len, head, tail, prof)
// len: Nat
// head: U8
// tail: Bytes
// prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
//): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 192#8), true>
// RLP.aux.20(len, head, tail, prof)
// len: Nat
// head: U8
// tail: Bytes
// prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
//): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 128#8), false>
// RLP.aux.21(len, head, tail, prof)
// len: Nat
// head: U8
// tail: Bytes
// prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
//): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 192#8), false>
// RLP.aux.22(len, head, tail, prof)
//RLP.aux.23<A: Type>(
// xs: List<A>
// ys: List<A>
// zs: List<A>
//): Equal<List<A>, List.concat<A>(List.concat<A>(xs,ys),zs), List.concat<A>(xs,List.concat<A>(ys,zs))>
// RLP.aux.23<A>(xs, ys, zs)
n: Nat
): Equal<Nat, Bytes.to_nat(Bytes.from_nat(n)), n>
a: Bool
b: Bool
e: Equal<Bool, Bool.and(a,b), true>
): Equal<Bool, a, true>
RLP.aux.10(a, b, e)
a: Bool
b: Bool
e: Equal<Bool, Bool.and(a,b), true>
): Equal<Bool, b, true>
RLP.aux.11(a, b, e)
xs: List<U8>
e1: Equal<Bool, Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1), Bool.true>
): Equal<List<U8>, xs, List.cons<U8>(List.head_with_default<U8>(Nat.to_u8(0),xs), List.nil<U8>)>
RLP.aux.12(xs, e1)
xs: Bytes
ys: Bytes
e0: Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1) == Bool.true
): Equal<Bytes, List.tail(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys)), ys>
RLP.aux.13(xs, ys, e0)
xs: Bytes
ys: Bytes
e0: Nat.eql(List.length(U8,xs),1) == Bool.true
): Equal<Bytes, List.cons(U8,List.head_with_default(U8,Nat.to_u8(0),List.concat(U8,xs,ys)),List.nil(U8)), xs>
RLP.aux.14(xs, ys, e0)
x: U8
xs: Bytes
ys: Bytes
zs: Bytes
): Equal<Bytes, List.cons(U8,x,List.concat(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys),zs)), List.concat(U8,List.cons(U8,x,xs),List.concat(U8,ys,zs))>
RLP.aux.15(x, xs, ys, zs)
x: U8
xs: Bytes
ys: Bytes
zs: Bytes
): Equal<Bytes, List.concat(U8,List.cons(U8,x,xs),List.concat(U8,ys,zs)), List.cons(U8,x,List.concat(U8,List.concat(U8,xs,ys),zs))>
mirror(RLP.aux.15(x, xs, ys, zs))
xs: Bytes
): Equal<Bytes, List.concat<U8>(xs, List.nil<U8>), xs>
case xs {
nil: refl
let a = RLP.aux.16(xs.tail)
let b = apply(List.cons<U8>(xs.head), a)
len: Nat
): Not<Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128, len), List.nil(U8)>>
len: Nat
): Not<Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192, len), List.nil(U8)>>
len: Nat
head: U8
tail: Bytes
prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 128#8), false>
RLP.aux.19(len, head, tail, prof)
len: Nat
head: U8
tail: Bytes
prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 192#8), true>
RLP.aux.20(len, head, tail, prof)
len: Nat
head: U8
tail: Bytes
prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 128#8), false>
RLP.aux.21(len, head, tail, prof)
len: Nat
head: U8
tail: Bytes
prof: Equal<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(192,len), List.cons(U8,head,tail)>
): Equal<Bool, U8.ltn(head, 192#8), false>
RLP.aux.22(len, head, tail, prof)
RLP.aux.23<A: Type>(
xs: List<A>
ys: List<A>
zs: List<A>
): Equal<List<A>, List.concat<A>(List.concat<A>(xs,ys),zs), List.concat<A>(xs,List.concat<A>(ys,zs))>
RLP.aux.23<A>(xs, ys, zs)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,22 @@ RLP.encode_identity(rlp: RLP): RLP.decode(RLP.encode(rlp)) == rlp
let list_length_1 = Rlp.new_aux.list_length_1_identity(U8, rlp.value, Nat.to_u8(0), break_and1)
replace X with mirror(list_length_1) in ==
false : ?a
false :
let list_u8 = Equal.refl<Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,List.length(U8,rlp.value))>
case RLP.encode.length(128,List.length(U8,rlp.value)) as X with list_u8 : Equal(Bytes, RLP.encode.length(128,List.length(U8,rlp.value)), X) {
nil :
let absurd_rlp_length = RLP.aux.17(List.length(U8,rlp.value))
cons :
let u8_le_128 = RLP.aux.19(List.length(U8,rlp.value), X.head, X.tail, list_u8)
replace X with mirror(u8_le_128) in Maybe.default(RLP,List.head(RLP, X(() List(RLP),List.cons(RLP,,X.head,List.nil(U8))),RLP.decode.many(List.concat(U8,X.tail,rlp.value))),U8.ltn(X.head,Nat.to_u8(192),() List(RLP),RLP.split.length(128,List.cons(U8,X.head,List.concat(U8,X.tail,rlp.value)),() List(RLP),(head) (tail) List.cons(RLP,,RLP.decode.many(tail))),RLP.split.length(192,List.cons(U8,X.head,List.concat(U8,X.tail,rlp.value)),() List(RLP),(head) (tail) List.cons(RLP,RLP.node(RLP.decode.many(head)),RLP.decode.many(tail)))))), ==
let u8_le_192 = RLP.aux.20(List.length(U8,rlp.value) X.head, X.tail, list_u8)
replace X with mirror(u8_le_192) in Maybe.default(RLP,List.head(RLP, X(() List(RLP),RLP.split.length(128,List.cons(U8,X.head,List.concat(U8,X.tail,rlp.value)),() List(RLP),(head) (tail) List.cons(RLP,,RLP.decode.many(tail))),RLP.split.length(192,List.cons(U8,X.head,List.concat(U8,X.tail,rlp.value)),() List(RLP),(head) (tail) List.cons(RLP,RLP.node(RLP.decode.many(head)),RLP.decode.many(tail))))), ==
let e3 = RLP.aux.15.sym(X.head, X.tail)
} : RLP.decode(List.concat(U8,X,rlp.value)) ==
} : RLP.decode(X(() List(U8),rlp.value,List.concat(U8,RLP.encode.length(128,List.length(U8,rlp.value)),rlp.value))) ==
node : _