Kind2 ===== Kind2 is a pure functional, lazy, non-garbage-collected, general-purpose, dependently typed programming language focusing on performance and usability. It features a blazingly fast type-checker based on **optimal [normalization-by-evaluation](**. It can also compile programs to [HVM]( and [Kindelia](, and can be used to prove and verify mathematical theorems. Examples -------- Pure functions can be defined using an equational notation that resembles [Haskell]( ```idris (x: (List a)) (f: (x: a) b) : (List b) a b (Nil t) f = (Nil b) a b (Cons t x xs) f = (Cons b (f x) ( xs f)) ``` Mathematical theorems can be proved via inductive reasoning, as in [Idris]( and [Agda]( ```idris Nat.commutes (a: Nat) (b: Nat) : (Nat.add a b) == (Nat.add b a) Nat.commutes Zero b = (Nat.comm.a b) Nat.commutes (Succ a) b = let e0 = (Equal.apply @x(Succ x) (Nat.commutes a b)) let e1 = (Equal.mirror (Nat.commutes.b b a)) (Equal.chain e0 e1) ``` Normal programs can be written in a monadic syntax that is inspired by [Rust]( and [TypeScript]( ```idris Main : (IO (Result () String)) { ask limit = (IO.prompt "Enter limit:") for x in (List.range limit) { (IO.print "{} * 2 = {}" x (Nat.double x)) } return (Ok ()) } ``` For more examples, check the [Wikind]( Installation ------------ Install [Rust]( first, then enter: ``` cargo install kind2 ``` Enter `kind2` on the terminal to make sure it worked. Usage ----- Command | Usage | Note ---------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- Check | `kind2 check file.kind2` | Checks all definitions. Eval | `kind2 eval file.kind2` | Runs using the type-checker's evaluator. Run | `kind2 run file.kind2` | Runs using HVM's evaluator, on Rust-mode. To-HVM | `kind2 to-hvm file.kind2` | Generates a [.hvm]( file. Can then be compiled to C. To-KDL | `kind2 to-kdl file.kind2` | Generates a [.kdl]( file. Can then be deployed to Kindelia. Benchmarks ---------- In preliminary [benchmarks](/bench), Kind2's type-checker has outperformed Agda, Idris by 90x to 900x, which is an expressive difference. That said, we only tested a few small programs, so there isn't enough data to draw a conclusion yet. We're working on a more extensive benchmark suite.