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2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
# coding: utf8
2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
Fetch and decode images in various formats.
2013-04-03 18:23:48 +04:00
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2013 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
2013-02-25 19:38:54 +04:00
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
from io import BytesIO
import math
2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
import cairocffi
cairocffi.install_as_pycairo() # for CairoSVG
CAIRO_HAS_MIME_DATA = cairocffi.cairo_version() >= 11000
import cairosvg.parser
import cairosvg.surface
assert cairosvg.surface.cairo is cairocffi, (
'CairoSVG is using pycairo instead of cairocffi. '
'Make sure it is not imported before WeasyPrint.')
from cairocffi import pixbuf
except OSError:
pixbuf = None
2012-12-29 17:20:38 +04:00
from .urls import fetch
from .logger import LOGGER
from .compat import xrange
2012-12-29 14:50:11 +04:00
# Map values of the image-rendering property to cairo FILTER values:
# Values are normalized to lower case.
class RasterImage(object):
def __init__(self, image_surface):
self.image_surface = image_surface
self.intrinsic_width = image_surface.get_width()
self.intrinsic_height = image_surface.get_height()
self.intrinsic_ratio = (
self.intrinsic_width / self.intrinsic_height
if self.intrinsic_height != 0 else float('inf'))
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, image_rendering):
if self.intrinsic_width > 0 and self.intrinsic_height > 0:
context.scale(concrete_width / self.intrinsic_width,
concrete_height / self.intrinsic_height)
2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
class ScaledSVGSurface(cairosvg.surface.SVGSurface):
Have the cairo Surface object have intrinsic dimension
in pixels instead of points.
def device_units_per_user_units(self):
scale = super(ScaledSVGSurface, self).device_units_per_user_units
return scale / 0.75
class SVGImage(object):
def __init__(self, svg_data, base_url):
# Dont pass data URIs to CairoSVG.
# They are useless for relative URIs anyway.
self._base_url = (
base_url if not base_url.lower().startswith('data:') else None)
self._svg_data = svg_data
# TODO: find a way of not doing twice the whole rendering.
svg = self._render()
# TODO: support SVG images with none or only one of intrinsic
# width, height and ratio.
if not (svg.width > 0 and svg.height > 0):
raise ValueError(
'SVG images without an intrinsic size are not supported.')
self.intrinsic_width = svg.width
self.intrinsic_height = svg.height
self.intrinsic_ratio = self.intrinsic_width / self.intrinsic_height
def _render(self):
# Draw to a cairo surface but do not write to a file.
# This is a CairoSVG surface, not a cairo surface.
return ScaledSVGSurface(
bytestring=self._svg_data, url=self._base_url),
output=None, dpi=96)
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, _image_rendering):
# Do not re-use the rendered Surface object,
# but regenerate it as needed.
# If a surface for a SVG image is still alive by the time we call
# show_page(), cairo will rasterize the image instead writing vectors.
svg = self._render()
context.scale(concrete_width / svg.width, concrete_height / svg.height)
2012-01-12 22:26:27 +04:00
def get_image_from_uri(cache, url_fetcher, uri, forced_mime_type=None):
"""Get a cairo Pattern from an image URI."""
2011-12-08 19:31:03 +04:00
missing = object()
image = cache.get(uri, missing)
if image is not missing:
return image
result = fetch(url_fetcher, uri)
mime_type = forced_mime_type or result['mime_type']
if mime_type == 'image/svg+xml':
image = SVGImage(
result.get('string') or result['file_obj'].read(), uri)
elif mime_type == 'image/png':
image = RasterImage(cairocffi.ImageSurface.create_from_png(
result.get('file_obj') or BytesIO(result.get('string'))))
if pixbuf is None:
raise OSError(
'Could not load GDK-Pixbuf. '
'PNG and SVG are the only image formats available.')
string = result.get('string') or result['file_obj'].read()
surface, format_name = pixbuf.decode_to_image_surface(string)
if format_name == 'jpeg' and CAIRO_HAS_MIME_DATA:
surface.set_mime_data('image/jpeg', string)
image = RasterImage(surface)
2012-08-03 15:32:42 +04:00
if 'file_obj' in result:
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# May already be closed or something.
# This is just cleanup anyway.
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.warn('Error for image at %s : %r', uri, exc)
image = None
cache[uri] = image
return image
def percentage(value, refer_to):
"""Return the evaluated percentage value, or the value unchanged."""
if value is None:
return value
elif value.unit == 'px':
return value.value
assert value.unit == '%'
return refer_to * value.value / 100
def process_color_stops(gradient_line_size, positions):
Gradient line size: distance between the starting point and ending point.
Positions: list of None, or Dimension in px or %.
0 is the starting point, 1 the ending point.
Return processed color stops, as a list of floats in px.
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
positions = [percentage(position, gradient_line_size)
for position in positions]
# First and last default to 100%
if positions[0] is None:
positions[0] = 0
if positions[-1] is None:
positions[-1] = gradient_line_size
# Make sure positions are increasing.
previous_pos = positions[0]
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
if position is not None:
if position < previous_pos:
positions[i] = previous_pos
previous_pos = position
# Assign missing values
previous_i = -1
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
if position is not None:
base = positions[previous_i]
increment = (position - base) / (i - previous_i)
for j in xrange(previous_i + 1, i):
positions[j] = base + j * increment
previous_i = i
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
return positions
def normalize_stop_postions(positions):
"""Normalize to [0..1]."""
first = positions[0]
last = positions[-1]
total_length = last - first
2013-04-17 18:57:17 +04:00
if total_length != 0:
positions = [(pos - first) / total_length for pos in positions]
positions = [0 for _ in positions]
return first, last, positions
def gradient_average_color(colors, positions):
nb_stops = len(positions)
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
assert nb_stops > 1
assert nb_stops == len(colors)
total_length = positions[-1] - positions[0]
if total_length == 0:
positions = list(range(nb_stops))
total_length = nb_stops - 1
premul_r = [r * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
premul_g = [g * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
premul_b = [b * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
alpha = [a for r, g, b, a in colors]
result_r = result_g = result_b = result_a = 0
total_weight = 2 * total_length
for i, position in enumerate(positions[1:], 1):
weight = (position - positions[i - 1]) / total_weight
for j in (i - 1, i):
result_r += premul_r[j] * weight
result_g += premul_g[j] * weight
result_b += premul_b[j] * weight
result_a += alpha[j] * weight
# Un-premultiply:
return (result_r / result_a, result_g / result_a,
2013-04-17 18:57:17 +04:00
result_b / result_a, result_a) if result_a != 0 else (0, 0, 0, 0)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
class Gradient(object):
intrinsic_width = None
intrinsic_height = None
intrinsic_ratio = None
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
def __init__(self, color_stops, repeating):
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
assert color_stops
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
#: List of (r, g, b, a), list of Dimension
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
self.colors = [color for color, position in color_stops]
self.stop_positions = [position for color, position in color_stops]
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
#: bool
self.repeating = repeating
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, _image_rendering):
scale_y, type_, init, stop_positions, stop_colors = self.layout(
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
concrete_width, concrete_height, context.user_to_device_distance)
context.scale(1, scale_y)
pattern = PATTERN_TYPES[type_](*init)
for position, color in zip(stop_positions, stop_colors):
pattern.add_color_stop_rgba(position, *color)
pattern.set_extend(cairocffi.EXTEND_REPEAT if self.repeating
else cairocffi.EXTEND_PAD)
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
"""width, height: Gradient box. Top-left is at coordinates (0, 0).
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
user_to_device_distance: a (dx, dy) -> (ddx, ddy) function
Returns (scale_y, type_, init, positions, colors).
scale_y: float, used for ellipses radial gradients. 1 otherwise.
positions: list of floats in [0..1].
0 at the starting point, 1 at the ending point.
colors: list of (r, g, b, a)
type_ is either:
'solid': init is (r, g, b, a). positions and colors are empty.
'linear': init is (x0, y0, x1, y1)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
coordinates of the starting and ending points.
'radial': init is (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1)
coordinates of the starting end ending circles
raise NotImplementedError
class LinearGradient(Gradient):
def __init__(self, color_stops, direction, repeating):
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
#: ('corner', keyword) or ('angle', radians)
self.direction_type, self.direction = direction
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
if len(self.colors) == 1:
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[0], [], []
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
# (dx, dy) is the unit vector giving the direction of the gradient.
# Positive dx: right, positive dy: down.
if self.direction_type == 'corner':
factor_x, factor_y = {
'top_left': (-1, -1), 'top_right': (1, -1),
'bottom_left': (-1, 1), 'bottom_right': (1, 1)}[self.direction]
diagonal = math.hypot(width, height)
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
# Note the direction swap: dx based on height, dy based on width
# The gradient line is perpendicular to a diagonal.
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
dx = factor_x * height / diagonal
dy = factor_y * width / diagonal
angle = self.direction # 0 upwards, then clockwise
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
dx = math.sin(angle)
dy = -math.cos(angle)
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
# Distance between center and ending point,
# ie. half of between the starting point and ending point:
distance = abs(width * dx) + abs(height * dy)
2013-04-17 18:57:17 +04:00
positions = process_color_stops(distance, self.stop_positions)
first, last, positions = normalize_stop_postions(positions)
device_per_user_units = math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(dx, dy))
if (last - first) * device_per_user_units < len(positions):
if self.repeating:
color = gradient_average_color(self.colors, positions)
return 1, 'solid', color, [], []
# 100 is an Arbitrary non-zero number of device units.
offset = 100 / device_per_user_units
if first != last:
factor = (offset + last - first) / (last - first)
positions = [pos / factor for pos in positions]
last += offset
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
start_x = (width - dx * distance) / 2
start_y = (height - dy * distance) / 2
points = (start_x + dx * first, start_y + dy * first,
start_x + dx * last, start_y + dy * last)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
return 1, 'linear', points, positions, self.colors
class RadialGradient(Gradient):
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
def __init__(self, color_stops, shape, size, center, repeating):
Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
# Center of the ending shape. (origin_x, pos_x, origin_y, pos_y)
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
self.center = center
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
#: Type of ending shape: 'circle' or 'ellipse'
self.shape = shape
# size_type: 'keyword'
# size: 'closest-corner', 'farthest-corner',
# 'closest-side', or 'farthest-side'
# size_type: 'explicit'
# size: (radius_x, radius_y)
self.size_type, self.size = size
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
if len(self.colors) == 1:
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[0], [], []
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
origin_x, center_x, origin_y, center_y = self.center
center_x = percentage(center_x, width)
center_y = percentage(center_y, height)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
if origin_x == 'right':
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
center_x = width - center_x
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
if origin_y == 'bottom':
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
center_y = height - center_y
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_x, size_y = self._resolve_size(width, height, center_x, center_y)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
# http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images-3/#degenerate-radials
if size_x == size_y == 0:
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_x = size_y = 1e-7
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
elif size_x == 0:
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_x = 1e-7
size_y = 1e7
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
elif size_y == 0:
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_x = 1e7
size_y = 1e-7
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
scale_y = size_y / size_x
colors = self.colors
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
positions = process_color_stops(size_x, self.stop_positions)
gradient_line_size = positions[-1] - positions[0]
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
if self.repeating and any(
2013-04-17 18:57:17 +04:00
gradient_line_size * unit < len(positions)
for unit in (math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(1, 0)),
math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(0, scale_y)))):
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
color = gradient_average_color(colors, positions)
return 1, 'solid', color, [], []
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
if positions[0] < 0:
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
# Cairo does not like negative radiuses,
# shift into the positive realm.
if self.repeating:
offset = gradient_line_size * math.ceil(
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
-positions[0] / gradient_line_size)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
positions = [p + offset for p in positions]
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
if position > 0:
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
# `i` is the first positive stop.
# Interpolate with the previous to get the color at 0.
assert i > 0
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
color = colors[i]
neg_color = colors[i - 1]
neg_position = positions[i - 1]
assert neg_position < 0
intermediate_color = gradient_average_color(
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
[neg_color, neg_color, color, color],
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
[neg_position, 0, 0, position])
colors = [intermediate_color] + colors[i:]
positions = [0] + positions[i:]
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
# All stops are negatives,
# everything is "padded" with the last color.
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[-1], [], []
2013-04-12 17:29:21 +04:00
first, last, positions = normalize_stop_postions(positions)
2013-04-17 18:57:17 +04:00
if last == first:
last += 100 # Arbitrary non-zero
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
circles = (center_x, center_y / scale_y, first,
center_x, center_y / scale_y, last)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
return scale_y, 'radial', circles, positions, colors
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
def _resolve_size(self, width, height, center_x, center_y):
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
if self.size_type == 'explicit':
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_x, size_y = self.size
return percentage(size_x, width), percentage(size_y, height)
2013-04-11 18:06:28 +04:00
left = abs(center_x)
right = abs(width - center_x)
top = abs(center_y)
bottom = abs(height - center_y)
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
pick = min if self.size.startswith('closest') else max
if self.size.endswith('side'):
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
if self.shape == 'circle':
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
size_xy = pick(left, right, top, bottom)
2013-04-11 12:39:23 +04:00
return size_xy, size_xy
# else: ellipse
2013-04-16 18:18:47 +04:00
return pick(left, right), pick(top, bottom)
# else: corner
if self.shape == 'circle':
size_xy = pick(math.hypot(left, top), math.hypot(left, bottom),
math.hypot(right, top), math.hypot(right, bottom))
return size_xy, size_xy
# else: ellipse
corner_x, corner_y = pick(
(left, top), (left, bottom), (right, top), (right, bottom),
key=lambda a: math.hypot(*a))
return corner_x * math.sqrt(2), corner_y * math.sqrt(2)