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# coding: utf8
Convert *specified* property values (the result of the cascade and
inhertance) into *computed* values (that are inherited).
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2012 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
2012-02-08 18:44:03 +04:00
import math
from .properties import INITIAL_VALUES, Dimension
from ..utils import get_url_attribute
ZERO_PIXELS = Dimension(0, 'px')
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
# How many CSS pixels is one <unit>?
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#length-units
'px': 1,
'pt': 1. / 0.75,
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
'pc': 16., # LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS['pt'] * 12
'in': 96., # LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS['pt'] * 72
'cm': 96. / 2.54, # LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS['in'] / 2.54
'mm': 96. / 25.4, # LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS['in'] / 25.4
2012-02-08 18:44:03 +04:00
# http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-values/#angles
# How many radians is one <unit>?
'rad': 1,
'turn': 2 * math.pi,
'deg': math.pi / 180,
'grad': math.pi / 200,
# Value in pixels of font-size for <absolute-size> keywords: 12pt (16px) for
# medium, and scaling factors given in CSS3 for others:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-size-prop
2012-02-20 18:36:55 +04:00
# TODO: this will need to be ordered to implement 'smaller' and 'larger'
# medium is 16px, others are a ratio of medium
2011-12-16 18:18:47 +04:00
(name, INITIAL_VALUES['font_size'] * a / b)
for name, a, b in [
('xx-small', 3, 5),
('x-small', 3, 4),
('small', 8, 9),
('medium', 1, 1),
('large', 6, 5),
('x-large', 3, 2),
('xx-large', 2, 1),
# These are unspecified, other than 'thin' <='medium' <= 'thick'.
# Values are in pixels.
'thin': 1,
'medium': 3,
'thick': 5,
2011-12-16 20:53:11 +04:00
assert INITIAL_VALUES['border_top_width'] == BORDER_WIDTH_KEYWORDS['medium']
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#propdef-font-weight
100: 400,
200: 400,
300: 400,
400: 700,
500: 700,
600: 900,
700: 900,
800: 900,
900: 900,
100: 100,
200: 100,
300: 100,
400: 100,
500: 100,
600: 400,
700: 400,
800: 700,
900: 700,
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
# http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/#size
# name=(width in pixels, height in pixels)
PAGE_SIZES = dict(
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
Dimension(148, 'mm'),
Dimension(210, 'mm'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
Dimension(210, 'mm'),
Dimension(297, 'mm'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
Dimension(297, 'mm'),
Dimension(420, 'mm'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
Dimension(176, 'mm'),
Dimension(250, 'mm'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
Dimension(250, 'mm'),
Dimension(353, 'mm'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
Dimension(8.5, 'in'),
Dimension(11, 'in'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
Dimension(8.5, 'in'),
Dimension(14, 'in'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
Dimension(11, 'in'),
Dimension(17, 'in'),
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
# In "portrait" orientation.
for w, h in PAGE_SIZES.values():
assert w.value < h.value
2012-04-03 21:02:14 +04:00
INITIAL_VALUES['size'] = tuple(
d.value * LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS[d.unit] for d in INITIAL_PAGE_SIZE)
2011-07-11 17:03:06 +04:00
2011-12-26 15:47:26 +04:00
def _computing_order():
"""Some computed values are required by others, so order matters."""
first = ['font_size', 'line_height', 'color']
order = sorted(INITIAL_VALUES)
for name in first:
return tuple(first + order)
COMPUTING_ORDER = _computing_order()
# Maps property names to functions returning the computed values
def register_computer(name):
"""Decorator registering a property ``name`` for a function."""
name = name.replace('-', '_')
def decorator(function):
"""Register the property ``name`` for ``function``."""
COMPUTER_FUNCTIONS[name] = function
return function
return decorator
def compute(element, pseudo_type, specified, computed, parent_style):
Return a StyleDict of computed values.
2011-06-29 16:04:42 +04:00
:param element: The HTML element these style apply to
:param pseudo_type: The type of pseudo-element, eg 'before', None
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
:param specified: a :class:`StyleDict` of specified values. Should contain
values for all properties.
:param computed: a :class:`StyleDict` of already known computed values.
Only contains some properties (or none).
:param parent_values: a :class:`StyleDict` of computed values of the parent
element (should contain values for all properties),
or ``None`` if ``element`` is the root element.
if parent_style is None:
parent_style = INITIAL_VALUES
computer = lambda: 0 # Dummy object that holds attributes
computer.element = element
computer.pseudo_type = pseudo_type
computer.specified = specified
computer.computed = computed
computer.parent_style = parent_style
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
for name in COMPUTING_ORDER:
if name in computed:
# Already computed
value = specified[name]
function = getter(name)
if function is not None:
value = function(computer, name, value)
# else: same as specified
assert value is not None
computed[name] = value
return computed
# Let's be consistent, always use ``name`` as an argument even when
# it is useless.
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
# pylint: disable=W0613
def other_color(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``*-color`` properties."""
if value == 'currentColor':
return computer.computed.color
# As specified
return value
def length_or_percentage_tuple(computer, name, values):
"""Compute the lists of lengths that can be percentages."""
return tuple(length(computer, name, value) for value in values)
2012-02-07 21:06:59 +04:00
def length_tuple(computer, name, values):
"""Compute the properties with a list of lengths."""
return tuple(length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
for value in values)
def length(computer, name, value, font_size=None, pixels_only=False):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute a length ``value``."""
if value == 'auto':
return value
if value.value == 0:
return 0 if pixels_only else ZERO_PIXELS
unit = value.unit
if unit == 'px':
return value.value if pixels_only else value
elif unit in LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS:
# Convert absolute lengths to pixels
factor = LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS[unit]
elif unit in ('em', 'ex'):
2012-02-08 18:44:03 +04:00
if font_size is None:
factor = computer.computed.font_size
factor = font_size
if unit == 'ex':
# TODO: find a better way to measure ex, see
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#length-units
factor *= 0.5
# A percentage or 'auto': no conversion needed.
return value
result = value.value * factor
return result if pixels_only else Dimension(result, 'px')
def pixel_length(computer, name, value):
return length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
2012-02-22 18:52:49 +04:00
def background_size(computer, name, value):
"""Compute the ``background-size`` properties."""
if value in ('contain', 'cover'):
return value
return length_or_percentage_tuple(computer, name, value)
def border_width(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``border-*-width`` properties."""
style = computer.computed[name.replace('width', 'style')]
if style in ('none', 'hidden'):
return 0
2012-04-05 18:31:32 +04:00
if isinstance(value, int):
# The initial value can get here, but length() would fail as
# it does not have a 'unit' attribute.
return value
return length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
def content(computer, name, values):
"""Compute the ``content`` property."""
if values in ('normal', 'none'):
return values
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
return [('STRING', computer.element.get(value, ''))
if type_ == 'attr' else (type_, value)
for type_, value in values]
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
def display(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``display`` property.
See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#dis-pos-flo
2011-10-08 18:34:10 +04:00
float_ = computer.specified.float
position = computer.specified.position
if position in ('absolute', 'fixed') or float_ != 'none' or \
2011-12-16 18:18:47 +04:00
getattr(computer.element, 'getparent', lambda: None)() is None:
if value == 'inline-table':
elif value in ('inline', 'table-row-group', 'table-column',
'table-column-group', 'table-header-group',
'table-footer-group', 'table-row', 'table-cell',
'table-caption', 'inline-block'):
return 'block'
return value
def compute_float(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``float`` property.
See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#dis-pos-flo
2011-12-16 18:18:47 +04:00
if computer.specified.position in ('absolute', 'fixed'):
return 'none'
return value
2011-06-29 16:04:42 +04:00
def font_size(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``font-size`` property."""
return FONT_SIZE_KEYWORDS[value]
# TODO: support 'larger' and 'smaller'
2011-12-16 18:18:47 +04:00
parent_font_size = computer.parent_style['font_size']
if value.unit == '%':
return value.value * parent_font_size / 100.
return length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True,
def font_weight(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``font-weight`` property."""
if value == 'normal':
return 400
elif value == 'bold':
return 700
elif value in ('bolder', 'lighter'):
2011-12-16 18:18:47 +04:00
parent_value = computer.parent_style['font_weight']
# Use a string here as StyleDict.__setattr__ turns integers into pixel
# lengths. This is a number without unit.
return FONT_WEIGHT_RELATIVE[value][parent_value]
return value
def line_height(computer, name, value):
2011-08-23 19:35:10 +04:00
"""Compute the ``line-height`` property."""
if value == 'normal':
return value
elif not value.unit:
return ('NUMBER', value.value)
elif value.unit == '%':
factor = value.value / 100.
font_size_value = computer.computed.font_size
pixels = factor * font_size_value
pixels = length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
return ('PIXELS', pixels)
def link(computer, name, values):
"""Compute the ``link`` property."""
if values == 'none':
return None
type_, value = values
if type_ == 'attr':
return get_url_attribute(computer.element, value)
return value
def transform(computer, name, value):
"""Compute the ``transform`` property."""
result = []
for function, args in value:
if function in ('rotate', 'skewx', 'skewy'):
args = args.value * ANGLE_TO_RADIANS[args.unit]
elif function == 'translate':
args = length_or_percentage_tuple(computer, name, args)
result.append((function, args))
return result
def vertical_align(computer, name, value):
"""Compute the ``vertical-align`` property."""
# Use +/- half an em for super and sub, same as Pango.
# (See the SUPERSUB_RISE constant in pango-markup.c)
if value in ('baseline', 'middle', 'text-top', 'text-bottom',
'top', 'bottom'):
return value
elif value == 'super':
return computer.computed.font_size * 0.5
elif value == 'sub':
return computer.computed.font_size * -0.5
elif value.unit == '%':
2011-12-26 15:47:26 +04:00
height = used_line_height({
'line_height': computer.computed.line_height,
'font_size': computer.computed.font_size
2011-12-26 15:47:26 +04:00
return height * value.value / 100.
return length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
def word_spacing(computer, name, value):
"""Compute the ``word-spacing`` property."""
if value == 'normal':
return 0
return length(computer, name, value, pixels_only=True)
def used_line_height(style):
"""Return the used value for the ``line-height`` property."""
2011-12-26 15:47:26 +04:00
height = style['line_height']
if height == 'normal':
# a "reasonable" value
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#line-height
# TODO: use font metrics?
2011-12-26 15:47:26 +04:00
height = ('NUMBER', 1.2)
type_, value = height
if type_ == 'NUMBER':
return value * style['font_size']
return value