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2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
# coding: utf8
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2012 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
import io
import sys
import math
import shutil
import functools
import cairo
from . import CSS
from . import images
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
from .logger import LOGGER
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
from .css import get_all_computed_styles
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
from .formatting_structure import boxes
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
from .formatting_structure.build import build_formatting_structure
from .layout import layout_document
from .draw import draw_page, stacked
from .pdf import write_pdf_metadata
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
from .compat import izip, iteritems
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
from .urls import FILESYSTEM_ENCODING
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
class _TaggedTuple(tuple):
"""A tuple with a :attr:`sourceline` attribute,
The line number in the HTML source for whatever the tuple represents.
def _get_metadata(box, bookmarks, links, anchors, matrix):
bookmark_label = box.bookmark_label
bookmark_level = box.bookmark_level
link = box.style.link
anchor_name = box.style.anchor
has_bookmark = bookmark_label and bookmark_level
# 'link' is inherited but redundant on text boxes
has_link = link and not isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox)
# In case of duplicate IDs, only the first is an anchor.
has_anchor = anchor_name and anchor_name not in anchors
if has_bookmark or has_link or has_anchor:
pos_x, pos_y, width, height = box.hit_area()
pos_x, pos_y = matrix.transform_point(pos_x, pos_y)
width, height = matrix.transform_distance(width, height)
if has_bookmark:
bookmarks.append((bookmark_level, bookmark_label, (pos_x, pos_y)))
if has_link:
link_type, target = link
link = _TaggedTuple(
(link_type, target, (pos_x, pos_y, width, height)))
link.sourceline = box.sourceline
if has_anchor:
anchors[anchor_name] = pos_x, pos_y
for child in box.all_children():
_get_metadata(child, bookmarks, links, anchors, matrix)
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
class Page(object):
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
"""Represents a single rendered page.
Should be obtained from :attr:`Document.pages` but not
instantiated directly.
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
def __init__(self, page, enable_hinting=False, resolution=96):
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
dppx = resolution / 96
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
#: The page width, including margins, in cairo user units.
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
self.width = page.margin_width() * dppx
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
#: The page height, including margins, in cairo user units.
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
self.height = page.margin_height() * dppx
#: A list of ``(bookmark_level, bookmark_label, point)``.
#: A point is ``(x, y)`` in cairo units from the top-left of the page.
self.bookmarks = []
#: A list of ``(link_type, target, rectangle)``.
#: A rectangle is ``(x, y, width, height)``, in cairo units
#: form the top-left of the page.
#: The link type one of two strings:
#: * ``'external'``: :obj:`target` is an absolute URL
#: * ``'internal'``: :obj:`target` is an anchor name (see
#: :attr:`Page.anchors` and :meth:`Document.all_anchors`).
#: An anchor might be defined in another page, or not at all.
self.links = []
#: A dict mapping anchor names to points (``(x, y)`` in cairo units
#: form the top-left of the page.)
self.anchors = {}
_get_metadata(page, self.bookmarks, self.links, self.anchors,
cairo.Matrix(xx=dppx, yy=dppx))
self._page_box = page
self._enable_hinting = enable_hinting
self._dppx = dppx
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
def paint(self, cairo_context, left_x=0, top_y=0, clip=False):
"""Paint the surface in cairo, on any type of surface.
:param cairo_context: any :class:`cairo.Context` object.
:type left_x: float
:param left_x:
X coordinate of the left of the page, in user units.
:type top_y: float
:param top_y:
Y coordinate of the top of the page, in user units.
:type clip: bool
:param clip:
Whether to clip/cut content outside the page. If false or
not provided, content can overflow.
with stacked(cairo_context):
if self._enable_hinting:
left_x, top_y = cairo_context.user_to_device(left_x, top_y)
width, height = cairo_context.user_to_device_distance(
self.width, self.height)
# Hint in device space
left_x = int(left_x)
top_y = int(top_y)
width = int(math.ceil(width))
height = int(math.ceil(height))
left_x, top_y = cairo_context.device_to_user(left_x, top_y)
width, height = cairo_context.device_to_user_distance(
width, height)
width = self.width
height = self.height
cairo_context.translate(left_x, top_y)
# The top-left corner is now (0, 0)
if clip:
cairo_context.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
cairo_context.scale(self._dppx, self._dppx)
# User units are now CSS pixels
draw_page(self._page_box, cairo_context, self._enable_hinting)
class Document(object):
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
"""A rendered document, with access to individual pages
ready to be painted on any cairo surfaces.
Should be obtained from :meth:`HTML.render() <weasyprint.HTML.render>`
but not instantiated directly.
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
def render(cls, html, stylesheets, resolution, enable_hinting):
style_for = get_all_computed_styles(html, user_stylesheets=[
css if hasattr(css, 'rules')
else CSS(guess=css, media_type=html.media_type)
for css in stylesheets or []])
get_image_from_uri = functools.partial(
images.get_image_from_uri, {}, html.url_fetcher)
page_boxes = layout_document(
enable_hinting, style_for, get_image_from_uri,
html.root_element, style_for, get_image_from_uri))
return cls([Page(p, enable_hinting, resolution) for p in page_boxes])
def __init__(self, pages):
#: A list of :class:`Page` objects.
self.pages = pages
def copy(self, pages='all'):
"""Return a new :class:`Document` with a subset of the pages."""
if pages == 'all':
pages = self.pages
return type(self)(pages)
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
def resolve_links(self):
"""Resolve internal hyperlinks.
Links to a missing anchor are removed with a warning.
If multiple anchors have the same name, the first is used.
A generator yielding lists (one per page) like :attr:`Page.links`,
except that :obj:`target` for internal hyperlinks is
``(page_number, x, y)`` instead of an anchor name.
The page number is an index (0-based) in the :attr:`pages` list,
``x, y`` are in cairo units from the top-left of the page.
anchors = {}
for i, page in enumerate(self.pages):
for anchor_name, (point_x, point_y) in iteritems(page.anchors):
anchors.setdefault(anchor_name, (i, point_x, point_y))
for page in self.pages:
page_links = []
for link in page.links:
link_type, anchor_name, rectangle = link
if link_type == 'internal':
target = anchors.get(anchor_name)
if target is None:
'No anchor #%s for internal URI reference '
'at line %s' % (anchor_name, link.sourceline))
page_links.append((link_type, target, rectangle))
# External link
yield page_links
def make_bookmark_tree(self):
"""Make a tree of all bookmarks in the document.
:return: a list of bookmark subtrees.
A subtree is ``(label, target, children)``. :obj:`label` is
a string, :obj:`target` is ``(page_number, x, y)`` like in
:meth:`resolve_links`, and :obj:`children` is itself a (recursive)
list of subtrees.
root = []
# At one point in the document, for each "output" depth, how much
# to add to get the source level (CSS values of bookmark-level).
# Eg. with <h1> then <h3>, level_shifts == [0, 1]
# 1 means that <h3> has depth 3 - 1 = 2 in the output.
skipped_levels = []
last_by_depth = [root]
previous_level = 0
for page_number, page in enumerate(self.pages):
for level, label, (point_x, point_y) in page.bookmarks:
if level > previous_level:
# Example: if the previous bookmark is a <h2>, the next
# depth "should" be for <h3>. If now we get a <h6> were
# skipping two levels: append 6 - 3 - 1 = 2
skipped_levels.append(level - previous_level - 1)
temp = level
while temp < previous_level:
temp += 1 + skipped_levels.pop()
if temp > previous_level:
# We remove too many "skips", add some back:
skipped_levels.append(temp - previous_level - 1)
previous_level = level
depth = level - sum(skipped_levels)
assert depth == len(skipped_levels)
assert depth >= 1
children = []
subtree = label, (page_number, point_x, point_y), children
last_by_depth[depth - 1].append(subtree)
del last_by_depth[depth:]
return root
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
def write_pdf(self, target=None):
"""Paint pages; write PDF bytes to ``target``, or return them
if ``target`` is ``None``.
This function also adds PDF metadata (bookmarks, hyperlinks, ).
PDF files coming straight from :class:`cairo.PDFSurface` do not have
such metadata.
:param target: a filename, file object, or ``None``
:returns: a bytestring if ``target`` is ``None``.
# Use an in-memory buffer. We will need to seek for metadata
# TODO: avoid this if target can seek? Benchmark first.
file_obj = io.BytesIO()
# (1, 1) is overridden by .set_size() below.
surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file_obj, 1, 1)
context = cairo.Context(surface)
for page in self.pages:
surface.set_size(page.width, page.height)
2012-10-04 13:35:25 +04:00
write_pdf_metadata(self, file_obj)
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
if target is None:
return file_obj.getvalue()
if hasattr(target, 'write'):
shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, target)
with open(target, 'wb') as fd:
shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, fd)
def write_png(self, target=None):
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
"""Paint pages vertically; write PNG bytes to ``target``, or return them
if ``target`` is ``None``.
:param target: a filename, file object, or ``None``
A ``(png_bytes, png_width, png_height)`` tuple. :obj:`png_bytes`
is a byte string if :obj:`target` is ``None``, otherwise ``None``
(the image is written to :obj:`target`.)
:obj:`png_width` and :obj:`png_height` are the size of the
final image, in PNG pixels.
2012-10-02 20:59:02 +04:00
# This duplicates the hinting logic in Page.paint. There is a
# dependency cycle otherwise:
# this → hinting logic → context → surface → this
# But since we do no transform here, cairo_context.user_to_device and
# friends are identity functions.
widths = [int(math.ceil(p.width)) for p in self.pages]
heights = [int(math.ceil(p.height)) for p in self.pages]
max_width = max(widths)
sum_heights = sum(heights)
surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, max_width, sum_heights)
context = cairo.Context(surface)
pos_y = 0
for page, width, height in izip(self.pages, widths, heights):
pos_x = (max_width - width) / 2
with stacked(context):
page.paint(context, pos_x, pos_y, clip=True)
pos_y += height
if target is None:
target = io.BytesIO()
png_bytes = target.getvalue()
if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(target, unicode):
# py2cairo 1.8 does not support unicode filenames.
target = target.encode(FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)
png_bytes = None
return png_bytes, max_width, sum_heights