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# coding: utf8
# WeasyPrint converts web documents (HTML, CSS, ...) to PDF.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Sapin
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This module takes care of steps 3 and 4 of CSS 2.1 processing model:
Retrieve stylesheets associated with a document and annotate every element
with a value for every CSS property.
This module does this in more than two steps. The `annotate_document`
function does everything, but there is also a function for each step:
* ``find_stylesheets``: Find and parse all author stylesheets in a document
* ``remove_ignored_declarations``: Remove illegal and unsupported
* ``expand_shorthand``: Replace shorthand properties
* ``resolve_import_media``: Resolve @media and @import rules
* ``apply_style_rule``: Apply a CSSStyleRule to a document
* ``assign_properties``: Assign on computed value for each property to
every DOM element.
import os.path
from cssutils import parseString, parseUrl, parseStyle, parseFile
from cssutils.css import PropertyValue, CSSStyleDeclaration
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
from . import computed_values
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
HTML4_DEFAULT_STYLESHEET = parseFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
def strip_mimetype_parameters(mimetype):
"""Only keep 'type/subtype' from 'type/subtype ; param1; param2'."""
if mimetype:
return mimetype.split(';', 1)[0].strip()
def is_not_css(element):
Return True if the element has a `type` attribute with a MIME type other
than 'text/css'.
mimetype = element.get('type')
return mimetype and strip_mimetype_parameters(mimetype) != 'text/css'
def media_attr(element):
"""Returns the `media` attribute if it is not just whitespace."""
media = element.get('media')
if media and media.strip():
return media
# cssutils translates None to 'all'.
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
def find_style_elements(document):
for style in document.iter('style'):
# TODO: handle the `scoped` attribute
# Content is text that is directly in the <style> element, not its
# descendants
content = [style.text]
for child in style:
content = ''.join(content)
if is_not_css(style):
# lxml should give us either unicode or ASCII-only bytestrings, so
# we don't need `encoding` here.
yield parseString(content, href=style.base_url, media=media_attr(style),
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
def find_link_stylesheet_elements(document):
for link in document.iter('link'):
if (
' stylesheet ' not in ' %s ' % link.get('rel', '')
or not link.get('href')
or is_not_css(link)
# URLs should have been made absolute earlier
yield parseUrl(link.get('href'), media=media_attr(link),
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
def find_stylesheets(html_document):
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
Yield stylesheets from a DOM document.
2011-04-26 20:07:19 +04:00
# TODO: merge these to give them in tree order
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
for sheet in find_style_elements(html_document):
yield sheet
for sheet in find_link_stylesheet_elements(html_document):
yield sheet
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
def invalid_declaration_reason(prop):
Take a Property object and return a string describing the reason if its
invalid, or None if its valid.
# TODO: validation
def find_rulesets(stylesheet):
Recursively walk a stylesheet and its @media and @import rules to yield
all rulesets (CSSStyleRule or CSSPageRule objects).
for rule in stylesheet.cssRules:
if rule.type in (rule.STYLE_RULE, rule.PAGE_RULE):
yield rule
elif rule.type == rule.IMPORT_RULE:
for subrule in find_rulesets(rule.styleSheet):
yield subrule
elif rule.type == rule.MEDIA_RULE:
# CSSMediaRule is kinda like a CSSStyleSheet: it has media and
# cssRules attributes.
for subrule in find_rulesets(rule):
yield subrule
# ignore everything else
def remove_ignored_declarations(stylesheet):
Changes IN-PLACE the given stylesheet and its imported stylesheets
(recursively) to remove illegal or unsupported declarations.
# TODO: @font-face
for rule in find_rulesets(stylesheet):
new_style = CSSStyleDeclaration()
for prop in rule.style:
reason = invalid_declaration_reason(prop)
if reason is None:
# TODO: log ignored declarations, with reasons
rule.style = new_style
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
def evaluate_media_query(query_list, medium):
Return the boolean evaluation of `query_list` for the given `medium`
:attr query_list: a cssutilts.stlysheets.MediaList
:attr medium: a media type string (for now)
# TODO: actual support for media queries, not just media types
return query_list.mediaText == 'all' \
or any(query.mediaText == medium for query in query_list)
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
def resolve_import_media(sheet, medium):
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
Resolves @import and @media rules in the given CSSStlyleSheet, and yields
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applicable rules for `medium`.
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
if not evaluate_media_query(sheet.media, medium):
for rule in sheet.cssRules:
if rule.type in (rule.CHARSET_RULE, rule.COMMENT):
continue # ignored
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
elif rule.type == rule.IMPORT_RULE:
subsheet = rule.styleSheet
elif rule.type == rule.MEDIA_RULE:
# CSSMediaRule is kinda like a CSSStyleSheet: it has media and
# cssRules attributes.
subsheet = rule
# pass other rules through: "normal" rulesets, @font-face,
# @namespace, @page, and @variables
yield rule
2011-04-28 12:44:50 +04:00
continue # no sub-stylesheet here.
for subrule in resolve_import_media(subsheet, medium):
yield subrule
2011-04-27 19:50:12 +04:00
def expand_shorthands(stylesheet):
Changes IN-PLACE the given stylesheet and its imported stylesheets
(recursively) to expand shorthand properties.
eg. margin becomes margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom and margin-left.
for rule in find_rulesets(stylesheet):
rule.style = properties.expand_shorthands_in_declaration(rule.style)
# TODO: @font-face
def build_lxml_proxy_cache(document):
Build as needed a proxy cache for an lxml document.
``Element`` python objects in lxml are only proxies to C space memory
(libxml2 data structures.) These objects may be created and destroyed at
any time, so we can generally not keep state in them.
The lxml documentation[1] only gives one guarantee: if a reference to a
proxy object is kept, this same object will always be used and we can keep
data there. A proxy cache is a list of these proxy objects for all elements,
just to make sure that they are kept alive.
[1] http://lxml.de/element_classes.html#element-initialization
if not hasattr(document, 'proxy_cache'):
document.proxy_cache = list(document.iter())
def declaration_precedence(origin, priority):
Return the precedence for a rule. Precedence values have no meaning unless
compared to each other.
Acceptable values for `origin` are the strings 'author', 'user' and
'user agent'.
# See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#cascading-order
if origin == 'user agent':
return 1
elif origin == 'user' and not priority:
return 2
elif origin == 'author' and not priority:
return 3
elif origin == 'author': # and priority
return 4
elif origin == 'user': # and priority
return 5
assert ValueError('Unkown origin: %r' % origin)
def apply_style_rule(rule, document, origin):
Apply a CSSStyleRule to a document according to its selectors, attaching
Property objects with their precedence to DOM elements.
Acceptable values for `origin` are the strings 'author', 'user' and
'user agent'.
for selector in rule.selectorList:
for element in document.cssselect(selector.selectorText):
if not hasattr(element, 'applicable_properties'):
element.applicable_properties = []
for prop in rule.style:
# TODO: ignore properties that do not apply to the current
# medium? http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/intro.html#processing-model
precedence = (
declaration_precedence(origin, prop.priority),
element.applicable_properties.append((precedence, prop))
def handle_style_attribute(element):
Return the elements ``applicable_properties`` list after adding properties
from the `style` attribute.
declarations = getattr(element, 'applicable_properties', [])
style_attribute = element.get('style')
if style_attribute:
# TODO: no href for parseStyle. What about relative URLs?
# CSS3 says we should resolve relative to the attribute:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/css-style-attr/#interpret
for prop in parseStyle(style_attribute):
precedence = (
declaration_precedence('author', prop.priority),
# 1 for being a style attribute, 0 as there is no selector.
(1, 0, 0, 0)
declarations.append((precedence, prop))
return declarations
def handle_inheritance(element):
The specified value is the parent elements computed value iif one of the
following is true:
* The cascade did not result in a value, and the the property is inherited
* The the value is the keyword 'inherit'.
style = element.style
parent = element.getparent()
if parent is None: # root element
for name, value in style.iteritems():
# The PropertyValue object has value attribute
if value.value == 'inherit':
# The root element can not inherit from anything:
# use the initial value.
style[name] = PropertyValue('initial')
# The parent appears before in tree order, so we should already have
# finished with its computed values.
for name, value in style.iteritems():
if value.value == 'inherit':
style[name] = parent.style[name]
for name in properties.INHERITED:
# Do not use is_initial() here: only inherit if the property is
# actually missing.
if name not in style:
style[name] = parent.style[name]
def is_initial(style, name):
Return whether the property `name` is missing in the given `style` dict
or if its value is the 'initial' keyword.
return computed_values.get_value(style, name) == 'initial'
def handle_initial_values(element):
Properties that do not have a value after inheritance or whose value is the
'initial' keyword (CSS3) get their initial value.
style = element.style
for name, initial in properties.INITIAL_VALUES.iteritems():
# Explicit 'initial' values are new in CSS3
# http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#computed0
if is_initial(style, name):
style[name] = initial
# Special cases for initial values that can not be expressed as CSS
# border-color: same as color
for name in ('border-top-color', 'border-right-color',
'border-bottom-color', 'border-left-color'):
if is_initial(style, name):
style[name] = style['color']
# text-align: left in left-to-right text, right in right-to-left
if is_initial(style, 'text-align'):
if style['direction'].value == 'rtl':
style['text-align'] = PropertyValue('right')
style['text-align'] = PropertyValue('left')
def assign_properties(document):
For every element of the document, take the properties left by
``apply_style_rule`` and assign computed values with respect to the cascade,
declaration priority (ie. ``!important``) and selector specificity.
for element in document.iter():
declarations = handle_style_attribute(element)
# If apply_style_rule() was called in appearance order, the stability
# of Python's sort fulfills rule 4 of the cascade.
# This lambda has one parameter deconstructed as a tuple
declarations.sort(key=lambda (precedence, prop): precedence)
element.style = style = {}
for precedence, prop in declarations:
style[prop.name] = prop.propertyValue
def annotate_document(document, user_stylesheets=None, ua_stylesheets=None,
Do everything from finding author stylesheets in the given HTML document
to parsing and applying them, to finish with a `style` attribute on
every DOM element: a dictionary with values for all CSS 2.1 properties.
author_stylesheets = find_stylesheets(document)
for sheets, origin in ((author_stylesheets, 'author'),
(user_stylesheets, 'user'),
(ua_stylesheets, 'user agent')):
for sheet in sheets:
# TODO: UA and maybe user stylesheets might only need to be expanded
# once, not for every document.
for rule in resolve_import_media(sheet, medium):
if rule.type == rule.STYLE_RULE:
apply_style_rule(rule, document, origin)
# TODO: handle @font-face, @namespace, @page, and @variables