"""Draw simple shapes.""" from math import atan2, pi, sqrt from .utils import normalize, point def circle(svg, node, font_size): """Draw circle tag.""" r = svg.length(node.get('r'), font_size) if not r: return ratio = r / sqrt(pi) cx, cy = svg.point(node.get('cx'), node.get('cy'), font_size) svg.stream.move_to(cx + r, cy) svg.stream.curve_to(cx + r, cy + ratio, cx + ratio, cy + r, cx, cy + r) svg.stream.curve_to(cx - ratio, cy + r, cx - r, cy + ratio, cx - r, cy) svg.stream.curve_to(cx - r, cy - ratio, cx - ratio, cy - r, cx, cy - r) svg.stream.curve_to(cx + ratio, cy - r, cx + r, cy - ratio, cx + r, cy) svg.stream.close() def ellipse(svg, node, font_size): """Draw ellipse tag.""" rx, ry = svg.point(node.get('rx'), node.get('ry'), font_size) if not rx or not ry: return ratio_x = rx / sqrt(pi) ratio_y = ry / sqrt(pi) cx, cy = svg.point(node.get('cx'), node.get('cy'), font_size) svg.stream.move_to(cx + rx, cy) svg.stream.curve_to( cx + rx, cy + ratio_y, cx + ratio_x, cy + ry, cx, cy + ry) svg.stream.curve_to( cx - ratio_x, cy + ry, cx - rx, cy + ratio_y, cx - rx, cy) svg.stream.curve_to( cx - rx, cy - ratio_y, cx - ratio_x, cy - ry, cx, cy - ry) svg.stream.curve_to( cx + ratio_x, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy - ratio_y, cx + rx, cy) svg.stream.close() def rect(svg, node, font_size): """Draw rect tag.""" width, height = svg.point(node.get('width'), node.get('height'), font_size) if width <= 0 or height <= 0: return x, y = svg.point(node.get('x'), node.get('y'), font_size) rx = node.get('rx') ry = node.get('ry') if rx and ry is None: ry = rx elif ry and rx is None: rx = ry rx, ry = svg.point(rx, ry, font_size) if rx == 0 or ry == 0: svg.stream.rectangle(x, y, width, height) return if rx > width / 2: rx = width / 2 if ry > height / 2: ry = height / 2 # Inspired by Cairo Cookbook # https://cairographics.org/cookbook/roundedrectangles/ ARC_TO_BEZIER = 4 * (2 ** .5 - 1) / 3 c1, c2 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * rx, ARC_TO_BEZIER * ry svg.stream.move_to(x + rx, y) svg.stream.line_to(x + width - rx, y) svg.stream.curve_to( x + width - rx + c1, y, x + width, y + c2, x + width, y + ry) svg.stream.line_to(x + width, y + height - ry) svg.stream.curve_to( x + width, y + height - ry + c2, x + width + c1 - rx, y + height, x + width - rx, y + height) svg.stream.line_to(x + rx, y + height) svg.stream.curve_to( x + rx - c1, y + height, x, y + height - c2, x, y + height - ry) svg.stream.line_to(x, y + ry) svg.stream.curve_to(x, y + ry - c2, x + rx - c1, y, x + rx, y) svg.stream.close() def line(svg, node, font_size): """Draw line tag.""" x1, y1 = svg.point(node.get('x1'), node.get('y1'), font_size) x2, y2 = svg.point(node.get('x2'), node.get('y2'), font_size) svg.stream.move_to(x1, y1) svg.stream.line_to(x2, y2) angle = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) node.vertices = [(x1, y1), (pi - angle, angle), (x2, y2)] def polygon(svg, node, font_size): """Draw polygon tag.""" polyline(svg, node, font_size) svg.stream.close() def polyline(svg, node, font_size): """Draw polyline tag.""" points = normalize(node.get('points')) if points: x, y, points = point(svg, points, font_size) svg.stream.move_to(x, y) node.vertices = [(x, y)] while points: x_old, y_old = x, y x, y, points = point(svg, points, font_size) angle = atan2(x - x_old, y - y_old) node.vertices.append((pi - angle, angle)) svg.stream.line_to(x, y) node.vertices.append((x, y))