""" weasyprint.document ------------------- """ import collections import functools import hashlib import io import math import shutil import zlib from os.path import basename from urllib.parse import unquote, urlsplit import pydyf from fontTools import subset from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont, TTLibError from . import CSS, Attachment, __version__ from .css import get_all_computed_styles from .css.counters import CounterStyle from .css.targets import TargetCollector from .draw import draw_page, stacked from .fonts import FontConfiguration from .formatting_structure import boxes from .formatting_structure.build import build_formatting_structure from .html import W3C_DATE_RE, get_html_metadata from .images import get_image_from_uri as original_get_image_from_uri from .layout import LayoutContext, layout_document from .layout.percentages import percentage from .logger import LOGGER, PROGRESS_LOGGER from .text import ffi, pango from .urls import URLFetchingError def _w3c_date_to_pdf(string, attr_name): """Tranform W3C date to PDF format.""" if string is None: return None match = W3C_DATE_RE.match(string) if match is None: LOGGER.warning(f'Invalid {attr_name} date: {string!r}') return None groups = match.groupdict() pdf_date = '' found = groups['hour'] for key in ('second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'): if groups[key]: found = True pdf_date = groups[key] + pdf_date elif found: pdf_date = f'{(key in ("day", "month")):02d}{pdf_date}' if groups['hour']: assert groups['minute'] if groups['tz_hour']: assert groups['tz_hour'].startswith(('+', '-')) assert groups['tz_minute'] tz_hour = int(groups['tz_hour']) tz_minute = int(groups['tz_minute']) pdf_date += f"{tz_hour:+03d}'{tz_minute:02d}" else: pdf_date += 'Z' return pdf_date class Font: def __init__(self, file_content, pango_font): pango_metrics = pango.pango_font_get_metrics(pango_font, ffi.NULL) font_description = pango.pango_font_describe(pango_font) font_family = ffi.string(pango.pango_font_description_get_family( font_description)) font_size = pango.pango_font_description_get_size(font_description) sha = hashlib.sha256() sha.update(file_content) self.file_content = file_content self.hash = ''.join( chr(65 + letter % 26) for letter in sha.digest()[:6]) self.name = ( b'/' + self.hash.encode('ascii') + b'+' + font_family.replace(b' ', b'')) self.family = font_family self.flags = 4 self.italic_angle = 0 self.ascent = int( pango.pango_font_metrics_get_ascent(pango_metrics) / font_size * 1000) self.descent = -int( pango.pango_font_metrics_get_descent(pango_metrics) / font_size * 1000) self.stemv = 80 self.stemh = 80 self.bbox = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.widths = {} self.cmap = {} class Context(pydyf.Stream): """PDF stream object with context storing alpha states.""" def __init__(self, document, page_rectangle, alpha_states, x_objects, patterns, shadings, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.compress = True self.page_rectangle = page_rectangle self._document = document self._alpha_states = alpha_states self._x_objects = x_objects self._patterns = patterns self._shadings = shadings self._current_color = self._current_color_stroke = None self._current_alpha = self._current_alpha_stroke = None self._current_font = self._current_font_size = None self._old_font = self._old_font_size = None # These objects are used in text.show_first_line self.length = ffi.new('unsigned int *') self.ink_rect = ffi.new('PangoRectangle *') self.logical_rect = ffi.new('PangoRectangle *') def pop_state(self): super().pop_state() self._current_color = self._current_color_stroke = None self._current_alpha = self._current_alpha_stroke = None self._current_font = None def begin_text(self): if self.stream[-1] == b'ET': self._current_font = self._old_font self.stream.pop() else: super().begin_text() def end_text(self): self._old_font, self._current_font = self._current_font, None super().end_text() def set_color_rgb(self, r, g, b, stroke=False): if stroke: if (r, g, b) == self._current_color_stroke: return else: self._current_color_stroke = (r, g, b) else: if (r, g, b) == self._current_color: return else: self._current_color = (r, g, b) super().set_color_rgb(r, g, b, stroke) def set_font_size(self, font, size): if (font, size) == self._current_font: return self._current_font = (font, size) super().set_font_size(font, size) def set_alpha(self, alpha, stroke=False): if stroke: if alpha == self._current_alpha_stroke: return else: self._current_alpha_stroke = alpha else: if alpha == self._current_alpha: return else: self._current_alpha = alpha if alpha not in self._alpha_states: self._alpha_states[alpha] = pydyf.Dictionary() if stroke in (None, False): self._alpha_states[alpha]['ca'] = alpha if stroke in (None, True): self._alpha_states[alpha]['CA'] = alpha self.set_state(alpha) def add_font(self, font_hash, font_content, pango_font): self._document.fonts[font_hash] = Font(font_content, pango_font) return self._document.fonts[font_hash] def get_fonts(self): return self._document.fonts def add_transparency_group(self, bounding_box): alpha_states = pydyf.Dictionary() x_objects = pydyf.Dictionary() patterns = pydyf.Dictionary() shadings = pydyf.Dictionary() resources = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'ExtGState': alpha_states, 'XObject': x_objects, 'Pattern': patterns, 'Shading': shadings, }) extra = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/XObject', 'Subtype': '/Form', 'BBox': pydyf.Array(bounding_box), 'Resources': resources, 'Group': pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Group', 'S': '/Transparency', 'I': 'true', 'CS': '/DeviceRGB', }), }) group = Context( self._document, self.page_rectangle, alpha_states, x_objects, patterns, shadings, extra=extra) group.id = f'x{len(self._x_objects)}' self._x_objects[group.id] = group return group def add_image(self, pillow_image, image_rendering, optimize_image): if 'transparency' in pillow_image.info: pillow_image = pillow_image.convert('RGBA') elif pillow_image.mode in ('1', 'P'): pillow_image = pillow_image.convert('RGB') if pillow_image.mode in ('RGB', 'RGBA'): color_space = '/DeviceRGB' elif pillow_image.mode == 'L': color_space = '/DeviceGray' elif pillow_image.mode == 'CMYK': color_space = '/DeviceCMYK' else: LOGGER.warning('Unknown image mode: %s', pillow_image.mode) color_space = '/DeviceRGB' interpolate = 'true' if image_rendering == 'auto' else 'false' extra = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/XObject', 'Subtype': '/Image', 'Width': pillow_image.width, 'Height': pillow_image.height, 'ColorSpace': color_space, 'BitsPerComponent': 8, 'Interpolate': interpolate, }) image_file = io.BytesIO() if pillow_image.format == 'JPEG': extra['Filter'] = '/DCTDecode' pillow_image.save( image_file, format='JPEG', optimize=optimize_image) else: extra['Filter'] = '/JPXDecode' if pillow_image.mode == 'RGBA': alpha = pillow_image.getchannel('A') pillow_image = pillow_image.convert('RGB') alpha_file = io.BytesIO() alpha.save( alpha_file, format='JPEG2000', optimize=optimize_image, num_resolutions=1) extra['SMask'] = pydyf.Stream([alpha_file.getvalue()], extra={ 'Filter': '/JPXDecode', 'Type': '/XObject', 'Subtype': '/Image', 'Width': pillow_image.width, 'Height': pillow_image.height, 'ColorSpace': '/DeviceGray', 'BitsPerComponent': 8, 'Interpolate': interpolate, }) # Set number of resolutions to 1 because of # https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/215 pillow_image.save( image_file, format='JPEG2000', optimize=optimize_image, num_resolutions=1) stream = [image_file.getvalue()] xobject = pydyf.Stream(stream, extra=extra) image_name = f'Im{len(self._x_objects)}' self._x_objects[image_name] = xobject return image_name def add_pattern(self, x, y, width, height, repeat_width, repeat_height): alpha_states = pydyf.Dictionary() x_objects = pydyf.Dictionary() patterns = pydyf.Dictionary() shadings = pydyf.Dictionary() resources = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'ExtGState': alpha_states, 'XObject': x_objects, 'Pattern': patterns, 'Shading': shadings, }) matrix = (1, 0, 0, -1, x, self.page_rectangle[3] - y) extra = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'PatternType': 1, 'BBox': pydyf.Array([0, 0, width, height]), 'XStep': repeat_width, 'YStep': repeat_height, 'TilingType': 1, 'PaintType': 1, 'Matrix': pydyf.Array(0.75 * i for i in matrix), 'Resources': resources, }) pattern = Context( self._document, self.page_rectangle, alpha_states, x_objects, patterns, shadings, extra=extra) pattern.id = f'p{len(self._patterns)}' self._patterns[pattern.id] = pattern return pattern def add_shading(self): shading = pydyf.Dictionary() shading.id = f's{len(self._shadings)}' self._shadings[shading.id] = shading return shading BookmarkSubtree = collections.namedtuple( 'BookmarkSubtree', ('label', 'destination', 'children', 'state')) def _write_pdf_attachment(pdf, attachment, url_fetcher): """Write an attachment to the PDF stream. :return: the attachment PDF dictionary. """ # Attachments from document links like or can only be URLs. # They're passed in as tuples url = '' if isinstance(attachment, tuple): url, description = attachment attachment = Attachment( url=url, url_fetcher=url_fetcher, description=description) elif not isinstance(attachment, Attachment): attachment = Attachment(guess=attachment, url_fetcher=url_fetcher) try: with attachment.source as (source_type, source, url, _): if isinstance(source, bytes): source = io.BytesIO(source) uncompressed_length = 0 stream = b'' md5 = hashlib.md5() compress = zlib.compressobj() for data in iter(lambda: source.read(4096), b''): uncompressed_length += len(data) md5.update(data) compressed = compress.compress(data) stream += compressed compressed = compress.flush(zlib.Z_FINISH) stream += compressed file_extra = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/EmbeddedFile', 'Filter': '/FlateDecode', 'Params': pydyf.Dictionary({ 'CheckSum': f'<{md5.hexdigest()}>', 'Size': uncompressed_length, }) }) file_stream = pydyf.Stream([stream], file_extra) pdf.add_object(file_stream) except URLFetchingError as exception: LOGGER.error('Failed to load attachment: %s', exception) return # TODO: Use the result object from a URL fetch operation to provide more # details on the possible filename. if url and urlsplit(url).path: filename = basename(unquote(urlsplit(url).path)) else: filename = 'attachment.bin' attachment = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Filespec', 'F': pydyf.String(), 'UF': pydyf.String(filename), 'EF': pydyf.Dictionary({'F': file_stream.reference}), 'Desc': pydyf.String(attachment.description or ''), }) pdf.add_object(attachment) return attachment def create_bookmarks(bookmarks, pdf, parent=None): count = len(bookmarks) outlines = [] for title, (page, x, y), children, state in bookmarks: destination = pydyf.Array(( pdf.objects[pdf.pages['Kids'][page * 3]].reference, '/XYZ', x, y, 0)) outline = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Title': pydyf.String(title), 'Dest': destination}) pdf.add_object(outline) children_outlines, children_count = create_bookmarks( children, pdf, parent=outline) outline['Count'] = children_count if state == 'closed': outline['Count'] *= -1 else: count += children_count if outlines: outline['Prev'] = outlines[-1].reference outlines[-1]['Next'] = outline.reference if children_outlines: outline['First'] = children_outlines[0].reference outline['Last'] = children_outlines[-1].reference if parent is not None: outline['Parent'] = parent.reference outlines.append(outline) return outlines, count def add_hyperlinks(links, anchors, matrix, pdf, page, names): """Include hyperlinks in current PDF page.""" for link in links: link_type, link_target, rectangle, _ = link x1, y1 = matrix.transform_point(*rectangle[:2]) x2, y2 = matrix.transform_point(*rectangle[2:]) if link_type in ('internal', 'external'): annot = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Annot', 'Subtype': '/Link', 'Rect': pydyf.Array([x1, y1, x2, y2]), 'BS': pydyf.Dictionary({'W': 0}), }) if link_type == 'internal': annot['Dest'] = pydyf.String(link_target) else: annot['A'] = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Action', 'S': '/URI', 'URI': pydyf.String(link_target), }) pdf.add_object(annot) if 'Annots' not in page: page['Annots'] = pydyf.Array() page['Annots'].append(annot.reference) for anchor in anchors: anchor_name, x, y = anchor x, y = matrix.transform_point(x, y) names.append(pydyf.String(anchor_name)) names.append(pydyf.Array([page.reference, '/XYZ', x, y, 0])) def rectangle_aabb(matrix, pos_x, pos_y, width, height): """Apply a transformation matrix to an axis-aligned rectangle. Return its axis-aligned bounding box as ``(x1, y1, x2, y2)``. """ transform_point = matrix.transform_point x1, y1 = transform_point(pos_x, pos_y) x2, y2 = transform_point(pos_x + width, pos_y) x3, y3 = transform_point(pos_x, pos_y + height) x4, y4 = transform_point(pos_x + width, pos_y + height) box_x1 = min(x1, x2, x3, x4) box_y1 = min(y1, y2, y3, y4) box_x2 = max(x1, x2, x3, x4) box_y2 = max(y1, y2, y3, y4) return box_x1, box_y1, box_x2, box_y2 def resolve_links(pages): """Resolve internal hyperlinks. Links to a missing anchor are removed with a warning. If multiple anchors have the same name, the first one is used. :returns: A generator yielding lists (one per page) like :attr:`Page.links`, except that ``target`` for internal hyperlinks is ``(page_number, x, y)`` instead of an anchor name. The page number is a 0-based index into the :attr:`pages` list, and ``x, y`` are in CSS pixels from the top-left of the page. """ anchors = set() paged_anchors = [] for i, page in enumerate(pages): paged_anchors.append([]) for anchor_name, (point_x, point_y) in page.anchors.items(): if anchor_name not in anchors: paged_anchors[-1].append((anchor_name, point_x, point_y)) anchors.add(anchor_name) for page in pages: page_links = [] for link in page.links: link_type, anchor_name, rectangle, _ = link if link_type == 'internal': if anchor_name not in anchors: LOGGER.error( 'No anchor #%s for internal URI reference', anchor_name) else: page_links.append( (link_type, anchor_name, rectangle, None)) else: # External link page_links.append(link) yield page_links, paged_anchors.pop(0) class Matrix(list): def __init__(self, a=1, b=0, c=0, d=1, e=0, f=0, matrix=None): if matrix is None: matrix = [[a, b, 0], [c, d, 0], [e, f, 1]] super().__init__(matrix) def __matmul__(self, other): assert len(self[0]) == len(other) == len(other[0]) == 3 return Matrix(matrix=[ [sum(self[i][k] * other[k][j] for k in range(3)) for j in range(3)] for i in range(len(self))]) @property def determinant(self): assert len(self) == len(self[0]) == 3 return ( self[0][0] * (self[1][1] * self[2][2] - self[1][2] * self[2][1]) - self[1][0] * (self[0][1] * self[2][2] - self[0][2] * self[2][1]) + self[2][0] * (self[0][1] * self[1][2] - self[0][2] * self[1][1])) def transform_point(self, x, y): return (Matrix(matrix=[[x, y, 1]]) @ self)[0][:2] class Page: """Represents a single rendered page. .. versionadded:: 0.15 Should be obtained from :attr:`Document.pages` but not instantiated directly. """ def __init__(self, page_box): #: The page width, including margins, in CSS pixels. self.width = page_box.margin_width() #: The page height, including margins, in CSS pixels. self.height = page_box.margin_height() #: The page bleed widths as a :obj:`dict` with ``'top'``, ``'right'``, #: ``'bottom'`` and ``'left'`` as keys, and values in CSS pixels. self.bleed = { side: page_box.style[f'bleed_{side}'].value for side in ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left')} #: The :obj:`list` of ``(bookmark_level, bookmark_label, target)`` #: :obj:`tuples `. ``bookmark_level`` and ``bookmark_label`` #: are respectively an :obj:`int` and a :obj:`string `, based on #: the CSS properties of the same names. ``target`` is an ``(x, y)`` #: point in CSS pixels from the top-left of the page. self.bookmarks = [] #: The :obj:`list` of ``(link_type, target, rectangle)`` :obj:`tuples #: `. A ``rectangle`` is ``(x, y, width, height)``, in CSS #: pixels from the top-left of the page. ``link_type`` is one of three #: strings: #: #: * ``'external'``: ``target`` is an absolute URL #: * ``'internal'``: ``target`` is an anchor name (see #: :attr:`Page.anchors`). #: The anchor might be defined in another page, #: in multiple pages (in which case the first occurence is used), #: or not at all. #: * ``'attachment'``: ``target`` is an absolute URL and points #: to a resource to attach to the document. self.links = [] #: The :obj:`dict` mapping each anchor name to its target, an #: ``(x, y)`` point in CSS pixels from the top-left of the page. self.anchors = {} self._gather_links_and_bookmarks(page_box) self._page_box = page_box def _gather_links_and_bookmarks(self, box, parent_matrix=None): # Get box transformation matrix. # "Transforms apply to block-level and atomic inline-level elements, # but do not apply to elements which may be split into # multiple inline-level boxes." # http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-2d-transforms/#introduction if box.style['transform'] and not isinstance(box, boxes.InlineBox): border_width = box.border_width() border_height = box.border_height() origin_x, origin_y = box.style['transform_origin'] offset_x = percentage(origin_x, border_width) offset_y = percentage(origin_y, border_height) origin_x = box.border_box_x() + offset_x origin_y = box.border_box_y() + offset_y matrix = Matrix(e=origin_x, f=origin_y) for name, args in box.style['transform']: a, b, c, d, e, f = 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 if name == 'scale': a, d = args elif name == 'rotate': a = d = math.cos(args) b = math.sin(args) c = -b elif name == 'translate': e = percentage(args[0], border_width) f = percentage(args[1], border_height) elif name == 'skew': b, c = math.tan(args[1]), math.tan(args[0]) else: assert name == 'matrix' a, b, c, d, e, f = args matrix = Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) @ matrix box.transformation_matrix = ( Matrix(e=-origin_x, f=-origin_y) @ matrix) if parent_matrix: matrix = box.transformation_matrix @ parent_matrix else: matrix = box.transformation_matrix else: matrix = parent_matrix bookmark_label = box.bookmark_label if box.style['bookmark_level'] == 'none': bookmark_level = None else: bookmark_level = box.style['bookmark_level'] state = box.style['bookmark_state'] link = box.style['link'] anchor_name = box.style['anchor'] has_bookmark = bookmark_label and bookmark_level # 'link' is inherited but redundant on text boxes has_link = link and not isinstance(box, (boxes.TextBox, boxes.LineBox)) # In case of duplicate IDs, only the first is an anchor. has_anchor = anchor_name and anchor_name not in self.anchors is_attachment = getattr(box, 'is_attachment', False) download_name = getattr(box, 'attachment_download', None) if has_bookmark or has_link or has_anchor: pos_x, pos_y, width, height = box.hit_area() if has_link: token_type, link = link assert token_type == 'url' link_type, target = link assert isinstance(target, str) if link_type == 'external' and is_attachment: link_type = 'attachment' if matrix: link = ( link_type, target, rectangle_aabb(matrix, pos_x, pos_y, width, height), download_name) else: link = ( link_type, target, (pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + width, pos_y + height), download_name) self.links.append(link) if matrix and (has_bookmark or has_anchor): pos_x, pos_y = matrix.transform_point(pos_x, pos_y) if has_bookmark: self.bookmarks.append( (bookmark_level, bookmark_label, (pos_x, pos_y), state)) if has_anchor: self.anchors[anchor_name] = pos_x, pos_y for child in box.all_children(): self._gather_links_and_bookmarks(child, matrix) def paint(self, context, left_x=0, top_y=0, scale=1, clip=False): """Paint the page into the PDF file. :type context: :class:`pdf.Context` :param context: A context object. :type left_x: float :param left_x: X coordinate of the left of the page, in PDF points. :type top_y: float :param top_y: Y coordinate of the top of the page, in PDF points. :type scale: float :param scale: Zoom scale. :type clip: bool :param clip: Whether to clip/cut content outside the page. If false or not provided, content can overflow. """ with stacked(context): # Make (0, 0) the top-left corner, and make user units CSS pixels: context.transform(scale, 0, 0, scale, left_x, top_y) if clip: width = self.width height = self.height context.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) context.clip() draw_page(self._page_box, context) class DocumentMetadata: """Meta-information belonging to a whole :class:`Document`. .. versionadded:: 0.20 New attributes may be added in future versions of WeasyPrint. """ def __init__(self, title=None, authors=None, description=None, keywords=None, generator=None, created=None, modified=None, attachments=None): #: The title of the document, as a string or :obj:`None`. #: Extracted from the ```` element in HTML #: and written to the ``/Title`` info field in PDF. self.title = title #: The authors of the document, as a list of strings. #: (Defaults to the empty list.) #: Extracted from the ``<meta name=author>`` elements in HTML #: and written to the ``/Author`` info field in PDF. self.authors = authors or [] #: The description of the document, as a string or :obj:`None`. #: Extracted from the ``<meta name=description>`` element in HTML #: and written to the ``/Subject`` info field in PDF. self.description = description #: Keywords associated with the document, as a list of strings. #: (Defaults to the empty list.) #: Extracted from ``<meta name=keywords>`` elements in HTML #: and written to the ``/Keywords`` info field in PDF. self.keywords = keywords or [] #: The name of one of the software packages #: used to generate the document, as a string or :obj:`None`. #: Extracted from the ``<meta name=generator>`` element in HTML #: and written to the ``/Creator`` info field in PDF. self.generator = generator #: The creation date of the document, as a string or :obj:`None`. #: Dates are in one of the six formats specified in #: `W3C’s profile of ISO 8601 <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime>`_. #: Extracted from the ``<meta name=dcterms.created>`` element in HTML #: and written to the ``/CreationDate`` info field in PDF. self.created = created #: The modification date of the document, as a string or :obj:`None`. #: Dates are in one of the six formats specified in #: `W3C’s profile of ISO 8601 <http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime>`_. #: Extracted from the ``<meta name=dcterms.modified>`` element in HTML #: and written to the ``/ModDate`` info field in PDF. self.modified = modified #: File attachments, as a list of tuples of URL and a description or #: :obj:`None`. (Defaults to the empty list.) #: Extracted from the ``<link rel=attachment>`` elements in HTML #: and written to the ``/EmbeddedFiles`` dictionary in PDF. #: #: .. versionadded:: 0.22 self.attachments = attachments or [] class Document: """A rendered document ready to be painted on a cairo surface. Typically obtained from :meth:`HTML.render() <weasyprint.HTML.render>`, but can also be instantiated directly with a list of :class:`pages <Page>`, a set of :class:`metadata <DocumentMetadata>`, a :func:`url_fetcher <weasyprint.default_url_fetcher>` function, and a :class:`font_config <weasyprint.fonts.FontConfiguration>`. """ @classmethod def _build_layout_context(cls, html, stylesheets, presentational_hints=False, optimize_images=False, font_config=None, counter_style=None, image_cache=None): if font_config is None: font_config = FontConfiguration() if counter_style is None: counter_style = CounterStyle() target_collector = TargetCollector() page_rules = [] user_stylesheets = [] image_cache = {} if image_cache is None else image_cache for css in stylesheets or []: if not hasattr(css, 'matcher'): css = CSS( guess=css, media_type=html.media_type, font_config=font_config, counter_style=counter_style) user_stylesheets.append(css) style_for = get_all_computed_styles( html, user_stylesheets, presentational_hints, font_config, counter_style, page_rules, target_collector) get_image_from_uri = functools.partial( original_get_image_from_uri, image_cache, html.url_fetcher, optimize_images) PROGRESS_LOGGER.info('Step 4 - Creating formatting structure') context = LayoutContext( style_for, get_image_from_uri, font_config, counter_style, target_collector) return context @classmethod def _render(cls, html, stylesheets, presentational_hints=False, optimize_images=False, font_config=None, counter_style=None, image_cache=None): if font_config is None: font_config = FontConfiguration() if counter_style is None: counter_style = CounterStyle() context = cls._build_layout_context( html, stylesheets, presentational_hints, optimize_images, font_config, counter_style, image_cache) root_box = build_formatting_structure( html.etree_element, context.style_for, context.get_image_from_uri, html.base_url, context.target_collector, counter_style) page_boxes = layout_document(html, root_box, context) rendering = cls( [Page(page_box) for page_box in page_boxes], DocumentMetadata(**get_html_metadata(html)), html.url_fetcher, font_config) return rendering def _use_references(self, pdf, resources): # XObjects for key, x_object in resources.get('XObject', {}).items(): pdf.add_object(x_object) resources['XObject'][key] = x_object.reference if 'Resources' in x_object.extra: self._use_references(pdf, x_object.extra['Resources']) pdf.add_object(x_object.extra['Resources']) x_object.extra['Resources'] = ( x_object.extra['Resources'].reference) # Patterns for key, pattern in resources.get('Pattern', {}).items(): pdf.add_object(pattern) resources['Pattern'][key] = pattern.reference if 'Resources' in pattern.extra: self._use_references(pdf, pattern.extra['Resources']) pdf.add_object(pattern.extra['Resources']) pattern.extra['Resources'] = ( pattern.extra['Resources'].reference) # Shadings for key, shading in resources.get('Shading', {}).items(): pdf.add_object(shading) resources['Shading'][key] = shading.reference # Alpha states for key, alpha in resources.get('ExtGState', {}).items(): if 'SMask' in alpha and 'G' in alpha['SMask']: alpha['SMask']['G'] = alpha['SMask']['G'].reference def __init__(self, pages, metadata, url_fetcher, font_config): #: A list of :class:`Page` objects. self.pages = pages #: A :class:`DocumentMetadata` object. #: Contains information that does not belong to a specific page #: but to the whole document. self.metadata = metadata #: A function or other callable with the same signature as #: :func:`default_url_fetcher` called to fetch external resources such #: as stylesheets and images. (See :ref:`url-fetchers`.) self.url_fetcher = url_fetcher #: A :obj:`dict` of fonts used by the document. Keys are hashes used to #: identify fonts, values are :class:`Font` objects. self.fonts = {} # Keep a reference to font_config to avoid its garbage collection until # rendering is destroyed. This is needed as font_config.__del__ removes # fonts that may be used when rendering self._font_config = font_config def copy(self, pages='all'): """Take a subset of the pages. .. versionadded:: 0.15 :type pages: :term:`iterable` :param pages: An iterable of :class:`Page` objects from :attr:`pages`. :return: A new :class:`Document` object. Examples: Write two PDF files for odd-numbered and even-numbered pages:: # Python lists count from 0 but pages are numbered from 1. # [::2] is a slice of even list indexes but odd-numbered pages. document.copy(document.pages[::2]).write_pdf('odd_pages.pdf') document.copy(document.pages[1::2]).write_pdf('even_pages.pdf') Combine multiple documents into one PDF file, using metadata from the first:: all_pages = [p for doc in documents for p in doc.pages] documents[0].copy(all_pages).write_pdf('combined.pdf') """ if pages == 'all': pages = self.pages elif not isinstance(pages, list): pages = list(pages) return type(self)( pages, self.metadata, self.url_fetcher, self._font_config) def write_pdf(self, target=None, zoom=1, attachments=None, finisher=None): """Paint the pages in a PDF file, with meta-data. PDF files written directly by cairo do not have meta-data such as bookmarks/outlines and hyperlinks. :type target: str, pathlib.Path or file object :param target: A filename where the PDF file is generated, a file object, or :obj:`None`. :type zoom: float :param zoom: The zoom factor in PDF units per CSS units. **Warning**: All CSS units are affected, including physical units like ``cm`` and named sizes like ``A4``. For values other than 1, the physical CSS units will thus be "wrong". :type attachments: list :param attachments: A list of additional file attachments for the generated PDF document or :obj:`None`. The list's elements are :class:`Attachment` objects, filenames, URLs or file-like objects. :param finisher: A finisher function, that accepts the document and a ``pydyf.PDF`` object as parameters, can be passed to perform post-processing on the PDF right before the trailer is written. :returns: The PDF as :obj:`bytes` if ``target`` is not provided or :obj:`None`, otherwise :obj:`None` (the PDF is written to ``target``). """ # 0.75 = 72 PDF point per inch / 96 CSS pixel per inch scale = zoom * 0.75 PROGRESS_LOGGER.info('Step 6 - Creating PDF') pdf = pydyf.PDF() alpha_states = pydyf.Dictionary() x_objects = pydyf.Dictionary() patterns = pydyf.Dictionary() shadings = pydyf.Dictionary() resources = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'ExtGState': alpha_states, 'XObject': x_objects, 'Pattern': patterns, 'Shading': shadings, }) pdf.add_object(resources) pdf_names = pydyf.Array() # Links and anchors page_links_and_anchors = list(resolve_links(self.pages)) attachment_links = [ [link for link in page_links if link[0] == 'attachment'] for page_links, page_anchors in page_links_and_anchors] # Annotations annot_files = {} # A single link can be split in multiple regions. We don't want to # embed a file multiple times of course, so keep a reference to every # embedded URL and reuse the object number. for page_links in attachment_links: for link_type, annot_target, rectangle, _ in page_links: if link_type == 'attachment' and target not in annot_files: # TODO: Use the title attribute as description. The comment # above about multiple regions won't always be correct, # because two links might have the same href, but different # titles. annot_files[annot_target] = _write_pdf_attachment( pdf, (annot_target, None), self.url_fetcher) # Bookmarks root = [] # At one point in the document, for each "output" depth, how much # to add to get the source level (CSS values of bookmark-level). # E.g. with <h1> then <h3>, level_shifts == [0, 1] # 1 means that <h3> has depth 3 - 1 = 2 in the output. skipped_levels = [] last_by_depth = [root] previous_level = 0 for page_number, (page, links_and_anchors, page_links) in enumerate( zip(self.pages, page_links_and_anchors, attachment_links)): # Draw from the top-left corner matrix = Matrix(scale, 0, 0, -scale, 0, page.height * scale) # Links and anchors links, anchors = links_and_anchors page_width = scale * ( page.width + page.bleed['left'] + page.bleed['right']) page_height = scale * ( page.height + page.bleed['top'] + page.bleed['bottom']) left = -scale * page.bleed['left'] top = -scale * page.bleed['top'] right = left + page_width bottom = top + page_height page_rectangle = ( left / scale, top / scale, right / scale, bottom / scale) stream = Context( self, page_rectangle, alpha_states, x_objects, patterns, shadings) stream.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, page.height * scale) page.paint(stream, scale=scale) pdf.add_object(stream) pdf_page = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Page', 'Parent': pdf.pages.reference, 'MediaBox': pydyf.Array([left, top, right, bottom]), 'Contents': stream.reference, 'Resources': resources.reference, }) pdf.add_page(pdf_page) add_hyperlinks(links, anchors, matrix, pdf, pdf_page, pdf_names) # Bleed bleed = {key: value * 0.75 for key, value in page.bleed.items()} trim_left = left + bleed['left'] trim_top = top + bleed['top'] trim_right = right - bleed['right'] trim_bottom = bottom - bleed['bottom'] # Arbitrarly set PDF BleedBox between CSS bleed box (MediaBox) and # CSS page box (TrimBox) at most 10 points from the TrimBox. bleed_left = trim_left - min(10, bleed['left']) bleed_top = trim_top - min(10, bleed['top']) bleed_right = trim_right + min(10, bleed['right']) bleed_bottom = trim_bottom + min(10, bleed['bottom']) pdf_page['TrimBox'] = pydyf.Array([ trim_left, trim_top, trim_right, trim_bottom]) pdf_page['BleedBox'] = pydyf.Array([ bleed_left, bleed_top, bleed_right, bleed_bottom]) # Annotations # TODO: splitting a link into multiple independent rectangular # annotations works well for pure links, but rather mediocre for # other annotations and fails completely for transformed (CSS) or # complex link shapes (area). It would be better to use /AP for all # links and coalesce link shapes that originate from the same HTML # link. This would give a feeling similiar to what browsers do with # links that span multiple lines. for link_type, annot_target, rectangle, _ in page_links: annot_file = annot_files[annot_target] if link_type == 'attachment' and annot_file is not None: rectangle = ( *matrix.transform_point(*rectangle[:2]), *matrix.transform_point(*rectangle[2:])) annot = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Annot', 'Rect': pydyf.Array(rectangle), 'Subtype': '/FileAttachment', 'T': pydyf.String(), 'FS': annot_file.reference, 'AP': pydyf.Dictionary({'N': pydyf.Stream([], { 'Type': '/XObject', 'Subtype': '/Form', 'BBox': pydyf.Array(rectangle), 'Length': 0, })}) }) pdf.add_object(annot) if 'Annots' not in pdf_page: pdf_page['Annots'] = pydyf.Array() pdf_page['Annots'].append(annot.reference) # Bookmarks for level, label, (point_x, point_y), state in page.bookmarks: if level > previous_level: # Example: if the previous bookmark is a <h2>, the next # depth "should" be for <h3>. If now we get a <h6> we’re # skipping two levels: append 6 - 3 - 1 = 2 skipped_levels.append(level - previous_level - 1) else: temp = level while temp < previous_level: temp += 1 + skipped_levels.pop() if temp > previous_level: # We remove too many "skips", add some back: skipped_levels.append(temp - previous_level - 1) previous_level = level depth = level - sum(skipped_levels) assert depth == len(skipped_levels) assert depth >= 1 children = [] point_x, point_y = matrix.transform_point(point_x, point_y) subtree = BookmarkSubtree( label, (page_number, point_x, point_y), children, state) last_by_depth[depth - 1].append(subtree) del last_by_depth[depth:] last_by_depth.append(children) # Outlines outlines, count = create_bookmarks(root, pdf) if outlines: outlines_dictionary = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Count': count, 'First': outlines[0].reference, 'Last': outlines[-1].reference, }) pdf.add_object(outlines_dictionary) for outline in outlines: outline['Parent'] = outlines_dictionary.reference pdf.catalog['Outlines'] = outlines_dictionary.reference PROGRESS_LOGGER.info('Step 7 - Adding PDF metadata') # PDF information if self.metadata.title: pdf.info['Title'] = pydyf.String(self.metadata.title) if self.metadata.authors: pdf.info['Author'] = pydyf.String( ', '.join(self.metadata.authors)) if self.metadata.description: pdf.info['Subject'] = pydyf.String(self.metadata.description) if self.metadata.keywords: pdf.info['Keywords'] = pydyf.String( ', '.join(self.metadata.keywords)) if self.metadata.generator: pdf.info['Creator'] = pydyf.String(self.metadata.generator) pdf.info['Producer'] = pydyf.String(f'WeasyPrint {__version__}') if self.metadata.created: pdf.info['CreationDate'] = pydyf.String( _w3c_date_to_pdf(self.metadata.created, 'created')) if self.metadata.modified: pdf.info['ModDate'] = pydyf.String( _w3c_date_to_pdf(self.metadata.modified, 'modified')) # Embedded files attachments = self.metadata.attachments + (attachments or []) pdf_attachments = [] for attachment in attachments: pdf_attachment = _write_pdf_attachment( pdf, attachment, self.url_fetcher) if pdf_attachment is not None: pdf_attachments.append(pdf_attachment) if pdf_attachments: content = pydyf.Dictionary({'Names': pydyf.Array()}) for i, pdf_attachment in enumerate(pdf_attachments): content['Names'].append(pydyf.String(f'attachment{i}')) content['Names'].append(pdf_attachment.reference) pdf.add_object(content) if 'Names' not in pdf.catalog: pdf.catalog['Names'] = pydyf.Dictionary() pdf.catalog['Names']['EmbeddedFiles'] = content.reference # Embeded fonts resources['Font'] = pydyf.Dictionary() for font in self.fonts.values(): # Optimize font try: full_font = io.BytesIO(font.file_content) optimized_font = io.BytesIO() ttfont = TTFont(full_font) options = subset.Options( retain_gids=True, passthrough_tables=True) subsetter = subset.Subsetter(options) subsetter.populate(gids=font.cmap) subsetter.subset(ttfont) ttfont.save(optimized_font) content = optimized_font.getvalue() except TTLibError: content = font.file_content # Include font font_type = 'otf' if content[:4] == b'OTTO' else 'ttf' if font_type == 'otf': font_extra = pydyf.Dictionary({'Subtype': '/OpenType'}) else: font_extra = pydyf.Dictionary({'Length1': len(content)}) font_stream = pydyf.Stream([content], font_extra, compress=True) pdf.add_object(font_stream) widths = pydyf.Array() for i in sorted(font.widths): if i - 1 not in font.widths: widths.append(i) current_widths = pydyf.Array() widths.append(current_widths) current_widths.append(font.widths[i]) subfont_dictionary = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Font', 'Subtype': f'/CIDFontType{"0" if font_type == "otf" else "2"}', 'BaseFont': font.name, 'CIDSystemInfo': pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Registry': pydyf.String('Adobe'), 'Ordering': pydyf.String('Identity'), 'Supplement': 0, }), 'W': widths, 'FontDescriptor': pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/FontDescriptor', 'FontName': font.name, 'FontFamily': pydyf.String(font.family), 'Flags': 32, 'FontBBox': pydyf.Array(font.bbox), 'ItalicAngle': font.italic_angle, 'Ascent': font.ascent, 'Descent': font.descent, 'CapHeight': font.bbox[3], 'StemV': font.stemv, 'StemH': font.stemh, (f'FontFile{"3" if font_type == "otf" else "2"}'): font_stream.reference, }), }) if font_type == 'otf': subfont_dictionary['FontDescriptor']['Subtype'] = '/OpenType' pdf.add_object(subfont_dictionary) to_unicode = pydyf.Stream([ b'/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin', b'12 dict begin', b'begincmap', b'/CIDSystemInfo', b'<< /Registry (Adobe)', b'/Ordering (UCS)', b'/Supplement 0', b'>> def', b'/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def', b'/CMapType 2 def', b'1 begincodespacerange', b'<0000> <ffff>', b'endcodespacerange', f'{len(font.cmap)} beginbfchar'.encode('ascii')]) for glyph, text in font.cmap.items(): unicode_codepoints = ''.join( f'{letter.encode("utf-16-be").hex()}' for letter in text) to_unicode.stream.append( f'<{glyph:04x}> <{unicode_codepoints}>'.encode('ascii')) to_unicode.stream.extend([ b'endbfchar', b'endcmap', b'CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop', b'end', b'end']) pdf.add_object(to_unicode) font_dictionary = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Font', 'Subtype': '/Type0', 'BaseFont': font.name, 'Encoding': '/Identity-H', 'DescendantFonts': pydyf.Array([subfont_dictionary.reference]), 'ToUnicode': to_unicode.reference, }) pdf.add_object(font_dictionary) resources['Font'][font.hash] = font_dictionary.reference self._use_references(pdf, resources) # Anchors if pdf_names: pdf.catalog['Names'] = pydyf.Dictionary( {'Dests': pydyf.Dictionary({'Names': pdf_names})}) if finisher: finisher(self, pdf) file_obj = io.BytesIO() pdf.write(file_obj) if target is None: return file_obj.getvalue() else: file_obj.seek(0) if hasattr(target, 'write'): shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, target) else: with open(target, 'wb') as fd: shutil.copyfileobj(file_obj, fd)