""" weasyprint.images ----------------- Fetch and decode images in various formats. """ import math from io import BytesIO from itertools import cycle import pydyf from PIL import Image from .layout.percentages import percentage from .logger import LOGGER from .svg import SVG from .urls import URLFetchingError, fetch class ImageLoadingError(ValueError): """An error occured when loading an image. The image data is probably corrupted or in an invalid format. """ @classmethod def from_exception(cls, exception): name = type(exception).__name__ value = str(exception) return cls(f'{name}: {value}' if value else name) class RasterImage: def __init__(self, pillow_image, optimize_image): self.pillow_image = pillow_image self.optimize_image = optimize_image self._intrinsic_width = pillow_image.width self._intrinsic_height = pillow_image.height self.intrinsic_ratio = ( self._intrinsic_width / self._intrinsic_height if self._intrinsic_height != 0 else float('inf')) def get_intrinsic_size(self, image_resolution, _font_size): # Raster images are affected by the 'image-resolution' property. return (self._intrinsic_width / image_resolution, self._intrinsic_height / image_resolution) def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, image_rendering): has_size = ( concrete_width > 0 and concrete_height > 0 and self._intrinsic_width > 0 and self._intrinsic_height > 0 ) if not has_size: return image_name = context.add_image( self.pillow_image, image_rendering, self.optimize_image) # Use the real intrinsic size here, # not affected by 'image-resolution'. context.push_state() context.transform( concrete_width, 0, 0, -concrete_height, 0, concrete_height) context.draw_x_object(image_name) context.pop_state() class SVGImage: def __init__(self, pydyf_svg, base_url, url_fetcher): self._svg = pydyf_svg self._base_url = base_url self._url_fetcher = url_fetcher def get_intrinsic_size(self, _image_resolution, font_size): self._intrinsic_width, self._intrinsic_height = ( self._svg.get_intrinsic_size(font_size)) viewbox = self._svg.get_viewbox() if self._intrinsic_width and self._intrinsic_height: self.intrinsic_ratio = ( self._intrinsic_width / self._intrinsic_height) elif viewbox and viewbox[2] and viewbox[3]: self.intrinsic_ratio = viewbox[2] / viewbox[3] if self._intrinsic_width: self._intrinsic_height = ( self._intrinsic_width / self.intrinsic_ratio) elif self._intrinsic_height: self._intrinsic_width = ( self._intrinsic_height * self.intrinsic_ratio) else: self.intrinsic_ratio = None return self._intrinsic_width, self._intrinsic_height def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, image_rendering): if not concrete_width or not concrete_height: return # Use the real intrinsic size here, not affected by 'image-resolution'. context.push_state() self._svg.draw( context, concrete_width, concrete_height, self._base_url, self._url_fetcher) context.pop_state() def get_image_from_uri(cache, url_fetcher, optimize_images, url, forced_mime_type=None): """Get an Image instance from an image URI.""" missing = object() image = cache.get(url, missing) if image is not missing: return image try: with fetch(url_fetcher, url) as result: if 'string' in result: string = result['string'] else: string = result['file_obj'].read() mime_type = forced_mime_type or result['mime_type'] image = None svg_exceptions = [] # Try to rely on given mimetype for SVG if mime_type == 'image/svg+xml': try: image = SVGImage(SVG(string, url), url, url_fetcher) except Exception as svg_exception: svg_exceptions.append(svg_exception) # Try pillow for raster images, or for failing SVG if image is None: try: pillow_image = Image.open(BytesIO(string)) except Exception as raster_exception: if mime_type == 'image/svg+xml': # Tried SVGImage then Pillow for a SVG, abort raise ImageLoadingError.from_exception( svg_exceptions[0]) try: # Last chance, try SVG image = SVGImage(SVG(string, url), url, url_fetcher) except Exception: # Tried Pillow then SVGImage for a raster, abort raise ImageLoadingError.from_exception( raster_exception) else: image = RasterImage(pillow_image, optimize_images) except (URLFetchingError, ImageLoadingError) as exception: LOGGER.error('Failed to load image at %r: %s', url, exception) image = None cache[url] = image return image def process_color_stops(vector_length, positions): """Give color stops positions on the gradient vector. ``vector_length`` is the distance between the starting point and ending point of the vector gradient. ``positions`` is a list of ``None``, or ``Dimension`` in px or %. 0 is the starting point, 1 the ending point. See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images-3/#color-stop-syntax. Return processed color stops, as a list of floats in px. """ # Resolve percentages positions = [percentage(position, vector_length) for position in positions] # First and last default to 100% if positions[0] is None: positions[0] = 0 if positions[-1] is None: positions[-1] = vector_length # Make sure positions are increasing previous_pos = positions[0] for i, position in enumerate(positions): if position is not None: if position < previous_pos: positions[i] = previous_pos else: previous_pos = position # Assign missing values previous_i = -1 for i, position in enumerate(positions): if position is not None: base = positions[previous_i] increment = (position - base) / (i - previous_i) for j in range(previous_i + 1, i): positions[j] = base + j * increment previous_i = i return positions def normalize_stop_positions(positions): """Normalize stop positions between 0 and 1. Return ``(first, last, positions)``. first: original position of the first position. last: original position of the last position. positions: list of positions between 0 and 1. """ first, last = positions[0], positions[-1] total_length = last - first if total_length == 0: positions = [0] * len(positions) else: positions = [(pos - first) / total_length for pos in positions] return first, last, positions def gradient_average_color(colors, positions): """ http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images-3/#gradient-average-color """ nb_stops = len(positions) assert nb_stops > 1 assert nb_stops == len(colors) total_length = positions[-1] - positions[0] if total_length == 0: positions = list(range(nb_stops)) total_length = nb_stops - 1 premul_r = [r * a for r, g, b, a in colors] premul_g = [g * a for r, g, b, a in colors] premul_b = [b * a for r, g, b, a in colors] alpha = [a for r, g, b, a in colors] result_r = result_g = result_b = result_a = 0 total_weight = 2 * total_length for i, position in enumerate(positions[1:], 1): weight = (position - positions[i - 1]) / total_weight for j in (i - 1, i): result_r += premul_r[j] * weight result_g += premul_g[j] * weight result_b += premul_b[j] * weight result_a += alpha[j] * weight # Un-premultiply: return (result_r / result_a, result_g / result_a, result_b / result_a, result_a) if result_a != 0 else (0, 0, 0, 0) class Gradient: def __init__(self, color_stops, repeating): assert color_stops # List of (r, g, b, a) self.colors = tuple(color for color, _ in color_stops) # List of Dimensions self.stop_positions = tuple(position for _, position in color_stops) # Boolean self.repeating = repeating def get_intrinsic_size(self, _image_resolution, _font_size): # Gradients are not affected by image resolution, parent or font size. return None, None intrinsic_ratio = None def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, _image_rendering): # TODO: handle color spaces scale_y, type_, points, positions, colors = self.layout( concrete_width, concrete_height) if type_ == 'solid': context.rectangle(0, 0, concrete_width, concrete_height) red, green, blue, alpha = colors[0] context.set_color_rgb(red, green, blue) if alpha != 1: context.set_alpha(alpha, stroke=False) context.fill() return alphas = [color[3] for color in colors] alpha_couples = [ (alphas[i], alphas[i + 1]) for i in range(len(alphas) - 1)] color_couples = [ [colors[i][:3], colors[i + 1][:3], 1] for i in range(len(colors) - 1)] # Premultiply colors for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas): if alpha == 0: if i > 0: color_couples[i - 1][1] = color_couples[i - 1][0] if i < len(colors) - 1: color_couples[i][0] = color_couples[i][1] for i, (a0, a1) in enumerate(alpha_couples): if 0 not in (a0, a1) and (a0, a1) != (1, 1): color_couples[i][2] = a0 / a1 shading = context.add_shading() shading['ShadingType'] = 2 if type_ == 'linear' else 3 shading['ColorSpace'] = '/DeviceRGB' shading['Domain'] = pydyf.Array([positions[0], positions[-1]]) shading['Coords'] = pydyf.Array(points) shading['Function'] = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'FunctionType': 3, 'Domain': pydyf.Array([positions[0], positions[-1]]), 'Encode': pydyf.Array((len(colors) - 1) * [0, 1]), 'Bounds': pydyf.Array(positions[1:-1]), 'Functions': pydyf.Array([ pydyf.Dictionary({ 'FunctionType': 2, 'Domain': pydyf.Array([0, 1]), 'C0': pydyf.Array(c0), 'C1': pydyf.Array(c1), 'N': n, }) for c0, c1, n in color_couples ]), }) if not self.repeating: shading['Extend'] = pydyf.Array([b'true', b'true']) context.transform(1, 0, 0, scale_y, 0, 0) if any(alpha != 1 for alpha in alphas): alpha_stream = context.add_transparency_group( [0, 0, concrete_width, concrete_height]) alpha_state = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/ExtGState', 'SMask': pydyf.Dictionary({ 'Type': '/Mask', 'S': '/Luminosity', 'G': alpha_stream, }), 'ca': 1, 'AIS': 'false', }) alpha_state_id = f'as{len(context._alpha_states)}' context._alpha_states[alpha_state_id] = alpha_state context.set_state(alpha_state_id) alpha_shading = alpha_stream.add_shading() alpha_shading['ShadingType'] = 2 if type_ == 'linear' else 3 alpha_shading['ColorSpace'] = '/DeviceGray' alpha_shading['Domain'] = pydyf.Array( [positions[0], positions[-1]]) alpha_shading['Coords'] = pydyf.Array(points) alpha_shading['Function'] = pydyf.Dictionary({ 'FunctionType': 3, 'Domain': pydyf.Array([positions[0], positions[-1]]), 'Encode': pydyf.Array((len(colors) - 1) * [0, 1]), 'Bounds': pydyf.Array(positions[1:-1]), 'Functions': pydyf.Array([ pydyf.Dictionary({ 'FunctionType': 2, 'Domain': pydyf.Array([0, 1]), 'C0': pydyf.Array([c0]), 'C1': pydyf.Array([c1]), 'N': 1, }) for c0, c1 in alpha_couples ]), }) if not self.repeating: alpha_shading['Extend'] = pydyf.Array([b'true', b'true']) alpha_stream.transform(1, 0, 0, scale_y, 0, 0) alpha_stream.stream = [f'/{alpha_shading.id} sh'] context.shading(shading.id) def layout(self, width, height): """Get layout information about the gradient. width, height: Gradient box. Top-left is at coordinates (0, 0). Returns (scale_y, type_, points, positions, colors). scale_y: vertical scale of the gradient. float, used for ellipses radial gradients. 1 otherwise. type_: gradient type. points: coordinates of useful points, depending on type_: 'solid': None. 'linear': (x0, y0, x1, y1) coordinates of the starting and ending points. 'radial': (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1) coordinates of the starting end ending circles positions: positions of the color stops. list of floats in between 0 and 1 (0 at the starting point, 1 at the ending point). colors: list of (r, g, b, a). """ raise NotImplementedError class LinearGradient(Gradient): def __init__(self, color_stops, direction, repeating): Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating) # ('corner', keyword) or ('angle', radians) self.direction_type, self.direction = direction def layout(self, width, height): # Only one color, render the gradient as a solid color if len(self.colors) == 1: return 1, 'solid', None, [], [self.colors[0]] # Define the (dx, dy) unit vector giving the direction of the gradient. # Positive dx: right, positive dy: down. if self.direction_type == 'corner': y, x = self.direction.split('_') factor_x = -1 if x == 'left' else 1 factor_y = -1 if y == 'top' else 1 diagonal = math.hypot(width, height) # Note the direction swap: dx based on height, dy based on width # The gradient line is perpendicular to a diagonal. dx = factor_x * height / diagonal dy = factor_y * width / diagonal else: assert self.direction_type == 'angle' angle = self.direction # 0 upwards, then clockwise dx = math.sin(angle) dy = -math.cos(angle) # Round dx and dy to avoid floating points errors caused by # trigonometry and angle units conversions dx, dy = round(dx, 9), round(dy, 9) # Normalize colors positions colors = list(self.colors) vector_length = abs(width * dx) + abs(height * dy) positions = process_color_stops(vector_length, self.stop_positions) if not self.repeating: # Add explicit colors at boundaries if needed, because PDF doesn’t # extend color stops that are not displayed if positions[0] == positions[1]: positions.insert(0, positions[0] - 1) colors.insert(0, colors[0]) if positions[-2] == positions[-1]: positions.append(positions[-1] + 1) colors.append(colors[-1]) first, last, positions = normalize_stop_positions(positions) if self.repeating: # Render as a solid color if the first and last positions are equal # See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#repeating-gradients if first == last: color = gradient_average_color(colors, positions) return 1, 'solid', None, [], [color] # Define defined gradient length and steps between positions stop_length = last - first assert stop_length > 0 position_steps = [ positions[i + 1] - positions[i] for i in range(len(positions) - 1)] # Create cycles used to add colors next_steps = cycle([0] + position_steps) next_colors = cycle(colors) previous_steps = cycle([0] + position_steps[::-1]) previous_colors = cycle(colors[::-1]) # Add colors after last step while last < vector_length: step = next(next_steps) colors.append(next(next_colors)) positions.append(positions[-1] + step) last += step * stop_length # Add colors before last step while first > 0: step = next(previous_steps) colors.insert(0, next(previous_colors)) positions.insert(0, positions[0] - step) first -= step * stop_length # Define the coordinates of the starting and ending points start_x = (width - dx * vector_length) / 2 start_y = (height - dy * vector_length) / 2 points = ( start_x + dx * first, start_y + dy * first, start_x + dx * last, start_y + dy * last) return 1, 'linear', points, positions, colors class RadialGradient(Gradient): def __init__(self, color_stops, shape, size, center, repeating): Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating) # Center of the ending shape. (origin_x, pos_x, origin_y, pos_y) self.center = center # Type of ending shape: 'circle' or 'ellipse' self.shape = shape # size_type: 'keyword' # size: 'closest-corner', 'farthest-corner', # 'closest-side', or 'farthest-side' # size_type: 'explicit' # size: (radius_x, radius_y) self.size_type, self.size = size def layout(self, width, height): # Only one color, render the gradient as a solid color if len(self.colors) == 1: return 1, 'solid', None, [], [self.colors[0]] # Define the center of the gradient origin_x, center_x, origin_y, center_y = self.center center_x = percentage(center_x, width) center_y = percentage(center_y, height) if origin_x == 'right': center_x = width - center_x if origin_y == 'bottom': center_y = height - center_y # Resolve sizes and vertical scale size_x, size_y = self._handle_degenerate( *self._resolve_size(width, height, center_x, center_y)) scale_y = size_y / size_x # Normalize colors positions colors = list(self.colors) positions = process_color_stops(size_x, self.stop_positions) if not self.repeating: # Add explicit colors at boundaries if needed, because PDF doesn’t # extend color stops that are not displayed if positions[0] > 0 and positions[0] == positions[1]: positions.insert(0, 0) colors.insert(0, colors[0]) if positions[-2] == positions[-1]: positions.append(positions[-1] + 1) colors.append(colors[-1]) if positions[0] < 0: # PDF doesn’t like negative radiuses, shift into the positive realm if self.repeating: # Add vector lengths to first position until positive vector_length = positions[-1] - positions[0] offset = vector_length * (1 + (-positions[0] // vector_length)) positions = [position + offset for position in positions] else: # Only keep colors with position >= 0, interpolate if needed if positions[-1] <= 0: # All stops are negative, fill with the last color return 1, 'solid', None, [], [self.colors[-1]] for i, position in enumerate(positions): if position == 0: # Keep colors and positions from this rank colors, positions = colors[i:], positions[i:] break if position > 0: # Interpolate with previous rank to get color at 0 color = colors[i] previous_color = colors[i - 1] previous_position = positions[i - 1] assert previous_position < 0 intermediate_color = gradient_average_color( [previous_color, previous_color, color, color], [previous_position, 0, 0, position]) colors = [intermediate_color] + colors[i:] positions = [0] + positions[i:] break first, last, positions = normalize_stop_positions(positions) # Render as a solid color if the first and last positions are the same # See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#repeating-gradients if first == last and self.repeating: color = gradient_average_color(colors, positions) return 1, 'solid', None, [], [color] # Define the coordinates of the gradient circles points = ( center_x, center_y / scale_y, first, center_x, center_y / scale_y, last) if self.repeating: points, positions, colors = self._repeat( width, height, scale_y, points, positions, colors) return scale_y, 'radial', points, positions, colors def _repeat(self, width, height, scale_y, points, positions, colors): # Keep original lists and values, they’re useful original_colors = colors.copy() original_positions = positions.copy() gradient_length = points[5] - points[2] # Get the maximum distance between the center and the corners, to find # how many times we have to repeat the colors outside max_distance = max( math.hypot(width - points[0], height / scale_y - points[1]), math.hypot(width - points[0], -points[1] * scale_y), math.hypot(-points[0], height / scale_y - points[1]), math.hypot(-points[0], -points[1] * scale_y)) repeat_after = math.ceil((max_distance - points[5]) / gradient_length) if repeat_after > 0: # Repeat colors and extrapolate positions repeat = 1 + repeat_after colors *= repeat positions = [ i + position for i in range(repeat) for position in positions] points = points[:5] + (points[5] + gradient_length * repeat_after,) if points[2] == 0: # Inner circle has 0 radius, no need to repeat inside, return return points, positions, colors # Find how many times we have to repeat the colors inside repeat_before = points[2] / gradient_length # Set the inner circle size to 0 points = points[:2] + (0,) + points[3:] # Find how many times the whole gradient can be repeated full_repeat = int(repeat_before) if full_repeat: # Repeat colors and extrapolate positions colors += original_colors * full_repeat positions = [ i - full_repeat + position for i in range(full_repeat) for position in original_positions] + positions # Find the ratio of gradient that must be added to reach the center partial_repeat = repeat_before - full_repeat if partial_repeat == 0: # No partial repeat, return return points, positions, colors # Iterate through positions in reverse order, from the outer # circle to the original inner circle, to find positions from # the inner circle (including full repeats) to the center assert (original_positions[0], original_positions[-1]) == (0, 1) assert 0 < partial_repeat < 1 reverse = original_positions[::-1] ratio = 1 - partial_repeat for i, position in enumerate(reverse, start=1): if position == ratio: # The center is a color of the gradient, truncate original # colors and positions and prepend them colors = original_colors[-i:] + colors new_positions = [ position - full_repeat - 1 for position in original_positions[-i:]] positions = new_positions + positions return points, positions, colors if position < ratio: # The center is between two colors of the gradient, # define the center color as the average of these two # gradient colors color = original_colors[-i] next_color = original_colors[-(i - 1)] next_position = original_positions[-(i - 1)] average_colors = [color, color, next_color, next_color] average_positions = [position, ratio, ratio, next_position] zero_color = gradient_average_color( average_colors, average_positions) colors = [zero_color] + original_colors[-(i - 1):] + colors new_positions = [ position - 1 - full_repeat for position in original_positions[-(i - 1):]] positions = ( [ratio - 1 - full_repeat] + new_positions + positions) return points, positions, colors def _resolve_size(self, width, height, center_x, center_y): """Resolve circle size of the radial gradient.""" if self.size_type == 'explicit': size_x, size_y = self.size size_x = percentage(size_x, width) size_y = percentage(size_y, height) return size_x, size_y left = abs(center_x) right = abs(width - center_x) top = abs(center_y) bottom = abs(height - center_y) pick = min if self.size.startswith('closest') else max if self.size.endswith('side'): if self.shape == 'circle': size_xy = pick(left, right, top, bottom) return size_xy, size_xy # else: ellipse return pick(left, right), pick(top, bottom) # else: corner if self.shape == 'circle': size_xy = pick(math.hypot(left, top), math.hypot(left, bottom), math.hypot(right, top), math.hypot(right, bottom)) return size_xy, size_xy # else: ellipse corner_x, corner_y = pick( (left, top), (left, bottom), (right, top), (right, bottom), key=lambda a: math.hypot(*a)) return corner_x * math.sqrt(2), corner_y * math.sqrt(2) def _handle_degenerate(self, size_x, size_y): """Handle degenerate radial gradients. See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-3/#degenerate-radials """ if size_x == size_y == 0: size_x = size_y = 1e-7 elif size_x == 0: size_x = 1e-7 size_y = 1e7 elif size_y == 0: size_x = 1e7 size_y = 1e-7 return size_x, size_y