""" weasyprint.tests.test_api ------------------------- Test the public API. """ import gzip import io import os import sys import unicodedata import zlib from pathlib import Path from urllib.parse import urljoin, uses_relative import py import pytest from PIL import Image from weasyprint import CSS, HTML, __main__, default_url_fetcher from weasyprint.document import resolve_links from weasyprint.urls import path2url from .test_draw import assert_pixels_equal, parse_pixels from .testing_utils import ( FakeHTML, assert_no_logs, capture_logs, http_server, resource_filename) def _test_resource(class_, basename, check, **kwargs): """Common code for testing the HTML and CSS classes.""" absolute_filename = resource_filename(basename) absolute_path = Path(absolute_filename) url = path2url(absolute_filename) check(class_(absolute_filename, **kwargs)) check(class_(absolute_path, **kwargs)) check(class_(guess=absolute_filename, **kwargs)) check(class_(guess=absolute_path, **kwargs)) check(class_(filename=absolute_filename, **kwargs)) check(class_(filename=absolute_path, **kwargs)) check(class_(url, **kwargs)) check(class_(guess=url, **kwargs)) url = path2url(absolute_filename.encode('utf-8')) check(class_(url=url, **kwargs)) with open(absolute_filename, 'rb') as fd: check(class_(fd, **kwargs)) with open(absolute_filename, 'rb') as fd: check(class_(guess=fd, **kwargs)) with open(absolute_filename, 'rb') as fd: check(class_(file_obj=fd, **kwargs)) with open(absolute_filename, 'rb') as fd: content = fd.read() py.path.local(os.path.dirname(__file__)).chdir() relative_filename = os.path.join('resources', basename) relative_path = Path(relative_filename) check(class_(relative_filename, **kwargs)) check(class_(relative_path, **kwargs)) kwargs.pop('base_url', None) check(class_(string=content, base_url=relative_filename, **kwargs)) encoding = kwargs.get('encoding') or 'utf8' check(class_(string=content.decode(encoding), # unicode base_url=relative_filename, **kwargs)) with pytest.raises(TypeError): class_(filename='foo', url='bar') def _check_doc1(html, has_base_url=True): """Check that a parsed HTML document looks like resources/doc1.html""" root = html.etree_element assert root.tag == 'html' assert [child.tag for child in root] == ['head', 'body'] _head, body = root assert [child.tag for child in body] == ['h1', 'p', 'ul', 'div'] h1, p, ul, div = body assert h1.text == 'WeasyPrint test document (with Ünicōde)' if has_base_url: url = urljoin(html.base_url, 'pattern.png') assert url.startswith('file:') assert url.endswith('tests/resources/pattern.png') else: assert html.base_url is None def _run(args, stdin=b''): stdin = io.BytesIO(stdin) stdout = io.BytesIO() try: __main__.HTML = FakeHTML __main__.main(args.split(), stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout) finally: __main__.HTML = HTML return stdout.getvalue() class _fake_file: def __init__(self): self.chunks = [] def write(self, data): self.chunks.append(bytes(data[:])) def getvalue(self): return b''.join(self.chunks) def _png_size(png_bytes): image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(png_bytes)) return image.width, image.height def _round_meta(pages): """Eliminate errors of floating point arithmetic for metadata.""" for page in pages: anchors = page.anchors for anchor_name, (pos_x, pos_y) in anchors.items(): anchors[anchor_name] = round(pos_x, 6), round(pos_y, 6) links = page.links for i, link in enumerate(links): link_type, target, rectangle, download_name = link pos_x, pos_y, width, height = rectangle link = ( link_type, target, (round(pos_x, 6), round(pos_y, 6), round(width, 6), round(height, 6)), download_name) links[i] = link bookmarks = page.bookmarks for i, (level, label, (pos_x, pos_y), state) in enumerate(bookmarks): bookmarks[i] = ( level, label, (round(pos_x, 6), round(pos_y, 6)), state) @assert_no_logs def test_html_parsing(): """Test the constructor for the HTML class.""" _test_resource(FakeHTML, 'doc1.html', _check_doc1) _test_resource(FakeHTML, 'doc1_UTF-16BE.html', _check_doc1, encoding='UTF-16BE') py.path.local(os.path.dirname(__file__)).chdir() filename = os.path.join('resources', 'doc1.html') with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd: string = fd.read() _test_resource(FakeHTML, 'doc1.html', _check_doc1, base_url=filename) _check_doc1(FakeHTML(string=string, base_url=filename)) _check_doc1(FakeHTML(string=string), has_base_url=False) string_with_meta = string.replace( '{css_string}{html_string}', base_url=base_url, media_type='screen' ).write_png() == rotated_png_bytes @assert_no_logs def test_command_line_render(tmpdir): css = b''' @page { margin: 2px; size: 8px; background: #fff } @media screen { img { transform: rotate(-90deg) } } body { margin: 0; font-size: 0 } ''' html = b'' combined = b'' + html linked = b'' + html py.path.local(resource_filename('')).chdir() # Reference html_obj = FakeHTML(string=combined, base_url='dummy.html') pdf_bytes = html_obj.write_pdf() rotated_pdf_bytes = FakeHTML( string=combined, base_url='dummy.html', media_type='screen').write_pdf() tmpdir.chdir() with open(resource_filename('pattern.png'), 'rb') as pattern_fd: pattern_bytes = pattern_fd.read() tmpdir.join('pattern.png').write_binary(pattern_bytes) tmpdir.join('no_css.html').write_binary(html) tmpdir.join('combined.html').write_binary(combined) tmpdir.join('combined-UTF-16BE.html').write_binary( combined.decode('ascii').encode('UTF-16BE')) tmpdir.join('linked.html').write_binary(linked) tmpdir.join('style.css').write_binary(css) _run('combined.html out2.pdf') assert tmpdir.join('out2.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run('combined-UTF-16BE.html out3.pdf --encoding UTF-16BE') assert tmpdir.join('out3.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run(tmpdir.join('combined.html').strpath + ' out4.pdf') assert tmpdir.join('out4.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run(path2url(tmpdir.join('combined.html').strpath) + ' out5.pdf') assert tmpdir.join('out5.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run('linked.html --debug out6.pdf') # test relative URLs assert tmpdir.join('out6.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run('combined.html --verbose out7') _run('combined.html --quiet out8') assert tmpdir.join('out7').read_binary() == pdf_bytes assert tmpdir.join('out8').read_binary() == pdf_bytes _run('no_css.html out9.pdf') _run('no_css.html out10.pdf -s style.css') assert tmpdir.join('out9.pdf').read_binary() != pdf_bytes assert tmpdir.join('out10.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes stdout = _run('combined.html -') assert stdout == pdf_bytes _run('- out11.pdf', stdin=combined) assert tmpdir.join('out11.pdf').read_binary() == pdf_bytes stdout = _run('- -', stdin=combined) assert stdout == pdf_bytes _run('combined.html out13.pdf --media-type screen') _run('combined.html out12.pdf -m screen') _run('linked.html out14.pdf -m screen') assert tmpdir.join('out12.pdf').read_binary() == rotated_pdf_bytes assert tmpdir.join('out13.pdf').read_binary() == rotated_pdf_bytes assert tmpdir.join('out14.pdf').read_binary() == rotated_pdf_bytes stdout = _run('combined.html -') assert stdout.count(b'attachment') == 0 stdout = _run('combined.html -') assert stdout.count(b'attachment') == 0 stdout = _run('-a pattern.png combined.html -') assert stdout.count(b'attachment') == 1 stdout = _run('-a style.css -a pattern.png combined.html -') assert stdout.count(b'attachment') == 2 os.mkdir('subdirectory') py.path.local('subdirectory').chdir() with capture_logs() as logs: stdout = _run('- -', stdin=combined) assert len(logs) == 1 assert logs[0].startswith('ERROR: Failed to load image') assert stdout.startswith(b'%PDF') with capture_logs() as logs: stdout = _run('--base-url= - -', stdin=combined) assert len(logs) == 1 assert logs[0].startswith( 'ERROR: Relative URI reference without a base URI') assert stdout.startswith(b'%PDF') stdout = _run('--base-url .. - -', stdin=combined) assert stdout == pdf_bytes with pytest.raises(SystemExit): _run('--info') with pytest.raises(SystemExit): _run('--version') @assert_no_logs def test_unicode_filenames(tmpdir): """Test non-ASCII filenames both in Unicode or bytes form.""" # Replicate pattern.png in CSS so that base_url does not matter. html = b''' ''' png_bytes = FakeHTML(string=html).write_png() check_png_pattern(png_bytes) unicode_filename = 'Unicödé' if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): # pragma: no cover unicode_filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', unicode_filename) tmpdir.chdir() tmpdir.join(unicode_filename).write(html) bytes_file, = tmpdir.listdir() assert bytes_file.basename == unicode_filename assert FakeHTML(unicode_filename).write_png() == png_bytes assert FakeHTML(bytes_file.strpath).write_png() == png_bytes os.remove(unicode_filename) assert tmpdir.listdir() == [] FakeHTML(string=html).write_png(unicode_filename) assert bytes_file.read_binary() == png_bytes @assert_no_logs def test_low_level_api(): html = FakeHTML(string='') css = CSS(string=''' @page { margin: 2px; size: 8px; background: #fff } html { background: #00f; } body { background: #f00; width: 1px; height: 1px } ''') pdf_bytes = html.write_pdf(stylesheets=[css]) assert pdf_bytes.startswith(b'%PDF') # TODO: check PDF content? How? # assert html.render([css]).write_pdf() == pdf_bytes png_bytes = html.write_png(stylesheets=[css]) document = html.render([css]) page, = document.pages assert page.width == 8 assert page.height == 8 assert document.write_png() == png_bytes assert document.copy([page]).write_png() == png_bytes document = html.render([css]) page, = document.pages assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8) png_bytes = document.write_png(resolution=192) check_png_pattern(png_bytes, x2=True) document = html.render([css]) page, = document.pages assert (page.width, page.height) == (8, 8) # A resolution that is not multiple of 96: assert _png_size(document.write_png(resolution=145.2)) == (12, 12) document = FakeHTML(string='''

''').render() page_1, page_2 = document.pages assert (page_1.width, page_1.height) == (5, 10) assert (page_2.width, page_2.height) == (6, 4) result = document.write_png() # (Max of both widths, Sum of both heights) assert _png_size(result) == (6, 14) assert document.copy([page_1, page_2]).write_png() == result assert _png_size(document.copy([page_1]).write_png()) == (5, 10) assert _png_size(document.copy([page_2]).write_png()) == (6, 4) @pytest.mark.parametrize('html, expected_by_page, round_', ( ('''






''', [ [(1, 'a', (0, 0), 'open'), (4, 'b', (0, 10), 'open')], [(3, 'c', (3, 2), 'open'), (2, 'd', (0, 10), 'open'), (1, 'e', (0, 20), 'open')], ], False), ('''

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Title 4

Title 5

Title 6

Title 7

Title 8

Title 9

Title 10

Title 11

''', [ [ (1, 'Title 1', (0, 0), 'open'), (1, 'Title 2', (0, 100), 'open'), (2, 'Title 3', (20, 200), 'open'), (2, 'Title 4', (0, 300), 'open'), (3, 'Title 5', (0, 400), 'open') ], [ (2, 'Title 6', (0, 100), 'open'), (1, 'Title 7', (0, 200), 'open'), (2, 'Title 8', (0, 300), 'open'), (3, 'Title 9', (0, 400), 'open'), (1, 'Title 10', (0, 500), 'open'), (2, 'Title 11', (0, 600), 'open') ], ], False), ('''


depth 1


depth 2


depth 1


depth 2


depth 3

''', [[ (2, 'A', (0, 0), 'open'), (4, 'B', (0, 20), 'open'), (2, 'C', (0, 40), 'open'), (3, 'D', (0, 60), 'open'), (4, 'E', (0, 80), 'open'), ]], False), ('''


h2 depth 1


h4 depth 2


h3 depth 2


h5 depth 3


h1 depth 1


h2 depth 2


h2 depth 2


h4 depth 3


h1 depth 1

''', [[ (2, 'A', (0, 0), 'open'), (4, 'B', (0, 20), 'open'), (3, 'C', (0, 40), 'open'), (5, 'D', (0, 60), 'open'), (1, 'E', (0, 70), 'open'), (2, 'F', (0, 90), 'open'), (2, 'G', (0, 110), 'open'), (4, 'H', (0, 130), 'open'), (1, 'I', (0, 150), 'open'), ]], False), ('

é', [ [(1, 'é', (0, 0), 'open')] ], False), ('''

! ''', [ [(1, '!', (50, 0), 'open')] ], False), (''' Chocolate ''' % path2url(resource_filename('pattern.png')), [[(1, 'Chocolate', (0, 0), 'open')]], False), ('''

! ''', [[(1, '!', (0, 50), 'open')]], True), ('''

! ''', [[(1, '!', (0, 50), 'open')]], True), )) @assert_no_logs def test_assert_bookmarks(html, expected_by_page, round_): document = FakeHTML(string=html).render() if round_: _round_meta(document.pages) assert [page.bookmarks for page in document.pages] == expected_by_page @assert_no_logs def test_links(): def assert_links(html, expected_links_by_page, expected_anchors_by_page, expected_resolved_links, base_url=resource_filename(''), warnings=(), round=False): with capture_logs() as logs: document = FakeHTML(string=html, base_url=base_url).render() if round: _round_meta(document.pages) resolved_links = list(resolve_links(document.pages)) assert len(logs) == len(warnings) for message, expected in zip(logs, warnings): assert expected in message assert [p.links for p in document.pages] == expected_links_by_page assert [p.anchors for p in document.pages] == expected_anchors_by_page assert resolved_links == expected_resolved_links assert_links('''

Hello, World

''', [ [ ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org', (0, 0, 30, 20), None), ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org', (0, 0, 30, 30), None), ('internal', 'lipsum', (10, 100, 42, 120), None), ('internal', 'lipsum', (10, 100, 42, 132), None) ], [('internal', 'hello', (0, 0, 200, 30), None)], ], [ {'hello': (0, 200)}, {'lipsum': (0, 0)} ], [ ( [ ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org', (0, 0, 30, 20), None), ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org', (0, 0, 30, 30), None), ('internal', 'lipsum', (10, 100, 42, 120), None), ('internal', 'lipsum', (10, 100, 42, 132), None) ], [('hello', 0, 200)], ), ( [ ('internal', 'hello', (0, 0, 200, 30), None) ], [('lipsum', 0, 0)]), ]) assert_links( ''' ''', [[('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/foo/lipsum/%C3%A9_%E9', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)]], [{}], [([('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/foo/lipsum/%C3%A9_%E9', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)], [])], base_url='http://weasyprint.org/foo/bar/') assert_links( '''
''', [[('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/foo/lipsum/%C3%A9_%E9', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)]], [{}], [([('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/foo/lipsum/%C3%A9_%E9', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)], [])], base_url='http://weasyprint.org/foo/bar/') # Relative URI reference without a base URI: allowed for links assert_links( ''' ''', [[('external', '../lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)]], [{}], [([('external', '../lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)], [])], base_url=None) # Relative URI reference without a base URI: not supported for -weasy-link assert_links( '''
''', [[]], [{}], [([], [])], base_url=None, warnings=[ 'WARNING: Ignored `-weasy-link: url(../lipsum)` at 1:1, ' 'Relative URI reference without a base URI']) # Internal or absolute URI reference without a base URI: OK assert_links( ''' ''', [[ ('internal', 'lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None), ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/', (0, 10, 200, 10), None)]], [{'lipsum': (5, 10)}], [([('internal', 'lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None), ('external', 'http://weasyprint.org/', (0, 10, 200, 10), None)], [('lipsum', 5, 10)])], base_url=None) assert_links( '''
''', [[('internal', 'lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)]], [{'lipsum': (5, 10)}], [([('internal', 'lipsum', (5, 10, 195, 10), None)], [('lipsum', 5, 10)])], base_url=None) assert_links( ''' ''', [[('internal', 'lipsum', (0, 0, 200, 15), None), ('internal', 'missing', (0, 15, 200, 30), None)]], [{'lipsum': (0, 15)}], [([('internal', 'lipsum', (0, 0, 200, 15), None)], [('lipsum', 0, 15)])], base_url=None, warnings=[ 'ERROR: No anchor #missing for internal URI reference']) assert_links( ''' ''', [[('internal', 'lipsum', (30, 10, 70, 210), None)]], [{'lipsum': (70, 10)}], [([('internal', 'lipsum', (30, 10, 70, 210), None)], [('lipsum', 70, 10)])], round=True) # Download for attachment assert_links( ''' ''', [[('attachment', 'pattern.png', (5, 10, 195, 10), 'wow.png')]], [{}], [([('attachment', 'pattern.png', (5, 10, 195, 10), 'wow.png')], [])], base_url=None) # Make relative URL references work with our custom URL scheme. uses_relative.append('weasyprint-custom') @assert_no_logs def test_url_fetcher(): filename = resource_filename('pattern.png') with open(filename, 'rb') as pattern_fd: pattern_png = pattern_fd.read() def fetcher(url): if url == 'weasyprint-custom:foo/%C3%A9_%e9_pattern': return {'string': pattern_png, 'mime_type': 'image/png'} elif url == 'weasyprint-custom:foo/bar.css': return { 'string': 'body { background: url(é_%e9_pattern)', 'mime_type': 'text/css'} elif url == 'weasyprint-custom:foo/bar.no': return { 'string': 'body { background: red }', 'mime_type': 'text/no'} else: return default_url_fetcher(url) base_url = resource_filename('dummy.html') css = CSS(string=''' @page { size: 8px; margin: 2px; background: #fff } body { margin: 0; font-size: 0 } ''', base_url=base_url) def test(html, blank=False): html = FakeHTML(string=html, url_fetcher=fetcher, base_url=base_url) check_png_pattern(html.write_png(stylesheets=[css]), blank=blank) test('') # Test a "normal" URL test(f'') test(f'') test('') test('') test('
  • ') test('') test('') test('') test('') test('') with capture_logs() as logs: test('', blank=True) assert len(logs) == 1 assert logs[0].startswith( "ERROR: Failed to load image at 'custom:foo/bar'") with capture_logs() as logs: test( '' '') assert len(logs) == 1 assert logs[0].startswith('ERROR: Unsupported stylesheet type text/no') def fetcher_2(url): assert url == 'weasyprint-custom:%C3%A9_%e9.css' return {'string': '', 'mime_type': 'text/css'} FakeHTML( string='') assert_meta( ''' Test document

    Another title

    ''', authors=['I Me & Myself', 'Smith, John'], title='Test document', generator='Human after all', keywords=['html', 'css', 'pdf', 'Python; pydyf'], description="Blah… ", created='2011-04', modified='2013') assert_meta( ''' One Two Three ''', title='One', authors=['', 'Me']) @assert_no_logs def test_http(): def gzip_compress(data): file_obj = io.BytesIO() gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=file_obj, mode='wb') gzip_file.write(data) gzip_file.close() return file_obj.getvalue() with http_server({ '/gzip': lambda env: ( (gzip_compress(b''), [('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')]) if 'gzip' in env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '') else (b'', []) ), '/deflate': lambda env: ( (zlib.compress(b''), [('Content-Encoding', 'deflate')]) if 'deflate' in env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '') else (b'', []) ), '/raw-deflate': lambda env: ( # Remove zlib header and checksum (zlib.compress(b'')[2:-4], [('Content-Encoding', 'deflate')]) if 'deflate' in env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', '') else (b'', []) ), }) as root_url: assert HTML(root_url + '/gzip').etree_element.get('test') == 'ok' assert HTML(root_url + '/deflate').etree_element.get('test') == 'ok' assert HTML( root_url + '/raw-deflate').etree_element.get('test') == 'ok'