"""Helpers for tests.""" import contextlib import functools import logging import os.path import sys import threading import wsgiref.simple_server from weasyprint import CSS, HTML, images from weasyprint.css import get_all_computed_styles from weasyprint.css.counters import CounterStyle from weasyprint.css.targets import TargetCollector from weasyprint.formatting_structure import boxes, build from weasyprint.logger import LOGGER from weasyprint.urls import path2url # Lists of fonts with many variants (including condensed) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # pragma: no cover SANS_FONTS = 'DejaVu Sans, Arial Nova, Arial, sans' MONO_FONTS = 'Courier New, Courier, monospace' else: # pragma: no cover SANS_FONTS = 'DejaVu Sans, sans' MONO_FONTS = 'DejaVu Sans Mono, monospace' TEST_UA_STYLESHEET = CSS(filename=os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'weasyprint', 'css', 'tests_ua.css' )) PROPER_CHILDREN = dict((key, tuple(map(tuple, value))) for key, value in { # Children can be of *any* type in *one* of the lists. boxes.BlockContainerBox: [[boxes.BlockLevelBox], [boxes.LineBox]], boxes.LineBox: [[boxes.InlineLevelBox]], boxes.InlineBox: [[boxes.InlineLevelBox]], boxes.TableBox: [[boxes.TableCaptionBox, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox, boxes.TableColumnBox, boxes.TableRowGroupBox, boxes.TableRowBox]], boxes.InlineTableBox: [[boxes.TableCaptionBox, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox, boxes.TableColumnBox, boxes.TableRowGroupBox, boxes.TableRowBox]], boxes.TableColumnGroupBox: [[boxes.TableColumnBox]], boxes.TableRowGroupBox: [[boxes.TableRowBox]], boxes.TableRowBox: [[boxes.TableCellBox]], }.items()) class FakeHTML(HTML): """Like weasyprint.HTML, but with a lighter UA stylesheet.""" def _ua_stylesheets(self): return [TEST_UA_STYLESHEET] def resource_filename(basename): """Return the absolute path of the resource called ``basename``.""" return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources', basename) # Dummy filename, but in the right directory. BASE_URL = path2url(resource_filename('')) class CallbackHandler(logging.Handler): """A logging handler that calls a function for every message.""" def __init__(self, callback): logging.Handler.__init__(self) self.emit = callback @contextlib.contextmanager def capture_logs(): """Return a context manager that captures all logged messages.""" logger = LOGGER messages = [] def emit(record): if record.name == 'weasyprint.progress': return messages.append(f'{record.levelname.upper()}: {record.getMessage()}') previous_handlers = logger.handlers previous_level = logger.level logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(CallbackHandler(emit)) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) try: yield messages finally: logger.handlers = previous_handlers logger.level = previous_level def assert_no_logs(function): """Decorator that asserts that nothing is logged in a function.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with capture_logs() as logs: try: function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # pragma: no cover if logs: print(f'{len(logs)} errors logged:', file=sys.stderr) for message in logs: print(message, file=sys.stderr) raise else: if logs: # pragma: no cover for message in logs: print(message, file=sys.stderr) raise AssertionError(f'{len(logs)} errors logged') return wrapper @contextlib.contextmanager def http_server(handlers): def wsgi_app(environ, start_response): handler = handlers.get(environ['PATH_INFO']) if handler: status = str('200 OK') response, headers = handler(environ) headers = [(str(name), str(value)) for name, value in headers] else: # pragma: no cover status = str('404 Not Found') response = b'' headers = [] start_response(status, headers) return [response] # Port 0: let the OS pick an available port number # https://stackoverflow.com/a/1365284/1162888 server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', 0, wsgi_app) _host, port = server.socket.getsockname() thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.start() try: yield f'{port}' finally: server.shutdown() thread.join() def serialize(box_list): """Transform a box list into a structure easier to compare for testing.""" return [( box.element_tag, type(box).__name__[:-3], # All concrete boxes are either text, replaced, column or parent. (box.text if isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox) else '' if isinstance(box, boxes.ReplacedBox) else serialize( getattr(box, 'column_groups', ()) + tuple(box.children)))) for box in box_list] def tree_position(box_list, matcher): """Return a list identifying the first matching box's tree position. Given a list of Boxes, this function returns a list containing the first (depth-first) Box that the matcher function identifies. This list can then be compared to another similarly-obtained list to assert that one Box is in the document tree before or after another. box_list: a list of Box objects, possibly PageBoxes matcher: a function that takes a Box and returns truthy when it matches """ for i, box in enumerate(box_list): if matcher(box): return [i] elif hasattr(box, 'children'): position = tree_position(box.children, matcher) if position: return [i] + position def _parse_base(html_content, base_url=BASE_URL): document = FakeHTML(string=html_content, base_url=base_url) counter_style = CounterStyle() style_for = get_all_computed_styles(document, counter_style=counter_style) get_image_from_uri = functools.partial( images.get_image_from_uri, cache={}, url_fetcher=document.url_fetcher, optimize_size=()) target_collector = TargetCollector() footnotes = [] return ( document.etree_element, style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url, target_collector, counter_style, footnotes) def parse(html_content): """Parse some HTML, apply stylesheets and transform to boxes.""" box, = build.element_to_box(*_parse_base(html_content)) return box def parse_all(html_content, base_url=BASE_URL): """Like parse() but also run all corrections on boxes.""" box = build.build_formatting_structure(*_parse_base( html_content, base_url)) _sanity_checks(box) return box def render_pages(html_content): """Lay out a document and return a list of PageBox objects.""" return [ page._page_box for page in FakeHTML(string=html_content, base_url=BASE_URL).render().pages] def assert_tree(box, expected): """Check the box tree equality. The obtained result is prettified in the message in case of failure. box: a Box object, starting with and blocks. expected: a list of serialized children as returned by to_lists(). """ assert box.element_tag == 'html' assert isinstance(box, boxes.BlockBox) assert len(box.children) == 1 box = box.children[0] assert isinstance(box, boxes.BlockBox) assert box.element_tag == 'body' assert serialize(box.children) == expected def _sanity_checks(box): """Check that the rules regarding boxes are met. This is not required and only helps debugging. - A block container can contain either only block-level boxes or only line boxes; - Line boxes and inline boxes can only contain inline-level boxes. """ if not isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return acceptable_types_lists = None # raises when iterated for class_ in type(box).mro(): # pragma: no cover if class_ in PROPER_CHILDREN: acceptable_types_lists = PROPER_CHILDREN[class_] break assert any( all(isinstance(child, acceptable_types) or not child.is_in_normal_flow() for child in box.children) for acceptable_types in acceptable_types_lists ), (box, box.children) for child in box.children: _sanity_checks(child)