# coding: utf8 """ weasyprint.layout.preferred --------------------------- Preferred and minimum preferred width, aka. the shrink-to-fit algorithm. :copyright: Copyright 2011-2012 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import cairo from ..formatting_structure import boxes from ..text import TextFragment def shrink_to_fit(box, available_width): """Return the shrink-to-fit width of ``box``. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#float-width """ return min( max(preferred_minimum_width(box, outer=False), available_width), preferred_width(box, outer=False)) def preferred_minimum_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred minimum width for ``box``. This is the width by breaking at every line-break opportunity. """ if isinstance(box, boxes.BlockContainerBox): if box.is_table_wrapper: return table_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer) else: return block_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer) elif isinstance(box, (boxes.InlineBox, boxes.LineBox)): return inline_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer) else: raise TypeError( 'Preferred minimum width for %s not handled yet' % type(box).__name__) def preferred_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred width for ``box``. This is the width by only breaking at forced line breaks. """ if isinstance(box, boxes.BlockContainerBox): if box.is_table_wrapper: return table_preferred_width(box, outer) else: return block_preferred_width(box, outer) elif isinstance(box, (boxes.InlineBox, boxes.LineBox)): return inline_preferred_width(box, outer) else: raise TypeError( 'Preferred width for %s not handled yet' % type(box).__name__) def _block_preferred_width(box, function, outer): """Helper to create ``block_preferred_*_width.``""" width = box.style.width if width == 'auto' or width.unit == '%': # "percentages on the following properties are treated instead as # though they were the following: width: auto" # http://dbaron.org/css/intrinsic/#outer-intrinsic if box.children: width = max(function(child, outer=True) for child in box.children) else: width = 0 else: assert width.unit == 'px' width = width.value return adjust(box, outer, width) def adjust(box, outer, width): """Add paddings, borders and margins to ``width`` when ``outer`` is set.""" if not outer: return width min_width = box.style.min_width max_width = box.style.max_width min_width = min_width.value if min_width.unit != '%' else 0 max_width = max_width.value if max_width.unit != '%' else float('inf') fixed = max(min_width, min(width, max_width)) percentages = 0 for value in ('margin_left', 'margin_right', 'padding_left', 'padding_right'): # Padding and border are set on the table, not on the wrapper # http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#model # TODO: clean this horrible hack! if box.is_table_wrapper and value == 'padding_left': box = box.get_wrapped_table() style_value = box.style[value] if style_value != 'auto': if style_value.unit == 'px': fixed += style_value.value else: assert style_value.unit == '%' percentages += style_value.value fixed += box.style.border_left_width + box.style.border_right_width if percentages < 100: return fixed / (1 - percentages / 100.) else: # Pathological case, ignore return 0 def block_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred minimum width for a ``BlockBox``.""" return _block_preferred_width(box, preferred_minimum_width, outer) def block_preferred_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred width for a ``BlockBox``.""" return _block_preferred_width(box, preferred_width, outer) def inline_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred minimum width for an ``InlineBox``.""" widest_line = 0 for child in box.children: if isinstance(child, boxes.InlineReplacedBox): # Images are on their own line current_line = replaced_preferred_width(child) elif isinstance(child, boxes.InlineBlockBox): current_line = block_preferred_minimum_width(child) elif isinstance(child, boxes.InlineBox): # TODO: handle forced line breaks current_line = inline_preferred_minimum_width(child) else: assert isinstance(child, boxes.TextBox) current_line = max(text_lines_width(child, width=0)) widest_line = max(widest_line, current_line) return widest_line def inline_preferred_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred width for an ``InlineBox``.""" widest_line = 0 current_line = 0 for child in box.children: if isinstance(child, boxes.InlineReplacedBox): # No line break around images current_line += replaced_preferred_width(child) elif isinstance(child, boxes.InlineBlockBox): current_line += block_preferred_width(child) elif isinstance(child, boxes.InlineBox): # TODO: handle forced line breaks current_line += inline_preferred_width(child) else: assert isinstance(child, boxes.TextBox) lines = list(text_lines_width(child, width=None)) assert lines # The first text line goes on the current line current_line += lines[0] if len(lines) > 1: # Forced line break widest_line = max(widest_line, current_line) if len(lines) > 2: widest_line = max(widest_line, max(lines[1:-1])) current_line = lines[-1] widest_line = max(widest_line, current_line) return adjust(box, outer, widest_line) def table_and_columns_preferred_widths(box, outer=True, resolved_table_width=False): """Return preferred widths for the table and its columns. If ``resolved_table_width`` is ``True``, the resolved width (instead of the one given in ``box.style``) is used to get the preferred widths. The tuple returned is ``(table_preferred_minimum_width, table_preferred_width, column_preferred_minimum_widths, column_preferred_widths)`` """ table = box.get_wrapped_table() nb_columns = 0 rows = [] for i, row_group in enumerate(table.children): assert isinstance(row_group, boxes.TableRowGroupBox) for j, row in enumerate(row_group.children): assert isinstance(row, boxes.TableRowBox) rows.append(row) for k, cell in enumerate(row.children): assert isinstance(cell, boxes.TableCellBox) nb_columns = max(nb_columns, k + cell.colspan) nb_rows = len(rows) colspan_cells = [] grid = [[None] * nb_columns for i in range(nb_rows)] for i, row in enumerate(rows): for cell in row.children: if cell.colspan == 1: grid[i][cell.grid_x] = cell else: cell.grid_y = i colspan_cells.append(cell) # Point #1 column_preferred_widths = [[0] * nb_rows for i in range(nb_columns)] column_preferred_minimum_widths = [ [0] * nb_rows for i in range(nb_columns)] for i, row in enumerate(grid): for j, cell in enumerate(row): if cell: # TODO: when border-collapse: collapse; set outer=False column_preferred_widths[j][i] = \ preferred_width(cell) column_preferred_minimum_widths[j][i] = \ preferred_minimum_width(cell) column_preferred_widths = [ max(widths) for widths in column_preferred_widths] column_preferred_minimum_widths = [ max(widths) for widths in column_preferred_minimum_widths] # Point #2 column_groups_widths = [] column_widths = [None] * nb_columns for column_group in table.column_groups: assert isinstance(column_group, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox) column_groups_widths.append((column_group, column_group.style.width)) for column in column_group.children: assert isinstance(column, boxes.TableColumnBox) column_widths[column.grid_x] = column.style.width # TODO: handle percentages for column widths if column_widths: for widths in (column_preferred_widths, column_preferred_minimum_widths): for i, width in enumerate(widths): column_width = column_widths[i] if (column_width and column_width != 'auto' and column_width.unit != '%'): widths[i] = max(column_width.value, widths[i]) # Point #3 for cell in colspan_cells: column_slice = slice(cell.grid_x, cell.grid_x + cell.colspan) # TODO: when border-collapse: collapse; set outer=False cell_width = ( preferred_width(cell) - table.style.border_spacing[0] * (cell.colspan - 1)) columns_width = sum(column_preferred_widths[column_slice]) if cell_width > columns_width: added_space = (cell_width - columns_width) / cell.colspan for i in range(cell.grid_x, cell.grid_x + cell.colspan): column_preferred_widths[i] += added_space # TODO: when border-collapse: collapse; set outer=False cell_minimum_width = ( preferred_minimum_width(cell) - table.style.border_spacing[0] * (cell.colspan - 1)) columns_minimum_width = sum( column_preferred_minimum_widths[column_slice]) if cell_minimum_width > columns_minimum_width: added_space = ( (cell_minimum_width - columns_minimum_width) / cell.colspan) for i in range(cell.grid_x, cell.grid_x + cell.colspan): column_preferred_minimum_widths[i] += added_space # Point #4 for column_group, column_group_width in column_groups_widths: # TODO: handle percentages for column group widths if (column_group_width and column_group_width != 'auto' and column_group_width.unit != '%'): column_indexes = [ column.grid_x for column in column_group.children] columns_width = sum( column_preferred_minimum_widths[index] for index in column_indexes) column_group_width = column_group_width.value if column_group_width > columns_width: added_space = ( (column_group_width - columns_width) / len(column_indexes)) for i in column_indexes: column_preferred_minimum_widths[i] += added_space # The spec seems to say that the colgroup's width is just a # hint for column group's columns minimum width, but if the # sum of the preferred maximum width of the colums is lower # or greater than the colgroup's one, then the columns # don't follow the hint. These lines make the preferred # width equal or greater than the minimum preferred width. if (column_preferred_widths[i] < column_preferred_minimum_widths[i]): column_preferred_widths[i] = \ column_preferred_minimum_widths[i] total_border_spacing = (nb_columns + 1) * table.style.border_spacing[0] table_preferred_minimum_width = ( sum(column_preferred_minimum_widths) + total_border_spacing) table_preferred_width = sum(column_preferred_widths) + total_border_spacing captions = [child for child in box.children if child != table] if captions: caption_width = max( preferred_minimum_width(caption) for caption in captions) else: caption_width = 0 if table.style.width != 'auto': # Take care of the table width if resolved_table_width: if table.width > table_preferred_minimum_width: table_preferred_minimum_width = table.width else: if (table.style.width.unit != '%' and table.style.width.value > table_preferred_minimum_width): table_preferred_minimum_width = table.style.width.value if table_preferred_minimum_width < caption_width: table_preferred_minimum_width = caption_width if table_preferred_minimum_width > table_preferred_width: table_preferred_width = table_preferred_minimum_width return ( table_preferred_minimum_width, table_preferred_width, column_preferred_minimum_widths, column_preferred_widths) def table_preferred_minimum_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred minimum width for a ``TableBox``. wrapper""" minimum_width, _, _, _ = table_and_columns_preferred_widths(box) return adjust(box, outer, minimum_width) def table_preferred_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred width for a ``TableBox`` wrapper.""" _, width, _, _ = table_and_columns_preferred_widths(box) return adjust(box, outer, width) def text_lines_width(box, width): """Return the list of line widths for a ``TextBox``.""" # TODO: find the real surface, to have correct hinting context = cairo.Context(cairo.PDFSurface(None, 1, 1)) fragment = TextFragment(box.text, box.style, context, width=width) return fragment.line_widths() def replaced_preferred_width(box, outer=True): """Return the preferred minimum width for an ``InlineReplacedBox``.""" width = box.style.width if width == 'auto' or width.unit == '%': # TODO: handle the images with no intinsic width _, width, _ = box.replacement else: assert width.unit == 'px' width = width.value return adjust(box, outer, width)