# coding: utf8 # WeasyPrint converts web documents (HTML, CSS, ...) to PDF. # Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Sapin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Various drawing helpers. """ from __future__ import division import urllib import cairo from PIL import Image from StringIO import StringIO from .figures import Point, Line, Trapezoid from ..text import TextLineFragment from ..formatting_structure import boxes from ..css.values import ( get_single_keyword, get_keyword, get_pixel_value, get_percentage_value, get_single_pixel_value) SUPPORTED_IMAGES = ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp'] def get_image_surface_from_uri(uri): """Get a :class:`cairo.ImageSurface`` from an image URI.""" fileimage = urllib.urlopen(uri) mime_type = fileimage.info().gettype() # TODO: implement image type sniffing? # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/fetching-resources.html#content-type-sniffing:-image if mime_type in SUPPORTED_IMAGES: if mime_type == "image/png": image = fileimage else: content = fileimage.read() pil_image = Image.open(StringIO(content)) image = StringIO() pil_image = pil_image.convert('RGBA') pil_image.save(image, "PNG") image.seek(0) return cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(image) def draw_box(context, box): """Draw a ``box`` on ``context``.""" if has_background(box): draw_background(context, box) marker_box = getattr(box, 'outside_list_marker', None) if marker_box: draw_box(context, marker_box) if isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox): draw_text(context, box) return if isinstance(box, boxes.ReplacedBox): draw_replacedbox(context, box) if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): for child in box.children: draw_box(context, child) draw_border(context, box) def has_background(box): """Return whether the given box has any background.""" return box.style['background-color'][0].alpha > 0 or \ get_single_keyword(box.style['background-image']) != 'none' def draw_page_background(context, page): """Draw the backgrounds for the page box (from @page style) and for the page area (from the root element). If the root element is "html" and has no background, the page area’s background is taken from its "body" child. In both cases the background position is the same as if it was drawn on the element. See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/colors.html#background """ # TODO: this one should have its origin at (0, 0), not the border box # of the page. # TODO: more tests for this, see # http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-page/#page-properties draw_background(context, page, clip=False) if has_background(page.root_box): draw_background(context, page.root_box, clip=False) elif page.root_box.element.tag.lower() == 'html': for child in page.root_box.children: if child.element.tag.lower() == 'body': # This must be drawn now, before anything on the root element. draw_background(context, child, clip=False) def get_page_size(box): """Return the outer ``width, height`` of the ``box``'s root ``PageBox``.""" while not isinstance(box, boxes.PageBox): box = box.parent return box.outer_width, box.outer_height def draw_background(context, box, clip=True): """Draw the box background color and image to a ``cairo.Context``.""" if getattr(box, 'background_drawn', False): return box.background_drawn = True if not has_background(box): return with context.stacked(): bg_x = box.border_box_x() bg_y = box.border_box_y() bg_width = box.border_width() bg_height = box.border_height() if clip: context.rectangle(bg_x, bg_y, bg_width, bg_height) context.clip() # Background color bg_color = box.style['background-color'][0] if bg_color.alpha > 0: context.set_source_colorvalue(bg_color) context.paint() bg_attachement = get_single_keyword(box.style['background-attachment']) if bg_attachement == 'scroll': # Change coordinates to make the rest easier. context.translate(bg_x, bg_y) else: assert bg_attachement == 'fixed' bg_width, bg_height = get_page_size(box) # Background image bg_image = box.style['background-image'][0] if bg_image.type != 'URI': return surface = box.document.get_image_surface_from_uri(bg_image.absoluteUri) if surface is None: return image_width = surface.get_width() image_height = surface.get_height() bg_position = box.style['background-position'] bg_position_x, bg_position_y = absolute_background_position( bg_position, (bg_width, bg_height), (image_width, image_height)) context.translate(bg_position_x, bg_position_y) bg_repeat = get_single_keyword(box.style['background-repeat']) if bg_repeat != 'repeat': # Get the current clip rectangle clip_x1, clip_y1, clip_x2, clip_y2 = context.clip_extents() clip_width = clip_x2 - clip_x1 clip_height = clip_y2 - clip_y1 if bg_repeat in ('no-repeat', 'repeat-x'): # Limit the drawn area vertically clip_y1 = 0 # because of the last context.translate() clip_height = image_height if bg_repeat in ('no-repeat', 'repeat-y'): # Limit the drawn area horizontally clip_x1 = 0 # because of the last context.translate() clip_width = image_width # Second clip for the background image context.rectangle(clip_x1, clip_y1, clip_width, clip_height) context.clip() pattern = cairo.SurfacePattern(surface) pattern.set_extend(cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT) context.set_source(pattern) context.paint() def absolute_background_position(css_values, bg_dimensions, image_dimensions): """Return the background's ``position_x, position_y`` in pixels. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/colors.html#propdef-background-position :param css_values: a list of one or two cssutils Value objects. :param bg_dimensions: ``width, height`` of the background positionning area :param image_dimensions: ``width, height`` of the background image """ values = list(css_values) keywords = [get_keyword(value) for value in values] if len(css_values) == 1: values.append(None) # dummy value for zip() keywords.append('center') else: assert len(css_values) == 2 if not (None in keywords or keywords[0] in ('left', 'right') or keywords[1] in ('top', 'bottom')): values.reverse() keywords.reverse() # Order is now [horizontal, vertical] kw_to_percentage = dict(top=0, left=0, center=50, bottom=100, right=100) for value, keyword, bg_dimension, image_dimension in zip( values, keywords, bg_dimensions, image_dimensions): if keyword is not None: percentage = kw_to_percentage[keyword] else: percentage = get_percentage_value(value) if percentage is not None: yield (bg_dimension - image_dimension) * percentage / 100. else: yield get_pixel_value(value) def draw_border(context, box): """Draw the box border to a ``cairo.Context``.""" if all(getattr(box, 'border_%s_width' % side) == 0 for side in ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left']): # No border, return early. return def get_edge(x, y, width, height): """Get the 4 points corresponding to the given parameters.""" return (Point(x, y), Point(x + width, y), Point(x + width, y + height), Point(x, y + height)) def get_border_area(): """Get the border area of ``box``.""" # Border area x = box.position_x + box.margin_left y = box.position_y + box.margin_top border_edge = get_edge(x, y, box.border_width(), box.border_height()) # Padding area x = x + box.border_left_width y = y + box.border_top_width padding_edge = get_edge( x, y, box.padding_width(), box.padding_height()) return border_edge, padding_edge def get_lines(rectangle): """Get the 4 lines of ``rectangle``.""" lines_number = len(rectangle) for i in range(lines_number): yield Line(rectangle[i], rectangle[(i + 1) % lines_number]) def get_trapezoids(): """Get the 4 trapezoids of ``context``.""" border_lines, padding_lines = [ get_lines(area) for area in get_border_area()] for line1, line2 in zip(border_lines, padding_lines): yield Trapezoid(line1, line2) def draw_border_side(side, trapezoid): """Draw ``trapezoid`` at the box's ``side``.""" width = getattr(box, 'border_%s_width' % side) if width == 0: return color = box.style['border-%s-color' % side][0] style = box.style['border-%s-style' % side][0].value if color.alpha > 0: with context.stacked(): # TODO: implement other styles. if not style in ['dotted', 'dashed']: trapezoid.draw_path(context) context.clip() elif style == 'dotted': # TODO: find a way to make a real dotted border context.set_dash([width], 0) elif style == 'dashed': # TODO: find a way to make a real dashed border context.set_dash([4 * width], 0) line = trapezoid.get_middle_line() line.draw_path(context) context.set_source_colorvalue(color) context.set_line_width(width) context.stroke() trapezoids_side = zip(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], get_trapezoids()) for side, trapezoid in trapezoids_side: draw_border_side(side, trapezoid) def draw_replacedbox(context, box): """Draw the given :class:`boxes.ReplacedBox` to a ``cairo.context``.""" x, y = box.padding_box_x(), box.padding_box_y() width, height = box.width, box.height with context.stacked(): context.translate(x, y) context.rectangle(0, 0, width, height) context.clip() scale_width = width / box.replacement.intrinsic_width() scale_height = height / box.replacement.intrinsic_height() context.scale(scale_width, scale_height) box.replacement.draw(context) def draw_text(context, textbox): """Draw ``textbox`` to a ``cairo.Context`` from ``pangocairo.Context``.""" fragment = TextLineFragment.from_textbox(textbox) context.move_to(textbox.position_x, textbox.position_y) context.show_layout(fragment.get_layout()) values = textbox.style.text_decoration font_size = get_single_pixel_value(textbox.style.font_size) for value in values: keyword = get_keyword(value) if keyword == 'overline': draw_overline(context, textbox) elif keyword == 'underline': draw_underline(context, textbox) elif keyword == 'line-through': draw_line_through(context, textbox) def draw_overline(context, textbox): """Draw overline of ``textbox`` to a ``cairo.Context``.""" font_size = get_single_pixel_value(textbox.style.font_size) position_y = textbox.baseline + textbox.position_y - (font_size * 0.15) draw_text_decoration(context, position_y, textbox) def draw_underline(context, textbox): """Draw underline of ``textbox`` to a ``cairo.Context``.""" font_size = get_single_pixel_value(textbox.style.font_size) position_y = textbox.baseline + textbox.position_y + (font_size * 0.15) draw_text_decoration(context, position_y, textbox) def draw_line_through(context, textbox): """Draw line-through of ``textbox`` to a ``cairo.Context``.""" position_y = textbox.position_y + (textbox.height * 0.5) draw_text_decoration(context, position_y, textbox) def draw_text_decoration(context, position_y, textbox): """Draw text-decoration of ``textbox`` to a ``cairo.Context``.""" position_x = textbox.position_x color = textbox.style['color'][0] with context.stacked(): color = textbox.style['color'][0] context.set_source_colorvalue(color) context.set_line_width(1) context.move_to(position_x, position_y) offset = textbox.extents[2] - textbox.extents[0] context.line_to(position_x + offset, position_y) context.stroke()