# coding: utf8 r""" weasyprint.pdf -------------- Post-process the PDF files created by cairo and add metadata such as hyperlinks and bookmarks. Rather than trying to parse any valid PDF, we make some assumptions that hold for cairo in order to simplify the code: * All newlines are '\n', not '\r' or '\r\n' * Except for number 0 (which is always free) there is no "free" object. * Most white space separators are made of a single 0x20 space. * Indirect dictionary objects do not contain '>>' at the start of a line except to mark the end of the object, followed by 'endobj'. (In other words, '>>' markers for sub-dictionaries are indented.) * The Page Tree is flat: all kids of the root page node are page objects, not page tree nodes. However the code uses a lot of assert statements so that if an assumptions is not true anymore, the code should (hopefully) fail with an exception rather than silently behave incorrectly. :copyright: Copyright 2011-2012 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import os import re import string import cairo from . import VERSION_STRING from .compat import xrange, iteritems from .urls import iri_to_uri from .formatting_structure import boxes from .css.computed_values import LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS PX_TO_PT = 1 / LENGTHS_TO_PIXELS['pt'] class PDFFormatter(string.Formatter): """Like str.format except: * Results are byte strings * The new !P conversion flags encodes a PDF string. (UTF-16 BE with a BOM, then backslash-escape parentheses.) Except for fields marked !P, everything should be ASCII-only. """ def convert_field(self, value, conversion): if conversion == 'P': # Make a round-trip back through Unicode for the .translate() # method. (bytes.translate only maps to single bytes.) # Use latin1 to map all byte values. return '({0})'.format( ('\ufeff' + value).encode('utf-16-be').decode('latin1') .translate({40: r'\(', 41: r'\)', 92: r'\\'})) else: return super(PDFFormatter, self).convert_field(value, conversion) def vformat(self, format_string, args, kwargs): result = super(PDFFormatter, self).vformat(format_string, args, kwargs) return result.encode('latin1') pdf_format = PDFFormatter().format class PDFDictionary(object): def __init__(self, object_number, byte_string): self.object_number = object_number self.byte_string = byte_string def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + repr( (self.object_number, self.byte_string)) _re_cache = {} def get_value(self, key, value_re): regex = self._re_cache.get((key, value_re)) if not regex: regex = re.compile(pdf_format('/{0} {1}', key, value_re)) self._re_cache[key, value_re] = regex return regex.search(self.byte_string).group(1) def get_type(self): """ :returns: the value for the /Type key. """ # No end delimiter, + defaults to greedy return self.get_value('Type', '/(\w+)').decode('ascii') def get_indirect_dict(self, key, pdf_file): """Read the value for `key` and follow the reference, assuming it is an indirect dictionary object. :return: a new PDFDictionary instance. """ object_number = int(self.get_value(key, '(\d+) 0 R')) return type(self)(object_number, pdf_file.read_object(object_number)) def get_indirect_dict_array(self, key, pdf_file): """Read the value for `key` and follow the references, assuming it is an array of indirect dictionary objects. :return: a list of new PDFDictionary instance. """ parts = self.get_value(key, '\[(.+?)\]').split(b' 0 R') # The array looks like this: ' 0 R 0 R 0 R ' # so `parts` ends up like this [' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] # With the trailing white space in the list. trail = parts.pop() assert not trail.strip() class_ = type(self) read = pdf_file.read_object return [class_(n, read(n)) for n in map(int, parts)] class PDFFile(object): """ :param fileobj: A seekable binary file-like object for a PDF generated by cairo. """ trailer_re = re.compile( b'\ntrailer\n(.+)\nstartxref\n(\d+)\n%%EOF\n$', re.DOTALL) def __init__(self, fileobj): # cairo’s trailer only has Size, Root and Info. # The trailer + startxref + EOF is typically under 100 bytes fileobj.seek(-200, os.SEEK_END) trailer, startxref = self.trailer_re.search(fileobj.read()).groups() trailer = PDFDictionary(None, trailer) startxref = int(startxref) fileobj.seek(startxref) line = next(fileobj) assert line == b'xref\n' line = next(fileobj) first_object, total_objects = line.split() assert first_object == b'0' total_objects = int(total_objects) line = next(fileobj) assert line == b'0000000000 65535 f \n' objects_offsets = [None] for object_number in xrange(1, total_objects): line = next(fileobj) assert line[10:] == b' 00000 n \n' objects_offsets.append(int(line[:10])) self.fileobj = fileobj #: Maps object number -> bytes from the start of the file self.objects_offsets = objects_offsets info = trailer.get_indirect_dict('Info', self) catalog = trailer.get_indirect_dict('Root', self) page_tree = catalog.get_indirect_dict('Pages', self) pages = page_tree.get_indirect_dict_array('Kids', self) # Check that the tree is flat assert all(p.get_type() == 'Page' for p in pages) self.startxref = startxref self.info = info self.catalog = catalog self.page_tree = page_tree self.pages = pages self.finished = False self.overwritten_objects_offsets = {} self.new_objects_offsets = [] def read_object(self, object_number): """ :param object_number: An integer N so that 1 <= N < len(self.objects_offsets) :returns: The object content as a byte string. """ fileobj = self.fileobj fileobj.seek(self.objects_offsets[object_number]) line = next(fileobj) assert line.endswith(b' 0 obj\n') assert int(line[:-7]) == object_number # len(b' 0 obj\n') == 7 object_lines = [] for line in fileobj: object_lines.append(line) if line == b'>>\n': assert next(fileobj) == b'endobj\n' return b''.join(object_lines) def overwrite_object(self, object_number, byte_string): """Write the new content for an existing object at the end of the file. :param object_number: An integer N so that 1 <= N < len(self.objects_offsets) :param byte_string: The new object content as a byte string. """ self.overwritten_objects_offsets[object_number] = ( self._write_object(object_number, byte_string)) def extend_dict(self, dictionary, new_content): """Overwrite a dictionary object after adding content inside the << >> delimiters. """ assert dictionary.byte_string.endswith(b'>>\n') self.overwrite_object( dictionary.object_number, dictionary.byte_string[:-3] + new_content + b'\n>>\n') def next_object_number(self): """Return the object number that would be used by write_new_object(). """ return len(self.objects_offsets) + len(self.new_objects_offsets) def write_new_object(self, byte_string): """Write a new object at the end of the file. :param byte_string: The object content as a byte string. :return: The new object number. """ object_number = self.next_object_number() self.new_objects_offsets.append( self._write_object(object_number, byte_string)) return object_number def finish(self): """ Write the cross-reference table and the trailer for the new and overwritten objects. This makes `fileobj` a valid (updated) PDF file. """ new_startxref, write = self._start_writing() self.finished = True write(b'xref\n') # Don’t bother sorting or finding contiguous numbers, # just write a new sub-section for each overwritten object. for object_number, offset in iteritems( self.overwritten_objects_offsets): write(pdf_format( '{0} 1\n{1:010} 00000 n \n', object_number, offset)) if self.new_objects_offsets: first_new_object = len(self.objects_offsets) write(pdf_format( '{0} {1}\n', first_new_object, len(self.new_objects_offsets))) for object_number, offset in enumerate( self.new_objects_offsets, start=first_new_object): write(pdf_format('{0:010} 00000 n \n', offset)) write(pdf_format( 'trailer\n<< ' '/Size {size} /Root {root} 0 R /Info {info} 0 R /Prev {prev}' ' >>\nstartxref\n{startxref}\n%%EOF\n', size=self.next_object_number(), root=self.catalog.object_number, info=self.info.object_number, prev=self.startxref, startxref=new_startxref)) def _write_object(self, object_number, byte_string): offset, write = self._start_writing() write(pdf_format('{0} 0 obj\n', object_number)) write(byte_string) write(b'\nendobj\n') return offset def _start_writing(self): assert not self.finished fileobj = self.fileobj fileobj.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) return fileobj.tell(), fileobj.write def process_bookmarks(raw_bookmarks): """Transform a list of bookmarks as found in the document to a data structure ready for PDF. """ root = {'Count': 0} bookmark_list = [] level_shifts = [] last_by_level = [root] indices_by_level = [0] for i, (level, label, destination) in enumerate(raw_bookmarks, start=1): # Calculate the real level of the bookmark previous_level = len(last_by_level) - 1 + sum(level_shifts) if level > previous_level: level_shifts.append(level - previous_level - 1) else: k = 0 while k < previous_level - level: k += 1 + level_shifts.pop() # Resolve level inconsistencies level -= sum(level_shifts) bookmark = { 'Count': 0, 'First': None, 'Last': None, 'Prev': None, 'Next': None, 'Parent': indices_by_level[level - 1], 'label': label, 'destination': destination} if level > len(last_by_level) - 1: last_by_level[level - 1]['First'] = i else: # The bookmark is sibling of indices_by_level[level] bookmark['Prev'] = indices_by_level[level] last_by_level[level]['Next'] = i # Remove the bookmarks with a level higher than the current one del last_by_level[level:] del indices_by_level[level:] for count_level in range(level): last_by_level[count_level]['Count'] += 1 last_by_level[level - 1]['Last'] = i last_by_level.append(bookmark) indices_by_level.append(i) bookmark_list.append(bookmark) return root, bookmark_list def gather_metadata(document): """Traverse the layout tree (boxes) to find all metadata.""" def walk(box): if box.bookmark_label and box.bookmark_level: bookmarks.append(( box.bookmark_level, box.bookmark_label, (page_index,) + point_to_pdf(box.position_x, box.position_y))) if box.style.link: pos_x, pos_y = point_to_pdf(box.position_x, box.position_y) width, height = distance_to_pdf( box.margin_width(), box.margin_height()) links.append(( box.style.link, (pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + width, pos_y + height))) if box.style.anchor and box.style.anchor not in anchors: anchors[box.style.anchor] = ( (page_index,) + point_to_pdf(box.position_x, box.position_y)) if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): for child in box.children: walk(child) bookmarks = [] links_by_page = [] anchors = {} for page_index, page in enumerate(document.pages): # cairo coordinates are pixels right and down from the top-left corner # PDF coordinates are points right and up from the bottom-left corner matrix = cairo.Matrix( PX_TO_PT, 0, 0, -PX_TO_PT, 0, page.outer_height * PX_TO_PT) point_to_pdf = matrix.transform_point distance_to_pdf = matrix.transform_distance links = [] walk(page) links_by_page.append(links) return process_bookmarks(bookmarks), links_by_page, anchors def write_pdf_metadata(document, fileobj): bookmarks, links, anchors = gather_metadata(document) pdf = PDFFile(fileobj) pdf.overwrite_object(pdf.info.object_number, pdf_format( '<< /Producer {producer!P} >>', producer=VERSION_STRING)) root, bookmarks = bookmarks if bookmarks: bookmark_root = pdf.next_object_number() pdf.write_new_object(pdf_format( '<< /Type /Outlines /Count {0} /First {1} 0 R /Last {2} 0 R\n>>', root['Count'], root['First'] + bookmark_root, root['Last'] + bookmark_root)) pdf.extend_dict(pdf.catalog, pdf_format( '/Outlines {0} 0 R /PageMode /UseOutlines', bookmark_root)) for bookmark in bookmarks: content = [pdf_format('<< /Title {0!P}\n', bookmark['label'])] if bookmark['Count']: content.append(pdf_format('/Count {0}\n', bookmark['Count'])) for key in ['Parent', 'Prev', 'Next', 'First', 'Last']: if bookmark[key]: content.append(pdf_format( '/{0} {1} 0 R\n', key, bookmark[key] + bookmark_root)) content.append(pdf_format( '/A << /Type /Action /S /GoTo ' '/D [{0} /XYZ {1:f} {2:f} 0] >>\n>>', *bookmark['destination'])) pdf.write_new_object(b''.join(content)) for page, page_links in zip(pdf.pages, links): annotations = [] for (is_internal, uri), rectangle in page_links: content = [pdf_format( '<< /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link ' '/Rect [{0:f} {1:f} {2:f} {3:f}] /Border [0 0 0]\n', *rectangle)] if is_internal == 'internal': content.append(pdf_format( '/A << /Type /Action /S /GoTo ' '/D [{0} /XYZ {1:f} {2:f} 0] >>\n', *anchors[uri])) else: content.append(pdf_format( '/A << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI ({0}) >>\n', iri_to_uri(uri))) content.append(b'>>') annotations.append(pdf.write_new_object(b''.join(content))) if annotations: pdf.extend_dict(page, pdf_format( '/Annots [{0}]', ' '.join( '{0} 0 R'.format(n) for n in annotations))) pdf.finish()