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# coding: utf-8
Fetch and decode images in various formats.
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2014 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
import math
from io import BytesIO
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import cairocffi
import cairosvg.parser
import cairosvg.surface
from .compat import xrange
from .logger import LOGGER
from .urls import URLFetchingError, fetch
from cairocffi import pixbuf
except OSError:
pixbuf = None
assert cairosvg.surface.cairo is cairocffi, (
'CairoSVG is using pycairo instead of cairocffi. '
'Make sure it is not imported before WeasyPrint.')
CAIRO_HAS_MIME_DATA = cairocffi.cairo_version() >= 11000
# Map values of the image-rendering property to cairo FILTER values:
# Values are normalized to lower case.
'auto': cairocffi.FILTER_BILINEAR,
'crisp-edges': cairocffi.FILTER_BEST,
'pixelated': cairocffi.FILTER_NEAREST,
class ImageLoadingError(ValueError):
"""An error occured when loading an image.
The image data is probably corrupted or in an invalid format.
def from_exception(cls, exception):
name = type(exception).__name__
value = str(exception)
return cls('%s: %s' % (name, value) if value else name)
class RasterImage(object):
def __init__(self, image_surface):
self.image_surface = image_surface
self._intrinsic_width = image_surface.get_width()
self._intrinsic_height = image_surface.get_height()
self.intrinsic_ratio = (
self._intrinsic_width / self._intrinsic_height
if self._intrinsic_height != 0 else float('inf'))
def get_intrinsic_size(self, image_resolution, _font_size):
# Raster images are affected by the 'image-resolution' property.
return (self._intrinsic_width / image_resolution,
self._intrinsic_height / image_resolution)
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, image_rendering):
if concrete_width > 0 and concrete_height > 0 and \
self._intrinsic_width > 0 and self._intrinsic_height > 0:
# Use the real intrinsic size here,
# not affected by 'image-resolution'.
context.scale(concrete_width / self._intrinsic_width,
concrete_height / self._intrinsic_height)
class ScaledSVGSurface(cairosvg.surface.SVGSurface):
Have the cairo Surface object have intrinsic dimension
in pixels instead of points.
def device_units_per_user_units(self):
scale = super(ScaledSVGSurface, self).device_units_per_user_units
return scale / 0.75
class FakeSurface(object):
"""Fake CairoSVG surface used to get SVG attributes."""
context_height = 0
context_width = 0
font_size = 12
dpi = 96
class SVGImage(object):
def __init__(self, svg_data, base_url):
# Dont pass data URIs to CairoSVG.
# They are useless for relative URIs anyway.
self._base_url = (
base_url if not base_url.lower().startswith('data:') else None)
self._svg_data = svg_data
self._tree = ElementTree.fromstring(self._svg_data)
except Exception as e:
raise ImageLoadingError.from_exception(e)
def get_intrinsic_size(self, _image_resolution, font_size):
# Vector images may be affected by the font size.
fake_surface = FakeSurface()
fake_surface.font_size = font_size
# Percentages don't provide an intrinsic size, we transform percentages
# into 0 using a (0, 0) context size:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#IntrinsicSizing
self._width = cairosvg.surface.size(
fake_surface, self._tree.get('width'))
self._height = cairosvg.surface.size(
fake_surface, self._tree.get('height'))
_, _, viewbox = cairosvg.surface.node_format(fake_surface, self._tree)
self._intrinsic_width = self._width or None
self._intrinsic_height = self._height or None
self.intrinsic_ratio = None
if viewbox:
if self._width and self._height:
self.intrinsic_ratio = self._width / self._height
if viewbox[2] and viewbox[3]:
self.intrinsic_ratio = viewbox[2] / viewbox[3]
if self._width:
self._intrinsic_height = (
self._width / self.intrinsic_ratio)
elif self._height:
self._intrinsic_width = (
self._height * self.intrinsic_ratio)
elif self._width and self._height:
self.intrinsic_ratio = self._width / self._height
return self._intrinsic_width, self._intrinsic_height
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, _image_rendering):
svg = ScaledSVGSurface(
bytestring=self._svg_data, url=self._base_url),
output=None, dpi=96, parent_width=concrete_width,
if svg.width and svg.height:
concrete_width / svg.width, concrete_height / svg.height)
except Exception as e:
'Failed to draw an SVG image at %s : %s', self._base_url, e)
def get_image_from_uri(cache, url_fetcher, url, forced_mime_type=None):
"""Get a cairo Pattern from an image URI."""
missing = object()
image = cache.get(url, missing)
if image is not missing:
return image
with fetch(url_fetcher, url) as result:
if 'string' in result:
string = result['string']
string = result['file_obj'].read()
mime_type = forced_mime_type or result['mime_type']
if mime_type == 'image/svg+xml':
# No fallback for XML-based mimetypes as defined by MIME
# Sniffing Standard, see https://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/
image = SVGImage(string, url)
# Try to rely on given mimetype
if mime_type == 'image/png':
surface = cairocffi.ImageSurface.create_from_png(
except Exception as exception:
raise ImageLoadingError.from_exception(exception)
image = RasterImage(surface)
image = None
except ImageLoadingError:
image = None
# Relying on mimetype didn't work, give the image to GDK-Pixbuf
if not image:
if pixbuf is None:
raise ImageLoadingError(
'Could not load GDK-Pixbuf. PNG and SVG are '
'the only image formats available.')
image = SVGImage(string, url)
surface, format_name = (
except pixbuf.ImageLoadingError as exception:
raise ImageLoadingError(str(exception))
if format_name == 'jpeg' and CAIRO_HAS_MIME_DATA:
surface.set_mime_data('image/jpeg', string)
image = RasterImage(surface)
except (URLFetchingError, ImageLoadingError) as exc:
LOGGER.warning('Failed to load image at "%s" (%s)', url, exc)
image = None
cache[url] = image
return image
def percentage(value, refer_to):
"""Return the evaluated percentage value, or the value unchanged."""
if value is None:
return value
elif value.unit == 'px':
return value.value
assert value.unit == '%'
return refer_to * value.value / 100
def process_color_stops(gradient_line_size, positions):
Gradient line size: distance between the starting point and ending point.
Positions: list of None, or Dimension in px or %.
0 is the starting point, 1 the ending point.
Return processed color stops, as a list of floats in px.
positions = [percentage(position, gradient_line_size)
for position in positions]
# First and last default to 100%
if positions[0] is None:
positions[0] = 0
if positions[-1] is None:
positions[-1] = gradient_line_size
# Make sure positions are increasing.
previous_pos = positions[0]
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
if position is not None:
if position < previous_pos:
positions[i] = previous_pos
previous_pos = position
# Assign missing values
previous_i = -1
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
if position is not None:
base = positions[previous_i]
increment = (position - base) / (i - previous_i)
for j in xrange(previous_i + 1, i):
positions[j] = base + j * increment
previous_i = i
return positions
def normalize_stop_postions(positions):
"""Normalize to [0..1]."""
first = positions[0]
last = positions[-1]
total_length = last - first
if total_length != 0:
positions = [(pos - first) / total_length for pos in positions]
positions = [0 for _ in positions]
return first, last, positions
def gradient_average_color(colors, positions):
nb_stops = len(positions)
assert nb_stops > 1
assert nb_stops == len(colors)
total_length = positions[-1] - positions[0]
if total_length == 0:
positions = list(range(nb_stops))
total_length = nb_stops - 1
premul_r = [r * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
premul_g = [g * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
premul_b = [b * a for r, g, b, a in colors]
alpha = [a for r, g, b, a in colors]
result_r = result_g = result_b = result_a = 0
total_weight = 2 * total_length
for i, position in enumerate(positions[1:], 1):
weight = (position - positions[i - 1]) / total_weight
for j in (i - 1, i):
result_r += premul_r[j] * weight
result_g += premul_g[j] * weight
result_b += premul_b[j] * weight
result_a += alpha[j] * weight
# Un-premultiply:
return (result_r / result_a, result_g / result_a,
result_b / result_a, result_a) if result_a != 0 else (0, 0, 0, 0)
class Gradient(object):
def __init__(self, color_stops, repeating):
assert color_stops
#: List of (r, g, b, a), list of Dimension
self.colors = [color for color, position in color_stops]
self.stop_positions = [position for color, position in color_stops]
#: bool
self.repeating = repeating
def get_intrinsic_size(self, _image_resolution, _font_size):
# Gradients are not affected by image resolution, parent or font size.
return None, None
intrinsic_ratio = None
def draw(self, context, concrete_width, concrete_height, _image_rendering):
scale_y, type_, init, stop_positions, stop_colors = self.layout(
concrete_width, concrete_height, context.user_to_device_distance)
context.scale(1, scale_y)
pattern = PATTERN_TYPES[type_](*init)
for position, color in zip(stop_positions, stop_colors):
pattern.add_color_stop_rgba(position, *color)
pattern.set_extend(cairocffi.EXTEND_REPEAT if self.repeating
else cairocffi.EXTEND_PAD)
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
"""width, height: Gradient box. Top-left is at coordinates (0, 0).
user_to_device_distance: a (dx, dy) -> (ddx, ddy) function
Returns (scale_y, type_, init, positions, colors).
scale_y: float, used for ellipses radial gradients. 1 otherwise.
positions: list of floats in [0..1].
0 at the starting point, 1 at the ending point.
colors: list of (r, g, b, a)
type_ is either:
'solid': init is (r, g, b, a). positions and colors are empty.
'linear': init is (x0, y0, x1, y1)
coordinates of the starting and ending points.
'radial': init is (cx0, cy0, radius0, cx1, cy1, radius1)
coordinates of the starting end ending circles
raise NotImplementedError
class LinearGradient(Gradient):
def __init__(self, color_stops, direction, repeating):
Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating)
#: ('corner', keyword) or ('angle', radians)
self.direction_type, self.direction = direction
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
if len(self.colors) == 1:
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[0], [], []
# (dx, dy) is the unit vector giving the direction of the gradient.
# Positive dx: right, positive dy: down.
if self.direction_type == 'corner':
factor_x, factor_y = {
'top_left': (-1, -1), 'top_right': (1, -1),
'bottom_left': (-1, 1), 'bottom_right': (1, 1)}[self.direction]
diagonal = math.hypot(width, height)
# Note the direction swap: dx based on height, dy based on width
# The gradient line is perpendicular to a diagonal.
dx = factor_x * height / diagonal
dy = factor_y * width / diagonal
angle = self.direction # 0 upwards, then clockwise
dx = math.sin(angle)
dy = -math.cos(angle)
# Distance between center and ending point,
# ie. half of between the starting point and ending point:
distance = abs(width * dx) + abs(height * dy)
positions = process_color_stops(distance, self.stop_positions)
first, last, positions = normalize_stop_postions(positions)
device_per_user_units = math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(dx, dy))
if (last - first) * device_per_user_units < len(positions):
if self.repeating:
color = gradient_average_color(self.colors, positions)
return 1, 'solid', color, [], []
# 100 is an Arbitrary non-zero number of device units.
offset = 100 / device_per_user_units
if first != last:
factor = (offset + last - first) / (last - first)
positions = [pos / factor for pos in positions]
last += offset
start_x = (width - dx * distance) / 2
start_y = (height - dy * distance) / 2
points = (start_x + dx * first, start_y + dy * first,
start_x + dx * last, start_y + dy * last)
return 1, 'linear', points, positions, self.colors
class RadialGradient(Gradient):
def __init__(self, color_stops, shape, size, center, repeating):
Gradient.__init__(self, color_stops, repeating)
# Center of the ending shape. (origin_x, pos_x, origin_y, pos_y)
self.center = center
#: Type of ending shape: 'circle' or 'ellipse'
self.shape = shape
# size_type: 'keyword'
# size: 'closest-corner', 'farthest-corner',
# 'closest-side', or 'farthest-side'
# size_type: 'explicit'
# size: (radius_x, radius_y)
self.size_type, self.size = size
def layout(self, width, height, user_to_device_distance):
if len(self.colors) == 1:
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[0], [], []
origin_x, center_x, origin_y, center_y = self.center
center_x = percentage(center_x, width)
center_y = percentage(center_y, height)
if origin_x == 'right':
center_x = width - center_x
if origin_y == 'bottom':
center_y = height - center_y
size_x, size_y = self._resolve_size(width, height, center_x, center_y)
# http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-images-3/#degenerate-radials
if size_x == size_y == 0:
size_x = size_y = 1e-7
elif size_x == 0:
size_x = 1e-7
size_y = 1e7
elif size_y == 0:
size_x = 1e7
size_y = 1e-7
scale_y = size_y / size_x
colors = self.colors
positions = process_color_stops(size_x, self.stop_positions)
gradient_line_size = positions[-1] - positions[0]
if self.repeating and any(
gradient_line_size * unit < len(positions)
for unit in (math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(1, 0)),
math.hypot(*user_to_device_distance(0, scale_y)))):
color = gradient_average_color(colors, positions)
return 1, 'solid', color, [], []
if positions[0] < 0:
# Cairo does not like negative radiuses,
# shift into the positive realm.
if self.repeating:
offset = gradient_line_size * math.ceil(
-positions[0] / gradient_line_size)
positions = [p + offset for p in positions]
for i, position in enumerate(positions):
if position > 0:
# `i` is the first positive stop.
# Interpolate with the previous to get the color at 0.
assert i > 0
color = colors[i]
neg_color = colors[i - 1]
neg_position = positions[i - 1]
assert neg_position < 0
intermediate_color = gradient_average_color(
[neg_color, neg_color, color, color],
[neg_position, 0, 0, position])
colors = [intermediate_color] + colors[i:]
positions = [0] + positions[i:]
# All stops are negatives,
# everything is "padded" with the last color.
return 1, 'solid', self.colors[-1], [], []
first, last, positions = normalize_stop_postions(positions)
if last == first:
last += 100 # Arbitrary non-zero
circles = (center_x, center_y / scale_y, first,
center_x, center_y / scale_y, last)
return scale_y, 'radial', circles, positions, colors
def _resolve_size(self, width, height, center_x, center_y):
if self.size_type == 'explicit':
size_x, size_y = self.size
return percentage(size_x, width), percentage(size_y, height)
left = abs(center_x)
right = abs(width - center_x)
top = abs(center_y)
bottom = abs(height - center_y)
pick = min if self.size.startswith('closest') else max
if self.size.endswith('side'):
if self.shape == 'circle':
size_xy = pick(left, right, top, bottom)
return size_xy, size_xy
# else: ellipse
return pick(left, right), pick(top, bottom)
# else: corner
if self.shape == 'circle':
size_xy = pick(math.hypot(left, top), math.hypot(left, bottom),
math.hypot(right, top), math.hypot(right, bottom))
return size_xy, size_xy
# else: ellipse
corner_x, corner_y = pick(
(left, top), (left, bottom), (right, top), (right, bottom),
key=lambda a: math.hypot(*a))
return corner_x * math.sqrt(2), corner_y * math.sqrt(2)