mirror of https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint.git synced 2024-10-05 00:21:15 +03:00

380 lines
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from ..formatting_structure import boxes
from .min_max import handle_min_max_width
from .percentages import resolve_percentages, resolve_position_percentages
from .preferred import shrink_to_fit
from .tables import table_wrapper_width
class AbsolutePlaceholder:
"""Left where an absolutely-positioned box was taken out of the flow."""
def __init__(self, box):
assert not isinstance(box, AbsolutePlaceholder)
# Work around the overloaded __setattr__
object.__setattr__(self, '_box', box)
object.__setattr__(self, '_layout_done', False)
def set_laid_out_box(self, new_box):
object.__setattr__(self, '_box', new_box)
object.__setattr__(self, '_layout_done', True)
def translate(self, dx=0, dy=0, ignore_floats=False):
if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
if self._layout_done:
self._box.translate(dx, dy, ignore_floats)
# Descendants do not have a position yet.
self._box.position_x += dx
self._box.position_y += dy
def copy(self):
new_placeholder = AbsolutePlaceholder(self._box.copy())
object.__setattr__(new_placeholder, '_layout_done', self._layout_done)
return new_placeholder
# Pretend to be the box itself
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._box, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
setattr(self._box, name, value)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Placeholder %r>' % self._box
def absolute_width(box, context, containing_block):
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#abs-replaced-width
# These names are waaay too long
margin_l = box.margin_left
margin_r = box.margin_right
padding_l = box.padding_left
padding_r = box.padding_right
border_l = box.border_left_width
border_r = box.border_right_width
width = box.width
left = box.left
right = box.right
cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height = containing_block
# TODO: handle bidi
padding_plus_borders_x = padding_l + padding_r + border_l + border_r
translate_x = 0
translate_box_width = False
default_translate_x = cb_x - box.position_x
if left == right == width == 'auto':
if margin_l == 'auto':
box.margin_left = 0
if margin_r == 'auto':
box.margin_right = 0
available_width = cb_width - (
padding_plus_borders_x + box.margin_left + box.margin_right)
box.width = shrink_to_fit(context, box, available_width)
elif left != 'auto' and right != 'auto' and width != 'auto':
width_for_margins = cb_width - (
right + left + width + padding_plus_borders_x)
if margin_l == margin_r == 'auto':
if width + padding_plus_borders_x + right + left <= cb_width:
box.margin_left = box.margin_right = width_for_margins / 2
box.margin_left = 0
box.margin_right = width_for_margins
elif margin_l == 'auto':
box.margin_left = width_for_margins
elif margin_r == 'auto':
box.margin_right = width_for_margins
box.margin_right = width_for_margins
translate_x = left + default_translate_x
if margin_l == 'auto':
box.margin_left = 0
if margin_r == 'auto':
box.margin_right = 0
spacing = padding_plus_borders_x + box.margin_left + box.margin_right
if left == width == 'auto':
box.width = shrink_to_fit(
context, box, cb_width - spacing - right)
translate_x = cb_width - right - spacing + default_translate_x
translate_box_width = True
elif left == right == 'auto':
pass # Keep the static position
elif width == right == 'auto':
box.width = shrink_to_fit(context, box, cb_width - spacing - left)
translate_x = left + default_translate_x
elif left == 'auto':
translate_x = (
cb_width + default_translate_x - right - spacing - width)
elif width == 'auto':
box.width = cb_width - right - left - spacing
translate_x = left + default_translate_x
elif right == 'auto':
translate_x = left + default_translate_x
return translate_box_width, translate_x
def absolute_height(box, context, containing_block):
# These names are waaay too long
margin_t = box.margin_top
margin_b = box.margin_bottom
padding_t = box.padding_top
padding_b = box.padding_bottom
border_t = box.border_top_width
border_b = box.border_bottom_width
height = box.height
top = box.top
bottom = box.bottom
cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height = containing_block
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height
paddings_plus_borders_y = padding_t + padding_b + border_t + border_b
translate_y = 0
translate_box_height = False
default_translate_y = cb_y - box.position_y
if top == bottom == height == 'auto':
# Keep the static position
if margin_t == 'auto':
box.margin_top = 0
if margin_b == 'auto':
box.margin_bottom = 0
elif top != 'auto' and bottom != 'auto' and height != 'auto':
height_for_margins = cb_height - (
top + bottom + height + paddings_plus_borders_y)
if margin_t == margin_b == 'auto':
box.margin_top = box.margin_bottom = height_for_margins / 2
elif margin_t == 'auto':
box.margin_top = height_for_margins
elif margin_b == 'auto':
box.margin_bottom = height_for_margins
box.margin_bottom = height_for_margins
translate_y = top + default_translate_y
if margin_t == 'auto':
box.margin_top = 0
if margin_b == 'auto':
box.margin_bottom = 0
spacing = paddings_plus_borders_y + box.margin_top + box.margin_bottom
if top == height == 'auto':
translate_y = cb_height - bottom - spacing + default_translate_y
translate_box_height = True
elif top == bottom == 'auto':
pass # Keep the static position
elif height == bottom == 'auto':
translate_y = top + default_translate_y
elif top == 'auto':
translate_y = (
cb_height + default_translate_y - bottom - spacing - height)
elif height == 'auto':
box.height = cb_height - bottom - top - spacing
translate_y = top + default_translate_y
elif bottom == 'auto':
translate_y = top + default_translate_y
return translate_box_height, translate_y
def absolute_block(context, box, containing_block, fixed_boxes):
cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height = containing_block
translate_box_width, translate_x = absolute_width(
box, context, containing_block)
translate_box_height, translate_y = absolute_height(
box, context, containing_block)
# This box is the containing block for absolute descendants.
absolute_boxes = []
if box.is_table_wrapper:
table_wrapper_width(context, box, (cb_width, cb_height))
# avoid a circular import
from .blocks import block_container_layout
new_box, _, _, _, _ = block_container_layout(
context, box, max_position_y=float('inf'), skip_stack=None,
page_is_empty=False, absolute_boxes=absolute_boxes,
fixed_boxes=fixed_boxes, adjoining_margins=None, discard=False)
for child_placeholder in absolute_boxes:
absolute_layout(context, child_placeholder, new_box, fixed_boxes)
if translate_box_width:
translate_x -= new_box.width
if translate_box_height:
translate_y -= new_box.height
new_box.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
return new_box
def absolute_flex(context, box, containing_block_sizes, fixed_boxes,
# Avoid a circular import
from .flex import flex_layout
# TODO: this function is really close to absolute_block, we should have
# only one function.
# TODO: having containing_block_sizes and containing_block is stupid.
cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height = containing_block_sizes
translate_box_width, translate_x = absolute_width(
box, context, containing_block_sizes)
translate_box_height, translate_y = absolute_height(
box, context, containing_block_sizes)
# This box is the containing block for absolute descendants.
absolute_boxes = []
if box.is_table_wrapper:
table_wrapper_width(context, box, (cb_width, cb_height))
new_box, _, _, _, _ = flex_layout(
context, box, max_position_y=float('inf'), skip_stack=None,
containing_block=containing_block, page_is_empty=False,
absolute_boxes=absolute_boxes, fixed_boxes=fixed_boxes)
for child_placeholder in absolute_boxes:
absolute_layout(context, child_placeholder, new_box, fixed_boxes)
if translate_box_width:
translate_x -= new_box.width
if translate_box_height:
translate_y -= new_box.height
new_box.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
return new_box
def absolute_layout(context, placeholder, containing_block, fixed_boxes):
"""Set the width of absolute positioned ``box``."""
assert not placeholder._layout_done
box = placeholder._box
absolute_box_layout(context, box, containing_block, fixed_boxes))
def absolute_box_layout(context, box, containing_block, fixed_boxes):
cb = containing_block
# TODO: handle inline boxes (point
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visudet.html#containing-block-details
if isinstance(containing_block, boxes.PageBox):
cb_x = cb.content_box_x()
cb_y = cb.content_box_y()
cb_width = cb.width
cb_height = cb.height
cb_x = cb.padding_box_x()
cb_y = cb.padding_box_y()
cb_width = cb.padding_width()
cb_height = cb.padding_height()
containing_block = cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height
resolve_percentages(box, (cb_width, cb_height))
resolve_position_percentages(box, (cb_width, cb_height))
# Absolute tables are wrapped into block boxes
if isinstance(box, boxes.BlockBox):
new_box = absolute_block(context, box, containing_block, fixed_boxes)
elif isinstance(box, boxes.FlexContainerBox):
new_box = absolute_flex(
context, box, containing_block, fixed_boxes, cb)
assert isinstance(box, boxes.BlockReplacedBox)
new_box = absolute_replaced(context, box, containing_block)
return new_box
def absolute_replaced(context, box, containing_block):
# avoid a circular import
from .inlines import inline_replaced_box_width_height
inline_replaced_box_width_height(box, containing_block)
cb_x, cb_y, cb_width, cb_height = containing_block
ltr = box.style['direction'] == 'ltr'
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-replaced-width
if box.left == box.right == 'auto':
# static position:
if ltr:
box.left = box.position_x - cb_x
box.right = cb_x + cb_width - box.position_x
if 'auto' in (box.left, box.right):
if box.margin_left == 'auto':
box.margin_left = 0
if box.margin_right == 'auto':
box.margin_right = 0
remaining = cb_width - box.margin_width()
if box.left == 'auto':
box.left = remaining - box.right
if box.right == 'auto':
box.right = remaining - box.left
elif 'auto' in (box.margin_left, box.margin_right):
remaining = cb_width - (box.border_width() + box.left + box.right)
if box.margin_left == box.margin_right == 'auto':
if remaining >= 0:
box.margin_left = box.margin_right = remaining // 2
elif ltr:
box.margin_left = 0
box.margin_right = remaining
box.margin_left = remaining
box.margin_right = 0
elif box.margin_left == 'auto':
box.margin_left = remaining
box.margin_right = remaining
# Over-constrained
if ltr:
box.right = cb_width - (box.margin_width() + box.left)
box.left = cb_width - (box.margin_width() + box.right)
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-replaced-height
if box.top == box.bottom == 'auto':
box.top = box.position_y - cb_y
if 'auto' in (box.top, box.bottom):
if box.margin_top == 'auto':
box.margin_top = 0
if box.margin_bottom == 'auto':
box.margin_bottom = 0
remaining = cb_height - box.margin_height()
if box.top == 'auto':
box.top = remaining
if box.bottom == 'auto':
box.bottom = remaining
elif 'auto' in (box.margin_top, box.margin_bottom):
remaining = cb_height - (box.border_height() + box.top + box.bottom)
if box.margin_top == box.margin_bottom == 'auto':
box.margin_top = box.margin_bottom = remaining // 2
elif box.margin_top == 'auto':
box.margin_top = remaining
box.margin_bottom = remaining
# Over-constrained
box.bottom = cb_height - (box.margin_height() + box.top)
# No children for replaced boxes, no need to .translate()
box.position_x = cb_x + box.left
box.position_y = cb_y + box.top
return box