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Test the final, drawn results and compare PNG images pixel per pixel.
import io
import os
from itertools import zip_longest
from PIL import Image
from ..testing_utils import FakeHTML, resource_filename
_=(255, 255, 255), # white
R=(255, 0, 0), # red
B=(0, 0, 255), # blue
G=(0, 255, 0), # lime green
V=(191, 0, 64), # average of 1*B and 3*R.
S=(255, 63, 63), # R above R above #fff
r=(255, 0, 0), # red
g=(0, 128, 0), # half green
b=(0, 0, 128), # half blue
v=(128, 0, 128), # average of B and R.
h=(64, 0, 64), # half average of B and R.
a=(0, 0, 254), # JPG is lossy...
p=(192, 0, 63), # R above R above B above #fff.
# NOTE: "r" is not half red on purpose. In the pixel strings it has
# better contrast with "B" than does "R". eg. "rBBBrrBrB" vs "RBBBRRBRB".
def parse_pixels(pixels, pixels_overrides=None):
chars = dict(PIXELS_BY_CHAR, **(pixels_overrides or {}))
lines = (line.split('#')[0].strip() for line in pixels.splitlines())
return tuple(chars[char] for line in lines if line for char in line)
def assert_pixels(name, expected_width, expected_height, expected_pixels,
"""Helper testing the size of the image and the pixels values."""
if isinstance(expected_pixels, str):
expected_pixels = parse_pixels(expected_pixels)
assert len(expected_pixels) == expected_height * expected_width, (
f'Expected {len(expected_pixels)} pixels, '
f'got {expected_height * expected_width}')
pixels = html_to_pixels(name, expected_width, expected_height, html)
name, expected_width, expected_height, pixels, expected_pixels)
def assert_same_rendering(expected_width, expected_height, documents,
"""Render HTML documents to PNG and check that they render the same.
Each document is passed as a (name, html_source) tuple.
pixels_list = []
for name, html in documents:
pixels = html_to_pixels(
name, expected_width, expected_height, html)
pixels_list.append((name, pixels))
_name, reference = pixels_list[0]
for name, pixels in pixels_list[1:]:
name, expected_width, expected_height, pixels, reference,
def assert_different_renderings(expected_width, expected_height, documents):
"""Render HTML documents to PNG and check that they don't render the same.
Each document is passed as a (name, html_source) tuple.
pixels_list = []
for name, html in documents:
pixels = html_to_pixels(name, expected_width, expected_height, html)
pixels_list.append((name, pixels))
for i, (name_1, pixels_1) in enumerate(pixels_list):
for name_2, pixels_2 in pixels_list[i + 1:]:
if pixels_1 == pixels_2: # pragma: no cover
write_png(name_1, pixels_1, expected_width, expected_height)
# Same as "assert pixels_1 != pixels_2" but the output of
# the assert hook would be gigantic and useless.
assert False, f'{name_1} and {name_2} are the same'
def write_png(basename, pixels, width, height): # pragma: no cover
"""Take a pixel matrix and write a PNG file."""
directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'results')
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
filename = os.path.join(directory, basename + '.png')
image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
def html_to_pixels(name, expected_width, expected_height, html):
"""Render an HTML document to PNG, checks its size and return pixel data.
Also return the document to aid debugging.
document = FakeHTML(
# Dummy filename, but in the right directory.
pixels = document_to_pixels(
document, name, expected_width, expected_height)
return pixels
def document_to_pixels(document, name, expected_width, expected_height):
"""Render an HTML document to PNG, check its size and return pixel data."""
return Image.open(io.BytesIO(document.write_png())).getdata()
def assert_pixels_equal(name, width, height, raw, expected_raw, tolerance=0):
"""Take 2 matrices of pixels and assert that they are the same."""
if raw != expected_raw: # pragma: no cover
pixels = zip_longest(raw, expected_raw, fillvalue=(-1, -1, -1))
for i, (value, expected) in enumerate(pixels):
if expected is None:
if any(abs(value - expected) > tolerance
for value, expected in zip(value, expected)):
actual_height = len(raw) // width
write_png(name, raw, width, actual_height)
expected_raw = [
pixel or (255, 255, 255) for pixel in expected_raw]
write_png(name + '.expected', expected_raw, width, height)
x = i % width
y = i // width
assert 0, (
f'Pixel ({x}, {y}) in {name}: '
f'expected rgba{expected}, got rgba{value}')