mirror of https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint.git synced 2024-09-11 20:47:56 +03:00
Guillaume Ayoub 6ff1b97f4c Remove font hinting information by default
Even if it can be an important feature for some users, the fact that nobody
ever complained means that it’s not useful for the majority of users. The
option is available but disabled by default.
2023-04-12 10:26:11 +02:00

359 lines
15 KiB

"""The Awesome Document Factory.
The public API is what is accessible from this "root" packages without
importing sub-modules.
import contextlib
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import cssselect2
import html5lib
import tinycss2
VERSION = __version__ = '58.1'
__all__ = [
'HTML', 'CSS', 'Attachment', 'Document', 'Page', 'default_url_fetcher',
'VERSION', '__version__']
# Import after setting the version, as the version is used in other modules
from .urls import ( # noqa isort:skip
fetch, default_url_fetcher, path2url, ensure_url, url_is_absolute)
from .logger import LOGGER, PROGRESS_LOGGER # noqa isort:skip
# Some imports are at the end of the file (after the CSS class)
# to work around circular imports.
def _find_base_url(html_document, fallback_base_url):
"""Return the base URL for the document.
See https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/urls.html#document-base-url
first_base_element = next(iter(html_document.iter('base')), None)
if first_base_element is not None:
href = first_base_element.get('href', '').strip()
if href:
return urljoin(fallback_base_url, href)
return fallback_base_url
class HTML:
"""HTML document parsed by html5lib.
You can just create an instance with a positional argument:
``doc = HTML(something)``
The class will try to guess if the input is a filename, an absolute URL,
or a :term:`file object`.
Alternatively, use **one** named argument so that no guessing is involved:
:type filename: str or pathlib.Path
:param filename: A filename, relative to the current directory, or
:param str url: An absolute, fully qualified URL.
:type file_obj: :term:`file object`
:param file_obj: Any object with a ``read`` method.
:param str string: A string of HTML source.
Specifying multiple inputs is an error:
``HTML(filename="foo.html", url="localhost://bar.html")``
will raise a :obj:`TypeError`.
You can also pass optional named arguments:
:param str encoding: Force the source character encoding.
:param str base_url: The base used to resolve relative URLs
(e.g. in ``<img src="../foo.png">``). If not provided, try to use
the input filename, URL, or ``name`` attribute of :term:`file objects
<file object>`.
:type url_fetcher: :term:`function`
:param url_fetcher: A function or other callable
with the same signature as :func:`default_url_fetcher` called to
fetch external resources such as stylesheets and images.
(See :ref:`URL Fetchers`.)
:param str media_type: The media type to use for ``@media``.
Defaults to ``'print'``. **Note:** In some cases like
``HTML(string=foo)`` relative URLs will be invalid if ``base_url``
is not provided.
def __init__(self, guess=None, filename=None, url=None, file_obj=None,
string=None, encoding=None, base_url=None,
url_fetcher=default_url_fetcher, media_type='print'):
'Step 1 - Fetching and parsing HTML - %s',
guess or filename or url or
getattr(file_obj, 'name', 'HTML string'))
result = _select_source(
guess, filename, url, file_obj, string, base_url, url_fetcher)
with result as (source_type, source, base_url, protocol_encoding):
if isinstance(source, str):
result = html5lib.parse(source, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
result = html5lib.parse(
source, override_encoding=encoding,
self.base_url = _find_base_url(result, base_url)
self.url_fetcher = url_fetcher
self.media_type = media_type
self.wrapper_element = cssselect2.ElementWrapper.from_html_root(
result, content_language=None)
self.etree_element = self.wrapper_element.etree_element
def _ua_stylesheets(self, forms=False):
if forms:
def _ua_counter_style(self):
return [HTML5_UA_COUNTER_STYLE.copy()]
def _ph_stylesheets(self):
def render(self, stylesheets=None, presentational_hints=False,
optimize_size=('fonts', 'hinting', 'pdf'), jpeg_quality=None,
dpi=None, font_config=None, counter_style=None,
image_cache=None, forms=False):
"""Lay out and paginate the document, but do not (yet) export it.
This returns a :class:`document.Document` object which provides
access to individual pages and various meta-data.
See :meth:`write_pdf` to get a PDF directly.
:param list stylesheets:
An optional list of user stylesheets. List elements are
:class:`CSS` objects, filenames, URLs, or file
objects. (See :ref:`Stylesheet Origins`.)
:param bool presentational_hints:
Whether HTML presentational hints are followed.
:param tuple optimize_size:
Optimize size of generated PDF. Can contain "images", "fonts",
"hinting" and "pdf".
:param int jpeg_quality: JPEG quality between 0 (worst) to 95 (best).
:param int dpi: Maximum resolution of images embedded in the PDF.
:type font_config: :class:`text.fonts.FontConfiguration`
:param font_config: A font configuration handling ``@font-face`` rules.
:type counter_style: :class:`css.counters.CounterStyle`
:param counter_style: A dictionary storing ``@counter-style`` rules.
:param image_cache:
A dictionary used to cache images, or a folder path where images
are temporarily stored.
:type image_cache: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`str`
:param bool forms: Whether PDF forms have to be included.
:returns: A :class:`document.Document` object.
return Document._render(
self, stylesheets, presentational_hints, optimize_size,
jpeg_quality, dpi, font_config, counter_style, image_cache, forms)
def write_pdf(self, target=None, stylesheets=None, zoom=1,
attachments=None, finisher=None, presentational_hints=False,
optimize_size=('fonts', 'hinting', 'pdf'), jpeg_quality=None,
dpi=None, font_config=None, counter_style=None,
image_cache=None, identifier=None, variant=None,
version=None, forms=False, custom_metadata=False):
"""Render the document to a PDF file.
This is a shortcut for calling :meth:`render`, then
:meth:`Document.write_pdf() <document.Document.write_pdf>`.
:type target:
:class:`str`, :class:`pathlib.Path` or :term:`file object`
:param target:
A filename where the PDF file is generated, a file object, or
:param list stylesheets:
An optional list of user stylesheets. The list's elements
are :class:`CSS` objects, filenames, URLs, or file-like
objects. (See :ref:`Stylesheet Origins`.)
:param float zoom:
The zoom factor in PDF units per CSS units. **Warning**:
All CSS units are affected, including physical units like
``cm`` and named sizes like ``A4``. For values other than
1, the physical CSS units will thus be "wrong".
:param list attachments: A list of additional file attachments for the
generated PDF document or :obj:`None`. The list's elements are
:class:`Attachment` objects, filenames, URLs or file-like objects.
:param finisher: A finisher function, that accepts the document and a
:class:`pydyf.PDF` object as parameters, can be passed to perform
post-processing on the PDF right before the trailer is written.
:param bool presentational_hints: Whether HTML presentational hints are
:param tuple optimize_size:
Optimize size of generated PDF. Can contain "images", "fonts",
"hinting" and "pdf".
:param int jpeg_quality: JPEG quality between 0 (worst) to 95 (best).
:param int dpi: Maximum resolution of images embedded in the PDF.
:type font_config: :class:`text.fonts.FontConfiguration`
:param font_config: A font configuration handling ``@font-face`` rules.
:type counter_style: :class:`css.counters.CounterStyle`
:param counter_style: A dictionary storing ``@counter-style`` rules.
:param image_cache:
A dictionary used to cache images, or a folder path where images
are temporarily stored.
:type image_cache: :obj:`dict` or :obj:`str`
:param bytes identifier: A bytestring used as PDF file identifier.
:param str variant: A PDF variant name.
:param str version: A PDF version number.
:param bool forms: Whether PDF forms have to be included.
:param bool custom_metadata: Whether custom HTML metadata should be
stored in the generated PDF.
The PDF as :obj:`bytes` if ``target`` is not provided or
:obj:`None`, otherwise :obj:`None` (the PDF is written to
return (
stylesheets, presentational_hints, optimize_size, jpeg_quality,
dpi, font_config, counter_style, image_cache, forms)
target, zoom, attachments, finisher, identifier, variant,
version, custom_metadata))
class CSS:
"""CSS stylesheet parsed by tinycss2.
An instance is created in the same way as :class:`HTML`, with the same
An additional argument called ``font_config`` must be provided to handle
``@font-face`` rules. The same ``text.fonts.FontConfiguration`` object
must be used for different ``CSS`` objects applied to the same document.
``CSS`` objects have no public attributes or methods. They are only meant
to be used in the :meth:`HTML.write_pdf` and :meth:`HTML.render` methods
of :class:`HTML` objects.
def __init__(self, guess=None, filename=None, url=None, file_obj=None,
string=None, encoding=None, base_url=None,
url_fetcher=default_url_fetcher, _check_mime_type=False,
media_type='print', font_config=None, counter_style=None,
matcher=None, page_rules=None):
'Step 2 - Fetching and parsing CSS - %s',
filename or url or getattr(file_obj, 'name', 'CSS string'))
result = _select_source(
guess, filename, url, file_obj, string,
base_url=base_url, url_fetcher=url_fetcher,
with result as (source_type, source, base_url, protocol_encoding):
if source_type == 'string' and not isinstance(source, bytes):
# unicode, no encoding
stylesheet = tinycss2.parse_stylesheet(source)
if source_type == 'file_obj':
source = source.read()
stylesheet, encoding = tinycss2.parse_stylesheet_bytes(
source, environment_encoding=encoding,
self.base_url = base_url
self.matcher = matcher or cssselect2.Matcher()
self.page_rules = [] if page_rules is None else page_rules
media_type, base_url, stylesheet, url_fetcher, self.matcher,
self.page_rules, font_config, counter_style)
class Attachment:
"""File attachment for a PDF document.
An instance is created in the same way as :class:`HTML`, except that the
HTML specific arguments (``encoding`` and ``media_type``) are not
supported. An optional description can be provided with the ``description``
:param description: A description of the attachment to be included in the
PDF document. May be :obj:`None`.
def __init__(self, guess=None, filename=None, url=None, file_obj=None,
string=None, base_url=None, url_fetcher=default_url_fetcher,
self.source = _select_source(
guess, filename, url, file_obj, string, base_url=base_url,
self.description = description
def _select_source(guess=None, filename=None, url=None, file_obj=None,
string=None, base_url=None, url_fetcher=default_url_fetcher,
"""If only one input is given, return it with normalized ``base_url``."""
if base_url is not None:
base_url = ensure_url(base_url)
selected_params = [
param for param in (guess, filename, url, file_obj, string) if
param is not None]
if len(selected_params) != 1:
source = ', '.join(selected_params) or 'nothing'
raise TypeError(f'Expected exactly one source, got {source}')
elif guess is not None:
if hasattr(guess, 'read'):
type_ = 'file_obj'
elif isinstance(guess, Path):
type_ = 'filename'
elif url_is_absolute(guess):
type_ = 'url'
type_ = 'filename'
result = _select_source(
base_url=base_url, url_fetcher=url_fetcher,
**{type_: guess})
with result as result:
yield result
elif filename is not None:
if base_url is None:
base_url = path2url(filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj:
yield 'file_obj', file_obj, base_url, None
elif url is not None:
with fetch(url_fetcher, url) as result:
if check_css_mime_type and result['mime_type'] != 'text/css':
'Unsupported stylesheet type %s for %s',
result['mime_type'], result['redirected_url'])
yield 'string', '', base_url, None
proto_encoding = result.get('encoding')
if base_url is None:
base_url = result.get('redirected_url', url)
if 'string' in result:
yield 'string', result['string'], base_url, proto_encoding
yield (
'file_obj', result['file_obj'], base_url,
elif file_obj is not None:
if base_url is None:
# filesystem file-like objects have a 'name' attribute.
name = getattr(file_obj, 'name', None)
# Some streams have a .name like '<stdin>', not a filename.
if name and not name.startswith('<'):
base_url = ensure_url(name)
yield 'file_obj', file_obj, base_url, None
assert string is not None
yield 'string', string, base_url, None
# Work around circular imports.
from .css import preprocess_stylesheet # noqa isort:skip
from .html import ( # noqa isort:skip
from .document import Document, Page # noqa isort:skip