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WeasyPrint |version| depends on:
* CPython_ ≥ 3.6.0
* cairo_ ≥ 1.15.4 [#]_
* Pango_ ≥ 1.38.0 [#]_
* setuptools_ ≥ 30.3.0 [#]_
* CFFI_ ≥ 0.6
* html5lib_ ≥ 0.999999999
* cairocffi_ ≥ 0.9.0
* tinycss2_ ≥ 1.0.0
* cssselect2_ ≥ 0.1
* CairoSVG_ ≥ 2.4.0
* Pyphen_ ≥ 0.9.1
* Pillow ≥ 4.0.0
* GDK-PixBuf_ ≥ 2.25.0 [#]_
.. _CPython: http://www.python.org/
.. _cairo: http://cairographics.org/
.. _Pango: http://www.pango.org/
.. _setuptools: https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/
.. _CFFI: https://cffi.readthedocs.io/
.. _html5lib: https://html5lib.readthedocs.io/
.. _cairocffi: https://cairocffi.readthedocs.io/
.. _tinycss2: https://doc.courtbouillon.org/tinycss2/
.. _cssselect2: https://doc.courtbouillon.org/cssselect2/
.. _CairoSVG: http://cairosvg.org/
.. _Pyphen: http://pyphen.org/
.. _GDK-PixBuf: https://live.gnome.org/GdkPixbuf
Python, cairo, Pango and GDK-PixBuf need to be installed separately. See
platform-specific instructions for :ref:`Linux <linux>`, :ref:`macOS <macos>`
and :ref:`Windows <windows>` below.
Install WeasyPrint with pip_. This will automatically install most of
dependencies. You probably need either a virtual environment (venv,
recommended) or using ``sudo``.
.. _pip: http://pip-installer.org/
.. code-block:: sh
python3 -m venv ./venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install WeasyPrint
Now lets try it:
.. code-block:: sh
weasyprint --help
weasyprint http://weasyprint.org ./weasyprint-website.pdf
You should see warnings about unsupported CSS 3 stuff; this is expected.
In the PDF you should see the WeasyPrint logo on the first page.
If everything goes well, youre ready to :doc:`start using </tutorial>`
WeasyPrint! Otherwise, please copy the full error message and
`report the problem <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/>`_.
.. [#] cairo ≥ 1.15.4 is best but older versions may work too. The test suite
passes on cairo 1.14, and passes with some tests marked as “expected
failures” on 1.10 and 1.12 due to behavior changes or bugs in cairo. If
you get incomplete SVG renderings, please read `#339
<https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/339>`_. If you get invalid
PDF files, please read `#565
<https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/565>`_. Some PDF metadata
including PDF information, hyperlinks and bookmarks require 1.15.4.
.. [#] pango ≥ 1.29.3 is required, but 1.38.0 is needed to handle `@font-face`
CSS rules.
.. [#] setuptools ≥ 30.3.0 is required to install WeasyPrint from wheel, but
39.2.0 is required to build the package or install from
source. setuptools < 40.8.0 will not include the LICENSE file.
.. [#] Without it, PNG and SVG are the only supported image formats.
JPEG, GIF and others are not available.
.. _linux:
Pango, GdkPixbuf, and cairo can not be installed
with pip and need to be installed from your platforms packages.
CFFI can, but youd still need their own dependencies.
This section lists system packages for CFFI when available,
the dependencies otherwise.
CFFI needs *libffi* with development files. On Debian, the package is called
If your favorite system is not listed here but you know the package names,
`tell us <http://weasyprint.org/about/>`_ so we can add it here.
Debian / Ubuntu
WeasyPrint is `packaged for Debian 11 or newer
You can install it with pip on Debian 10 Buster or newer, or on Ubuntu 18.04
Bionic Beaver or newer, after installing the following packages:
.. code-block:: sh
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-cffi libcairo2 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libffi-dev shared-mime-info
WeasyPrint may work under previous releases of Debian or Ubuntu, but they often
provide an old version of Cairo that may limit WeasyPrint's features [1]_.
WeasyPrint is `packaged for Fedora
<http://rpms.remirepo.net/rpmphp/zoom.php?rpm=weasyprint>`_, but you can
install it with pip after installing the following packages:
.. code-block:: sh
sudo yum install redhat-rpm-config python-devel python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel python-cffi libffi-devel cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2
WeasyPrint is `available in the AUR
<https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-weasyprint/>`_, but you can install
it with pip after installing the following packages:
.. code-block:: sh
sudo pacman -S python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2 libffi pkg-config
WeasyPrint is `packaged in Gentoo
<https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-python/weasyprint>`_, but you can
install it with pip after installing the following packages:
.. code-block:: sh
emerge pip setuptools wheel cairo pango gdk-pixbuf cffi
For Alpine Linux 3.6 or newer:
.. code-block:: sh
apk --update --upgrade add gcc musl-dev jpeg-dev zlib-dev libffi-dev cairo-dev pango-dev gdk-pixbuf-dev
.. note::
Some Alpine images do not resolv the library path via ctypes.utils.find_library. So if you get
``OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2 / cairo-gobject-2``
then change find_library and open the library directly:
.. code-block:: python
lib = ffi.dlopen(name)
if lib:
cairo = dlopen(ffi, 'libcairo.so.2')
.. _macos:
WeasyPrint is automatically installed and tested on virtual macOS machines. The
official installation method relies on Homebrew. Install Homebrew if you haven't already:
.. code-block:: sh
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install Python, cairo, Pango and GDK-PixBuf using Homebrew:
.. code-block:: sh
brew install python3 cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libffi
Don't forget to use the `pip3` command to install WeasyPrint, as `pip` may be
using the version of Python installed with macOS:
.. code-block:: sh
pip3 install WeasyPrint
If you get the `Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file` message,
then try reinstalling fontconfig:
.. code-block:: sh
brew uninstall fontconfig
brew install fontconfig
You can also try with Macports, but please notice that this solution is not
tested and thus not recommended (**also known as "you're on your own and may
end up crying blood with sad dolphins for eternity"**):
.. code-block:: sh
sudo port install py-pip cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2 libffi
.. _windows:
Dear Windows user, please follow these steps carefully.
Really carefully. Dont cheat.
Besides a proper Python installation and a few Python packages, WeasyPrint
needs the Pango, cairo and GDK-PixBuf libraries. They are required for the
graphical stuff: Text and image rendering. These libraries aren't Python
packages. They are part of `GTK+ <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK+>`_
(formerly known as GIMP Toolkit), and must be installed separately.
The following installation instructions for the GTK+ libraries don't work on
Windows XP. That means: Windows Vista or later is required.
Of course you can decide to install ancient WeasyPrint versions with an
erstwhile Python versions, combine it with outdated GTK+ libraries on any
Windows version you like, but if you decide to do that **youre on your own,
dont even try to report an issue, kittens will die because of you.**
Step 1 - Install Python
Install the `latest Python 3.x <https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/>`_
- On Windows 32 bit download the "Windows **x86** executable installer"
- On Windows 64 bit download the "Windows **x86-64** executable installer"
Follow the `instructions <https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html>`_.
You may customize your installation as you like, but we suggest that you
"Add Python 3.x to PATH" for convenience and let the installer "install pip".
Step 2 - Update pip and setuptools packages
Python is bundled with modules that may have been updated since the release.
Please open a *Command Prompt* and execute the following command:
.. code-block:: console
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Step 3 - Install WeasyPrint
In the console window execute the following command to install the WeasyPrint
.. code-block:: console
python -m pip install WeasyPrint
Step 4 - Install the GTK+ libraries
There's one thing you **must** observe:
- If your Python is 32 bit you must use the 32 bit versions of those libraries.
- If your Python is 64 bit you must use the 64 bit versions of those libraries.
If you mismatch the bitness, the warning about kittens dying applies.
In case you forgot which Python architecture you installed, you can find out by
running the following command in command prompt:
.. code-block:: console
python --version --version
If your python architecture is 64 bit you can either use the :ref:`GTK+ 64 Bit
Installer <gtk64installer>` or install the 64-bit :ref:`GTK+ via MSYS2
If your python architecture is 32 bit you'll have to install the 32-bit :ref:`GTK+ via MSYS2
.. note::
Installing those libraries doesn't mean something extraordinary. It only
means that the files must be on your computer and WeasyPrint must be able
to find them, which is achieved by putting the path-to-the-libs into your
Windows ``PATH``.
.. _msys2_gtk:
Install GTK+ with the aid of MSYS2
Sadly the `GTK+ Runtime for 32 bit Windows
<https://gtk-win.sourceforge.io/home/index.php/Main/Home>`_ was discontinued in
April 2017. Since then developers are advised to either bundle GTK+ with their
software (which is beyond the capacities of the WeasyPrint maintainers) or
install it through the `MSYS2 project <https://msys2.github.io/>`_.
With the help of MSYS2, both the 32 bit as well as the 64 bit GTK+ can be
installed. If you installed the 64 bit Python and don't want to bother with
MSYS2, then go ahead and use the :ref:`GTK+ 64 Bit Installer <gtk64installer>`.
MSYS2 is a development environment. We (somehow) mis-use it to only supply the
up-to-date GTK+ runtime library files in a subfolder we can inject into our
``PATH``. But maybe you get interested in the full powers of MSYS2. It's the
perfect tool for experimenting with `MinGW
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinGW>`_ and cross-platform development -- look
at its `wiki <https://github.com/msys2/msys2/wiki>`_.
Ok, let's install GTK3+.
* Download and run the `MSYS2 installer <http://www.msys2.org/>`_
- On 32 bit Windows: "msys2-**i686**-xxxxxxxx.exe"
- On 64 bit Windows: "msys2-**x86_64**-xxxxxxxx.exe"
You alternatively may download a zipped archive, unpack it and run
``msys2_shell.cmd`` as described in the `MSYS2 wiki
* Update the MSYS2 shell with
.. code-block:: console
pacman -Syuu
Close the shell by clicking the close button in the upper right corner of the window.
* Restart the MSYS2 shell. Repeat the command
.. code-block:: console
pacman -Su
until it says that there are no more packages to update.
* Install the GTK+ package and its dependencies.
To install the 32 bit (**i686**) GTK run the following command:
.. code-block:: console
pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gtk3
The command for the 64 bit (**x86_64**) version is:
.. code-block:: console
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3
The **x86_64** package cannot be installed in the 32 bit MSYS2!
* Close the shell:
.. code-block:: console
* Now that all the GTK files needed by WeasyPrint are in the ``.\mingw32``
respectively in the ``.\mingw64`` subfolder of your MSYS2 installation directory,
we can (and must) make them accessible by injecting the appropriate folder into the
Let's assume you installed MSYS2 in ``C:\msys2``. Then the folder to inject is:
* ``C:\msys2\mingw32\bin`` for the 32 bit GTK+
* ``C:\msys2\mingw64\bin`` for the 64 bit GTK+
You can either persist it through *Advanced System Settings* -- if you don't
know how to do that, read `How to set the path and environment variables in
Windows <https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm>`_ -- or
temporarily inject the folder before you run WeasyPrint.
.. _gtk64installer:
GTK+ 64 Bit Installer
If your Python is 64 bit you can use an installer extracted from MSYS2
and provided by Tom Schoonjans.
* Download and run the latest `gtk3-runtime-x.x.x-x-x-x-ts-win64.exe
* If you prefer to manage your ``PATH`` environment varaiable yourself you
should uncheck "Set up PATH environment variable to include GTK+" and supply
it later -- either persist it through *Advanced System Settings* or
temporarily inject it before you run WeasyPrint.
.. note::
Checking the option doesn't insert the GTK-path at the beginning of your
system ``PATH``, but rather **appends** it. If there is already another
(outdated) GTK on your ``PATH`` this will lead to unpleasant problems.
In any case: When executing WeasyPrint the GTK libraries must be on its ``PATH``.
Step 5 - Run WeasyPrint
Now that everything is in place you can test WeasyPrint.
Open a fresh *Command Prompt* and execute
.. code-block:: console
python -m weasyprint http://weasyprint.org weasyprint.pdf
If you get an error like ``OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo /
cairo-2`` its probably because cairo (or another GTK+ library mentioned in the
error message) is not properly available in the folders listed in your ``PATH``
environment variable.
Since you didn't cheat and followed the instructions the up-to-date and
complete set of GTK libraries **must** be present and the error is an error.
Let's find out. Enter the following command:
.. code-block:: console
WHERE libcairo-2.dll
WHERE zlib1.dll
This should respond with
*path\\to\\recently\\installed\\gtk\\binaries\\libcairo-2.dll*, for example:
.. code-block:: console
C:\Program Files\GTK3-Runtime Win64\bin\zlib1.dll
If your system answers with *nothing found* or returns a filename not related
to your recently-installed-gtk or lists more than one location and the first
file in the list isn't actually in a subfolder of your recently-installed-gtk,
then we have caught the culprit.
Depending on the GTK installation route you took, the proper folder name is
something along the lines of:
* ``C:\msys2\mingw32\bin``
* ``C:\msys2\mingw64\bin``
* ``C:\Program Files\GTK3-Runtime Win64\bin``
Determine the correct folder and execute the following commands, replace
``<path-to-recently-installed-gtk>`` accordingly:
.. code-block:: console
SET PROPER_GTK_FOLDER=<path-to-recently-installed-gtk>
This puts the appropriate GTK at the beginning of your ``PATH`` and
its files are the first found when WeasyPrint requires them.
Call WeasyPrint again:
.. code-block:: console
python -m weasyprint http://weasyprint.org weasyprint.pdf
If the error is gone you should either fix your ``PATH`` permanently (via
*Advanced System Settings*) or execute the above ``SET PATH`` command by
default (once!) before you start using WeasyPrint.
If the error still occurs and if you really didn't cheat then you are allowed
to open a `new issue <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/new>`_. You
can also find extra help in this `bug report
<https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/589>`_. If you cheated, then, you
know: Kittens already died.
Other Options for Installation
There is a .NET wrapper for WeasyPrint available `here