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2011-08-11 17:26:08 +02:00

340 lines
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# coding: utf8
# WeasyPrint converts web documents (HTML, CSS, ...) to PDF.
# Copyright (C) 2011 Simon Sapin
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from attest import Tests, assert_hook
from ..document import Document
from ..formatting_structure import boxes
from ..formatting_structure import build
suite = Tests()
def serialize(box_list):
Transform a box list into a structure easier to compare for testing.
types = {
boxes.TextBox: 'text',
boxes.LineBox: 'line',
boxes.BlockBox: 'block',
boxes.InlineBox: 'inline',
boxes.InlineBlockBox: 'inline_block',
boxes.AnonymousBlockBox: 'anon_block',
boxes.InlineLevelReplacedBox: 'inline_replaced',
return [
(box.element.tag, types[box.__class__], (
# All concrete boxes are either text, replaced or parent.
box.text if isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox)
else '<replaced>' if isinstance(box, boxes.ReplacedBox)
else serialize(box.children)))
for box in box_list
def unwrap_html_body(box):
Test that the box tree starts with an <html> block and a <body> block
and remove them to simplify further tests. These are always at the root
of HTML documents.
assert box.element.tag == 'html'
assert isinstance(box, boxes.BlockBox)
assert len(box.children) == 1
box = box.children[0]
assert isinstance(box, boxes.BlockBox)
assert box.element.tag == 'body'
return box.children
def to_lists(box_tree):
"""Serialize and unwrap <html> and <body>."""
return serialize(unwrap_html_body(box_tree))
def parse(html_content):
Parse some HTML, apply stylesheets and transform to boxes.
document = Document.from_string(html_content)
return build.dom_to_box(document, document.dom)
def prettify(tree_list):
"""Special formatting for printing serialized box trees."""
def lines(tree, indent=0):
tag, type_, content = tree
if type_ in ('text', 'inline_replaced'):
yield '%s%s %s %r' % (' ' * indent, tag, type_, content)
yield '%s%s %s' % (' ' * indent, tag, type_)
for child in content:
for line in lines(child, indent + 1):
yield line
return '\n'.join(line for tree in tree_list for line in lines(tree))
def assert_tree(box, expected):
Test box tree equality with the prettified obtained result in the message
in case of failure.
box: a Box object, starting with <html> and <body> blocks.
expected: a list of serialized <body> children as returned by to_lists().
result = to_lists(box)
assert result == expected, 'Got\n' + prettify(result)
def test_box_tree():
assert_tree(parse('<p>'), [('p', 'block', [])])
span { display: inline-block }
<p>Hello <em>World <img src="foo.png"><span>Lipsum</span></em>!</p>
'''), [
('p', 'block', [
('p', 'text', 'Hello '),
('em', 'inline', [
('em', 'text', 'World '),
('img', 'inline_replaced', '<replaced>'),
('span', 'inline_block', [
('span', 'text', 'Lipsum')])]),
('p', 'text', '!')])])
def test_inline_in_block():
source = '<div>Hello, <em>World</em>!\n<p>Lipsum.</p></div>'
expected = [
('div', 'block', [
('div', 'anon_block', [
('div', 'line', [
('div', 'text', 'Hello, '),
('em', 'inline', [
('em', 'text', 'World')]),
('div', 'text', '!\n')])]),
('p', 'block', [
('p', 'line', [
('p', 'text', 'Lipsum.')])])])]
box = parse(source)
box = build.inline_in_block(box)
assert_tree(box, expected)
box = parse(source)
# This should be idempotent: doing more than once does not change anything.
box = build.inline_in_block(box)
box = build.inline_in_block(box)
assert_tree(box, expected)
def test_block_in_inline():
box = parse('''
p { display: inline-block; }
span { display: block; }
<p>Lorem <em>ipsum <strong>dolor <span>sit</span>
box = build.inline_in_block(box)
assert_tree(box, [
('body', 'line', [
('p', 'inline_block', [
('p', 'line', [
('p', 'text', 'Lorem '),
('em', 'inline', [
('em', 'text', 'ipsum '),
('strong', 'inline', [
('strong', 'text', 'dolor '),
('span', 'block', [ # This block is "pulled up"
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'sit')])]),
# No whitespace processing here.
('strong', 'text', '\n '),
('span', 'block', [ # This block is "pulled up"
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'amet,')])])]),
('span', 'block', [ # This block is "pulled up"
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'consectetur')])])])])])])])
box = build.block_in_inline(box)
assert_tree(box, [
('body', 'line', [
('p', 'inline_block', [
('p', 'anon_block', [
('p', 'line', [
('p', 'text', 'Lorem '),
('em', 'inline', [
('em', 'text', 'ipsum '),
('strong', 'inline', [
('strong', 'text', 'dolor ')])])])]),
('span', 'block', [
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'sit')])]),
('p', 'anon_block', [
('p', 'line', [
('em', 'inline', [
('strong', 'inline', [
# Whitespace processing not done yet.
('strong', 'text', '\n ')])])])]),
('span', 'block', [
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'amet,')])]),
('p', 'anon_block', [
('p', 'line', [
('em', 'inline', [
('strong', 'inline', [])])])]),
('span', 'block', [
('span', 'line', [
('span', 'text', 'consectetur')])]),
('p', 'anon_block', [
('p', 'line', [
('em', 'inline', [])])])])])])
def test_styles():
box = parse('''
span { display: block; }
* { margin: 42px }
html { color: blue }
<p>Lorem <em>ipsum <strong>dolor <span>sit</span>
box = build.inline_in_block(box)
box = build.block_in_inline(box)
for child in box.descendants():
# All boxes inherit the color
assert child.style.color[0].value == 'blue'
# Only non-anonymous boxes have margins
if isinstance(child, boxes.AnonymousBox):
assert child.style.margin_top[0].value == 0
assert child.style.margin_top[0].value == 42
def test_whitespace():
# TODO: test more cases
# http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#white-space-model
document = Document.from_string('''
<p>Lorem \t\r\n ipsum\t<strong> dolor </strong>.</p>
<pre>\t foo\n</pre>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap">\t foo\n</pre>
<pre style="white-space: pre-line">\t foo\n</pre>
box = build.build_formatting_structure(document)
assert_tree(box, [
('p', 'block', [
('p', 'line', [
('p', 'text', 'Lorem ipsum '),
('strong', 'inline', [
('strong', 'text', 'dolor ')]),
('p', 'text', '.')])]),
('body', 'anon_block', [
('body', 'line', [
('body', 'text', ' ')])]),
('pre', 'block', [
('pre', 'line', [
# pre
('pre', 'text', u'\t\xA0\xA0foo\n')])]),
('body', 'anon_block', [
('body', 'line', [
('body', 'text', ' ')])]),
('pre', 'block', [
('pre', 'line', [
# pre-wrap
('pre', 'text', u'\t\xA0\xA0\u200Bfoo\n')])]),
('body', 'anon_block', [
('body', 'line', [
('body', 'text', ' ')])]),
('pre', 'block', [
('pre', 'line', [
# pre-line
('pre', 'text', u'foo\n')])])])
def test_page_style():
document = Document.from_string('''
@page { margin: 3px }
@page :first { margin-top: 20px }
@page :right { margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px }
@page :left { margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px }
def assert_page_margins(page_number, top, right, bottom, left):
page = boxes.PageBox(
document, boxes.BlockBox(document, document.dom), page_number)
assert page.style.margin_top[0].value == top
assert page.style.margin_right[0].value == right
assert page.style.margin_bottom[0].value == bottom
assert page.style.margin_left[0].value == left
# odd numbers are :right pages, even are :left. 1 has :first as well
assert_page_margins(1, top=20, right=10, bottom=3, left=3)
assert_page_margins(2, top=10, right=3, bottom=3, left=10)
assert_page_margins(3, top=10, right=10, bottom=3, left=3)
assert_page_margins(4, top=10, right=3, bottom=3, left=10)
assert_page_margins(45, top=10, right=10, bottom=3, left=3)
assert_page_margins(122, top=10, right=3, bottom=3, left=10)
def test_containing_block():
"""Test the boxes containing block."""
box = parse('''
body { height: 297mm; width: 210mm }
p { width: 100mm; height: 200mm }
p span { position: absolute }
p em { position: relative }
li { position: fixed }
li span { position: fixed }
Lorem <em>ipsum <strong>dolor <span>sit</span>
<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</li>
<li>Lorem ipsum <spam>dolor sit amet</span></li>
tree = to_lists(box)