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2016-09-26 12:22:52 +02:00

1184 lines
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# coding: utf-8
Interface with Pango to decide where to do line breaks and to draw text.
:copyright: Copyright 2011-2014 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import division
# XXX No unicode_literals, cffi likes native strings
import re
import tempfile
import pyphen
import cffi
import cairocffi as cairo
from .compat import FILESYSTEM_ENCODING, basestring, urlopen
from .logger import LOGGER
ffi = cffi.FFI()
typedef enum {
} PangoStyle;
typedef enum {
} PangoWeight;
typedef enum {
} PangoStretch;
typedef enum {
} PangoWrapMode;
typedef enum {
} PangoTabAlign;
typedef unsigned int guint;
typedef int gint;
typedef gint gboolean;
typedef void* gpointer;
typedef ... cairo_t;
typedef ... PangoLayout;
typedef ... PangoContext;
typedef ... PangoFontMetrics;
typedef ... PangoLanguage;
typedef ... PangoTabArray;
typedef ... PangoFontDescription;
typedef ... PangoLayoutIter;
typedef ... PangoAttrList;
typedef ... PangoAttrClass;
typedef struct {
const PangoAttrClass *klass;
guint start_index;
guint end_index;
} PangoAttribute;
typedef struct {
PangoLayout *layout;
gint start_index;
gint length;
/* ... */
} PangoLayoutLine;
typedef char gchar;
double pango_units_to_double (int i);
int pango_units_from_double (double d);
void g_object_unref (gpointer object);
void g_type_init (void);
PangoLayout * pango_cairo_create_layout (cairo_t *cr);
void pango_layout_set_width (PangoLayout *layout, int width);
void pango_layout_set_attributes(
PangoLayout *layout, PangoAttrList *attrs);
void pango_layout_set_text (
PangoLayout *layout, const char *text, int length);
void pango_layout_set_tabs (
PangoLayout *layout, PangoTabArray *tabs);
void pango_layout_set_font_description (
PangoLayout *layout, const PangoFontDescription *desc);
void pango_layout_set_wrap (
PangoLayout *layout, PangoWrapMode wrap);
PangoFontDescription * pango_font_description_new (void);
void pango_font_description_free (PangoFontDescription *desc);
void pango_font_description_set_family (
PangoFontDescription *desc, const char *family);
void pango_font_description_set_style (
PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoStyle style);
void pango_font_description_set_stretch (
PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoStretch stretch);
void pango_font_description_set_weight (
PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoWeight weight);
void pango_font_description_set_absolute_size (
PangoFontDescription *desc, double size);
PangoAttrList * pango_attr_list_new (void);
void pango_attr_list_unref (PangoAttrList *list);
void pango_attr_list_insert (
PangoAttrList *list, PangoAttribute *attr);
PangoAttribute * pango_attr_font_features_new (
const gchar *features);
PangoAttribute * pango_attr_letter_spacing_new (int letter_spacing);
void pango_attribute_destroy (PangoAttribute *attr);
PangoTabArray * pango_tab_array_new_with_positions (
gint size, gboolean positions_in_pixels, PangoTabAlign first_alignment,
gint first_position, ...);
void pango_tab_array_free (PangoTabArray *tab_array);
PangoLayoutIter * pango_layout_get_iter (PangoLayout *layout);
void pango_layout_iter_free (PangoLayoutIter *iter);
gboolean pango_layout_iter_next_line (PangoLayoutIter *iter);
PangoLayoutLine * pango_layout_iter_get_line_readonly (
PangoLayoutIter *iter);
int pango_layout_iter_get_baseline (PangoLayoutIter *iter);
PangoLanguage * pango_language_from_string (const char *language);
PangoLanguage * pango_language_get_default (void);
void pango_context_set_language (
PangoContext *context, PangoLanguage *language);
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
} PangoRectangle;
void pango_layout_line_get_extents (
PangoLayoutLine *line,
PangoRectangle *ink_rect, PangoRectangle *logical_rect);
PangoContext * pango_layout_get_context (PangoLayout *layout);
void pango_layout_context_changed (PangoLayout *layout);
PangoFontMetrics * pango_context_get_metrics (
PangoContext *context, const PangoFontDescription *desc,
PangoLanguage *language);
void pango_font_metrics_unref (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_ascent (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_descent (PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_underline_thickness
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_underline_position
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_thickness
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
int pango_font_metrics_get_strikethrough_position
(PangoFontMetrics *metrics);
void pango_cairo_update_layout (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayout *layout);
void pango_cairo_show_layout_line (cairo_t *cr, PangoLayoutLine *line);
typedef enum _FcMatchKind {
FcMatchPattern, FcMatchFont, FcMatchScan
} FcMatchKind;
typedef enum _FcResult {
FcResultMatch, FcResultNoMatch, FcResultTypeMismatch, FcResultNoId,
} FcResult;
typedef unsigned char FcChar8;
typedef int FcBool;
typedef struct _FcConfig FcConfig;
typedef struct _FcPattern FcPattern;
FcBool FcConfigAppFontAddFile (FcConfig *config, const FcChar8 *file);
FcPattern * FcPatternCreate (void);
FcConfig * FcConfigGetCurrent (void);
FcBool FcPatternAddString
(FcPattern *p, const char *object, const FcChar8 *s);
FcBool FcConfigSubstitute
(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p, FcMatchKind kind);
void FcDefaultSubstitute (FcPattern *pattern);
FcPattern * FcFontMatch(FcConfig *config, FcPattern *p);
FcBool FcPatternDel(FcPattern *p, const char *object);
void FcPatternPrint(const FcPattern *p);
def dlopen(ffi, *names):
"""Try various names for the same library, for different platforms."""
for name in names:
return ffi.dlopen(name)
except OSError:
# Re-raise the exception.
return ffi.dlopen(names[0]) # pragma: no cover
gobject = dlopen(ffi, 'gobject-2.0', 'libgobject-2.0-0', 'libgobject-2.0.so',
pango = dlopen(ffi, 'pango-1.0', 'libpango-1.0-0', 'libpango-1.0.so',
pangocairo = dlopen(ffi, 'pangocairo-1.0', 'libpangocairo-1.0-0',
'libpangocairo-1.0.so', 'libpangocairo-1.0.dylib')
fontconfig = dlopen(ffi, 'fontconfig', 'libfontconfig',
'libfontconfig.so.1', 'libfontconfig-1.dylib')
units_to_double = pango.pango_units_to_double
units_from_double = pango.pango_units_from_double
'normal': pango.PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL,
'oblique': pango.PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE,
'italic': pango.PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC,
'ultra-condensed': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED,
'extra-condensed': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED,
'condensed': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED,
'semi-condensed': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED,
'normal': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL,
'semi-expanded': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED,
'expanded': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED,
'extra-expanded': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED,
'ultra-expanded': pango.PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED,
# From http://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/languagetags.htm
'aba': 'abq',
'afk': 'afr',
'afr': 'aar',
'agw': 'ahg',
'als': 'gsw',
'alt': 'atv',
'ari': 'aiw',
'ark': 'mhv',
'ath': 'apk',
'avr': 'ava',
'bad': 'bfq',
'bad0': 'bad',
'bag': 'bfy',
'bal': 'krc',
'bau': 'bci',
'bch': 'bcq',
'bgr': 'bul',
'bil': 'byn',
'bkf': 'bla',
'bli': 'bal',
'bln': 'bjt',
'blt': 'bft',
'bmb': 'bam',
'bri': 'bra',
'brm': 'mya',
'bsh': 'bak',
'bti': 'btb',
'chg': 'sgw',
'chh': 'hne',
'chi': 'nya',
'chk': 'ckt',
'chk0': 'chk',
'chu': 'chv',
'chy': 'chy',
'cmr': 'swb',
'crr': 'crx',
'crt': 'crh',
'csl': 'chu',
'csy': 'ces',
'dcr': 'cwd',
'dgr': 'doi',
'djr': 'dje',
'djr0': 'djr',
'dng': 'ada',
'dnk': 'din',
'dri': 'prs',
'dun': 'dng',
'dzn': 'dzo',
'ebi': 'igb',
'ecr': 'crj',
'edo': 'bin',
'erz': 'myv',
'esp': 'spa',
'eti': 'est',
'euq': 'eus',
'evk': 'evn',
'evn': 'eve',
'fan': 'acf',
'fan0': 'fan',
'far': 'fas',
'fji': 'fij',
'fle': 'vls',
'fne': 'enf',
'fos': 'fao',
'fri': 'fry',
'frl': 'fur',
'frp': 'frp',
'fta': 'fuf',
'gad': 'gaa',
'gae': 'gla',
'gal': 'glg',
'gaw': 'gbm',
'gil': 'niv',
'gil0': 'gil',
'gmz': 'guk',
'grn': 'kal',
'gro': 'grt',
'gua': 'grn',
'hai': 'hat',
'hal': 'flm',
'har': 'hoj',
'hbn': 'amf',
'hma': 'mrj',
'hnd': 'hno',
'ho': 'hoc',
'hri': 'har',
'hye0': 'hye',
'ijo': 'ijc',
'ing': 'inh',
'inu': 'iku',
'iri': 'gle',
'irt': 'gle',
'ism': 'smn',
'iwr': 'heb',
'jan': 'jpn',
'jii': 'yid',
'jud': 'lad',
'jul': 'dyu',
'kab': 'kbd',
'kab0': 'kab',
'kac': 'kfr',
'kal': 'kln',
'kar': 'krc',
'keb': 'ktb',
'kge': 'kat',
'kha': 'kjh',
'khk': 'kca',
'khs': 'kca',
'khv': 'kca',
'kis': 'kqs',
'kkn': 'kex',
'klm': 'xal',
'kmb': 'kam',
'kmn': 'kfy',
'kmo': 'kmw',
'kms': 'kxc',
'knr': 'kau',
'kod': 'kfa',
'koh': 'okm',
'kon': 'ktu',
'kon0': 'kon',
'kop': 'koi',
'koz': 'kpv',
'kpl': 'kpe',
'krk': 'kaa',
'krm': 'kdr',
'krn': 'kar',
'krt': 'kqy',
'ksh': 'kas',
'ksh0': 'ksh',
'ksi': 'kha',
'ksm': 'sjd',
'kui': 'kxu',
'kul': 'kfx',
'kuu': 'kru',
'kuy': 'kdt',
'kyk': 'kpy',
'lad': 'lld',
'lah': 'bfu',
'lak': 'lbe',
'lam': 'lmn',
'laz': 'lzz',
'lcr': 'crm',
'ldk': 'lbj',
'lma': 'mhr',
'lmb': 'lif',
'lmw': 'ngl',
'lsb': 'dsb',
'lsm': 'smj',
'lth': 'lit',
'luh': 'luy',
'lvi': 'lav',
'maj': 'mpe',
'mak': 'vmw',
'man': 'mns',
'map': 'arn',
'maw': 'mwr',
'mbn': 'kmb',
'mch': 'mnc',
'mcr': 'crm',
'mde': 'men',
'men': 'mym',
'miz': 'lus',
'mkr': 'mak',
'mle': 'mdy',
'mln': 'mlq',
'mlr': 'mal',
'mly': 'msa',
'mnd': 'mnk',
'mng': 'mon',
'mnk': 'man',
'mnx': 'glv',
'mok': 'mdf',
'mon': 'mnw',
'mth': 'mai',
'mts': 'mlt',
'mun': 'unr',
'nan': 'gld',
'nas': 'nsk',
'ncr': 'csw',
'ndg': 'ndo',
'nhc': 'csw',
'nis': 'dap',
'nkl': 'nyn',
'nko': 'nqo',
'nor': 'nob',
'nsm': 'sme',
'nta': 'nod',
'nto': 'epo',
'nyn': 'nno',
'ocr': 'ojs',
'ojb': 'oji',
'oro': 'orm',
'paa': 'sam',
'pal': 'pli',
'pap': 'plp',
'pap0': 'pap',
'pas': 'pus',
'pgr': 'ell',
'pil': 'fil',
'plg': 'pce',
'plk': 'pol',
'ptg': 'por',
'qin': 'bgr',
'rbu': 'bxr',
'rcr': 'atj',
'rms': 'roh',
'rom': 'ron',
'roy': 'rom',
'rsy': 'rue',
'rua': 'kin',
'sad': 'sck',
'say': 'chp',
'sek': 'xan',
'sel': 'sel',
'sgo': 'sag',
'sgs': 'sgs',
'sib': 'sjo',
'sig': 'xst',
'sks': 'sms',
'sky': 'slk',
'sla': 'scs',
'sml': 'som',
'sna': 'seh',
'sna0': 'sna',
'snh': 'sin',
'sog': 'gru',
'srb': 'srp',
'ssl': 'xsl',
'ssm': 'sma',
'sur': 'suq',
'sve': 'swe',
'swa': 'aii',
'swk': 'swa',
'swz': 'ssw',
'sxt': 'ngo',
'taj': 'tgk',
'tcr': 'cwd',
'tgn': 'ton',
'tgr': 'tig',
'tgy': 'tir',
'tht': 'tah',
'tib': 'bod',
'tkm': 'tuk',
'tmn': 'tem',
'tna': 'tsn',
'tne': 'enh',
'tng': 'toi',
'tod': 'xal',
'tod0': 'tod',
'trk': 'tur',
'tsg': 'tso',
'tua': 'tru',
'tul': 'tcy',
'tuv': 'tyv',
'twi': 'aka',
'usb': 'hsb',
'uyg': 'uig',
'vit': 'vie',
'vro': 'vro',
'wa': 'wbm',
'wag': 'wbr',
'wcr': 'crk',
'wel': 'cym',
'wlf': 'wol',
'xbd': 'khb',
'xhs': 'xho',
'yak': 'sah',
'yba': 'yor',
'ycr': 'cre',
'yim': 'iii',
'zhh': 'zho',
'zhp': 'zho',
'zhs': 'zho',
'zht': 'zho',
'znd': 'zne',
def utf8_slice(string, slice_):
return string.encode('utf-8')[slice_].decode('utf-8')
def unicode_to_char_p(string):
"""Return ``(pointer, bytestring)``.
The byte string must live at least as long as the pointer is used.
bytestring = string.encode('utf8').replace(b'\x00', b'')
return ffi.new('char[]', bytestring), bytestring
def get_size(line, style):
logical_extents = ffi.new('PangoRectangle *')
pango.pango_layout_line_get_extents(line, ffi.NULL, logical_extents)
width, height = (units_to_double(logical_extents.width),
if style.letter_spacing != 'normal':
width += style.letter_spacing
return width, height
def get_ink_position(line):
ink_extents = ffi.new('PangoRectangle *')
pango.pango_layout_line_get_extents(line, ink_extents, ffi.NULL)
return (units_to_double(ink_extents.x), units_to_double(ink_extents.y))
def first_line_metrics(first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse,
style, hyphenated=False, hyphenation_character=None):
length = first_line.length
if hyphenated:
length -= len(hyphenation_character.encode('utf8'))
elif resume_at:
# Create layout with final text
first_line_text = utf8_slice(text, slice(length))
# Remove trailing spaces if spaces collapse
if space_collapse:
first_line_text = first_line_text.rstrip(u' ')
# Remove soft hyphens
layout.set_text(first_line_text.replace(u'\u00ad', u''))
first_line = next(layout.iter_lines(), None)
length = first_line.length if first_line is not None else 0
soft_hyphens = 0
if u'\u00ad' in first_line_text:
for i in range(len(layout.text_bytes.decode('utf8'))):
while i + soft_hyphens + 1 < len(first_line_text):
if first_line_text[i + soft_hyphens + 1] == u'\u00ad':
soft_hyphens += 1
length += soft_hyphens * 2 # len(u'\u00ad'.encode('utf8'))
width, height = get_size(first_line, style)
baseline = units_to_double(pango.pango_layout_iter_get_baseline(ffi.gc(
return layout, length, resume_at, width, height, baseline
class Layout(object):
"""Object holding PangoLayout-related cdata pointers."""
def __init__(self, hinting, font_size, style):
self.dummy_context = (
cairo.Context(cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 1))
if hinting else
cairo.Context(cairo.PDFSurface(None, 1, 1)))
self.layout = ffi.gc(
'cairo_t *', self.dummy_context._pointer)),
self.font = font = ffi.gc(
if style.font_language_override != 'normal':
lang_p, lang = unicode_to_char_p(LST_TO_ISO.get(
elif style.lang:
lang_p, lang = unicode_to_char_p(style.lang)
lang = None
self.language = pango.pango_language_get_default()
if lang:
self.language = pango.pango_language_from_string(lang_p)
context = pango.pango_layout_get_context(self.layout)
pango.pango_context_set_language(context, self.language)
assert not isinstance(style.font_family, basestring), (
'font_family should be a list')
family_p, family = unicode_to_char_p(','.join(style.font_family))
pango.pango_font_description_set_family(font, family_p)
font, PANGO_STYLE[style.font_style])
font, PANGO_STRETCH[style.font_stretch])
pango.pango_font_description_set_weight(font, style.font_weight)
font, units_from_double(font_size))
pango.pango_layout_set_font_description(self.layout, font)
def iter_lines(self):
layout_iter = ffi.gc(
while 1:
yield pango.pango_layout_iter_get_line_readonly(layout_iter)
if not pango.pango_layout_iter_next_line(layout_iter):
def set_text(self, text):
text, bytestring = unicode_to_char_p(text)
self.text = text
self.text_bytes = bytestring
pango.pango_layout_set_text(self.layout, text, -1)
def get_font_metrics(self):
context = pango.pango_layout_get_context(self.layout)
return FontMetrics(context, self.font, self.language)
def set_wrap(self, wrap_mode):
pango.pango_layout_set_wrap(self.layout, wrap_mode)
def set_tabs(self, style):
if isinstance(style.tab_size, int):
layout = Layout(
hinting=False, font_size=style.font_size,
layout.set_text(' ' * style.tab_size)
line, = layout.iter_lines()
width, _ = get_size(line, style)
width = int(round(width))
width = style.tab_size.value
# TODO: 0 is not handled correctly by Pango
array = ffi.gc(
1, True, pango.PANGO_TAB_LEFT, width or 1),
pango.pango_layout_set_tabs(self.layout, array)
class FontMetrics(object):
def __init__(self, context, font, language):
self.metrics = ffi.gc(
pango.pango_context_get_metrics(context, font, language),
def __dir__(self):
return ['ascent', 'descent',
'approximate_char_width', 'approximate_digit_width',
'underline_thickness', 'underline_position',
'strikethrough_thickness', 'strikethrough_position']
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in dir(self):
return units_to_double(
getattr(pango, 'pango_font_metrics_get_' + key)(self.metrics))
def get_font_features_from_style(style):
"""Get the font features from the different properties in style.
See https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#feature-precedence
features = {}
ligature_keys = {
'common-ligatures': ['liga', 'clig'],
'historical-ligatures': ['hlig'],
'discretionary-ligatures': ['dlig'],
'contextual': ['calt']}
caps_keys = {
'small-caps': ['smcp'],
'all-small-caps': ['c2sc', 'smcp'],
'petite-caps': ['pcap'],
'all-petite-caps': ['c2pc', 'pcap'],
'unicase': ['unic'],
'titling-caps': ['titl']}
numeric_keys = {
'lining-nums': 'lnum',
'oldstyle-nums': 'onum',
'proportional-nums': 'pnum',
'tabular-nums': 'tnum',
'diagonal-fractions': 'frac',
'stacked-fractions': 'afrc',
'ordinal': 'ordn',
'slashed-zero': 'zero'}
east_asian_keys = {
'jis78': 'jp78',
'jis83': 'jp83',
'jis90': 'jp90',
'jis04': 'jp04',
'simplified': 'smpl',
'traditional': 'trad',
'full-width': 'fwid',
'proportional-width': 'pwid',
'ruby': 'ruby'}
# Step 1 is getting the default, we rely on Pango for this
# Steps 2 and 3 are related to the unsupported @font-face rule
# Step 4: font-variant and OpenType features
if style.font_kerning != 'auto':
features['kern'] = int(style.font_kerning == 'normal')
if style.font_variant_ligatures == 'none':
for keys in ligature_keys.values():
for key in keys:
features[key] = 0
elif style.font_variant_ligatures != 'normal':
for ligature_type in style.font_variant_ligatures:
value = 1
if ligature_type.startswith('no-'):
value = 0
ligature_type = ligature_type[3:]
for key in ligature_keys[ligature_type]:
features[key] = value
if style.font_variant_position == 'sub':
# TODO: the specification asks for additional checks
# https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#font-variant-position-prop
features['subs'] = 1
elif style.font_variant_position == 'super':
features['sups'] = 1
if style.font_variant_caps != 'normal':
# TODO: the specification asks for additional checks
# https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#font-variant-caps-prop
for key in caps_keys[style.font_variant_caps]:
features[key] = 1
if style.font_variant_numeric != 'normal':
for key in style.font_variant_numeric:
features[numeric_keys[key]] = 1
if style.font_variant_alternates != 'normal':
# TODO: support other values
# See https://www.w3.org/TR/css-fonts-3/#font-variant-caps-prop
if style.font_variant_alternates == 'historical-forms':
features['hist'] = 1
if style.font_variant_east_asian != 'normal':
for key in style.font_variant_east_asian:
features[east_asian_keys[key]] = 1
# Step 5 is alread handled by Pango
# Step 6: font-feature-settings
if style.font_feature_settings:
return features
def create_layout(text, style, hinting, max_width):
"""Return an opaque Pango layout with default Pango line-breaks.
:param text: Unicode
:param style: a :class:`StyleDict` of computed values
:param hinting: whether to enable text hinting or not
:param max_width:
The maximum available width in the same unit as ``style.font_size``,
or ``None`` for unlimited width.
layout = Layout(hinting, style.font_size, style)
# Make sure that max_width * Pango.SCALE == max_width * 1024 fits in a
# signed integer. Treat bigger values same as None: unconstrained width.
if max_width is not None and max_width < 2 ** 21:
layout.layout, units_from_double(max_width))
text_bytes = layout.text_bytes
# Word and letter spacings
word_spacing = style.word_spacing
letter_spacing = style.letter_spacing
if letter_spacing == 'normal':
letter_spacing = 0
if text and (word_spacing != 0 or letter_spacing != 0):
letter_spacing = units_from_double(letter_spacing)
space_spacing = units_from_double(word_spacing) + letter_spacing
attr_list = pango.pango_attr_list_new()
def add_attr(start, end, spacing):
attr = pango.pango_attr_letter_spacing_new(spacing)
attr.start_index = start
attr.end_index = end
pango.pango_attr_list_insert(attr_list, attr)
add_attr(0, len(text_bytes) + 1, letter_spacing)
position = text_bytes.find(b' ')
while position != -1:
add_attr(position, position + 1, space_spacing)
position = text_bytes.find(b' ', position + 1)
pango.pango_layout_set_attributes(layout.layout, attr_list)
features = get_font_features_from_style(style)
if features:
features = ','.join(
('%s %i' % (key, value)) for key, value in features.items())
attr = pango.pango_attr_font_features_new(features.encode('ascii'))
except AttributeError:
'OpenType features are not available with Pango < 1.38')
attr_list = pango.pango_attr_list_new()
pango.pango_attr_list_insert(attr_list, attr)
pango.pango_layout_set_attributes(layout.layout, attr_list)
# Tabs width
if style.tab_size != 8: # Default Pango value is 8
return layout
def split_first_line(text, style, hinting, max_width, line_width):
"""Fit as much as possible in the available width for one line of text.
Return ``(layout, length, resume_at, width, height, baseline)``.
``layout``: a pango Layout with the first line
``length``: length in UTF-8 bytes of the first line
``resume_at``: The number of UTF-8 bytes to skip for the next line.
May be ``None`` if the whole text fits in one line.
This may be greater than ``length`` in case of preserved
newline characters.
``width``: width in pixels of the first line
``height``: height in pixels of the first line
``baseline``: baseline in pixels of the first line
text_wrap = style.white_space in ('pre', 'nowrap')
space_collapse = style.white_space in ('normal', 'nowrap', 'pre-line')
if text_wrap:
max_width = None
elif max_width is not None:
# In some cases (shrink-to-fit result being the preferred width)
# this value is coming from Pango itself,
# but floating point errors have accumulated:
# width2 = (width + X) - X # in some cases, width2 < width
# Increase the value a bit to compensate and not introduce
# an unexpected line break. The 1e-9 value comes from PEP 485.
max_width *= 1 + 1e-9
# Step #1: Get a draft layout with the first line
layout = None
if max_width:
expected_length = int(max_width / style.font_size * 2.5)
if expected_length < len(text):
# Try to use a small amount of text instead of the whole text
layout = create_layout(
text[:expected_length], style, hinting, max_width)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
if second_line is None:
# The small amount of text fits in one line, give up and use
# the whole text
layout = None
if layout is None:
layout = create_layout(text, style, hinting, max_width)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
resume_at = None if second_line is None else second_line.start_index
# Step #2: Don't hyphenize when it's not needed
if max_width is None:
# The first line can take all the place needed
return first_line_metrics(
first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse, style)
first_line_width, _ = get_size(first_line, style)
if second_line is None and first_line_width <= max_width:
# The first line fits in the available width
return first_line_metrics(
first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse, style)
# Step #3: Try to put the first word of the second line on the first line
if first_line_width <= max_width:
# The first line may have been cut too early by Pango
second_line_index = second_line.start_index
first_line_text = utf8_slice(text, slice(second_line_index))
second_line_text = utf8_slice(text, slice(second_line_index, None))
# The first word is longer than the line, try to hyphenize it
first_line_text = ''
second_line_text = text
next_word = second_line_text.split(' ', 1)[0]
if next_word:
if space_collapse:
# next_word might fit without a space afterwards
# only try when space collapsing is allowed
new_first_line_text = first_line_text + next_word
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
first_line_width, _ = get_size(first_line, style)
if second_line is None and first_line_width <= max_width:
# The next word fits in the first line, keep the layout
resume_at = len(new_first_line_text.encode('utf-8')) + 1
if resume_at == len(text.encode('utf-8')):
resume_at = None
return first_line_metrics(
first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse, style)
elif first_line_text:
# We found something on the first line but we did not find a word on
# the next line, no need to hyphenate, we can keep the current layout
return first_line_metrics(
first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse, style)
# Step #4: Try to hyphenize
hyphens = style.hyphens
lang = style.lang and pyphen.language_fallback(style.lang)
total, left, right = style.hyphenate_limit_chars
hyphenated = False
soft_hyphen = u'\u00ad'
# Automatic hyphenation possible and next word is long enough
if hyphens != 'none' and len(next_word) >= total:
first_line_width, _ = get_size(first_line, style)
space = max_width - first_line_width
if style.hyphenate_limit_zone.unit == '%':
limit_zone = max_width * style.hyphenate_limit_zone.value / 100.
limit_zone = style.hyphenate_limit_zone.value
if space > limit_zone or space < 0:
# Manual hyphenation: check that the line ends with a soft hyphen
# and add the missing hyphen
if hyphens == 'manual':
if first_line_text.endswith(soft_hyphen):
# The first line has been split on a soft hyphen
if u' ' in first_line_text:
first_line_text, next_word = (
first_line_text.rsplit(u' ', 1))
next_word = u' ' + next_word
layout = create_layout(
first_line_text, style, hinting, max_width)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
resume_at = len(
(first_line_text + u' ').encode('utf8'))
first_line_text, next_word = u'', first_line_text
soft_hyphen_indexes = [
match.start() for match in
re.finditer(soft_hyphen, next_word)]
dictionary_iterations = [
next_word[:i + 1] for i in soft_hyphen_indexes]
elif hyphens == 'auto' and lang:
# The next word does not fit, try hyphenation
dictionary_key = (lang, left, right, total)
dictionary = PYPHEN_DICTIONARY_CACHE.get(dictionary_key)
if dictionary is None:
dictionary = pyphen.Pyphen(
lang=lang, left=left, right=right)
PYPHEN_DICTIONARY_CACHE[dictionary_key] = dictionary
dictionary_iterations = [
start for start, end in dictionary.iterate(next_word)]
dictionary_iterations = []
if dictionary_iterations:
for first_word_part in dictionary_iterations:
new_first_line_text = first_line_text + first_word_part
hyphenated_first_line_text = (
new_first_line_text + style.hyphenate_character)
new_layout = create_layout(
hyphenated_first_line_text, style, hinting, max_width)
new_lines = new_layout.iter_lines()
new_first_line = next(new_lines, None)
new_second_line = next(new_lines, None)
new_first_line_width, _ = get_size(new_first_line, style)
new_space = max_width - new_first_line_width
if new_second_line is None and (
new_space >= 0 or
first_word_part == dictionary_iterations[-1]):
hyphenated = True
layout = new_layout
first_line = new_first_line
second_line = new_second_line
resume_at = len(new_first_line_text.encode('utf8'))
if text[len(new_first_line_text)] == soft_hyphen:
resume_at += len(soft_hyphen.encode('utf8'))
if not hyphenated and not first_line_text:
# Recreate the layout with no max_width to be sure that
# we don't break inside the hyphenate-character string
hyphenated = True
layout = create_layout(
hyphenated_first_line_text, style, hinting, None)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
resume_at = len(new_first_line_text.encode('utf8'))
if text[len(first_line_text)] == soft_hyphen:
resume_at += len(soft_hyphen.encode('utf8'))
if not hyphenated and first_line_text.endswith(soft_hyphen):
# Recreate the layout with no max_width to be sure that
# we don't break inside the hyphenate-character string
hyphenated = True
hyphenated_first_line_text = (
first_line_text + style.hyphenate_character)
layout = create_layout(
hyphenated_first_line_text, style, hinting, None)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
second_line = next(lines, None)
resume_at = len(first_line_text.encode('utf8'))
# Step 5: Try to break word if it's too long for the line
overflow_wrap = style.overflow_wrap
first_line_width, _ = get_size(first_line, style)
space = max_width - first_line_width
# If we can break words and the first line is too long
if overflow_wrap == 'break-word' and space < 0:
# Is it really OK to remove hyphenation for word-break ?
hyphenated = False
# TODO: Modify code to preserve W3C condition:
# "Shaping characters are still shaped as if the word were not broken"
# The way new lines are processed in this function (one by one with no
# memory of the last) prevents shaping characters (arabic, for
# instance) from keeping their shape when wrapped on the next line with
# pango layout. Maybe insert Unicode shaping characters in text ?
temp_layout = create_layout(text, style, hinting, max_width)
temp_lines = temp_layout.iter_lines()
next(temp_lines, None)
temp_second_line = next(temp_lines, None)
temp_second_line_index = (
len(text.encode('utf-8')) if temp_second_line is None
else temp_second_line.start_index)
resume_at = temp_second_line_index
first_line_text = utf8_slice(text, slice(temp_second_line_index))
layout = create_layout(first_line_text, style, hinting, max_width)
lines = layout.iter_lines()
first_line = next(lines, None)
return first_line_metrics(
first_line, text, layout, resume_at, space_collapse, style, hyphenated,
def line_widths(text, style, enable_hinting, width):
"""Return the width for each line."""
layout = create_layout(text, style, enable_hinting, width)
for line in layout.iter_lines():
width, _height = get_size(line, style)
yield width
def show_first_line(context, pango_layout, hinting):
"""Draw the given ``line`` to the Cairo ``context``."""
context = ffi.cast('cairo_t *', context._pointer)
if hinting:
pangocairo.pango_cairo_update_layout(context, pango_layout.layout)
# Set an infinite width as we don't want to break lines when drawing, the
# lines have already been split and the size may differ for example because
# of hinting.
pango.pango_layout_set_width(pango_layout.layout, -1)
context, next(pango_layout.iter_lines()))
def add_font_face(rule_descriptors):
"""Add a font into the Fontconfig application."""
if not fontconfig:
LOGGER.warning('@font-face is currently supported only on Linux')
config = fontconfig.FcConfigGetCurrent()
for font in rule_descriptors['src']:
if font[0] == 'external':
_, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
with open(filename, 'wb') as fd:
filename = font[1]
filename = filename.encode(FILESYSTEM_ENCODING)
font_added = fontconfig.FcConfigAppFontAddFile(config, filename)
if font_added:
# TODO: Change the real font features into the wanted description
pattern = fontconfig.FcPatternCreate()
fontconfig.FcPatternAddString(pattern, b'file', filename)
config, pattern, fontconfig.FcMatchFont)
new_pattern = fontconfig.FcFontMatch(config, pattern)
fontconfig.FcPatternDel(new_pattern, b'family')
fontconfig.FcPatternDel(new_pattern, b'familylang')
fontconfig.FcPatternDel(new_pattern, b'fullname')
fontconfig.FcPatternDel(new_pattern, b'fullnamelang')
fontconfig.FcPatternDel(new_pattern, b'postscriptname')
new_pattern, b'family',
# fontconfig.FcPatternPrint(new_pattern)
# TODO: we should mask the local fonts with the same name too
return filename
'Font-face "%s" cannot be loaded' % rule_descriptors['font_family'])