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2020-04-06 12:09:01 +03:00
* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh <>
2020-04-06 12:09:01 +03:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
2020-04-06 12:09:01 +03:00
#pragma once
#include <AK/RefCounted.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <LibGfx/AffineTransform.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibGfx/Forward.h>
#include <LibGfx/Painter.h>
#include <LibGfx/Path.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Wrappable.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/CanvasGradient.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/InlineNode.h>
#include <LibWeb/Layout/LineBox.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
// NOTE: This is the Variant created by the IDL wrapper generator, and needs to be updated accordingly.
using CanvasImageSource = Variant<NonnullRefPtr<HTMLImageElement>, NonnullRefPtr<HTMLCanvasElement>>;
class CanvasRenderingContext2D
: public RefCounted<CanvasRenderingContext2D>
, public Bindings::Wrappable {
using WrapperType = Bindings::CanvasRenderingContext2DWrapper;
static NonnullRefPtr<CanvasRenderingContext2D> create(HTMLCanvasElement& element) { return adopt_ref(*new CanvasRenderingContext2D(element)); }
void set_fill_style(String);
String fill_style() const;
void set_stroke_style(String);
String stroke_style() const;
void fill_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
void stroke_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
void clear_rect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float destination_x, float destination_y);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_width, float destination_height);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> draw_image(CanvasImageSource const&, float source_x, float source_y, float source_width, float source_height, float destination_x, float destination_y, float destination_width, float destination_height);
void scale(float sx, float sy);
void translate(float x, float y);
void rotate(float degrees);
void set_line_width(float line_width) { m_drawing_state.line_width = line_width; }
float line_width() const { return m_drawing_state.line_width; }
void begin_path();
void close_path();
void move_to(float x, float y);
void line_to(float x, float y);
void quadratic_curve_to(float cx, float cy, float x, float y);
void bezier_curve_to(double cp1x, double cp1y, double cp2x, double cp2y, double x, double y);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> arc(float x, float y, float radius, float start_angle, float end_angle, bool counter_clockwise);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> ellipse(float x, float y, float radius_x, float radius_y, float rotation, float start_angle, float end_angle, bool counter_clockwise);
void rect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
void stroke();
void fill_text(const String&, float x, float y, Optional<double> max_width);
void stroke_text(String const&, float x, float y, Optional<double> max_width);
// FIXME: We should only have one fill(), really. Fix the wrapper generator!
void fill(Gfx::Painter::WindingRule);
void fill(const String& fill_rule);
RefPtr<ImageData> create_image_data(int width, int height) const;
DOM::ExceptionOr<RefPtr<ImageData>> get_image_data(int x, int y, int width, int height) const;
void put_image_data(const ImageData&, float x, float y);
void save();
void restore();
void reset();
bool is_context_lost();
void reset_to_default_state();
HTMLCanvasElement* canvas() { return m_element; }
RefPtr<TextMetrics> measure_text(String const& text);
NonnullRefPtr<CanvasGradient> create_radial_gradient(double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1);
NonnullRefPtr<CanvasGradient> create_linear_gradient(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
NonnullRefPtr<CanvasGradient> create_conic_gradient(double start_angle, double x, double y);
explicit CanvasRenderingContext2D(HTMLCanvasElement&);
struct PreparedTextGlyph {
unsigned int c;
Gfx::IntPoint position;
struct PreparedText {
Vector<PreparedTextGlyph> glyphs;
Gfx::TextAlignment physical_alignment;
Gfx::IntRect bounding_box;
void did_draw(const Gfx::FloatRect&);
PreparedText prepare_text(String const& text, float max_width = INFINITY);
OwnPtr<Gfx::Painter> painter();
WeakPtr<HTMLCanvasElement> m_element;
struct DrawingState {
Gfx::AffineTransform transform;
Gfx::Color fill_style { Gfx::Color::Black };
Gfx::Color stroke_style { Gfx::Color::Black };
float line_width { 1 };
DrawingState m_drawing_state;
Vector<DrawingState> m_drawing_state_stack;
bool m_origin_clean { true };
bool m_context_lost { false };
Gfx::Path m_path;
enum class CanvasImageSourceUsability {
DOM::ExceptionOr<CanvasImageSourceUsability> check_usability_of_image(CanvasImageSource const&);
bool image_is_not_origin_clean(CanvasImageSource const&);