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* Copyright (c) 2020, Itamar S. <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2021, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2022, Jesse Buhagiar <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/ByteBuffer.h>
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/HashTable.h>
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtrVector.h>
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibC/bits/pthread_integration.h>
#include <LibC/link.h>
#include <LibC/sys/mman.h>
#include <LibC/unistd.h>
#include <LibELF/AuxiliaryVector.h>
#include <LibELF/DynamicLinker.h>
#include <LibELF/DynamicLoader.h>
#include <LibELF/DynamicObject.h>
#include <LibELF/Hashes.h>
#include <bits/dlfcn_integration.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <syscall.h>
namespace ELF {
static HashMap<String, NonnullRefPtr<ELF::DynamicLoader>> s_loaders;
static String s_main_program_name;
static OrderedHashMap<String, NonnullRefPtr<ELF::DynamicObject>> s_global_objects;
using EntryPointFunction = int (*)(int, char**, char**);
using LibCExitFunction = void (*)(int);
using DlIteratePhdrCallbackFunction = int (*)(struct dl_phdr_info*, size_t, void*);
using DlIteratePhdrFunction = int (*)(DlIteratePhdrCallbackFunction, void*);
extern "C" [[noreturn]] void _invoke_entry(int argc, char** argv, char** envp, EntryPointFunction entry);
static size_t s_current_tls_offset = 0;
static size_t s_total_tls_size = 0;
static size_t s_allocated_tls_block_size = 0;
static char** s_envp = nullptr;
static LibCExitFunction s_libc_exit = nullptr;
static __pthread_mutex_t s_loader_lock = __PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static bool s_allowed_to_check_environment_variables { false };
static bool s_do_breakpoint_trap_before_entry { false };
static StringView s_ld_library_path;
static StringView s_main_program_pledge_promises;
static String s_loader_pledge_promises;
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> __dlclose(void* handle);
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Result<void*, DlErrorMessage> __dlopen(char const* filename, int flags);
static Result<void*, DlErrorMessage> __dlsym(void* handle, char const* symbol_name);
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> __dladdr(void* addr, Dl_info* info);
Optional<DynamicObject::SymbolLookupResult> DynamicLinker::lookup_global_symbol(StringView name)
Optional<DynamicObject::SymbolLookupResult> weak_result;
auto symbol = DynamicObject::HashSymbol { name };
for (auto& lib : s_global_objects) {
auto res = lib.value->lookup_symbol(symbol);
if (!res.has_value())
if (res.value().bind == STB_GLOBAL)
return res;
if (res.value().bind == STB_WEAK && !weak_result.has_value())
weak_result = res;
// We don't want to allow local symbols to be pulled in to other modules
return weak_result;
static String get_library_name(String path)
return LexicalPath::basename(move(path));
static Result<NonnullRefPtr<DynamicLoader>, DlErrorMessage> map_library(String const& filename, int fd, String const& filepath)
auto result = ELF::DynamicLoader::try_create(fd, filename, filepath);
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
auto& loader = result.value();
s_loaders.set(get_library_name(filename), *loader);
s_current_tls_offset -= loader->tls_size_of_current_object();
if (loader->tls_alignment_of_current_object())
s_current_tls_offset = align_down_to(s_current_tls_offset, loader->tls_alignment_of_current_object());
// This actually maps the library at the intended and final place.
auto main_library_object = loader->map();
s_global_objects.set(get_library_name(filename), *main_library_object);
return loader;
static Optional<String> resolve_library(String const& name, DynamicObject const& parent_object)
Vector<StringView> search_paths;
// Search RPATH values indicated by the ELF (only if RUNPATH is not present).
if (parent_object.runpath().is_empty())
// Scan the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable if applicable.
// Search RUNPATH values indicated by the ELF.
// Last are the default search paths.
for (auto const& search_path : search_paths) {
LexicalPath library_path(search_path.replace("$ORIGIN"sv, LexicalPath::dirname(parent_object.filepath()), ReplaceMode::FirstOnly));
String library_name = library_path.append(name).string();
if (access(library_name.characters(), F_OK) == 0)
return library_name;
return {};
static Result<NonnullRefPtr<DynamicLoader>, DlErrorMessage> map_library(String const& name, DynamicObject const& parent_object)
if (name.contains("/"sv)) {
int fd = open(name.characters(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return DlErrorMessage { String::formatted("Could not open shared library: {}", name) };
return map_library(name, fd, name);
auto resolved_library_name = resolve_library(name, parent_object);
if (!resolved_library_name.has_value())
return DlErrorMessage { String::formatted("Could not find required shared library: {}", name) };
int fd = open(resolved_library_name.value().characters(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return DlErrorMessage { String::formatted("Could not open resolved shared library '{}': {}", resolved_library_name.value(), strerror(errno)) };
return map_library(name, fd, resolved_library_name.value());
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Vector<String> get_dependencies(String const& name)
auto lib = s_loaders.get(name).value();
Vector<String> dependencies;
lib->for_each_needed_library([&dependencies, &name](auto needed_name) {
if (name == needed_name)
return dependencies;
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> map_dependencies(String const& name)
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "mapping dependencies for: {}", name);
auto const& parent_object = (*s_loaders.get(name))->dynamic_object();
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
for (auto const& needed_name : get_dependencies(name)) {
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "needed library: {}", needed_name.characters());
String library_name = get_library_name(needed_name);
if (!s_loaders.contains(library_name) && !s_global_objects.contains(library_name)) {
auto result1 = map_library(needed_name, parent_object);
if (result1.is_error()) {
return result1.error();
auto result2 = map_dependencies(library_name);
if (result2.is_error()) {
return result2.error();
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "mapped dependencies for {}", name);
return {};
static void allocate_tls()
s_total_tls_size = 0;
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
for (auto const& data : s_loaders) {
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "{}: TLS Size: {}, TLS Alignment: {}", data.key, data.value->tls_size_of_current_object(), data.value->tls_alignment_of_current_object());
s_total_tls_size += data.value->tls_size_of_current_object() + data.value->tls_alignment_of_current_object();
if (!s_total_tls_size)
auto page_aligned_size = align_up_to(s_total_tls_size, PAGE_SIZE);
auto initial_tls_data_result = ByteBuffer::create_zeroed(page_aligned_size);
if (initial_tls_data_result.is_error()) {
dbgln("Failed to allocate initial TLS data");
auto& initial_tls_data = initial_tls_data_result.value();
// Initialize TLS data
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
for (auto const& entry : s_loaders) {
void* master_tls = ::allocate_tls((char*), initial_tls_data.size());
VERIFY(master_tls != (void*)-1);
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "from userspace, master_tls: {:p}", master_tls);
s_allocated_tls_block_size = initial_tls_data.size();
static int __dl_iterate_phdr(DlIteratePhdrCallbackFunction callback, void* data)
ScopeGuard unlock_guard = [] { pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_loader_lock); };
for (auto& it : s_global_objects) {
auto& object = it.value;
auto info = dl_phdr_info {
.dlpi_addr = (ElfW(Addr))object->base_address().as_ptr(),
.dlpi_name = object->filepath().characters(),
.dlpi_phdr = object->program_headers(),
.dlpi_phnum = object->program_header_count()
auto res = callback(&info, sizeof(info), data);
if (res != 0)
return res;
return 0;
static void initialize_libc(DynamicObject& libc)
// Traditionally, `_start` of the main program initializes libc.
// However, since some libs use malloc() and getenv() in global constructors,
// we have to initialize libc just after it is loaded.
// Also, we can't just mark `__libc_init` with "__attribute__((constructor))"
// because it uses getenv() internally, so `environ` has to be initialized before we call `__libc_init`.
auto res = libc.lookup_symbol("environ"sv);
*((char***)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = s_envp;
// __stack_chk_guard should be initialized before anything significant (read: global constructors) is running.
// This is not done in __libc_init, as we definitely have to return from that, and it might affect Loader as well.
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__stack_chk_guard"sv);
arc4random_buf(res.value().address.as_ptr(), sizeof(size_t));
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__environ_is_malloced"sv);
*((bool*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = false;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("exit"sv);
s_libc_exit = (LibCExitFunction)res.value().address.as_ptr();
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__dl_iterate_phdr"sv);
*((DlIteratePhdrFunction*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = __dl_iterate_phdr;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__dlclose"sv);
*((DlCloseFunction*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = __dlclose;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__dlopen"sv);
*((DlOpenFunction*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = __dlopen;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__dlsym"sv);
*((DlSymFunction*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = __dlsym;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__dladdr"sv);
*((DlAddrFunction*)res.value().address.as_ptr()) = __dladdr;
res = libc.lookup_symbol("__libc_init"sv);
typedef void libc_init_func();
template<typename Callback>
static void for_each_unfinished_dependency_of(String const& name, HashTable<String>& seen_names, Callback callback)
auto loader = s_loaders.get(name);
if (!loader.has_value())
if (loader.value()->is_fully_relocated()) {
if (!loader.value()->is_fully_initialized()) {
// If we are ending up here, that possibly means that this library either dlopens itself or a library that depends
// on it while running its initializers. Assuming that this is the only funny thing that the library does, there is
// a reasonable chance that nothing breaks, so just warn and continue.
dbgln("\033[33mWarning:\033[0m Querying for dependencies of '{}' while running its initializers", name);
LibELF: Fix dynamic linking of dlopen()-ed libs Consider the situation where two shared libraries libA and libB, both depending (as in having a NEEDED dtag) on libC. libA is first dlopen()-ed, which produces libC to be mapped and linked. When libB is dlopen()-ed the DynamicLinker would re-map and re-link libC though, causing any previous references to its old location to be invalid. And if libA's PLT has been patched to point to libC's symbols, then any further invocations to libA will cause the code to jump to a virtual address that isn't mapped anymore, therefore causing a crash. This situation was reported in #10014, although the setup was more convolved in the ticket. This commit fixes the issue by distinguishing between a main program loading being performed by, and a dlopen() call. The main difference between these two cases is that in the former the s_globals_objects maps is always empty, while in the latter it might already contain dependencies for the library being dlopen()-ed. Hence, when collecting dependencies to map and link, dlopen() should skip those that are present in the global map to avoid the issue described above. With this patch the original issue seen in #10014 is gone, with all python3 modules (so far) loading correctly. A unit test reproducing a simplified issue is also included in this commit. The unit test includes the building of two dynamic libraries A and B with both depending on (and B also depending on A); the test then dlopen()s libA, invokes one its function, then does the same with libB.
2021-09-29 16:36:02 +03:00
LibELF: Fix dynamic linking of dlopen()-ed libs Consider the situation where two shared libraries libA and libB, both depending (as in having a NEEDED dtag) on libC. libA is first dlopen()-ed, which produces libC to be mapped and linked. When libB is dlopen()-ed the DynamicLinker would re-map and re-link libC though, causing any previous references to its old location to be invalid. And if libA's PLT has been patched to point to libC's symbols, then any further invocations to libA will cause the code to jump to a virtual address that isn't mapped anymore, therefore causing a crash. This situation was reported in #10014, although the setup was more convolved in the ticket. This commit fixes the issue by distinguishing between a main program loading being performed by, and a dlopen() call. The main difference between these two cases is that in the former the s_globals_objects maps is always empty, while in the latter it might already contain dependencies for the library being dlopen()-ed. Hence, when collecting dependencies to map and link, dlopen() should skip those that are present in the global map to avoid the issue described above. With this patch the original issue seen in #10014 is gone, with all python3 modules (so far) loading correctly. A unit test reproducing a simplified issue is also included in this commit. The unit test includes the building of two dynamic libraries A and B with both depending on (and B also depending on A); the test then dlopen()s libA, invokes one its function, then does the same with libB.
2021-09-29 16:36:02 +03:00
if (seen_names.contains(name))
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
for (auto const& needed_name : get_dependencies(name))
for_each_unfinished_dependency_of(get_library_name(needed_name), seen_names, callback);
static NonnullRefPtrVector<DynamicLoader> collect_loaders_for_library(String const& name)
HashTable<String> seen_names;
NonnullRefPtrVector<DynamicLoader> loaders;
for_each_unfinished_dependency_of(name, seen_names, [&](auto& loader) {
return loaders;
static void drop_loader_promise(StringView promise_to_drop)
if (s_main_program_pledge_promises.is_empty() || s_loader_pledge_promises.is_empty())
s_loader_pledge_promises = s_loader_pledge_promises.replace(promise_to_drop, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All);
auto extended_promises = String::formatted("{} {}", s_main_program_pledge_promises, s_loader_pledge_promises);
Syscall::SC_pledge_params params {
{ extended_promises.characters(), extended_promises.length() },
{ nullptr, 0 },
int rc = syscall(SC_pledge, &params);
if (rc < 0 && rc > -EMAXERRNO) {
warnln("Failed to drop loader pledge promise: {}. errno={}", promise_to_drop, errno);
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> link_main_library(String const& name, int flags)
auto loaders = collect_loaders_for_library(name);
for (auto& loader : loaders) {
auto dynamic_object =;
if (dynamic_object)
s_global_objects.set(get_library_name(dynamic_object->filepath()), *dynamic_object);
for (auto& loader : loaders) {
bool success =;
if (!success) {
return DlErrorMessage { String::formatted("Failed to link library {}", loader.filename()) };
for (auto& loader : loaders) {
auto result = loader.load_stage_3(flags);
auto& object = result.value();
if (loader.filename() == ""sv) {
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
for (auto const& segment : loader.text_segments()) {
if (syscall(SC_msyscall, segment.address().get())) {
if (loader.filename() == ""sv) {
for (auto& loader : loaders) {
return {};
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> __dlclose(void* handle)
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "__dlclose: {}", handle);
ScopeGuard unlock_guard = [] { pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_loader_lock); };
// FIXME: this will not currently destroy the dynamic object
// because we're intentionally holding a strong reference to it
// via s_global_objects until there's proper unload support.
auto object = static_cast<ELF::DynamicObject*>(handle);
return {};
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Optional<DlErrorMessage> verify_tls_for_dlopen(DynamicLoader const& loader)
if (loader.tls_size_of_current_object() == 0)
return {};
if (s_total_tls_size + loader.tls_size_of_current_object() + loader.tls_alignment_of_current_object() > s_allocated_tls_block_size)
return DlErrorMessage("TLS size too large");
bool tls_data_is_all_zero = true;
loader.image().for_each_program_header([&loader, &tls_data_is_all_zero](ELF::Image::ProgramHeader program_header) {
if (program_header.type() != PT_TLS)
return IterationDecision::Continue;
auto* tls_data = (const u8*)loader.image().base_address() + program_header.offset();
for (size_t i = 0; i < program_header.size_in_image(); ++i) {
if (tls_data[i] != 0) {
tls_data_is_all_zero = false;
return IterationDecision::Break;
if (tls_data_is_all_zero)
return {};
return DlErrorMessage("Using dlopen() with libraries that have non-zeroed TLS is currently not supported");
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Result<void*, DlErrorMessage> __dlopen(char const* filename, int flags)
// FIXME: RTLD_NOW and RTLD_LOCAL are not supported
flags &= ~RTLD_NOW;
flags |= RTLD_LAZY;
flags &= ~RTLD_LOCAL;
flags |= RTLD_GLOBAL;
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "__dlopen invoked, filename={}, flags={}", filename, flags);
auto library_name = get_library_name(filename ? filename : s_main_program_name);
if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&s_loader_lock) != 0)
return DlErrorMessage { "Nested calls to dlopen() are not permitted." };
ScopeGuard unlock_guard = [] { pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_loader_lock); };
auto existing_elf_object = s_global_objects.get(library_name);
if (existing_elf_object.has_value()) {
// It's up to the caller to release the ref with dlclose().
return *existing_elf_object;
auto const& parent_object = **s_global_objects.get(get_library_name(s_main_program_name));
auto result1 = map_library(filename, parent_object);
if (result1.is_error()) {
return result1.error();
if (auto error = verify_tls_for_dlopen(result1.value()); error.has_value())
return error.value();
auto result2 = map_dependencies(library_name);
if (result2.is_error()) {
return result2.error();
auto result = link_main_library(library_name, flags);
if (result.is_error())
return result.error();
s_total_tls_size += result1.value()->tls_size_of_current_object() + result1.value()->tls_alignment_of_current_object();
auto object = s_global_objects.get(library_name);
if (!object.has_value())
return DlErrorMessage { "Could not load ELF object." };
// It's up to the caller to release the ref with dlclose().
return *object;
2022-04-01 20:58:27 +03:00
static Result<void*, DlErrorMessage> __dlsym(void* handle, char const* symbol_name)
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "__dlsym: {}, {}", handle, symbol_name);
ScopeGuard unlock_guard = [] { pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_loader_lock); };
StringView symbol_name_view { symbol_name, strlen(symbol_name) };
Optional<DynamicObject::SymbolLookupResult> symbol;
if (handle) {
auto object = static_cast<DynamicObject*>(handle);
symbol = object->lookup_symbol(symbol_name_view);
} else {
// When handle is 0 (RTLD_DEFAULT) we should look up the symbol in all global modules
symbol = DynamicLinker::lookup_global_symbol(symbol_name_view);
if (!symbol.has_value())
return DlErrorMessage { String::formatted("Symbol {} not found", symbol_name_view) };
if (symbol.value().type == STT_GNU_IFUNC)
return (void*)reinterpret_cast<DynamicObject::IfuncResolver>(symbol.value().address.as_ptr())();
return symbol.value().address.as_ptr();
static Result<void, DlErrorMessage> __dladdr(void* addr, Dl_info* info)
VirtualAddress user_addr { addr };
ScopeGuard unlock_guard = [] { pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_loader_lock); };
RefPtr<DynamicObject> best_matching_library;
VirtualAddress best_library_offset;
for (auto& lib : s_global_objects) {
if (user_addr < lib.value->base_address())
auto offset = user_addr - lib.value->base_address();
if (!best_matching_library || offset < best_library_offset) {
best_matching_library = lib.value;
best_library_offset = offset;
if (!best_matching_library) {
return DlErrorMessage { "No library found which contains the specified address" };
Optional<DynamicObject::Symbol> best_matching_symbol;
best_matching_library->for_each_symbol([&](auto const& symbol) {
if (user_addr < symbol.address() || user_addr > symbol.address().offset(symbol.size()))
best_matching_symbol = symbol;
info->dli_fbase = best_matching_library->base_address().as_ptr();
// This works because we don't support unloading objects.
info->dli_fname = best_matching_library->filepath().characters();
if (best_matching_symbol.has_value()) {
info->dli_saddr = best_matching_symbol.value().address().as_ptr();
info->dli_sname = best_matching_symbol.value().raw_name();
} else {
info->dli_saddr = nullptr;
info->dli_sname = nullptr;
return {};
static void read_environment_variables()
for (char** env = s_envp; *env; ++env) {
StringView env_string { *env, strlen(*env) };
if (env_string == "_LOADER_BREAKPOINT=1"sv) {
s_do_breakpoint_trap_before_entry = true;
constexpr auto library_path_string = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="sv;
if (env_string.starts_with(library_path_string)) {
s_ld_library_path = env_string.substring_view(library_path_string.length());
constexpr auto main_pledge_promises_key = "_LOADER_MAIN_PROGRAM_PLEDGE_PROMISES="sv;
if (env_string.starts_with(main_pledge_promises_key)) {
s_main_program_pledge_promises = env_string.substring_view(main_pledge_promises_key.length());
constexpr auto loader_pledge_promises_key = "_LOADER_PLEDGE_PROMISES="sv;
if (env_string.starts_with(loader_pledge_promises_key)) {
s_loader_pledge_promises = env_string.substring_view(loader_pledge_promises_key.length());
void ELF::DynamicLinker::linker_main(String&& main_program_name, int main_program_fd, bool is_secure, int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
s_envp = envp;
s_allowed_to_check_environment_variables = !is_secure;
if (s_allowed_to_check_environment_variables)
s_main_program_name = main_program_name;
auto library_name = get_library_name(main_program_name);
// NOTE: We always map the main library first, since it may require
// placement at a specific address.
auto result1 = map_library(main_program_name, main_program_fd, main_program_name);
if (result1.is_error()) {
warnln("{}", result1.error().text);
auto result2 = map_dependencies(library_name);
if (result2.is_error()) {
warnln("{}", result2.error().text);
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "loaded all dependencies");
for ([[maybe_unused]] auto& lib : s_loaders) {
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "{} - tls size: {}, tls alignment: {}, tls offset: {}", lib.key, lib.value->tls_size_of_current_object(), lib.value->tls_alignment_of_current_object(), lib.value->tls_offset());
auto entry_point_function = [&main_program_name] {
auto library_name = get_library_name(main_program_name);
auto result = link_main_library(library_name, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY);
if (result.is_error()) {
warnln("{}", result.error().text);
auto& main_executable_loader = *s_loaders.get(library_name);
auto entry_point = main_executable_loader->image().entry();
if (main_executable_loader->is_dynamic())
entry_point = entry_point.offset(main_executable_loader->base_address().get());
return (EntryPointFunction)(entry_point.as_ptr());
int rc = syscall(SC_msyscall, nullptr);
if (rc < 0) {
dbgln_if(DYNAMIC_LOAD_DEBUG, "Jumping to entry point: {:p}", entry_point_function);
if (s_do_breakpoint_trap_before_entry) {
_invoke_entry(argc, argv, envp, entry_point_function);