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* Copyright (c) 2021-2023, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <LibCore/ElapsedTimer.h>
#include <LibJS/Bytecode/Interpreter.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ClassicScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<ClassicScript> ClassicScript::create(DeprecatedString filename, StringView source, EnvironmentSettingsObject& environment_settings_object, AK::URL base_url, size_t source_line_number, MutedErrors muted_errors)
auto& vm = environment_settings_object.realm().vm();
// 1. If muted errors was not provided, let it be false. (NOTE: This is taken care of by the default argument.)
// 2. If muted errors is true, then set baseURL to about:blank.
if (muted_errors == MutedErrors::Yes)
base_url = "about:blank"sv;
// 3. If scripting is disabled for settings, then set source to the empty string.
if (environment_settings_object.is_scripting_disabled())
source = ""sv;
// 4. Let script be a new classic script that this algorithm will subsequently initialize.
auto script = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<ClassicScript>(move(base_url), move(filename), environment_settings_object);
// 5. Set script's settings object to settings. (NOTE: This was already done when constructing.)
// 6. Set script's base URL to baseURL. (NOTE: This was already done when constructing.)
// FIXME: 7. Set script's fetch options to options.
// 8. Set script's muted errors to muted errors.
script->m_muted_errors = muted_errors;
// 9. Set script's parse error and error to rethrow to null.
// 10. Let result be ParseScript(source, settings's Realm, script).
auto parse_timer = Core::ElapsedTimer::start_new();
auto result = JS::Script::parse(source, environment_settings_object.realm(), script->filename(), script, source_line_number);
dbgln_if(HTML_SCRIPT_DEBUG, "ClassicScript: Parsed {} in {}ms", script->filename(), parse_timer.elapsed());
// 11. If result is a list of errors, then:
if (result.is_error()) {
auto& parse_error = result.error().first();
dbgln_if(HTML_SCRIPT_DEBUG, "ClassicScript: Failed to parse: {}", parse_error.to_deprecated_string());
// 1. Set script's parse error and its error to rethrow to result[0].
script->set_parse_error(JS::SyntaxError::create(environment_settings_object.realm(), parse_error.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()));
// 2. Return script.
return script;
// 12. Set script's record to result.
script->m_script_record = *result.release_value();
// 13. Return script.
return script;
JS::Completion ClassicScript::run(RethrowErrors rethrow_errors, JS::GCPtr<JS::Environment> lexical_environment_override)
// 1. Let settings be the settings object of script.
auto& settings = settings_object();
// 2. Check if we can run script with settings. If this returns "do not run" then return NormalCompletion(empty).
if (settings.can_run_script() == RunScriptDecision::DoNotRun)
return JS::normal_completion({});
// 3. Prepare to run script given settings.
// 4. Let evaluationStatus be null.
JS::Completion evaluation_status;
// 5. If script's error to rethrow is not null, then set evaluationStatus to Completion { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: script's error to rethrow, [[Target]]: empty }.
if (!error_to_rethrow().is_null()) {
evaluation_status = JS::Completion { JS::Completion::Type::Throw, error_to_rethrow(), {} };
} else {
auto timer = Core::ElapsedTimer::start_new();
// 6. Otherwise, set evaluationStatus to ScriptEvaluation(script's record).
evaluation_status = vm().bytecode_interpreter().run(*m_script_record, lexical_environment_override);
// FIXME: If ScriptEvaluation does not complete because the user agent has aborted the running script, leave evaluationStatus as null.
dbgln_if(HTML_SCRIPT_DEBUG, "ClassicScript: Finished running script {}, Duration: {}ms", filename(), timer.elapsed());
// 7. If evaluationStatus is an abrupt completion, then:
if (evaluation_status.is_abrupt()) {
// 1. If rethrow errors is true and script's muted errors is false, then:
if (rethrow_errors == RethrowErrors::Yes && m_muted_errors == MutedErrors::No) {
// 1. Clean up after running script with settings.
// 2. Rethrow evaluationStatus.[[Value]].
return JS::throw_completion(*evaluation_status.value());
LibJS: Refactor interpreter to use Script and Source Text Modules This also refactors interpreter creation to follow InitializeHostDefinedRealm, but I couldn't fit it in the title :^) This allows us to follow the spec much more closely rather than being completely ad-hoc with just the parse node instead of having all the surrounding data such as the realm of the parse node. The interpreter creation refactor creates the global execution context once and doesn't take it off the stack. This allows LibWeb to take the global execution context and manually handle it, following the HTML spec. The HTML spec calls this the "realm execution context" of the environment settings object. It also allows us to specify the globalThis type, as it can be different from the global object type. For example, on the web, Window global objects use a WindowProxy global this value to enforce the same origin policy on operations like [[GetOwnProperty]]. Finally, it allows us to directly call Program::execute in perform_eval and perform_shadow_realm_eval as this moves global_declaration_instantiation into Interpreter::run (ScriptEvaluation) as per the spec. Note that this doesn't evalulate Source Text Modules yet or refactor the bytecode interpreter, that's work for future us :^) This patch was originally build by Luke for the environment settings object change but was also needed for modules. So I (davidot) have modified it with the new completion changes and setup for that. Co-authored-by: davidot <>
2022-01-16 15:16:04 +03:00
// 2. If rethrow errors is true and script's muted errors is true, then:
if (rethrow_errors == RethrowErrors::Yes && m_muted_errors == MutedErrors::Yes) {
// 1. Clean up after running script with settings.
// 2. Throw a "NetworkError" DOMException.
return throw_completion(WebIDL::NetworkError::create(settings.realm(), "Script error."));
LibJS: Refactor interpreter to use Script and Source Text Modules This also refactors interpreter creation to follow InitializeHostDefinedRealm, but I couldn't fit it in the title :^) This allows us to follow the spec much more closely rather than being completely ad-hoc with just the parse node instead of having all the surrounding data such as the realm of the parse node. The interpreter creation refactor creates the global execution context once and doesn't take it off the stack. This allows LibWeb to take the global execution context and manually handle it, following the HTML spec. The HTML spec calls this the "realm execution context" of the environment settings object. It also allows us to specify the globalThis type, as it can be different from the global object type. For example, on the web, Window global objects use a WindowProxy global this value to enforce the same origin policy on operations like [[GetOwnProperty]]. Finally, it allows us to directly call Program::execute in perform_eval and perform_shadow_realm_eval as this moves global_declaration_instantiation into Interpreter::run (ScriptEvaluation) as per the spec. Note that this doesn't evalulate Source Text Modules yet or refactor the bytecode interpreter, that's work for future us :^) This patch was originally build by Luke for the environment settings object change but was also needed for modules. So I (davidot) have modified it with the new completion changes and setup for that. Co-authored-by: davidot <>
2022-01-16 15:16:04 +03:00
// 3. Otherwise, rethrow errors is false. Perform the following steps:
VERIFY(rethrow_errors == RethrowErrors::No);
LibJS: Refactor interpreter to use Script and Source Text Modules This also refactors interpreter creation to follow InitializeHostDefinedRealm, but I couldn't fit it in the title :^) This allows us to follow the spec much more closely rather than being completely ad-hoc with just the parse node instead of having all the surrounding data such as the realm of the parse node. The interpreter creation refactor creates the global execution context once and doesn't take it off the stack. This allows LibWeb to take the global execution context and manually handle it, following the HTML spec. The HTML spec calls this the "realm execution context" of the environment settings object. It also allows us to specify the globalThis type, as it can be different from the global object type. For example, on the web, Window global objects use a WindowProxy global this value to enforce the same origin policy on operations like [[GetOwnProperty]]. Finally, it allows us to directly call Program::execute in perform_eval and perform_shadow_realm_eval as this moves global_declaration_instantiation into Interpreter::run (ScriptEvaluation) as per the spec. Note that this doesn't evalulate Source Text Modules yet or refactor the bytecode interpreter, that's work for future us :^) This patch was originally build by Luke for the environment settings object change but was also needed for modules. So I (davidot) have modified it with the new completion changes and setup for that. Co-authored-by: davidot <>
2022-01-16 15:16:04 +03:00
// 1. Report the exception given by evaluationStatus.[[Value]] for script.
report_exception(evaluation_status, settings_object().realm());
// 2. Clean up after running script with settings.
// 3. Return evaluationStatus.
return evaluation_status;
// 8. Clean up after running script with settings.
// 9. If evaluationStatus is a normal completion, then return evaluationStatus.
return evaluation_status;
// FIXME: 10. If we've reached this point, evaluationStatus was left as null because the script was aborted prematurely during evaluation.
// Return Completion { [[Type]]: throw, [[Value]]: a new "QuotaExceededError" DOMException, [[Target]]: empty }.
ClassicScript::ClassicScript(AK::URL base_url, DeprecatedString filename, EnvironmentSettingsObject& environment_settings_object)
: Script(move(base_url), move(filename), environment_settings_object)
ClassicScript::~ClassicScript() = default;
void ClassicScript::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)