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* Copyright (c) 2022, Andrew Kaster <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Linus Groh <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, Luke Wilde <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibJS/Heap/HeapFunction.h>
#include <LibTextCodec/Decoder.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/MainThreadVM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/FetchMethod.h>
#include <LibWeb/Forward.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ClassicScript.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Environments.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/Fetching.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/StructuredSerialize.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Timer.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.h>
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#include <LibWeb/HighResolutionTime/SupportedPerformanceTypes.h>
#include <LibWeb/Infra/Base64.h>
#include <LibWeb/PerformanceTimeline/EntryTypes.h>
2023-08-25 03:26:47 +03:00
#include <LibWeb/PerformanceTimeline/PerformanceObserver.h>
#include <LibWeb/PerformanceTimeline/PerformanceObserverEntryList.h>
#include <LibWeb/UserTiming/PerformanceMark.h>
#include <LibWeb/UserTiming/PerformanceMeasure.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/DOMException.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::~WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin() = default;
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::initialize(JS::Realm&)
#define __ENUMERATE_SUPPORTED_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPES(entry_type, cpp_class) \
m_performance_entry_buffer_map.set(entry_type, \
PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntryTuple { \
.performance_entry_buffer = {}, \
.max_buffer_size = cpp_class::max_buffer_size(), \
.available_from_timeline = cpp_class::available_from_timeline(), \
.dropped_entries_count = 0, \
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
for (auto& it : m_timers)
2023-08-25 03:26:47 +03:00
for (auto& observer : m_registered_performance_observer_objects)
for (auto& entry : m_performance_entry_buffer_map)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::origin() const
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
// The origin getter steps are to return this's relevant settings object's origin, serialized.
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::from_deprecated_string(relevant_settings_object(this_impl()).origin().serialize()));
bool WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::is_secure_context() const
// The isSecureContext getter steps are to return true if this's relevant settings object is a secure context, or false otherwise.
return HTML::is_secure_context(relevant_settings_object(this_impl()));
bool WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::cross_origin_isolated() const
// The crossOriginIsolated getter steps are to return this's relevant settings object's cross-origin isolated capability.
return relevant_settings_object(this_impl()).cross_origin_isolated_capability() == CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::btoa(String const& data) const
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
// The btoa(data) method must throw an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException if data contains any character whose code point is greater than U+00FF.
Vector<u8> byte_string;
for (u32 code_point : Utf8View(data)) {
if (code_point > 0xff)
return WebIDL::InvalidCharacterError::create(realm, "Data contains characters outside the range U+0000 and U+00FF"_fly_string);
// Otherwise, the user agent must convert data to a byte sequence whose nth byte is the eight-bit representation of the nth code point of data,
// and then must apply forgiving-base64 encode to that byte sequence and return the result.
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, encode_base64(byte_string.span()));
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::atob(String const& data) const
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
// 1. Let decodedData be the result of running forgiving-base64 decode on data.
auto decoded_data = Infra::decode_forgiving_base64(data.bytes_as_string_view());
// 2. If decodedData is failure, then throw an "InvalidCharacterError" DOMException.
if (decoded_data.is_error())
return WebIDL::InvalidCharacterError::create(realm, "Input string is not valid base64 data"_fly_string);
// 3. Return decodedData.
// decode_base64() returns a byte string. LibJS uses UTF-8 for strings. Use Latin1Decoder to convert bytes 128-255 to UTF-8.
auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("windows-1252"sv);
return TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, decoder->to_utf8(decoded_data.value()));
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::queue_microtask(WebIDL::CallbackType& callback)
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
auto& realm = *vm.current_realm();
JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> document;
if (is<Window>(this_impl()))
document = &static_cast<Window&>(this_impl()).associated_document();
// The queueMicrotask(callback) method must queue a microtask to invoke callback, and if callback throws an exception, report the exception.
HTML::queue_a_microtask(document, [&callback, &realm] {
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(callback, {});
if (result.is_error())
HTML::report_exception(result, realm);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::structured_clone(JS::Value value, StructuredSerializeOptions const& options) const
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
// 1. Let serialized be ? StructuredSerializeWithTransfer(value, options["transfer"]).
// FIXME: Use WithTransfer variant of the AO
auto serialized = TRY(structured_serialize(vm, value));
// 2. Let deserializeRecord be ? StructuredDeserializeWithTransfer(serialized, this's relevant realm).
// FIXME: Use WithTransfer variant of the AO
auto deserialized = TRY(structured_deserialize(vm, serialized, relevant_realm(this_impl()), {}));
// 3. Return deserializeRecord.[[Deserialized]].
return deserialized;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::fetch(Fetch::RequestInfo const& input, Fetch::RequestInit const& init) const
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
return Fetch::fetch(vm, input, init);
i32 WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::set_timeout(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments)
return run_timer_initialization_steps(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments), Repeat::No);
i32 WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::set_interval(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments)
return run_timer_initialization_steps(move(handler), timeout, move(arguments), Repeat::Yes);
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::clear_timeout(i32 id)
if (auto timer = m_timers.get(id); timer.has_value())
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::clear_interval(i32 id)
if (auto timer = m_timers.get(id); timer.has_value())
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::clear_map_of_active_timers()
for (auto& it : m_timers)
// With no active script fix from
i32 WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::run_timer_initialization_steps(TimerHandler handler, i32 timeout, JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> arguments, Repeat repeat, Optional<i32> previous_id)
// 1. Let thisArg be global if that is a WorkerGlobalScope object; otherwise let thisArg be the WindowProxy that corresponds to global.
// 2. If previousId was given, let id be previousId; otherwise, let id be an implementation-defined integer that is greater than zero and does not already exist in global's map of active timers.
auto id = previous_id.has_value() ? previous_id.value() : m_timer_id_allocator.allocate();
// FIXME: 3. If the surrounding agent's event loop's currently running task is a task that was created by this algorithm, then let nesting level be the task's timer nesting level. Otherwise, let nesting level be zero.
// 4. If timeout is less than 0, then set timeout to 0.
if (timeout < 0)
timeout = 0;
// FIXME: 5. If nesting level is greater than 5, and timeout is less than 4, then set timeout to 4.
// 6. Let callerRealm be the current Realm Record, and calleeRealm be global's relevant Realm.
// FIXME: Implement this when step 9.3.2 is implemented.
// 7. Let initiating script be the active script.
auto const* initiating_script = Web::Bindings::active_script();
auto& vm = this_impl().vm();
// 8. Let task be a task that runs the following substeps:
auto task = JS::create_heap_function(vm.heap(), Function<void()>([this, handler = move(handler), timeout, arguments = move(arguments), repeat, id, initiating_script]() {
// 1. If id does not exist in global's map of active timers, then abort these steps.
if (!m_timers.contains(id))
// 2. If handler is a Function, then invoke handler given arguments with the callback this value set to thisArg. If this throws an exception, catch it, and report the exception.
[&](JS::Handle<WebIDL::CallbackType> const& callback) {
if (auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(*callback, &this_impl(), arguments); result.is_error())
report_exception(result, this_impl().realm());
// 3. Otherwise:
[&](String const& source) {
// 1. Assert: handler is a string.
// FIXME: 2. Perform HostEnsureCanCompileStrings(callerRealm, calleeRealm). If this throws an exception, catch it, report the exception, and abort these steps.
// 3. Let settings object be global's relevant settings object.
auto& settings_object = relevant_settings_object(this_impl());
// 4. Let fetch options be the default classic script fetch options.
ScriptFetchOptions options {};
// 5. Let base URL be settings object's API base URL.
auto base_url = settings_object.api_base_url();
// 6. If initiating script is not null, then:
if (initiating_script) {
// FIXME: 1. Set fetch options to a script fetch options whose cryptographic nonce is initiating script's fetch options's cryptographic nonce,
// integrity metadata is the empty string, parser metadata is "not-parser-inserted", credentials mode is initiating script's fetch
// options's credentials mode, referrer policy is initiating script's fetch options's referrer policy, and fetch priority is "auto".
// 2. Set base URL to initiating script's base URL.
base_url = initiating_script->base_url();
// Spec Note: The effect of these steps ensures that the string compilation done by setTimeout() and setInterval() behaves equivalently to that
// done by eval(). That is, module script fetches via import() will behave the same in both contexts.
// 7. Let script be the result of creating a classic script given handler, settings object, base URL, and fetch options.
// FIXME: Pass fetch options.
auto script = ClassicScript::create(base_url.basename(), source, settings_object, move(base_url));
// 8. Run the classic script script.
// 4. If id does not exist in global's map of active timers, then abort these steps.
if (!m_timers.contains(id))
switch (repeat) {
// 5. If repeat is true, then perform the timer initialization steps again, given global, handler, timeout, arguments, true, and id.
case Repeat::Yes:
run_timer_initialization_steps(handler, timeout, move(arguments), repeat, id);
// 6. Otherwise, remove global's map of active timers[id].
case Repeat::No:
// FIXME: 9. Increment nesting level by one.
// FIXME: 10. Set task's timer nesting level to nesting level.
// 11. Let completionStep be an algorithm step which queues a global task on the timer task source given global to run task.
Function<void()> completion_step = [this, task = move(task)]() mutable {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::TimerTask, this_impl(), [task] {
// 12. Run steps after a timeout given global, "setTimeout/setInterval", timeout, completionStep, and id.
auto timer = Timer::create(this_impl(), timeout, move(completion_step), id);
m_timers.set(id, timer);
// 13. Return id.
return id;
// 1.
PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntryTuple& WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::relevant_performance_entry_tuple(FlyString const& entry_type)
// 1. Let map be the performance entry buffer map associated with globalObject.
// 2. Return the result of getting the value of an entry from map, given entryType as the key.
auto tuple = m_performance_entry_buffer_map.get(entry_type);
// This shouldn't be called with entry types that aren't in `ENUMERATE_SUPPORTED_PERFORMANCE_ENTRY_TYPES`.
return tuple.value();
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void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::queue_performance_entry(JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry> new_entry)
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// 1. Let interested observers be an initially empty set of PerformanceObserver objects.
Vector<JS::Handle<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver>> interested_observers;
// 2. Let entryType be newEntrys entryType value.
auto const& entry_type = new_entry->entry_type();
// 3. Let relevantGlobal be newEntry's relevant global object.
// NOTE: Already is `this`.
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// 4. For each registered performance observer regObs in relevantGlobal's list of registered performance observer
// objects:
for (auto const& registered_observer : m_registered_performance_observer_objects) {
// 1. If regObs's options list contains a PerformanceObserverInit options whose entryTypes member includes entryType
// or whose type member equals to entryType:
auto iterator = registered_observer->options_list().find_if([&entry_type](PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserverInit const& entry) {
if (entry.entry_types.has_value())
return entry.entry_types->contains_slow(String::from_utf8(entry_type).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors());
return entry.type.value() == entry_type;
if (!iterator.is_end()) {
// 1. If should add entry with newEntry and options returns true, append regObs's observer to interested observers.
if (new_entry->should_add_entry(*iterator) == PerformanceTimeline::ShouldAddEntry::Yes)
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// 5. For each observer in interested observers:
for (auto const& observer : interested_observers) {
// 1. Append newEntry to observer's observer buffer.
observer->append_to_observer_buffer({}, new_entry);
// 6. Let tuple be the relevant performance entry tuple of entryType and relevantGlobal.
auto& tuple = relevant_performance_entry_tuple(entry_type);
// 7. Let isBufferFull be the return value of the determine if a performance entry buffer is full algorithm with tuple
// as input.
bool is_buffer_full = tuple.is_full();
// 8. Let shouldAdd be the result of should add entry with newEntry as input.
auto should_add = new_entry->should_add_entry();
// 9. If isBufferFull is false and shouldAdd is true, append newEntry to tuple's performance entry buffer.
if (!is_buffer_full && should_add == PerformanceTimeline::ShouldAddEntry::Yes)
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2023-08-25 03:26:47 +03:00
// 10. Queue the PerformanceObserver task with relevantGlobal as input.
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::clear_performance_entry_buffer(Badge<HighResolutionTime::Performance>, FlyString const& entry_type)
auto& tuple = relevant_performance_entry_tuple(entry_type);
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::remove_entries_from_performance_entry_buffer(Badge<HighResolutionTime::Performance>, FlyString const& entry_type, String entry_name)
auto& tuple = relevant_performance_entry_tuple(entry_type);
tuple.performance_entry_buffer.remove_all_matching([&entry_name](JS::Handle<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry> const& entry) {
return entry->name() == entry_name;
ErrorOr<Vector<JS::Handle<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry>>> WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::filter_buffer_map_by_name_and_type(Optional<String> name, Optional<String> type) const
// 1. Let result be an initially empty list.
Vector<JS::Handle<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry>> result;
// 2. Let map be the performance entry buffer map associated with the relevant global object of this.
auto const& map = m_performance_entry_buffer_map;
// 3. Let tuple list be an empty list.
Vector<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntryTuple const&> tuple_list;
// 4. If type is not null, append the result of getting the value of entry on map given type as key to tuple list.
// Otherwise, assign the result of get the values on map to tuple list.
if (type.has_value()) {
auto maybe_tuple = map.get(type.value());
if (maybe_tuple.has_value())
} else {
for (auto const& it : map)
// 5. For each tuple in tuple list, run the following steps:
for (auto const& tuple : tuple_list) {
// 1. Let buffer be tuple's performance entry buffer.
auto const& buffer = tuple.performance_entry_buffer;
// 2. If tuple's availableFromTimeline is false, continue to the next tuple.
if (tuple.available_from_timeline == PerformanceTimeline::AvailableFromTimeline::No)
// 3. Let entries be the result of running filter buffer by name and type with buffer, name and type as inputs.
auto entries = TRY(filter_buffer_by_name_and_type(buffer, name, type));
// 4. For each entry in entries, append entry to result.
// 6. Sort results's entries in chronological order with respect to startTime
quick_sort(result, [](auto const& left_entry, auto const& right_entry) {
return left_entry->start_time() < right_entry->start_time();
// 7. Return result.
return result;
2023-08-25 03:26:47 +03:00
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::register_performance_observer(Badge<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver>, JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver> observer)
m_registered_performance_observer_objects.set(observer, AK::HashSetExistingEntryBehavior::Keep);
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::unregister_performance_observer(Badge<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver>, JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver> observer)
bool WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::has_registered_performance_observer(JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserver> observer)
return m_registered_performance_observer_objects.contains(observer);
void WindowOrWorkerGlobalScopeMixin::queue_the_performance_observer_task()
// 1. If relevantGlobal's performance observer task queued flag is set, terminate these steps.
if (m_performance_observer_task_queued)
// 2. Set relevantGlobal's performance observer task queued flag.
m_performance_observer_task_queued = true;
// 3. Queue a task that consists of running the following substeps. The task source for the queued task is the performance
// timeline task source.
queue_global_task(Task::Source::PerformanceTimeline, this_impl(), [this]() {
auto& realm = this_impl().realm();
// 1. Unset performance observer task queued flag of relevantGlobal.
m_performance_observer_task_queued = false;
// 2. Let notifyList be a copy of relevantGlobal's list of registered performance observer objects.
auto notify_list = m_registered_performance_observer_objects;
// 3. For each registered performance observer object registeredObserver in notifyList, run these steps:
for (auto& registered_observer : notify_list) {
// 1. Let po be registeredObserver's observer.
// 2. Let entries be a copy of pos observer buffer.
// 4. Empty pos observer buffer.
auto entries = registered_observer->take_records();
// 3. If entries is empty, return.
// FIXME: Do they mean `continue`?
if (entries.is_empty())
Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceEntry>> entries_as_gc_ptrs;
for (auto& entry : entries)
// 5. Let observerEntryList be a new PerformanceObserverEntryList, with its entry list set to entries.
auto observer_entry_list = realm.heap().allocate<PerformanceTimeline::PerformanceObserverEntryList>(realm, realm, move(entries_as_gc_ptrs));
// 6. Let droppedEntriesCount be null.
Optional<u64> dropped_entries_count;
// 7. If po's requires dropped entries is set, perform the following steps:
if (registered_observer->requires_dropped_entries()) {
// 1. Set droppedEntriesCount to 0.
dropped_entries_count = 0;
// 2. For each PerformanceObserverInit item in registeredObserver's options list:
for (auto const& item : registered_observer->options_list()) {
// 1. For each DOMString entryType that appears either as item's type or in item's entryTypes:
auto increment_dropped_entries_count = [this, &dropped_entries_count](FlyString const& type) {
// 1. Let map be relevantGlobal's performance entry buffer map.
auto const& map = m_performance_entry_buffer_map;
// 2. Let tuple be the result of getting the value of entry on map given entryType as key.
auto const& tuple = map.get(type);
// 3. Increase droppedEntriesCount by tuple's dropped entries count.
dropped_entries_count.value() += tuple->dropped_entries_count;
if (item.type.has_value()) {
} else {
for (auto const& type : item.entry_types.value())
// 3. Set po's requires dropped entries to false.
// 8. Let callbackOptions be a PerformanceObserverCallbackOptions with its droppedEntriesCount set to
// droppedEntriesCount if droppedEntriesCount is not null, otherwise unset.
auto callback_options = JS::Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype());
if (dropped_entries_count.has_value())
MUST(callback_options->create_data_property("droppedEntriesCount", JS::Value(dropped_entries_count.value())));
// 9. Call pos observer callback with observerEntryList as the first argument, with po as the second
// argument and as callback this value, and with callbackOptions as the third argument.
// If this throws an exception, report the exception.
auto completion = WebIDL::invoke_callback(registered_observer->callback(), registered_observer, observer_entry_list, registered_observer, callback_options);
if (completion.is_abrupt())
HTML::report_exception(completion, realm);