2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023, the SerenityOS developers.
# Copyright (c) 2023, kleines Filmröllchen <filmroellchen@serenityos.org>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import re
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass , field
from enum import Enum , unique
from itertools import chain , repeat
from os import access , environ
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from subprocess import run
from typing import Any , Callable , Literal
class RunError ( Exception ) :
class Arch ( Enum ) :
""" SerenityOS architecture, not host architecture. """
Aarch64 = " aarch64 "
2024-01-01 22:23:56 +03:00
RISCV64 = " riscv64 "
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x86_64 = " x86_64 "
class QEMUKind ( Enum ) :
""" VM distinctions determining which hardware acceleration technology *might* be used. """
# Linux and anything that may or may not have KVM, including WSL with Linux QEMU.
Other = " kvm "
# WSL with native Windows QEMU (and possibly WHPX).
NativeWindows = " whpx "
# MacOS with HVF.
MacOS = " hvf "
# Serenity on Serenity with ported QEMU
SerenityOS = " tcg "
class MachineType ( Enum ) :
Default = " "
QEMUTap = " qtap "
QEMUWithoutNetwork = " qn "
QEMUExtLinux = " qextlinux "
QEMU35 = " q35 "
QEMU35Grub = " q35grub "
QEMUGrub = " qgrub "
CI = " ci "
Limine = " limine "
Bochs = " b "
MicroVM = " microvm "
ISAPC = " isapc "
def uses_grub ( self ) - > bool :
return self in [ MachineType . QEMU35Grub , MachineType . QEMUGrub ]
def is_q35 ( self ) - > bool :
return self in [ MachineType . QEMU35Grub , MachineType . QEMU35 ]
def supports_pc_speaker ( self ) - > bool :
""" Whether the pcspk-audiodev option is allowed for this machine type. """
return self in [
MachineType . Default ,
MachineType . QEMUTap ,
MachineType . QEMUWithoutNetwork ,
MachineType . QEMUExtLinux ,
MachineType . QEMU35 ,
MachineType . QEMU35Grub ,
MachineType . QEMUGrub ,
MachineType . Limine ,
2024-01-16 06:35:43 +03:00
def arguments_generator ( prefix : str ) - > Any :
Construct an argument generator that returns some prefix and the member value ( s ) if the member value
is not None , or returns an empty list otherwise .
The member value is the return value of the function decorated with this decorator .
If a default is provided , in this case we return [ prefix , default ] instead .
Many of our configurable QEMU arguments work like this .
def decorate_function ( member_accessor : Callable [ [ Configuration ] , str | list [ str ] ] ) :
def generate_arguments ( self : Configuration ) - > list [ str ] :
member_value = member_accessor ( self )
if member_value is not None :
if type ( member_value ) is list :
# apply the prefix to every element of the list
return list ( chain ( * zip ( repeat ( prefix ) , member_value ) ) )
# NOTE: the typechecker gets confused and can't figure out that
# type(member_value) is *always* str here.
elif type ( member_value ) is str :
return [ prefix , member_value ]
return [ ]
return generate_arguments
return decorate_function
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class Configuration :
""" Run configuration, populated from command-line or environment variable data. """
# ## Programs and environmental configuration
virtualization_support : bool = False
bochs_binary : Path = Path ( " bochs " )
qemu_binary : Path | None = None
qemu_kind : QEMUKind | None = None
kvm_usable : bool | None = None
architecture : Arch | None = None
serenity_src : Path | None = None
# ## High-level run configuration
machine_type : MachineType = MachineType . Default
enable_gdb : bool = False
enable_gl : bool = False
# FIXME: Replace these three flags by a boot drive enum, see FIXME for boot_drive below.
nvme_enable : bool = True
sd_enable : bool = False
usb_boot_enable : bool = False
screen_count : int = 1
host_ip : str = " "
ethernet_device_type : str = " e1000 "
disk_image : Path = Path ( " _disk_image " )
# ## Low-level QEMU configuration
# QEMU -append
kernel_cmdline : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = lambda : [ " hello " ] )
# QEMU -m
2024-02-19 17:48:36 +03:00
ram_size : str | None = " 2G "
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# QEMU -cpu
qemu_cpu : str | None = " max "
# QEMU -smp
cpu_count : int | None = 2
# QEMU -machine
qemu_machine : str | None = None
# QEMU -usb
enable_usb : bool = False
# QEMU -audiodev
audio_backend : str | None = " none,id=snd0 "
# Each is a QEMU -device related to audio.
audio_devices : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# QEMU -vga
vga_type : str | None = " none "
# QEMU -display; if None, will omit the option and let QEMU figure out which backend to use on its own.
display_backend : str | None = None
# A QEMU -device for the graphics card.
display_device : str | None = " VGA,vgamem_mb=64 "
# QEMU -netdev
network_backend : str | None = None
# A QEMU -device for networking.
# Note that often, there are other network devices in the generic device list, added by specific machine types.
network_default_device : str | None = None
# QEMU -drive
# FIXME: Make an enum for the various boot drive options to handle boot drive selection more cleanly.
boot_drive : str | None = None
# Each is a QEMU -chardev
character_devices : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# Each is a QEMU -device
devices : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# ## Argument lists and methods generating them
# Argument list pertaining to Kernel and Prekernel image(s)
kernel_and_initrd_arguments : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# Argument list provided by the user for performing packet logging
packet_logging_arguments : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# Various arguments relating to SPICE setup
spice_arguments : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
# Arbitrary extra arguments
extra_arguments : list [ str ] = field ( default_factory = list )
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -accel " )
def accelerator_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . qemu_kind . value if self . virtualization_support and ( self . qemu_kind is not None ) else " tcg "
def kernel_cmdline_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] :
return [ " -append " , " " . join ( self . kernel_cmdline ) ] if len ( self . kernel_cmdline ) != 0 else [ ]
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -m " )
def ram_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . ram_size
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -cpu " )
def cpu_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . qemu_cpu
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -smp " )
def smp_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return str ( self . cpu_count ) if self . cpu_count is not None else None
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -machine " )
def machine_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . qemu_machine
def usb_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] :
return [ " -usb " ] if self . enable_usb else [ ]
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -audiodev " )
def audio_backend_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . audio_backend
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -device " )
def audio_devices_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] | None :
return self . audio_devices
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -vga " )
def vga_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . vga_type
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -display " )
def display_backend_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . display_backend
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -device " )
def display_device_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . display_device
def network_backend_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] :
return [ " -netdev " , self . network_backend ] if self . network_backend is not None else [ " -nic " , " none " ]
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -device " )
def network_default_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . network_default_device
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -drive " )
def boot_drive_arguments ( self ) - > str | None :
return self . boot_drive
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -chardev " )
def character_device_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] :
return self . character_devices
@arguments_generator ( prefix = " -device " )
def device_arguments ( self ) - > list [ str ] :
return self . devices
def add_device ( self , device : str ) :
self . devices . append ( device )
def add_devices ( self , devices : list [ str ] ) :
self . devices . extend ( devices )
def kvm_usable ( ) - > bool :
return access ( " /dev/kvm " , os . R_OK | os . W_OK )
def determine_qemu_kind ( ) - > QEMUKind :
if which ( " wslpath " ) is not None and environ . get ( " SERENITY_NATIVE_WINDOWS_QEMU " , " 1 " ) == " 1 " :
# Assume native Windows QEMU for now,
# we might discard that assuption later when we properly
# look for the binary.
return QEMUKind . NativeWindows
if sys . platform == " darwin " :
return QEMUKind . MacOS
if os . uname ( ) . sysname == " SerenityOS " :
return QEMUKind . SerenityOS
return QEMUKind . Other
def determine_serenity_arch ( ) - > Arch :
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
arch = environ . get ( " SERENITY_ARCH " )
if arch == " aarch64 " :
return Arch . Aarch64
if arch == " riscv64 " :
return Arch . RISCV64
if arch == " x86_64 " :
return Arch . x86_64
raise RunError ( " Please specify a valid SerenityOS architecture " )
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def determine_machine_type ( ) - > MachineType :
provided_machine_type = environ . get ( " SERENITY_RUN " )
if provided_machine_type is not None :
try :
value = MachineType ( provided_machine_type )
except ValueError :
raise RunError ( f " { provided_machine_type } is not a valid SerenityOS machine type " )
return value
return MachineType . Default
def detect_bochs ( ) - > Path :
return Path ( environ . get ( " SERENITY_BOCHS_BIN " , " bochs " ) )
def detect_ram_size ( ) - > str | None :
2024-02-19 17:48:36 +03:00
return environ . get ( " SERENITY_RAM_SIZE " , " 2G " )
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
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def set_up_qemu_binary ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
qemu_binary_basename : str | None = None
if " SERENITY_QEMU_BIN " in environ :
qemu_binary_basename = environ . get ( " SERENITY_QEMU_BIN " )
else :
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if config . architecture == Arch . Aarch64 :
qemu_binary_basename = " qemu-system-aarch64 "
elif config . architecture == Arch . RISCV64 :
qemu_binary_basename = " qemu-system-riscv64 "
elif config . architecture == Arch . x86_64 :
qemu_binary_basename = " qemu-system-x86_64 "
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if qemu_binary_basename is None :
raise RunError ( " QEMU binary could not be determined " )
# Try finding native Windows QEMU first
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
# FIXME: Consider using the wslwinreg module instead to access the registry more conveniently.
# Some Windows systems don't have reg.exe's directory on the PATH by default.
environ [ " PATH " ] = environ [ " PATH " ] + " :/mnt/c/Windows/System32 "
try :
qemu_install_dir_result = run (
[ " reg.exe " , " query " , r " HKLM \ Software \ QEMU " , " /v " , " Install_Dir " , " /t " , " REG_SZ " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
if qemu_install_dir_result . returncode == 0 :
registry_regex = re . compile ( rb " Install_Dir \ s+REG_SZ \ s+(.*)$ " , flags = re . MULTILINE )
qemu_install_dir_match = registry_regex . search ( qemu_install_dir_result . stdout )
if qemu_install_dir_match is not None :
# If Windows prints non-ASCII characters, those will most likely not be UTF-8.
# Therefore, don't decode sooner. Also, remove trailing '\r'
qemu_install_dir = Path ( qemu_install_dir_match . group ( 1 ) . decode ( " utf-8 " ) . strip ( ) )
config . qemu_binary = Path (
run (
[ " wslpath " , " -- " , Path ( qemu_install_dir , qemu_binary_basename ) ] ,
encoding = " utf-8 " ,
capture_output = True ,
) . stdout . strip ( )
) . with_suffix ( " .exe " )
# No native Windows QEMU, reconfigure to Linux QEMU without KVM
else :
config . virtualization_support = False
config . qemu_kind = QEMUKind . Other
except Exception :
# reg.exe not found; errors in reg.exe itself do not throw an error.
config . qemu_kind = QEMUKind . Other
if config . qemu_binary is None :
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# Set up full path for the binary if possible (otherwise trust system PATH)
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local_qemu_bin = Path ( str ( config . serenity_src ) , " Toolchain/Local/qemu/bin/ " , qemu_binary_basename )
old_local_qemu_bin = Path ( str ( config . serenity_src ) , " Toolchain/Local/x86_64/bin/ " , qemu_binary_basename )
if local_qemu_bin . exists ( ) :
config . qemu_binary = local_qemu_bin
elif old_local_qemu_bin . exists ( ) :
config . qemu_binary = old_local_qemu_bin
else :
config . qemu_binary = Path ( qemu_binary_basename )
def check_qemu_version ( config : Configuration ) :
if config . qemu_binary is None :
raise RunError (
f " Please install QEMU version { QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION } . { QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION } or newer or use the Toolchain/BuildQemu.sh script. " # noqa: E501
version_information = run ( [ config . qemu_binary , " -version " ] , capture_output = True , encoding = " utf-8 " ) . stdout
qemu_version_regex = re . compile ( r " QEMU emulator version ([1-9][0-9]*|0) \ .([1-9][0-9]*|0) " )
version_groups = qemu_version_regex . search ( version_information )
if version_groups is None :
raise RunError ( f ' QEMU seems to be defective, its version information is " { version_information } " ' )
major = int ( version_groups . group ( 1 ) )
minor = int ( version_groups . group ( 2 ) )
) :
raise RunError (
Found { major } . { minor } . Please install a newer version of QEMU or use the Toolchain / BuildQemu . sh script . "
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def set_up_virtualization_support ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
provided_virtualization_enable = environ . get ( " SERENITY_VIRTUALIZATION_SUPPORT " )
# The user config always forces the platform-appropriate virtualizer to be used,
# even if we couldn't detect it otherwise; this is intended behavior.
if provided_virtualization_enable is not None :
config . virtualization_support = provided_virtualization_enable == " 1 "
else :
2024-01-01 20:53:51 +03:00
if ( config . kvm_usable and config . architecture == Arch . x86_64 and os . uname ( ) . machine == Arch . x86_64 . value ) or (
config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows and config . architecture == Arch . x86_64
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) :
config . virtualization_support = True
if config . virtualization_support :
available_accelerators = run (
[ str ( config . qemu_binary ) , " -accel " , " help " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
) . stdout
# Check if HVF is actually available if we're on MacOS
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . MacOS and ( b " hvf " not in available_accelerators ) :
config . virtualization_support = False
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def set_up_basic_kernel_cmdline ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
provided_cmdline = environ . get ( " SERENITY_KERNEL_CMDLINE " )
if provided_cmdline is not None :
# Split environment variable at spaces, since we don't pass arguments like shell scripts do.
config . kernel_cmdline . extend ( provided_cmdline . split ( sep = None ) )
# Handle system-specific arguments now, boot type specific arguments are handled later.
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " disable_virtio " )
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def set_up_disk_image_path ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
provided_disk_image = environ . get ( " SERENITY_DISK_IMAGE " )
if provided_disk_image is not None :
config . disk_image = Path ( provided_disk_image )
else :
if config . machine_type . uses_grub ( ) :
config . disk_image = Path ( " grub_disk_image " )
elif config . machine_type == MachineType . Limine :
config . disk_image = Path ( " limine_disk_image " )
elif config . machine_type == MachineType . QEMUExtLinux :
config . disk_image = Path ( " extlinux_disk_image " )
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
config . disk_image = Path (
run ( [ " wslpath " , " -w " , config . disk_image ] , capture_output = True , encoding = " utf-8 " ) . stdout . strip ( )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_cpu ( config : Configuration ) :
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if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
config . qemu_cpu = " max,vmx=off "
else :
provided_cpu = environ . get ( " SERENITY_QEMU_CPU " )
if provided_cpu is not None :
config . qemu_cpu = provided_cpu
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def set_up_cpu_count ( config : Configuration ) :
2024-01-01 20:53:51 +03:00
if config . architecture != Arch . x86_64 :
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provided_cpu_count = environ . get ( " SERENITY_CPUS " )
if provided_cpu_count is not None :
try :
config . cpu_count = int ( provided_cpu_count )
except ValueError :
raise RunError ( f " Non-integer CPU count { provided_cpu_count } " )
if config . cpu_count is not None and config . qemu_cpu is not None and config . cpu_count < = 8 :
# -x2apic is not a flag, but disables x2APIC for easier testing on lower CPU counts.
config . qemu_cpu + = " ,-x2apic "
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def set_up_spice ( config : Configuration ) :
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if environ . get ( " SERENITY_SPICE " ) == " 1 " :
chardev_info = run (
[ str ( config . qemu_binary ) , " -chardev " , " help " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
encoding = " utf-8 " ,
) . stdout . lower ( )
if " qemu-vdagent " in chardev_info :
config . spice_arguments = [
" -chardev " ,
" qemu-vdagent,clipboard=on,mouse=off,id=vdagent,name=vdagent " ,
elif " spicevmc " in chardev_info :
config . spice_arguments = [ " -chardev " , " spicevmc,id=vdagent,name=vdagent " ]
else :
raise RunError ( " No compatible SPICE character device was found " )
if " spice " in chardev_info :
config . spice_arguments . extend ( [ " -spice " , " port=5930,agent-mouse=off,disable-ticketing=on " ] )
if " spice " in chardev_info or " vdagent " in chardev_info :
config . spice_arguments . extend ( [ " -device " , " virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,nr=1 " ] )
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def set_up_audio_backend ( config : Configuration ) :
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if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . MacOS :
config . audio_backend = " coreaudio "
elif config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
config . audio_backend = " dsound,timer-period=2000 "
elif config . machine_type != MachineType . CI :
# FIXME: Use "-audiodev help" once that contains information on all our supported versions,
# "-audio-help" is marked as deprecated.
qemu_audio_help = run (
[ str ( config . qemu_binary ) , " -audio-help " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
encoding = " utf-8 " ,
) . stdout
2023-12-27 21:17:08 +03:00
if qemu_audio_help == " " :
qemu_audio_help = run (
[ str ( config . qemu_binary ) , " -audiodev " , " help " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
encoding = " utf-8 " ,
) . stdout
if " sdl " in qemu_audio_help :
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config . audio_backend = " sdl "
2023-12-27 21:17:08 +03:00
elif " pa " in qemu_audio_help :
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config . audio_backend = " pa,timer-period=2000 "
if config . audio_backend is not None :
config . audio_backend + = " ,id=snd0 "
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def set_up_audio_hardware ( config : Configuration ) :
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provided_audio_hardware = environ . get ( " SERENITY_AUDIO_HARDWARE " , " intelhda " )
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if provided_audio_hardware == " ac97 " :
config . audio_devices = [ " ac97,audiodev=snd0 " ]
elif provided_audio_hardware == " intelhda " :
config . audio_devices = [ " ich9-intel-hda " , " hda-output,audiodev=snd0 " ]
else :
raise RunError ( f " Unknown audio hardware { provided_audio_hardware } . Supported values: ac97, intelhda " )
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if config . machine_type . supports_pc_speaker ( ) and config . architecture == Arch . x86_64 :
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -machine " , " pcspk-audiodev=snd0 " ] )
def has_virgl ( ) - > bool :
2023-12-17 00:13:24 +03:00
try :
ldconfig_result = run ( [ " ldconfig " , " -p " ] , capture_output = True , encoding = " utf-8 " ) . stdout . lower ( )
return " virglrenderer " in ldconfig_result
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( " Warning: ldconfig not found in PATH, assuming virgl support to not be present. " )
return False
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def set_up_screens ( config : Configuration ) :
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provided_screen_count_unparsed = environ . get ( " SERENITY_SCREENS " , " 1 " )
try :
config . screen_count = int ( provided_screen_count_unparsed )
except ValueError :
raise RunError ( f " Invalid screen count { provided_screen_count_unparsed } " )
provided_display_backend = environ . get ( " SERENITY_QEMU_DISPLAY_BACKEND " )
if provided_display_backend is not None :
config . display_backend = provided_display_backend
else :
qemu_display_info = run (
[ str ( config . qemu_binary ) , " -display " , " help " ] ,
capture_output = True ,
encoding = " utf-8 " ,
) . stdout . lower ( )
if len ( config . spice_arguments ) != 0 :
config . display_backend = " spice-app "
elif config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
# QEMU for windows does not like gl=on, so detect if we are building in wsl, and if so, disable it
# Also, when using the GTK backend we run into this problem:
# https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/issues/7657
config . display_backend = " sdl,gl=off "
elif config . screen_count > 1 and " sdl " in qemu_display_info :
config . display_backend = " sdl,gl=off "
elif " sdl " in qemu_display_info and has_virgl ( ) :
config . display_backend = " sdl,gl=on "
elif " cocoa " in qemu_display_info :
config . display_backend = " cocoa,gl=off "
elif config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . SerenityOS :
config . display_backend = " sdl,gl=off "
else :
config . display_backend = " gtk,gl=off "
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def set_up_display_device ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
config . enable_gl = environ . get ( " SERENITY_GL " ) == " 1 "
provided_display_device = environ . get ( " SERENITY_QEMU_DISPLAY_DEVICE " )
if provided_display_device is not None :
config . display_device = provided_display_device
elif config . enable_gl :
# QEMU appears to not support the GL backend for VirtIO GPU variant on macOS.
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . MacOS :
raise RunError ( " SERENITY_GL is not supported since there ' s no GL backend on macOS " )
elif config . screen_count > 1 :
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raise RunError ( " SERENITY_GL and multi-monitor support cannot be set up simultaneously " )
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config . display_device = " virtio-vga-gl "
elif config . screen_count > 1 :
# QEMU appears to not support the virtio-vga VirtIO GPU variant on macOS.
# To ensure we can still boot on macOS with VirtIO GPU, use the virtio-gpu-pci
# variant, which lacks any VGA compatibility (which is not relevant for us anyway).
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . MacOS :
config . display_device = f " virtio-gpu-pci,max_outputs= { config . screen_count } "
else :
config . display_device = f " virtio-vga,max_outputs= { config . screen_count } "
# QEMU appears to always relay absolute mouse coordinates relative to the screen that the mouse is
# pointed to, without any way for us to know what screen it was. So, when dealing with multiple
# displays force using relative coordinates only.
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " vmmouse=off " )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_boot_drive ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
provided_nvme_enable = environ . get ( " SERENITY_NVME_ENABLE " )
if provided_nvme_enable is not None :
config . nvme_enable = provided_nvme_enable == " 1 "
provided_usb_boot_enable = environ . get ( " SERENITY_USE_SDCARD " )
if provided_usb_boot_enable is not None :
config . sd_enable = provided_usb_boot_enable == " 1 "
provided_usb_boot_enable = environ . get ( " SERENITY_USE_USBDRIVE " )
if provided_usb_boot_enable is not None :
config . usb_boot_enable = provided_usb_boot_enable == " 1 "
if config . machine_type in [ MachineType . MicroVM , MachineType . ISAPC ] :
if config . nvme_enable :
print ( " Warning: NVMe does not work under MicroVM/ISA PC, automatically disabling it. " )
config . nvme_enable = False
if config . architecture == Arch . Aarch64 :
config . boot_drive = f " file= { config . disk_image } ,if=sd,format=raw,id=disk "
elif config . nvme_enable :
config . boot_drive = f " file= { config . disk_image } ,format=raw,index=0,media=disk,if=none,id=disk "
config . add_devices (
" i82801b11-bridge,id=bridge4 " ,
" nvme,serial=deadbeef,drive=disk,bus=bridge4,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096 " ,
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " root=nvme0:1:0 " )
elif config . sd_enable :
config . boot_drive = f " id=sd-boot-drive,if=none,format=raw,file= { config . disk_image } "
config . add_devices ( [ " sdhci-pci " , " sd-card,drive=sd-boot-drive " ] )
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " root=sd2:0:0 " )
elif config . usb_boot_enable :
config . boot_drive = f " if=none,id=usbstick,format=raw,file= { config . disk_image } "
config . add_device ( " usb-storage,drive=usbstick " )
# FIXME: Find a better way to address the usb drive
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " root=block3:0 " )
else :
config . boot_drive = f " file= { config . disk_image } ,format=raw,index=0,media=disk,id=disk "
def determine_host_address ( ) - > str :
return environ . get ( " SERENITY_HOST_IP " , " " )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_gdb ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
config . enable_gdb = environ . get ( " SERENITY_DISABLE_GDB_SOCKET " ) != " 1 "
if config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . NativeWindows or (
config . virtualization_support and config . qemu_kind == QEMUKind . MacOS
) :
config . enable_gdb = False
if config . enable_gdb :
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -gdb " , f " tcp: { config . host_ip } :1234 " ] )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_network_hardware ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
config . packet_logging_arguments = ( environ . get ( " SERENITY_PACKET_LOGGING_ARG " , " " ) ) . split ( )
provided_ethernet_device_type = environ . get ( " SERENITY_ETHERNET_DEVICE_TYPE " )
if provided_ethernet_device_type is not None :
config . ethernet_device_type = provided_ethernet_device_type
2024-02-25 22:34:07 +03:00
if config . architecture in [ Arch . Aarch64 , Arch . RISCV64 ] :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
config . network_backend = None
config . network_default_device = None
else :
config . network_backend = f " user,id=breh,hostfwd=tcp: { config . host_ip } :8888-, \
hostfwd = tcp : { config . host_ip } : 8823 - 10.0 .2 .15 : 23 , \
hostfwd = tcp : { config . host_ip } : 8000 - 10.0 .2 .15 : 8000 , \
hostfwd = tcp : { config . host_ip } : 2222 - 10.0 .2 .15 : 22 "
config . network_default_device = f " { config . ethernet_device_type } ,netdev=breh "
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_kernel ( config : Configuration ) :
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if config . architecture == Arch . Aarch64 :
config . kernel_and_initrd_arguments = [ " -kernel " , " Kernel/Kernel " ]
elif config . architecture == Arch . RISCV64 :
config . kernel_and_initrd_arguments = [ " -kernel " , " Kernel/Kernel.bin " ]
elif config . architecture == Arch . x86_64 :
config . kernel_and_initrd_arguments = [ " -kernel " , " Kernel/Prekernel/Prekernel " , " -initrd " , " Kernel/Kernel " ]
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
def set_up_machine_devices ( config : Configuration ) :
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
# TODO: Maybe disable SPICE everwhere except the default machine?
2024-01-01 22:38:34 +03:00
if config . qemu_kind != QEMUKind . NativeWindows :
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -qmp " , " unix:qmp-sock,server,nowait " ] )
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -name " , " SerenityOS " , " -d " , " guest_errors " ] )
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
# Architecture specifics.
if config . architecture == Arch . Aarch64 :
config . qemu_machine = " raspi3b "
config . cpu_count = None
2024-02-24 00:33:32 +03:00
config . ram_size = " 1G " # The raspi3b machine only accepts 1G as a valid RAM size.
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
config . vga_type = None
config . display_device = None
if config . machine_type != MachineType . CI :
# FIXME: Windows QEMU crashes when we set the same display as usual here.
config . display_backend = None
config . audio_devices = [ ]
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -serial " , " stdio " ] )
config . qemu_cpu = None
2024-01-01 22:23:56 +03:00
elif config . architecture == Arch . RISCV64 :
config . qemu_machine = " virt "
config . cpu_count = None
config . vga_type = None
config . display_device = None
config . display_backend = None
config . audio_devices = [ ]
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -serial " , " stdio " ] )
2024-02-11 17:28:57 +03:00
config . kernel_cmdline . append ( " serial_debug " )
2024-01-01 22:23:56 +03:00
config . qemu_cpu = None
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
# Machine specific base setups
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if config . machine_type in [ MachineType . QEMU35Grub , MachineType . QEMU35 ] :
config . qemu_machine = " q35 "
config . vga_type = None
# We set up our own custom display devices.
config . display_device = None
config . add_devices (
" isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout " ,
" vmware-svga " ,
" ich9-usb-ehci1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.3,multifunction=on,id=ehci1 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.0,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=0 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci2,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.1,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=2 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci3,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.2,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=4 " ,
" ich9-usb-ehci2,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.3,multifunction=on,id=ehci2 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci4,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.0,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=0 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci5,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.1,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=2 " ,
" ich9-usb-uhci6,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.2,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=4 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x10,chassis=1,id=pcie.1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x6 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x11,chassis=2,id=pcie.2,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x1 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x12,chassis=3,id=pcie.3,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x2 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x13,chassis=4,id=pcie.4,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x3 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x14,chassis=5,id=pcie.5,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x4 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x15,chassis=6,id=pcie.6,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x5 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x16,chassis=7,id=pcie.7,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x6 " ,
" pcie-root-port,port=0x17,chassis=8,id=pcie.8,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x7 " ,
" ich9-intel-hda,bus=pcie.2,addr=0x03.0x0 " ,
" bochs-display " ,
" nec-usb-xhci,bus=pcie.2,addr=0x11.0x0 " ,
" pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=bridge1,bus=pcie.4,addr=0x3.0x0 " ,
" sdhci-pci,bus=bridge1,addr=0x1.0x0 " ,
config . character_devices . append ( " stdio,id=stdout,mux=on " )
config . enable_usb = True
elif config . machine_type in [ MachineType . MicroVM , MachineType . ISAPC ] :
config . character_devices . append ( " stdio,id=stdout,mux=on " )
config . qemu_cpu = " qemu64 "
config . cpu_count = None
config . display_device = None
config . network_default_device = None
config . audio_devices = [ ]
config . add_devices ( [ " isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout " , " isa-vga " , " ne2k_isa,netdev=breh " ] )
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if config . machine_type == MachineType . MicroVM :
config . qemu_machine = " microvm,pit=on,rtc=on,pic=on "
config . add_devices ( [ " isa-ide " , " ide-hd,drive=disk " , " i8042 " ] )
else : # ISAPC
config . qemu_machine = " isapc "
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
elif config . machine_type == MachineType . CI :
config . display_backend = " none "
config . audio_backend = None
config . audio_devices = [ ]
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -serial " , " stdio " , " -no-reboot " , " -monitor " , " none " ] )
config . spice_arguments = [ ]
if config . architecture == Arch . Aarch64 :
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -serial " , " file:debug.log " ] )
else :
config . add_device ( " ich9-ahci " )
config . extra_arguments . extend ( [ " -debugcon " , " file:debug.log " ] )
else :
# Default machine
config . network_default_device = f " { config . network_default_device } ,bus=bridge1 "
config . add_devices (
" virtio-serial,max_ports=2 " ,
" virtconsole,chardev=stdout " ,
" isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout " ,
" virtio-rng-pci " ,
" pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=bridge1 " ,
" i82801b11-bridge,bus=bridge1,id=bridge2 " ,
" sdhci-pci,bus=bridge2 " ,
" i82801b11-bridge,id=bridge3 " ,
" sdhci-pci,bus=bridge3 " ,
" ich9-ahci,bus=bridge3 " ,
config . character_devices . append ( " stdio,id=stdout,mux=on " )
config . enable_usb = True
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
# Modifications for machine types that are *mostly* like the default,
# but not entirely (especially in terms of networking).
2024-01-16 06:32:28 +03:00
if config . machine_type in [ MachineType . QEMUWithoutNetwork , MachineType . QEMU35Grub ] :
config . network_backend = None
config . network_default_device = config . ethernet_device_type
config . packet_logging_arguments = [ ]
elif config . machine_type == MachineType . QEMUTap :
config . network_backend = " tap,ifname=tap0,id=br0 "
config . network_default_device = f " { config . ethernet_device_type } ,netdev=br0 "
elif config . machine_type in [ MachineType . QEMUGrub , MachineType . QEMUExtLinux ] :
config . kernel_cmdline = [ ]
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
def assemble_arguments ( config : Configuration ) - > list [ str | Path ] :
if config . machine_type == MachineType . Bochs :
boch_src = Path ( config . serenity_src or " . " , " Meta/bochsrc " )
return [ config . bochs_binary , " -q " , " -f " , boch_src ]
return [
config . qemu_binary or " " ,
# Deviate from standard order here:
# The device list contains PCI bridges which must be available for other devices.
* config . device_arguments ,
* config . kernel_and_initrd_arguments ,
* config . packet_logging_arguments ,
* config . spice_arguments ,
* config . extra_arguments ,
* config . accelerator_arguments ,
* config . kernel_cmdline_arguments ,
* config . ram_arguments ,
* config . cpu_arguments ,
* config . smp_arguments ,
* config . machine_arguments ,
* config . usb_arguments ,
* config . audio_backend_arguments ,
* config . audio_devices_arguments ,
* config . vga_arguments ,
* config . display_backend_arguments ,
* config . display_device_arguments ,
* config . network_backend_arguments ,
* config . network_default_arguments ,
* config . boot_drive_arguments ,
* config . character_device_arguments ,
class TapController :
""" Context manager for setting up and tearing down a tap device when QEMU is run with tap networking. """
def __init__ ( self , machine_type : MachineType ) :
self . should_enable_tap = machine_type == MachineType . QEMUTap
def __enter__ ( self ) - > None :
if self . should_enable_tap :
run ( [ " sudo " , " ip " , " tuntap " , " del " , " dev " , " tap0 " , " mode " , " tap " ] )
user = os . getuid ( )
run ( [ " sudo " , " ip " , " tuntap " , " add " , " dev " , " tap0 " , " mode " , " tap " , " user " , str ( user ) ] )
def __exit__ ( self , exc_type : type | None , exc_value : Any | None , traceback : Any | None ) - > Literal [ False ] :
if self . should_enable_tap :
run ( [ " sudo " , " ip " , " tuntap " , " del " , " dev " , " tap0 " , " mode " , " tap " ] )
# Re-raise exceptions in any case.
return False
def configure_and_run ( ) :
config = Configuration ( )
config . kvm_usable = kvm_usable ( )
config . qemu_kind = determine_qemu_kind ( )
config . architecture = determine_serenity_arch ( )
config . machine_type = determine_machine_type ( )
config . bochs_binary = detect_bochs ( )
config . ram_size = detect_ram_size ( )
config . host_ip = determine_host_address ( )
serenity_src = environ . get ( " SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR " )
if serenity_src is None :
raise RunError ( " SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR not set or empty " )
config . serenity_src = Path ( serenity_src )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
set_up_qemu_binary ( config )
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
check_qemu_version ( config )
2024-01-16 06:41:55 +03:00
set_up_virtualization_support ( config )
set_up_basic_kernel_cmdline ( config )
set_up_disk_image_path ( config )
set_up_cpu ( config )
set_up_cpu_count ( config )
set_up_spice ( config )
set_up_audio_backend ( config )
set_up_audio_hardware ( config )
set_up_screens ( config )
set_up_display_device ( config )
set_up_boot_drive ( config )
set_up_gdb ( config )
set_up_network_hardware ( config )
set_up_kernel ( config )
set_up_machine_devices ( config )
2023-11-24 19:28:23 +03:00
arguments = assemble_arguments ( config )
build_directory = environ . get ( " SERENITY_BUILD " , " . " )
os . chdir ( build_directory )
with TapController ( config . machine_type ) :
run ( arguments )
def main ( ) :
try :
configure_and_run ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except RunError as e :
print ( f " Error: { e } " )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Unknown error: { e } " )
print ( " This is likely a bug, consider filing a bug report. " )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )